Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wide World When

French, Spanish, ... some South of the Border... and some Roman'

Last Saturday night Jake help celebrated Chez Panisse's 40th anniversary and thank all those who joined in to celebrate and helped benefit Edible Schoolyards.But that was just a touch of French to start it off, next it was Austin, and fellow castmates Rob and Paul who met and chatted with a OTH fan from France,who the posted a clip of the show -"Fréres Scott". Which let's everyone hear what French Austin sounds liked.(Check out around 1:10).

Jake was back out celebrating again, this time with the cast of EoW, at a wrap party at El Cid in LA, with a Spanish flaw, and a bit of South of the Border too.And Austin? Well he is no stranger to Mexico, and not just for fun but for film too. Here's a longer compilation of scenes from Luz Del Mundo than the trailer we've seen before. (NSFW)

But don't think Jake was done frenching, no he ended up checking out the French film Point Blank with a group of friends on Thursday.

Doesn't really sound like Jake's kind of movie, but it does sound like a guy who loves movies and was having a français moment himself this week.
And the roman? Well what else do you would you call Caesar's Palace?


  1. If I had to pick anyone I'd say it was Reese's people tying to get her noticed. But here's a tip. Aging women should avoid hanging around young women. It just makes them look old. The article was a good trial balloon to see the latest sentiment about Jake though. Clearly he has not lived down the negative reaction created by his association with Swift and the he's gay is still on the tip on everyone's tongue just waiting for a reason to come out.

    Cleaning, watering, ironing, packing, getting ready for our departure next week going on here. I am officially on vacation even though we do not fly out until Wednesday. I feel a little guilt for leaving so much work unfinished for my protege to handle but we've been swamped and there was only so much I could get done. I hope he's not pissed at me when I get back. He heads for Paris 5 days after I come back from there so I guess he can just pay me back.

  2. Think Austin would all about these elbow patches.


  3. oh dear. I just talked with my niece. My sister has not been honest with us about just how ill she is. My niece got a call from a neighbor who said you better get down here. She had to put my sister in assisted living right away. At least we know the real story now and her daughters will make sure she gets the care she needs. They are going to move her to a place in their home state as soon as they can sell her condo and find a suitable local facility for her. Its the shits to get old. I wish there was not 3000 miles between us.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, m. That must have been such a shock. I hope you are able to somehow see her soon or talk to her.

  6. Sorry I'm posting so late but I practically put in a full day today at work and when I got home, I just wanted to lie down for awhile with my Curley boy. I'm just trying to enjoy him while I can. He's still doing pretty good but golly, he's taking 1/2 a prednisone now and then two other pills every day and well, you know when you start giving them pills just to feel better that eventually that time is coming.

    I don't ever want to see him reach the point where he's not how I know him now - does that make sense? I always want to remember my Curley as the always eager, spunky guy that I know now.

  7. Okay, better just settle in because I have probably a couple more in me here.

    If I had to pick anyone I'd say it was Reese's people tying to get her noticed.

    You know, that was my first gut reaction, m. I figured it must've been one of those ladies' camps piece of work.

    But now that I see M&M's angle and I've had some time to think about it a little, I really, really have to doubt it. Why?

    Because one, look at the time passage since Reese was in the bearding relationship with Jake. It's been almost two years now. And she was married to Dark Socks Toth on March 26. March 26 and since that time, I had no longer seen any digs by her towards Jake. She seemed to have pretty much moved on.

    Same with ol' Tay. Sure she milked it for quite awhile, for all she was worth. But she too had pretty much moved on, being seen with that Garret fellow and now trying to stir up rumors of a re-hook up with Taylor Lautner.

    So you hava to ask yourself why does this story come out now? If Reese has moved on and is married now and ol' Tay is busy touring and going to award shows, why is the tabloid primary focus of a luncheon date on.......Jake Gyllenhaal?

    The only other thing that got a shout-out was the restaurant - Boa Steamhouse. And people sure aren't tuning into Just Jared or US magazine to hear about Boa Steakhouse.

    Look at Twitter. Look at what you get when you google Jake's name right now. You know what you get?

    Jake's Gyllenhaal's ex's discuss how he's vain and self-absorbed.

    Time after after after time. That is what you get out of that whole deal. Jake is vain. And Jake is self-absorbed.

