Friday, September 23, 2011

Photo P.I.

When it comes to photos and Austin there's enough to fill the Mystery Machine. Here's some of the Photo Phantom hit Parade when it comes to Austin:

There's been the floating shoes
The 4th of July missing man
Man of Mystery at the Market 1
Man of Mystery at the Market: Part DeuxMan of Mystery at the Market: The Third EpisodeAfter the Oscars momentThe Lotus Look Back
The Leadville Look LeftBackground Ammo
Photoshopapaloozaand the Big Blue Dot
But this time it's Austin who is responsible for creating the mystery of this picture.Do you see it?

Well beside the fact that his dress like a lumberjack (plaid) hitchhiker (Patagonia hat).

While the Crazy Tree universe is celebrating an anniversary today (#8) every Friday here at OMG is for our favorite tall as tree fella.


  1. So it's almost 5pm in NY and haven't seen any tweets about the lumberjack hitchhiker wandering around NYC today. Have you?

    Funny how that happened. It's not like there is a tall like tree fella that needs to timber is there? ; )

  2. No, but since it's been pouring buckets for most of the day you tend to move quickly through the raindrops.

  3. Maybe he melted when he went outdoors without and an umbrella!

  4. LovingSophiaB LovingSophiaBush.

    Brooke: "What kind of boyfriend takes his guy roomate camping for the weekend?" Peyton: "Jake Gyllenhaal?" Brooke: "That's nice.." #OTHDay
    7 minutes ago

  5. Well you know when it rains it's always good for rainy day games. ; )

  6. here it on my window paneSeptember 23, 2011 at 6:20 PM

    LOL oh Special you're such a jokester!

  7. Not one to quit, Diana Nyad is trying her Cuba to Florida swim again, right now!

  8. Well Jack since you love to point out my mistakes, turn about is fair play.

    "here it on my window pane"

    should be

    "hear it on my window pane"

  9. Suzan Colon
    Just had dinner with Jake Gyllenhaal. True, he was at another table, and we were both with other people. But we were eating yummy vegan food at the same time, so can't it count? :) #JakeGyllenhaal #vegan
    Like · · Share · 38 minutes ago

  10. You know how some cheating husbands (like Arnold Schwarzenegger) really do want to get caught, so they do stupid things and leave obvious clues? Same thing with sexually conflicted Hollywood stars such as Crotch Uh-Lastic and Toothy Tile. Now, mind you, most closeted gay guys in Hollywood are more of the Fey Oiled-Tush variety and do not want to be known—under any circumstances.

    However, there are exceptions, such as Crotch, Toothy and—we dare say—Lloyd Boy-Toy, who's totally pushing the gay envelope lately. Certainly the bisexual one:

    Lloyd, always a most fascinating actor, is busy maintaining quite the dichotomy-filled existence: While he dates more and more (and younger and younger) attractive women, he's also continuing to hire male prostitutes.

    Now, keep in mind these women Mr. Boy-Toy goes out with are not just pretty fixtures for the famous guy to be seen with, as Lloyd also enjoys sexual relationships with these gals.

    But he's also just as enamored with young men, trust us!

    Add to this somewhat complicated life path the fact that Lloyd's also been caught screaming anti-gay epithets, as Lloyd's temper has never been something he's too great at controlling. Hmmm. Wonder what that means?

    Probably exactly what it looks like: The handsome guy's not only conflicted about how he feels about other people's sexuality (hence, his own), but part of him is dying to be called out for who he really is!

    Keep up the name-calling, Lloyd, and that's exactly what will happen.

