Monday, October 17, 2011

The Naked Truth

In the November issue of Cosmopolitan UK have Jake and other male celebs talking about love, "opening up on the mysterious world of falling in love. . ."

“The wonderful part about falling love is the time spent naked...the times spent intimate like that.”

But are they talking or just getting re-quoted from stuff they've said in the past?

Case in point. Jake's quote is not original to Cosmo UK, but comes from an interview Jake did on BBC Radio 4 last December promoting LoAD.

'I don't think what I'm saying is that it's dangerous or groundbreaking but what I am saying I think it's refreshing because I don't think you've seen movies, particularly in this genre, deal with sex in a way that is actually dealing with intimacy. Some romantic comedies or comedies that are emotional or whatever, to see an actress – to see an actor – but to see an actress with sheets covering up her top and not really seeing these two people actually be intimate physically with each other. The physical intimacy between a couple is like half the relationship in my opinion and also an important aspect. I've rarely ever seen people have sex with boxers on but I see that in romantic comedies all the time. They getting out of bed with like boxers on. It doesn't make any sense! The wonderful part about falling in love is the time spent naked! The times spent intimate like that. We should see them sharing their bodies with each other and that means ultimately sharing their bodies with the audience too in this story.'

No doubt Jake was talking about his own experience falling in love. But who made him fall? And spending time with naked?

Ahhh yeah ...NoAnd the one after that... big that's a big N-O too.

Wait who is it that loves to tweet about being naked?And can make Jake smile like this?


  1. Jake at NYFF for Decendants Premiere.


  2. Joseph_Giambona
    Joe Giambona
    Spotted: jake gyllenhaal on 11th and university place #idie
    8 minutes ago

  3. Jamie Hubley, a gay 15 year old from Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide on Friday.

    The 10th grade student documented his life, including his depression and the hardships of being a gay teen, in a blog, reports the Ottawa Citizen.

    The blog, called "You Can't Break... When You're Already Broken" featured posts with numerous references to and photos of self harm and cutting, pictures of guys kissing and mentions of wanting a boyfriend, and bleak, ominous messages like "Sometimes I wish the breeze would just take me with it," "The only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. At least when they hate you they treat you like you exist," and "Suicides is always an option."

  4. That's so sad Tom.

    Why is it that the one year I didn't do any films at the NYFF Jake is suddenly at a lot of them? Never seen or heard of him being there that I can recall. Saw Naomi once.

  5. Let's hope Jake doesn't do something stupid like last year when he was caught wearing a purple Silly Banz in an October 20th interview and then spent several weeks getting people like Anne H., Just Jared, KTLA and anybody else willing to play the game to point out that he was actually wearing a pink bracelet because of his niece Ramona. The story was even floated for awhile that it was because of his Taylor Swift "relationship". Once the story died he never wore it again. Not one of Jake's better moments.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for that info M and M about Oct. 20th.

    Forgot about that bracelet story. Nope not one of Jake's better moments.

  8. Jake is apparently spending more time around universities than he did when he was actually enrolled at Columbia.

    And I agree, Destiny. I don't remember Jake being at any of the NYFF movies last year. He did the predictably scripted Denby interview (with his mother in the audience taking notes) and that was pretty much it. I think you mentioned last year that you saw Naomi at the showing of Meek's Cutoff starring Michelle Williams.

  9. so here i am. 33 years old. i have admitted something to you about me liking girls, and it feels great. though i still love my husband and am faithful to him. the kissings he knows. he doesnt know how lonely i can be though because he doesnt have the time to listen. he doesnt have the time because he is working so much. he has to, its apart of his job. its hard to find job here these days. i have tried, several of my friends have. there is about nothing. so i should be a happy house-mother as i have been the last 11 years. i am not. i have no reason to stay at home now the kids are at school. i dont care about how a home look. the people thats there make the look when they are there! and its not that we have much money either way. he does work for two, but he has to in his job, and he likes it there. just want to tell you its not always a luxury to stay at home, sometimes you dont agree, but sometimes its the best selution. loneliness is a very hard price to sell, and as you all know by now, i have started a "little" late to read viggo mortensen/ sean bean splash... but this one just touched my heart: just go to page 23, and the story is "i call you home" URL link to story:

  10. sorry peage 20, not 23

  11. and in the final it turned out to be page 18. but its a goog story.

  12. Great choice of songs for today, Special. I particularly think the following lyrics are incredibly meaningful:

    When your daddy plays guitar,
    You dance without a smile.
    Kid you may not have great rhythm,
    But you sure got style.
    Just four years old and still it seems,
    You've got it figured out.
    When daddy sings, and then you dance,
    The people clap and shout.