    If there is one thing I am learning about PR departments: it's when they want something out about their client, whatever it is?

    Whatever it is that they want repeated and headlined in twitter RT's is what you are going to see in the headline sentence on Google latest news searches.

  8. So then you ask, why would Jake's people want out there that he is vain and self-absorbed? And why do I have Snoopy's ne-er do well cousin Spike as my avatar?

    Just like M&M, I'm starting to see a pattern here by Jake's people. And I had already noticed a couple other instances but with this latest Boa Constrictor Steakhouse business, it's starting to become a charm bracelet of the irritating kind.

    And this little Extreme Makeover may have started as far back as that Jake Ass-Leer at the Lakers Game, M&M. And let's not forget how Jake was so cold and caddish the way he "dumped" poor little Tay. They made him look like a Styrofoam Cup playboy - use it, crunch it up and toss it away.

    And so now we have some touch up paint job that's trying to make Jake look like he's nowhere near to being a good candidate for fatherhood, let alone settling down to be a husband.

    He smokes pot, he rides on a train for a week wearing the same stinky clothes for however many days straight it was, even to the point where they were ripped right in the crotch. Wore those things straight to threads. And now even sweet ol' Tay can't imagine what she saw in him - he's so vain and self-absorbed!!!

    Never mind that Tay's own camp was beating the drums that she was heartbroken over being dumped.

    Say what?

  9. M - so sorry to hear about your sister. It is such a tough situation for everyone. Thinking of you all.

    Austin's quietness does make me wonder if he skedaddled out of NC, and went west to work out the details for episode 9.07. Who says you can't work from home or where the heart is for that matter.

  10. Maybe they are working now on trying to squash the baby talk. And how do you do that? You make Jake look like there's no way he could have children. He smokes pot. He travels on trains for weeks straight. He is vain and self-absorbed. And heaven knows, vain and self-absorbed has no time for children.

    Thus - we have Spike, Snoopy's ne-er do well brother. Jake is now Spike or so his people want us to think he is.

    But like I said, Jake and his people need to get on the same page because Jake really isn't helping them out any at all.

    And the general public and non-
    BT believers really need to get a clue and observe what you are not observing anymore.

    Just like Sophin believers need to get a clue and realize what they're not observing any longer.

    Any more, it's all in the silence now. It's in the non-sightings. The very vague or non-mentions. The quiet. The lack of pictures. The lack of tweets.

    Jake and Austin are together more than we realize. And Jake has got his hands literally full with Pampers, Gerbers and Pull-Ups.

  11. Back to that feather Boa "story", M&M makes another good point. That luncheon happened a week ago. Why is it just now being trumpeted by the websites?

    Second-best PR-go to source US Magazine posts this story on September 1st. Sept 1, days later.

    I dunno - did the writer have to track down the reservation list and contact Mildred & Ethel at Table #5 to find out that ol' Tay and Reese were calling Jake vain and self-absorbed? Who exactly heard "vain" and "self-absorbed" mentioned in conversation?

    Was Professor Hinckley hiding under the table again? LOL!!!

    Look at pictures of this feather Boa steak place. Look at the prices on that menu. This wasn't Perkins and it wasn't Applebee's.

    Anyone with half a brain can see the story was entirely made up.

    And yeah, you could conjecture that it came from one of those ladies' camps.

    But when you begin to study it a little more, and ask some questions, then you realize that a made up story like this has to have a motive behind it.

    The last thing I always realize when I see puzzling things like this is what is going on in the guys' lives at this time?

    What are they trying to distract from? What are they trying to get you to look at and/or get worked up over while something else is going on with them elsewhere?

    And you realize then that right now? Allllllll is calm. Allllllll is dark. Alllllllll is quiet.

    'Round yon virgin....

    Oh wait!! No, no, no, no!! LOLLLLLL!!!!

    All is quiet. All is dark. And the boys are nowhere to be seen or heard from.

    You could hear a pacifier drop it's so quiet.

    Okay, folks, I've got to hit the hay. It's another Sunday of working.

  12. The shirt Jake's wearing in the pictures leaving El Cid make me chuckle.

    He has worn it before, but I can't decide whether is it is a one of those smocks we use to wear for art when we were little, the preppy version of a Baja shirt or a maternity top.

