Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bit of a dip

Jake looks like a bit of a Skoal bandit on set for EoW.Let's hope that its for the part and it's not the real deal chew.
There's nothing nice about the real stuff. Spitting, that dribble down the chin, and nasty tobacco mouth. And Mr. G it will stain those bright white toothy tiles.

Maybe it's prop chew - maybe an organic farm to table pickled cabbage - a Kim-chee chew. It would be juice enough to make spit, and be so much healthier.a little pinch between my cheek and gum...

And you'd be more than a dip to harm that beautiful smile.
The only dip you should do is skinny dipping.


  1. Hmmm, well he is/was a smoker.....

    I know it's for a role, but I'm really hating this look on Jake. I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I think I hate it even worse than POP.

  2. That better be a prop.

    Chewing tobacco can have as much harm as smoking. You can get oral cancer. I mean, just think about it, you're putting tobacco right up against the inside of your mouth - talk about a direct transmission of a carcinogen.

    I'm getting turned off of this movie myself, Dest. The bald head. All the waving of the guns and that machine gun thing was a turn off.

    And now the chewing tobacco.

    Nope. That's a terrible habit to show on the movie screen.

    You hit on the aesthetic points as well, Special. It's nasty. It produces a lot of brown juice that you have to spit in to a gross cup. It'll stain your teeth. It's not fun to kiss. I don't think I ever see cops chewing chaw. Sounds like this possible prop belongs in a movie about truck drivers, not cops.

  3. Ha, and that's if it's a movie prop.

    If it's not, then bop him a huge one on the head.

  4. Hey, check out the Google page today, and note that the TV has a number of different channels that can be played.

    Excellent news @diananyad will start her 60 hour swim tomorrow from Cuba to Key West. Everybody cheer her on.
    2 hours ago

    Ha, I noticed that it had a Lucille Ball TV screen but I didn't try to turn it on. LOLLL! Thanks for the tip, Destiny!

  6. Hey, how come I Heart Jake is now called Jake Gyllenhaal Photo Gallery? It's got a whole new homepage.

  7. That better be a prop.

    Or you'll do what?

    Chewing tobacco can have as much harm as smoking

    Gosh, I don't think that's ever been mentioned in the journals of medicine before. Thank, Dr. Salk!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Los Angeles Police Department Policy on Chewing Tobacco:

    210.60 USE OF CHEWING TOBACCO AND SNUFF. Department employees are the most prominent representatives of government and as such must present a professional image at all times. An employee's unwise or unsightly use of chewing tobacco and snuff is offensive to the public and co‑workers, and detracts from the professional bearing of the employee. The use of chewing tobacco and snuff is prohibited while on‑duty, or off‑duty in uniform.

    Not only that, but...

    210.65 SMOKING POLICY. Department employees, both sworn and civilian, shall not smoke any type of tobacco product in any enclosed place of employment, including City owned/operated vehicles.

    Uniformed sworn employees shall not smoke tobacco products or hold any pipe, cigar, or cigarette, except as may be required during the course of their duties, while in public view. For the purpose of this policy, uniformed officers on free time (Code Seven) or who, with the approval of their commanding officer, are representing the Department in an activity for which the uniform is being worn (Manual Section 3/606.15), are considered on-duty. Non-uniformed sworn employees conducting official Department business shall not smoke any tobacco products while engaged in contact with a citizen or while in a residence or business.

    Exception: Off-duty uniformed employees (active and retired) away from the place of employment are excluded from this policy.

    Note: Commanding officers shall designate an appropriate outdoor location(s) within their commands where employees will be allowed to smoke. Designated smoking areas should not be visible to the general public.

    LAPD Manual

    I dunno, if they're going for authenticity....

  10. Jake at the medical building - JJ says it was Friday. We'll see.

    Jake at medical building

  11. I dunno, if they're going for authenticity....

    Since none of us know the context of the scene, whether it was a scene at all or whether he was rehearsing for an upcoming, out-of-uniform scene with the chewing tobacco, it's sort of ridiculous to post all that info from the LAPD manual.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Just covering the bases. Did you copy and paste the link? No, so why are you so worried about the extent of physical labor?

    You don't like it? Don't read it.

    But now you know, don't you?

  14. always so contentiousAugust 6, 2011 at 3:04 PM

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  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I did see the I Love Lucy tribute on Google. - too cool

    Thanks Austin for letting everyone know about Diana starting her swim.

    High school in the South you would always see the distinctive ring imprint on the back pockets of the guys, from their tobacco cans.

    Nothing good about chew. Ick.

    Jake looking good at the medical office visit.

