Saturday, October 15, 2011

Man for all Seasonings

Jake loves to cook, hits the farmers market and is all about using what is season.After all these weeks in NYC, what's he been cooking? Or is he?Has he been hitting the farmers markets over in Park Slope or heading to the Co-op that his sister is seen giving time to? Or just popping around grabbing coffee, smoothies and snacks?

In the U.S. the Top Chef on Bravo is a hit, and has plenty of celebrities who go on to judge talented chefs compete. Even two of Jake's good friends, Natalie Portman, Zooey Deschanel, and Maroon 5 have all been judges, come on Jake you love food, you love to cook, and love to talk.

And this season of Top Chef?
It's Top Chef Texas.

Jake, great food, and Texas, all the ingredients for a hot dish. Wait is that the show or weekend at the house?


  1. Have a great day of celebration, Destiny. Happy Birthday!!!!!

    (I have five exclamation points, PG.)

  2. Happy Birthday Destiny. Have a lot of fun today. Plus many many more.

  3. Happy Birthday Destiny. I am glad someone keeps track of that stuff. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Quiet day planned here. Tomorrow too. I am wiped out from work. E will be back from Paris starting Monday but we are in a major backlog what with me being out first, then him. Its going to take a few weeks to recover. I have not had to work this hard in many years.

  4. Destiny, want to join the others in wishing you the Best of Birthdays, and good wishes for the next 12 months !

  5. Happy Birthday Destiny! Hope you have a great one.

  6. Just got back from OccupyBoston, it is the second time I've been down, and each time I am struck by the diversity of the crowd. OB is very organized with tents for media, logistics, food, legal, medical, spiritual, and even a library/teaching space.

    This morning there was a service for Sukkot. Later it was the Veteran's for Peace leading the march for today. Gov. Patrick visted this morning talking to the spokespeople and touring the camp. I don't think that many people even knew he was there.

    Last week the Unions came together to march. I've talked to students, activists, teachers, social workers, nurses and Iron Workers all wanting to say something and be heard.

    The best thing I saw today had to be the OccupySpeedo guys out there holding up signs on the corner of Dewey Square who were out there, yup you got it, just in their Speedos.

  7. The best thing I saw today had to be the OccupySpeedo guys out there holding up signs on the corner of Dewey Square who were out there, yup you got it, just in their Speedos.

    Ha! Makes me think of that speedo story Jake told on Conan O'Brien on November 3, 2005. Ah, those were the days. (The video takes awhile to download but the viewing pleasure is well worth it!)

    Jake and Speedos on Conan

  8. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, and thank you Special for playing Ray of Light, one of my all-time favorite Madonna songs.

    Had a baby shower to go to this afternoon, had a great time. Now I'm home for a few hours to catch my breath before going out for Mexican food. Can't have a birthday with margaritas.

    That's cool that you went down to OccupyBoston Special. I keep meaning to get down to Occupy Wall Street but haven't had a chance to do it yet. Nice that the local politicians are more supportive there in Boston than they have been in NYC--too many of them rely on Wall Street to raise money for their campaigns.

  9. najjmaha
    Just ran into jake gyllenhaal. We spoke. It was awkward, horrible and great. He was fantastically beautiful and hating me at the same time.
    10 minutes ago

    Jennifer Roberts
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in SoHo!
    13 minutes ago

    jaspre guest
    Spotted: Jake Gyllenhaal walking in LES, at least 10 girls walking behind him.
    43 minutes ago

  10. THE WHOLE WORLD IS PROTESTING!! I am a proud Earthling today. Proud of humanity.
    7 minutes ago

  11. @merib meri
    just read Jake Gyllenhaal took spin class after me this AM. WHY did I leave so quickly? this is how I dont understand people w/ "no regrets"
    2 hours ago via TweetDeck

  12. So is Jake's Spinning Saturdays the equivalent of Austin's TwoWheel Tuesdays?

    And Jake in a spinning class? Think he was out to eat for more than his recent local vegan places with someone this week and felt like he needed to work it off? Why not hop on his bike and ride around the city?

  13. Looks like Austin was having Sushi Saturday. (I wouldn't recommend spinning after that)

    @erinmoore143 Erin Moore
    1 hour ago via web

    Bento Box

    Wonder if he got the One Tree Hill Roll ?

  14. Ha, yeah, where's that bike, Jakeroo? Maybe he needs rain in order to ride. lol. Dest, what was the weather there today?

