Saturday, April 4, 2009

24 Carrot Garden

How does your garden grow?

Jake's talked about gardens, his parent's, his friend's, and even doing some gardening of his own. He's visited famous gardens, like the Jardin Marjorelle. You kind of bet he's been to Roland's gorgeous garden in LA too.

And he's talked about gardening himself. And it looks like he's grown up with and has now landscapes created by one of the most celebrated landscapers in LA, Jay Griffith of Griffith & Cletta. "Jay Griffith's work is fit for a Hollywood movie, his landscapes are dressed sets in the best sense. So it is only fitting that many of his clients are Hollywood types as well. Jay's firms have always produced stunning visual compositions of color, material and space that unfold in carefully scripted sequence."

A couple of examples of his work.

Yeah, would say you would to want hang your garden chimes in something this beautiful.

You could say that Jake's a gardening fan boy. Who else wears hats of some of their favorite landscapers?

or these ?

And as for Southern (Gothic) Exposure, no trip to the garden is complete without a drink in hand.

For a Toothy Tile and a Grey Goose a

Red Rabbit
1 1/2oz Grey Goose
1 1/2oz Lillet (French citrus flavored aperitif )
1 1/2oz burgundy carrot juice
splash of Grand Marnier
splash of ginger simple syrup

Combine the ingredients together in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a rocks glass with ice. Spritz with Jasmine essence (if available). Garnish with a curl of burgundy carrot

A carrot in a garden
And a rabbit in the wood.
Said the rabbit, “Beg your pardon,
But you’re surely meant for food;
Though you’ve started in to harden,
You may still be very good.”

And for Harvey and one tall man who was slim, a

Jack Rabbit

1 1/2 oz Applejack
1/2 oz maple syrup
1/4 oz fresh lemon juice
1/4 oz orange juice

Shake in iced cocktail shaker & strain
Serve in a cocktail glass

And here's another picture from the most famous garden in Savannah, Georgia (have fun Tom)


  1. Special how you come up with these wonderful posts, I'll never know! Love it!

  2. Two of my favorite things, cocktails and gardens, with some Austin thrown in. Perfect.

  3. Atticus the constant diggerApril 4, 2009 at 1:17 PM

    I help Daddy garden. I'm really good at dirt compacting (he calls it trampling) and I fertilize everything everywhere and I dig holes, that helps aerate roots. I also have my own bone garden with his plants, you can't see them but they grow really big like potatoes in the ground and I go dig them up when they're ready. Bone garden's a secret so don't tell Daddy.

  4. The music today was beautiful. I'm going to have to explore for more by her.

    I think - of everyone - i feel most sorry for Atticus in the whole Reeke shambles. He can't really understand why he's not #1 anymore. Maybe J. still does things with him sometimes, but i doubt that he could get away with never having a pic made, and we sure haven't seen many of them together lately. The one with R. walking him in Brentwood made me want to hurl. (i'm a dog person)

  5. Jake the constant gardnerApril 4, 2009 at 2:15 PM

    Jeez! And here I kept thinking my yard was part of the La Brea Tar Pits or on sacred Indian burial ground. No wonder I never heard back from the L.A. Natural History Museum after all those bones I kept sending them. They must think I'm nuts.

  6. The one with R. walking him in Brentwood made me want to hurl. (i'm a dog person)

    Wasn't that vid awful? She never even looked at Atticus once, she just kept talking and talking and waving her hands and gesturing while dragging him along, and he looked so sad. She could have been walking a rock for all she cared and her companion could have been a motorized cardboard cutout on wheels. That's when I realized how self-centered and narcissistic that woman must be, that one 2 minute vid showed me how she must think the world revolves around her, that it's all about her. Maybe Atticus has lost some public attention from Jake, but Jake, he's losing his public because of her.

  7. Funny how Austin's favorite character is Chance the Gardner (aka Chauncy Gardner ) isn't it?

  8. Check out Wet Dark Wild for pictures from an extra during filming Nailed in the Statehouse in SC.

  9. And how Chance did his brand of babble with circular random topics and seemingly illogical statements.. but it all ended up true.

  10. dog lover too, you may co-sign me on that comment. A person's attitude and behavior when it comes to animals speaks volumes to me. Reese treating Atticus like a prop (look at me! I'm walking my bf's dog! That means we're practically living together and we trust one another with our most precious things!) was hardly a surprise in keeping with the overall cold, hands-off vibe she oozes but it was still sad and infuriating to see. I was disappointed to see Jake allowing his pet to be literally used that way.

  11. "I was disappointed to see Jake allowing his pet to be literally used that way."

    Jake is desperate. What do you expect him to do?

  12. Jake was out of the country busy working. Chinormica was desperate for a PR fix. Atticus was sorry he ever met her.

  13. Two of my favorite things, cocktails and gardens, with some Austin thrown in. Perfect.

    Thrown in the pool or getting naked in behind the bushes? ;D

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Hey you long tall Texas hoe, wanna do it in the dirt? C'mere with your big weeder cuz my beautiful tulips need rototilling from you somethang bad.

  16. All of today's gardening posts are hilarious! ;)

  17. lmao at the usernames "Jake's Hoe" and "Jake the Rake". lolllll!

  18. austin earning his green thumb?April 4, 2009 at 7:35 PM

    Spread seed deep for best results

  19. Tom?


    Where are you?

  20. Garden Pests: Reest Infection 101April 4, 2009 at 8:36 PM

    When an extremely tiny growth suddenly attaches itself to the main branch, beware. This type, called the Reest Infection, is sometimes described as pretty in low light conditions and may seem innocuous but it is highly deadly, as it stealthily undermines the root integrity and compromises the quality of growth, resulting in reekeing irreparable damage upon even the finest of pedigreed gardens. Usually, by the time one notices that something is amiss, the disease has taken over the entire garden. When this happens, one must act quickly to be rid of this silent killer, as the only method of complete removal is to find another host to accept the disease, and it may take years to find a welcoming and unsuspecting victim. However, after the transfer is complete, the garden, while at first dormant, will nonetheless be thriving underneath, eventually blooming bright and gaily to its full potential.

  21. The Austin appreciation continues.

    Fan Forum

    Austin Nichols/Julian Baker #8 - Because we'd tell him we love him and jump on a plane with him anyday

  22. "find a welcoming and unsuspecting victim.....

    bright and gaily to its full potential..."


  23. tulips = two lips


  24. Nichol and Chime Landscape DesignApril 4, 2009 at 10:09 PM

    1 big log + 2 large rocks = bells ringing

  25. Tom?


    Where are you?

    Tom is in Savannah. PG and Destiny are here in DC.

  26. i hope he gets rid of the dreaded Reest infestation soon!

  27. Good things in Jaustin GardensApril 5, 2009 at 3:50 AM

    Daddy long legs
    big worms
    treasure trails

  28. What a gorgeous post today; I love gardening and cocktails too. :) **

    **This posted was revised at the requested of NETB.

  29. Jeez! And here I kept thinking my yard was part of the La Brea Tar Pits or on sacred Indian burial ground. No wonder I never heard back from the L.A. Natural History Museum after all those bones I kept sending them. They must think I'm nuts.

    LOL! Poor Atticus, Daddy accidentally digging up his buried treasures and sending them away to a museum.

  30. This is going back a couple of days (sorry to break the gardening theme) but did anyone else note that Austin's Harvey post might possibly have also been an oblique shout-out to Donnie Darko, which with its "man in bunny suit no one else can see" theme is alluding in its own weird way to Harvey?

    Just a thought (and apologies if this was already mentioned and hashed through).