  18. Yeah, he is looking good at the med bldg visit. I liked his shorts. And of course - the flip flops! lol

  19. About IHJ.
    "As you can see, we’ve put up a beautiful new layout here at, created by the talented Hillie at Patchwork Designs! The gallery also has a new layout so be sure to check it out. In addition to the layout changes, I’m happy to announce that has merged with another site you may know and visit, Jake Gyllenhaal Online. JGO’s webmaster, Connie, will be joining me here at and together we will continue to bring you the latest news, photos and more on Jake Gyllenhaal. Thank you for visiting!

    I think they are tweaking somethings still and the IHJ Media is using Jake Gyllenhaal Online's format for now.

  20. Hopefully it's just bubblegum! ;)

  21. Yuk. I know a fellow that chews and it's positively disgusting. Very addictive too. I would think jakes family would be all over that habit and it would not be good for his career either . Yellow stained teeth do not photograph well.

  22. Do you really think it's bonafide tobacco he's chewing and not something herbal? I think it's herbal.

  23. I could see the possiblity of something herbal that resembles dip.

  24. If it was herbal why would it be in that tin? Jake is a grown man and I'm sure his family can't control his decision to chew tobacco.

    Lot's of actors smoke and some are sneaky about it. Anne Hathaway has been seen sneak smoking and I heard that Maggie does the same.

    During awards season in '06 Jake and Heath were spotted smoking after some award show this after Heath said he stopped because of Matilda and Jake because his Uncle died of cancer.

    Smoking is a hard habit to break. Wasn't Jake spotted wearing a nicotine patch while jogging in NY?

    Jake visits dentists to keep his teeth clean and on occasion his teeth appear a bit yellow when he isn't working.

    I can't imagine it being a prop since it doesn't appear they are actually filming i n these shots.

    There is speculation that he went for a chemical peel yesterday, again.

  25. You would not have a chemical peel in the middle of filming, especially if you are filming outside so much. It exposes too much new skin growth that would be damage by the sun. And it takes a day or two for your skin to "settle down" after a chemical peel.

    As for the can, there is no way to tell, but if he was using it as a character, and its a prop it still would be made to look like the real can.

  26. He's carrying that Skoal can in an awful lot of those pictures when they're obviously not filming. Got it showing in his jaw, he's spitting, he's playing with the chaw.

    I know smoking can be extremely if not almost impossible to quit. My aunt is trying to quit for the umpteenth time. My big buddy is trying to quit right now and he's going through Jolly Ranchers and Hershey kisses. My lil' buddy has been chewing nicotene gum for heck, I don't know - the last 5 or so years at least? Nicotine gum gave my big buddy canker sores in his mouth so I can just imagine what years of nicotine right up against the thin skin of your inner mouth is doing.

    My dad had lung cancer when he died. I've had two uncles die of lung cancer. I've known three people die from emphysema. A friend of mine's father died of throat cancer and he was a heavy smoker. He died an awful death from the chemo treatments and the disease itself. This is not a way to go if you can help it. There is nothing more disheartening and stressful than watching someone struggling to breathe or being unable to swallow.

    So even if it is a prop, why would you as a director or an actor with input, why would you even set yourself up to get addicted? Why would you start something like this just for the sake of authenticity? Hey, let me go into this room of asbestos and take in a few breaths just for the sake of 1940's authenticity.

    Big Stupid.

  27. And one last editorial, lol. Don't get me started on this stuff.

    I like how smokers think that just because they only smoke outside that the smoke dissipates miraculously into thin air. It's on your clothes. It's on your breath. It's in your hair. And it still clings to your car and that ash tray stinks to high heaven.

    So therefore, if you have children, they're still going to get that secondhand smoke because when you hug them and hold them, that smoke is on your clothes and in your hair. Nicotine is on your lips when you kiss them. It's in a little cloud when you enter a room or walk by.

    No, it did not dissipate into thin air. It's all over you.

  28. Okay, sorry about that. I'm just really disappointed.

    This EOW has been the longest 5-week shoot, hasn't it? LOL. He does look like he's having fun shooting the movie so that's good.

  29. So even if it is a prop, why would you as a director or an actor with input, why would you even set yourself up to get addicted?

    If it's a prop that usually means it's not real, get it? And if it's a prop of herbal mixture, how do you become addicted to that?

  30. Its not herbal, it's tobacco. He is using it whilst not filming.

    Jake still smokes , he sneak smokes like his sister Maggie.

    Look at Michael Pena with him with a bottle of water, he isn't filming.

    At times I have noticed Jake's teeth and they appear to be yellow, of course he can afford to get his teeth cleaned and whitned.