    And It Ain't: Daniel Craig, Robert Downey Jr., Hugh Jackman

    Blind Vice

  11. petstarr Petstarr
    Sorry Twitter, I'm not sure if you heard me correctly. I JUST SAW JAKE GYLLENHAAL. FOR REALSIES.
    49 minutes ago

    shelsta78 Shelsta78
    @petstarr ZOMG!!! Just how big is that head IRL?
    42 minutes ago

    in reply to ↑

    his or mine?
    36 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    replies ↓

    @petstarr hahahaha - his!!!
    28 minutes ago

    Tom Williamson
    @petstarr I had to google him and then take some "alone" time.
    50 minutes ago


    @Twillyon i understand
    48 minutes ago

    Tom Williamson

    @petstarr why didn't you follow him?
    46 minutes ago

    in reply to ↑


    @Twillyon we were so starstruck and confused! Like we'd been blinded by a meteor. It was lucky we even remembered how to get inside our door
    45 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

  12. mdaesch Marisa Daeschner
    saw jake gyllenhaal and I haven't even been in el sombrero yet #thisnightisgoingtofuckingrock
    29 minutes ago

  13. Aww, I love the Maggie's Men picture. Jake cuddled up to his man. That is the Jake I just love.

    But what does "I am Wilmington NC" mean? That one's going over my head.

  14. So last night, it's time for kisses before bed and my nephew leans in and sniff! sniff! a manly smell!! "Mmmm, you smell so good!" A sort of giggle in response.

    So then I go into the bathroom and there's Oxy cleansing pads and whatnot on the kids' bathroom vanity. What in the heck?!!! Stop it already!! No, no, no, no!! Where's the Blues Clues glasses and Buzz LightYear toothpaste?!!! Must be those Oxy Cleansing pads that have the "manly" smell, lol. I'm not sure why he's using those - the kids still look like they have baby skin to me.

    And then my niece and I are ooh'ing and aaaah'ing over jewelry that I'm passing onto her, lots of earrings and ankle bracelets. Ohhhh man, of course she's never worn an ankle bracelet and those are going to have to wait awhile but I'm going ahead and giving them to her now. I think her mom is going to be wearing them as well because she tried one on and ooooooh, you should've seen her eyes light up. LOLLLL!! Ankle bracelets are awesome but I just don't wear them anymore.

    So as soon as my niece slid one on, she's already asking her mom when did she think she would be growing into them? lol.

    Well, at least she was eager to show us her latest Legos City house. Thank goodness everything is not Tween Time.

  15. And Reeses looks like a brand new dog. She's not scrawny anymore - she's all filled out and she plays with her toys.

    Time to go to the farmers market this morning. Then it's the rush to get all of us to the parade and fall festival.

  16. I'm with you, PG. No clue whatsoever re what Austin is trying to say with that sign. Maybe he will add more later.

    It's been awfully quiet in Toothy-world lately. I guess Jake has been too busy filming to get into trouble. Either that or busy with the kids.

  17. The sign is part of Global Green's campaign about climate change raising sea levels and the effect on coastal communities.

    Check out the video.

    But notice Austin is having someone do his special effect graphics. It's not his hand. His arms are down. Phantom hand.

    Done like a true director. Create a dept to do it for you.

  18. guess Jake has been too busy filming to get into trouble. Either that or busy with the kids.

    I know you've been away, but Jake has been traipsing all over Manhattan the past several days and nights. There have been a shitton of sightings and even a pic or two.

  19. Jake wasn't seen out yesterday - until late at night and dinner with "others" as the tweet said.

    What's the dif? Could have it be the rain? Could have been that Austin wrapped up his episode and there's few days of a break? Could it be both? Like I said rain days sometimes call for rainy day games.

  20. Yeah I don't think anyone is buying the Austin in NYC thing.

  21. Where the heck is he? A yurt in the backwaters of NC? He dropped off the radar as soon as he finished filming.

    And again today are you seeing mentions of Jake wander the streets of NY? Funny how that all stopped as soon as Austin finished up.
    No rain today.

  22. Ok Jake in LA, Jake in San Francisco, Jake in New York. Austin in North carolina and Austin in New York??? If so then where are the kids? Seems like these two spend very little time with their offspring?

  23. We're hungry and our pampers need changing!

  24. Ah, it's nice to know there are still a few who are deeply concerned about the BTs welfare. Kind of reminds me of a certain political party who wants to eliminate a woman's right to choose while simultaneously advocating the elmination of pro-children programs like CHIPS.