  13. Interesting theory PG. Distraction. It could also be a means of controlling Jake. I think he trusts his people way too much and they know it.

  14. The shirt Jake's wearing in the pictures leaving El Cid make me chuckle.

    He has worn it before, but I can't decide whether is it is a one of those smocks we use to wear for art when we were little, the preppy version of a Baja shirt or a maternity top.

    LOL. True. lol

    It's also an old trick out of the bag of fashion maneuvers when tucking in the shirt does not paint a neat and attractive picture.


  15. C'mon Jake, where was that belt buckle?

  16. My sister has not been honest with us about just how ill she is.

    That must have been so hard to hear, m. But, it sounds like your nieces are very close to their mother. I'm glad she has caring family close by to make sure her needs are met. It must give you some comfort being that you live 3,000 miles away.

  17. And this little Extreme Makeover may have started as far back as that Jake Ass-Leer at the Lakers Game, M&M. And let's not forget how Jake was so cold and caddish the way he "dumped" poor little Tay. They made him look like a Styrofoam Cup playboy - use it, crunch it up and toss it away.

    And so now we have some touch up paint job that's trying to make Jake look like he's nowhere near to being a good candidate for fatherhood, let alone settling down to be a husband.

    Never mind the following, "I'm so wrapped up in my own little sleazy, self indulgent, kindy creepy little world" examples from last year:

    1) August 28, 2010 - Cabin Fever Photo makes Jake appear to be an isolated bearded mountain man. Unconcern with his appearance or anyone's opinion of his individualistic ways.
    2) October 1, 2010 - Ted Blind Item Toothy Tile Gets Fishy Again
    Desperate Tooth, who hasn't exactly had an easy time of it at the box-office (or on the home front, for that matter), has taken to lurking around out-of-town strips clubs, leaving these sleazy joints with chicks. Wonder what he does when the babes finally get him home? Do they tell Toothy their favorite films from his mostly impressive film repertoire, just to excite him, once they discover he's not exactly rarin' to rip their panties off?
    3) October 7, 2010 -New York City Ballet Big Fall Blast (Thursday)
    Jake Gyllenhaal (who apparently showed-up with a backpack and refused to have any photographs taken. With a backpack.)
    4) November 12, 2010 - Ted Blind Item Toothy Tile's Back to Dangerous Sex!...and the faint smell of eau de refuse....Near the Sunset Strip, Tooth was recently standing not that far from a popular gay club. He was by himself, in the alley in between two darkly lit buildings. A super-cute guy a little younger than Mr. Tile walked by. The young brown-haired guy knew the drill: If he was interested, turn back around. Which he did.

    Of course, all this reimaging is taken away in one swell swoop when that darn Anne Hathaway gushed on and on about what a great, sweet guy Jake is. Oh, and what particular word does she choose to perfectly capture Jacob Gyllenhaal? Self-involved? Egomaniacal? Inward-Looking?.....wait for it.....

  18. He smokes pot. He travels on trains for weeks straight. He is vain and self-absorbed. And heaven knows, vain and self-absorbed.

    People like this have children all the time.

  19. People like this have children all the time.

    Sure. People in real life.

    But we're not talking about real life people here, are we, Tout le Monde? We're talking about Hollywood. And their slates are clean.

    **shakes head**

  20. Never mind all of Jake's altruistic, humble and unassuming charity involvements.

  21. tout le mound.

    Is Rattler still in our midst or something?

    **rolls eyes**

  22. HW is probably even worse than the world in general for having more than its fair share of the vain and self-absorbed. That said, it doesn't mean they can't be good parents.

  23. Gosh, M&M, after that trip through Jake's memory lane that you gave us at 12:01.....

    Why, I can't believe I even fancy that Jacob Benjamin. Whatever has declouded thine eyes??? I do declare. He's just a....why, he's just.....a cad.

  24. PG (It's PrairieGirl to you) - please get a grip. No need to insult and belittle just because someone holds a different opinion than you about whatever is going on with Jake. Most people would just read that silly tabloid line about Jake and forget it, not go on a crusade.

  25. Looking at Jake over the past 10 years of his career, we have see Jake personally involved in many charities. Not just in name but in giving of his time and energy. Civil rights,voting,the environment, and over the past few years how he has focused on the needs of children.