    Hope you had a great birthday today. I've been out practically all day since 8 this morning and just got home, good grief. Tomorrow afternoon I will start a several day gig watching Molly, Lucy & rotten little Jingles. I have been alerted to keep a close eye on all 3 when it's feeding time because Molly isn't eating all of her food in one sitting. So Jingles ate her food in addition to his and then promptly threw it all up because he's just a little dog and it was too much.

    I don't know if I mentioned the last time I watched them, that R.L. Jingles got up on the dining room table because I had left my chair just slightly ajar. I came home and he did not greet me at the door so I knew there was trouble. And sure enough, he was scurrying away. He had gotten up on the table and ripped into a package pouch his Mama had gotten in the mail. Things were scattered all over the table and on the floor - it was kind of a mess but luckily he didn't eat or damage anything. That dog - man, he is bad.

  15. Man,10 girls walking behind Jake on a sidewalk. They were probably tittering and giggling and carrying on. LOL! That must have been hilarious. For a big city, he sure gets tweeted and recognized a lot.

    Would those 10 girls still be giggling & walking behind him if they knew he was married and had a small brood of Pamper & Pull-Up wearing, Gerber eating, Fisher Price playing offspring?

    What about these OTH girls in Wilmy? Same question.

    I mean, what a story they are pulling over these girls' eyes. They're totally clueless.

    It just kind of boggles my mind sometimes.

  16. Interesting twitter thread. I'm moderating a few of the cuss words in it, but it's namedropping. I don't think that Zachary Quinto came out, but this kid is in New Zealand. You have to read it from the bottom up because the top tweet would be the most recent. You can't see what the other person's tweeting because his account is locked. **snaps fingers** Darn!

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @Heydense yeah he's f***ing disgusting, his parties sound like a cesspool of stds
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @Heydense at director Brian Singers parties and when I say party I mean giant hollywood sex orgies
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @Heydense he constantly talks about other guys especially Efron and how much he loves Femme Fatale and plus he's been spotted a few times
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @Heydense oh he definitely is, the same guy I get my Britney stuff from said Taylor likes the c*** and he barely tries to hide it
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @Heydense Taylor Lautner
    1 hour ago
    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @man_crush Taylor barely even tries to hide it, I mean he goes to Brian Singers giant sex parties like wtf.
    1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @Heydense TayTay or Jake will be next just count on it.
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    my immediate response to Zachary Quinto coming out was… and it will still be that for when Taylor and Jake do
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    @man_crush oh I know for sure Taylor likes c*** from my sneaky sauces and Jake is a huge kept secret in Hollywood
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    maybe Taylor Lautner and Jake Gyllenhaal will be next but I doubt since their careers rely on being tough men
    1 hour ago

    TyeTyeee Tyler
    so Zachary Quinto finally came out? That narrows down the list of guys everyone in Hollywood knows is gay but doesn't talk about it
    1 hour ago

  17. LOLLLLLLLLL!! This is hilarious. We have a twitpic of Jake shopping at a store She must have seen him in this store before and says....Same Pants!!

    Jake. Buddy. lol. There must be something to this but I don't know what, this wearing of the same shirt or pants over and over every day. It's getting kind of intriguing.

    rcast1986 Randall Castillo
    Stop by this little shop to look for a jacket. Only one other customer. It's JAKE GYLENHAAL. AGAIN. Wtf. SAME PANTS.
    1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    Jake and his green cargo pants

  18. Well, they are very nice cargo pants. I like cargo pants on guys - they have a pretty tailored fit and always accent the butt very well. So I won't fuss too much but I found her tweet really funny.

    Interesting shoes, I'm noticing on him. The thick Keds-like sole on the bottom.

    LOL - people are twitpic'ing him everywhere in NYC, aren't they? From behind and everything. Jake, buddy, don't pick your pants or something. You just will never know who's behind you with a camera phone at the ready. LOL! Man, talk about having no privacy. Wouldn't that be awful to not know when someone's going to snap a picture of you when you're not looking?

  19. Oops sorry - think this is a guy who tweeted.

    Well, that's all from the Twitter desk. Gotta hit the hay.

  20. Jake does seem to covering a lot of territory. Something I would expect a tourist to do, but not a semi native.

    So we went to the apple store with the intent of buying a laptop but came home with a desk top. A little too big for the intended space but I got seduced by the bigger screen. On my iPad now but will be using the new one soon. Very easy to get up to speed. The best part of apple products is how easy they are to learn to use. The only reason I'm not using the new one now is that I feel like sitting on the couch.