    I have no doubt the Toothy's and Goose's children have the bestest daddies in the world. Adults need adult time. Keeps the fire's burning and the nesting urge bountiful. Good for them.

  25. Ever hear of nannies? I’m sure Austin and Jake are just enjoying a long weekend together. No doubt, because they are in love, and probably because they are about to become daddies again. Remember, Leadville.

  26. Interesting that Ted now writes about sexually conflicted stars like Toothy who do stupid things as if they obviously want to be caught. Does wearing a wedding band in Barstow, sound familiar.

  27. ...and probably because they are about to become daddies again. Remember, Leadville.


  28. Well beside the fact that his dress like a lumberjack (plaid) hitchhiker (Patagonia hat).

    I agree, Special. It's not so much the tongue-in-cheek low tech special effects of Austin's Global Green bonding, it's his "hands on" recreation of a hitchhiking lumberjack, which someone had just tweeted that Jake looked like in NY. Never mind the short flight plane Austin had tweeted and twitpic'd about the other day.

  29. I have no doubt the Toothy's and Goose's children have the bestest daddies in the world. Adults need adult time. Keeps the fire's burning and the nesting urge bountiful. Good for them.

    LOL oh ba-ROTHER! How much did you laugh while typing that? Because you can't have with a straight face! LOL

  30. This little possible romantic weekend quick getaway in NYC area reminds me of the time the boys were seen having a digital dance in NYC, just prior to the birth of BT Numero Uno. And now someone else brings up Leadville. The guys seem to like having a little mano a mano time just before the birth of one of their younguns. I think that would be one of the most romantic traditions ever.

    Am I remembering those dates right, M&M???

  31. Yep. You are correct. It's called a babymoon:

    A babymoon is a period of time that parents spend bonding with a recently-born baby.

    More recently the term has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby. Babymoons usually take place at a resort that offers appropriate services like prenatal massage.

  32. Austin is clever, clever, clever. He's been muzzled ever since Leadville. I think he's gotten liberal a couple of times but it doesn't last long, almost as if he gets his wrists slapped. So he's had to surgically adapt and Dr. Nichols has proven to me that he is in that upper echelon of smartitude, much like someone else I know.

    Austin is a brain, plain & simple. And not just a brain, but he's clever. There's a difference. Some people have high octane brains but it's like they don't know how to reach deep into its resources. I think Austin is the kind of person you would want to get stranded with. He's McGuyver smart. He's proven it with his tweeting and his application of Twitpics.

  33. Wow very vivid imaginations. Very sweet but no way in hell.

  34. Jake may have made the smartest decision of his life by snagging that guy. What an earthly lighthouse in the ocean of life he must be for Jake.

    Okay, this weekend has just been another track hurdle in the natural steps of life.

    After the parade, we're all waiting for my nephew to make it back from the end of the route and we finally spot him coming down the sidewalk. We're all so happy and proud

    And what the heck?! He's walking with a buddy on the other side of the street, mind you and walks right on by all of us dopily sitting there in our aluminum lawn chairs until his dad finally hollers at him if he's still needing someone to pick him up. To which my nephew snarkily replies "Well, someone's going to have to!" and continues walking along although he keeps glancing back at us.

    Oh. My. Dog. I said, "I think we've just been snubbed!"

    My mom or sister said, "We're officially uncool!"

    LOLLLLLL!!! But when we arrived on Friday night, he came right to us as always for a big hug!!! Whaaaaaaaa???!!

    What just happened there? What in the heck?!

  35. I'm heartbroken!! My nephew preferred to walk with his big buddy across the street than come over and see us after that big momentous occasion of his first parade band march. I'm still recovering from the shock of it all.

    What a great parade though in Small Town America. It's only like one street long and had the middle school band, the high school band, lots of dance troups and pep bands. The football team. Several fire engines and policemen. ONE politician. And a few floats and one set of horses (rescue horses).

    And my brother was hollering at the lone politician for not funding our schools and whatnot. lol