    From Global Green's school program, to New Eyes for the Needy, visiting children in the Pediatric Oncology unit in New York around the holidays this year, and now the ambassador for Edible Schoolyards.

    You look at those things, you see how Jake did not make a big deal out of it. Like taking time off during PoP promotions to go to New Eyes and meet the staff, yet not having it publicized until after the fact. Becoming a part of their board of trustees, and again taking time off during LaOD promotions for the New Eyes Auction and that doesn't seem like a vain person. Because someone who all about themselves would have made sure the paparazzi saw them do it, and make sure that People, US, and the rest know about it before they leave.

  26. I know, PG. How could we ever be so blind. Jake is such a oddball, deviant, douche bag? Can't see why any woman would want him. LOL!

  27. I can see what you’re saying. It’s not the isolated event. It’s the pattern of Jake’s coverage over the past year. Like a PR generated campaign to make him seem undesirable. Jake really needs to come out.

  28. Well, it's nice to see everyone rallying around Jake instead of trashing him for a change! Keep up the good attitude!

  29. Yeah, Jake is a generous guy who cares deeply about things. He tries to live the Buddhist lifestyle which is all about interdependence, modesty, gratitude, and humility. So you know this year long "campaign" is as phony as a $3.00 bill.

  30. It’s not the isolated event. It’s the pattern of Jake’s coverage over the past year. Like a PR generated campaign to make him seem undesirable

    Bingo. If you look at how Jake's been playing down low since the bearding took a hiatus, he's been minimally seen, but for some medical office visits and EOW set visits. A few movie theatre visits.

    So when something does appear about him, you have to look beneath the surface and ask why now?

  31. Man, the workload never stops but I was allowed to leave the mother ship. Back to my charge, Mr. Curley.

    Hey, guess what I saw this morning?! You'll never guess.

    A hummingbird. I have never seen one ever. They have 2 hummingbird feeders out on the back deck and I saw this horsefly kind of thing flying around out there and I looked closer and it was this tiny little bird!! I could not believe it. Boy, those things are just really small, just like the books say they are. It really did look like a big insect at first, lol.

  32. (It's PrairieGirl to you)

    They always bite at the bait, don't they?

  33. I'm sorry to hear about your sister M, but glad that your nieces are there to take care of her.

    Back in hot and humid NYC, already missing the gorgeous weather in Colorado.

  34. No doubt the Reese/Talyor lunch was calculated PR. Maybe Jake's team wanted to spin it that they were talking about how vain and self cenetered he is but these two beards need to come up with a plan when the shit hits the fan. They have some explaining to do.

  35. Nice news about Cheyenne Jackson getting married, didn't know he'd been with his boyfriend for 11 years.

  36. Yeah, I can see Reese and Taylor meeting for publicity but M & M probably has a good grasp of what's going on here. Probably Jake's people thought they could use this photo op to stress their reinvention of Jake as a self absorbed guy. I love this blog.

  37. Yeah I agree Jake is self absorbed and the girls want have to save face if the self absorbed Jake gets caught or says f it all and comes out. I don't think Jake gives a damn about Reese or Taylor now. He got from them what he needed. So did Disney. Might sound mean but I am so happy that crappy movie failed. Jake got paid and now things are looking up. He could get sloppy or decide to grow a pair. Wouldn't that be sweet especially if he decided to come out on his own..

  38. Tom, I really think you are missing the entire point behind Jake's bearding with Reese and Swift.

    He bearded to hide the approaching births of his kids.

  39. Jake and Austin were going to come out. There was high buzz on the internet and Ted hinted at it as well. They were going to come out.

    But they got talked into going into the closet. Reese came on board to hide the birth of BT1 in October of 2007. She was supposed to stay and cover through 2009 into 2010 but she dumped him. That is why Ted was so vengeful towards her. She left him without a cover.

    And that is when you saw Austin needing to take over and that is when you saw Sophin ramp up like never before. Not only that, but Jake was mentally wearing down with the bearding. Ted said that Toothy was losing it. That's probably another reason why Austin took over the bearding, to take pressure off of Jake.

  40. M&M, I wish you would share your theory on perhaps one reason why Jake has chosen blondes for his beards. I think it's highly toutable.