  22. Awesome news about Zachary if this is true. I just saw him on Regis and kelly this week. He lokked great. More More More. Out and proud..

  23. AccioDameron
    Ciara Johnson
    Oh my, I wanna kiss my iPod screen.. Is it possible to be in love with a picture..? @Aus10Nichols and Jake Gyllenhall are making it easy!!
    48 minutes ago

  24. Quinto interview with NY Magazine:

    Zachary Quinto on His Financial Crisis Movie Margin Call, Playing the Villain, and Occupy Wall Street

    Two things:

    I like the fact that the headlines of the article are not about coming out, but about Quinto's career and social justice in general.

    Secondly, notice how Quinto uses the phrase "as a gay man" throughout. Very similar to that December, 2009 article when Jake says,
    "speaking as a married man".

    Good for Quinto and everyone who supports people being able to live their lives openly.

  25. Wonderful about Zachary Quinto. While I'm not interested in him as a celebrity, I've kind of taken note of postings on Just Jared since he was in that Star Trek movie. So it's really, really great to read about the subtle way in which he came out. Very nice point, Special, about how it was done.

    This is truly something to celebrate. I'm very happy for Mr. Quinto.

  26. That wasn't me who pointed that out PG, but I agree with M&M's points about the article.

    And Well Done Mr. Quinto!

  27. Secondly, notice how Quinto uses the phrase "as a gay man" throughout. Very similar to that December, 2009 article when Jake says,
    "speaking as a married man".

    That was the first thing I thought of as soon as I saw Quinto's quote this morning. Unfortunately, Jake had to go and deny his own children in another interview and I bet he regrets that to this day. That cannot be taken back and it is out in print forever. I think I see a trend lately in the guys avoiding this kind of verbal commitment now. I hope they continue because they need to realize that words spoken and printed, pictures taken and published, tweets done and posted, are forever.

    Even if deleted on one's own twitter account or hard drive, someone else has archived them. Just because something's taken down, it's not gone forever. There's records of it on Google Searches, on live journals and Fan Forums, on facebooks and blogger accounts, on other people's Twitter accounts via ReTweets, etc. Just something that really needs to be remembered.

  28. That wasn't me who pointed that out PG, but I agree with M&M's points about the article.

    Oh yeah! LOLLLL!!! Hey sorry there, M&M. Trying to take away your due credit. Aw, that's what you get for being such a mole these past several days. ;D

    Aw, she's all right, Special. She can take it.

    Man, let me tell you. I did not get my special Sunday morning treat of Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. They were supposed to have a new one by my old church and it's not open yet!!! And if it is past 9 am, just forget. It. Hang. It. Up. The drive thru line is awful and inside the line is out the door at the only 2 area DD's that we have around here.

    So I settled for McD's and let me tell you. I could spit this stuff out now. This thing just does not compare. I'm afraid Dunkin D's has set a standard which has forever tarnished the satisfaction McD's has always brought. I thought McD's coffee was pretty darn good for a poor man's coffee. But now? Wow. These 2 kinds of iced coffees are just on totally separate ends of the coffee teeter totter.

  29. Great news about Zachary. Way to go. I bet Ted will make some comment about it next week. And if the reaction is good, i.e. he still gets work Jake and Austin will be more inclined to follow suit. Baby steps, but steps nevertheless.

  30. Aaaaaand Mr. Quinto is trending right now on Twitter.

  31. WOW, that is great news about Quinto. I feel like doing a dance in celebration. Woo hoo, where are you Tom!!!!

    Regarding those tweets and Taylor L., he on the other hand just gave an interview in which he denies being gay, so don't think we'll see him coming out anytime soon. His movies haven't done well, so I'm betting he's been scared by his people into dialing back the gay.

  32. Oops, sorry Tom, I see you already posted. I got so excited I missed a few posts.

  33. Just reading more about Quinto, who says it was some of the recent suicides that made him take this move. Fabulous quote "it is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action." from an article on ONTD.

  34. Still learning to navigate my new apple and accidentally deleted some emails from you guys from a few days ago. They will probably still be on my iPad but if you get no reply from me, thats why.

  35. Didn't we hear about some closeted star this past year who was moved by a letter he received from a struggling teen and that he was going to come out because of all the suicides and bullying? Could very well have been Quinto.

    That's a great quote m. Quinto gets it, doesn't he? Living an authentic life full of compassion and integrity is all that really matters.

  36. Aw, she's all right, Special. She can take it.