    Cuz, you're my dancin' boy,
    And it's so scary how you trust me.
    Just one look from you,
    And I come pouring out like wine.
    Dancin' boy, I'm sure by now that you must see,
    You're dancin' means much more to me,
    Than any dream of mine.

  13. I wonder if Jake's increased interest behind the camera maybe him having his own little film school class via NYFF.

    And on the education angle, Jake has talked to a couple of classes as well.

  14. Coming home from Cambridge tonight I picked up the free Metro paper. There was a brief mention about Quinto coming out. But what came to my attention was the paper's comment to other actors,about how he came out.

    "And that actors, is a great way to come out. No fanfare. No tabloid cover, just a straight forward piece about your work. Mavel tov!"

    This is a sentiment that is being said over and over since yesterday, and I think it encouraging not only to those who have come out but those who haven't yet.

    I think we could be seeing a shift in how celebrities will come out in the future.

  15. I don't know if anyone saw this overnight (when World News Now airs) or on TMZ today.

    An "ABC World News Now" reporter had a "coming out" moment on live TV this morning ... revealing his sexuality ... during a report about Zachary Quinto.

    With the words, "Spock Is Out" written across the screen, anchor Dan Kloeffler cracked a joke about wanting to date the "Star Trek" actor ... the first time he ever revealed his sexual orientation in public.

    The newsman blogged later, "I've never shared that I'm gay on air, even though I've been out to my family ... but for the same reason that Zach decided to come out, I too, no longer wanted to hide that part of my life."

    ABC News Anchor
    'Comes Out' During
    Report on Zach Quinto

  16. Loneliness is a hard thing NG, it's no wonder you feel the way you do, especially if your husband is working so hard and not around to talk to. If you ever feel like chatting less publicly, if you contact Special I am okay with her giving you my email address.

  17. Yes M and M, it was Meek's Cutoff.

    It's so great to see Zach inspiring someone else to come out. If everyone came out in HW, it could be pretty hard for HM to discriminate against everyone.

  18. Odd day, Sad news about another suicide and good news that Quinto inspired another person to finally come out. One step forward, another back. I don't know what day the suicide was but had he waited another day or two the news of Quinto may have given him the hope he needed to wait it out.

    On another front, Ted says he is revealing a vice tomorrow. Must be related to Quinto, Ent lawyer revealed one about him today too.

    Those smiles of Jake say it all. Look at the body language versus when he is with women. Night and day.

  19. Heading out tomorrow at the crack of dawn for another business trip. Long days with dinners/entertainment next 3 days so I'll be squeezing in checking OMG late at night when I am too tired to think. Plan to hear little from me next few days. At least my partner is back and I got to hear all about his days in Paris and the South of France. I was worried that E would not come back at all. His boyfriend tried very hard to get him to stay longer. Thank goodness he came back when expected.

  20. Great choice of songs for today

    A special song for a special day.

  21. Elvis Duran is the host of the Elvis Duran and the Morning Show in New York on Z100 and in syndication on Premiere Radio Networks.

    His show is heard live in over 40 markets including New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Cleveland, Tampa, Syracuse, Atlanta.

    Duran officially came out last Sept.

    Elvis Duran Show

    This morning he tweeted this about Jake this morning

    elvisduran Elvis Duran AM Show
    Something serious is going on... I'm being stalked by Jake Gyllenhaal! I've seen him 4 times in the past two months. #Hellolady
    1 hour ago

    And look at some of the response Elvis has gotten.

    mikeconway03 Mike Conway
    I knew it! Gaydar! Dont mess it up, Elvis! "@elvisduran: I'm being stalked by Jake Gyllenhaal! I've seen him 4 times in the past two months"
    1 hour ago

    Pink_Dagger Mr Marsden-Facinelli
    @elvisduran hands off, Jake Gyllenhaal is mine!
    1 hour ago

    WPIX TV Reporter
    Dalfarone Debra Alfarone
    Wanna trade stalkers?@elvisduran: Something serious is going on... I'm being stalked by Jake Gyllenhaal!...seen him 4x in the past two mos
    1 hour ago

  22. Kind of like when Jake was stalking Rufus. I am sure PR will put an end to this. Jake wants to come out so bad he must be miserable. What a feeling of sadness he must feel inside.

  23. DanaM42
    Dana Fisher
    Um, Jake Gyllenhaal just held the door open 4 me at Bklyn Larder. @fishermatt better watch out, cause he's on "my list".
    1 hour ago

  24. GreatGiftsStore
    @AUS10NICHOLS Hey Man, we made some #TwoWheelTuesday stamps in your honor, too! : )…
    23 hours ago

    Since the BP #oilspill more than 400 dolphins have washed ashore in the Gulf.
    16 Oct
