Friday, October 28, 2011

Tricked out of Treats

Get the coffeeGet something healthy for breakfast.It has pandas on it... it has to be healthy.

Yesss.. you went shopping....ohhh yeah ...Halloween candy here I come.........wait a minute!?!?!?
Ohh come on... I got you coffee and ate the panda cereal, why can't I have a Snickers? Kale is not a snack.

Happy Austin Friday


  1. Well when the Lakers played the Celtics in the NBA finals, if the Celtics beat the Lakers he said:

    I hereby solemnly swear that if the Celtics win, I will streak through the streets of Venice, to the pier, and perform an naked backflip...

    No tweets about what you will do if the Cards beat your Rangers tonight, A-man?

    I do want the Rangers to win because they haven't won before. And of course I have to root for the American League.

    Go Rangers!

  2. And as a Cubbie fan, you know that I cannot stand the Cards!!! I wouldn't be caught dead rooting for the Cards.

    Not really a Rangers fan either but I'll root for them because they've not won a Series.

  3. @edforever Ed Warren
    Gone bowling with 2 of my favourite people. Jake Gyllenhaal and @Rachael__Wright (in that order)
    8 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

  4. The Cardinals seem to be the team of destiny this year. If the Phils had lost just one of their last 3 games to Atlanta the Cards would not even have made the playoffs. Amazing.

  5. I'm not a baseball fan, but great news for StLouis. A good friend of mine is a huge fan, so I am happy for him.

    I love how some people claim to be so skeptical but hang on every word written here.

  6. I love how some people claim to be so skeptical but hang on every word written here.

    Amusing, isn't it?

    Well, gotta head to work. What a drag. I am sorry to hear the Cards won.

    Looking at Just Jared this morning. Would someone please tell Jared Leto it is time to start looking and dressing his age? The man is 39 now, about to turn 40. It's time to stop the MTV circa 1982 look.

    The guy is really cute but gee whiz. Just stop it.

  7. Before I go, I have to ask a snow count from our East Coast-siders. Dest, did you guys get any? It seems on the Weather Channel, Eric is mainly talking Philadelphia. Somebody is getting 8-12 inches.

    That is just awful !!! lol. Poor little kiddies aren't going to be able to go out for "tricks or treats", as Little Sally would say.

    lol. "I was robbed! I spent the whole night waiting for the Great Pumpkin, when I could have been out for tricks or treats. Halloween is over, and I missed it!"

  8. It is snowing in Philadelphia and South Jersey as I type. Gosh Darn I can't wait to move to Florida.

  9. @UyenniePooh Fluffy Monster
    Did I just see Jake Gyllenhaal at Union Sq.?? If yes, please let me die now.
    38 minutes ago via Echofon

  10. It's already been snowing here for a couple of hours! I tried going out for a walk and it's one of those really wet, nasty snows, sigh. And of course I have something I have to go out for tonight, so I can't even bunker down in my apt. for the weekend.

  11. Congratulationsto Mario Cantone!

    He was on the View yesterday and revealed he married his partner of 20 years, musical director Jerry Dixon.

    I love Mario he's from Massachusetts and the imitations of of his family crack me up just as much as his celebrity impressions.

    His show Laugh Whore was a total riot.

    Most people might know him from his role as Anthony, Charlotte's friend and guy pal on Sex and the City.


  12. The snow won't be here until later tonight, but there is a snow sky.

    I just threw together a pot of homemade chicken soup to cook low and slow.

  13. Wow, that is really sad. Not the soup part, lol, but the fact you guys are all getting snow on October 29.

    Special, do you put eggs in your chicken noodle soup?

    lol. JK.

  14. LOL, Elisabetta is getting a bit of revenge on ol' George Clooney. From, no less.

    Bacio and tell?

    Elisabetta Canalis, the Italian TV personality who dated George Clooney for two years until their split last June, offers some surprising details about their relationship in Questo Amore (This Love), a new book by Italian journalist Bruno Vespa.

    Praising the Oscar winner, 50, as "the person who valued my feminine side the most" and "also one of the best people I have met from a charitable point of view," Canalis, 33, went on to say, "he has been a special for me, and very important, just as a father would be."

    Asked by Vespa to elaborate, she said, "between us there was more of a father-daughter relationship. I was unable to clarify this up 'til now."

    As for their breakup, Canalis – who competed on Dancing with the Stars earlier this season, denies reports that Clooney's long-held aversion to marriage was an issue.

    "George and I never spoke of marriage nor of having kids," she says. "I don't put limits to the possibility of having them, but neither George nor I had ever envisaged having kids together. The end of the relationship was not caused by a marriage issue, but instead by our personal needs."

    Although Clooney has since moved on with another Dancing alum, Stacy Keibler, Canalis has only kind words for him.

    "George is a real gentleman even in his private life," she says. "I was very much respected both as a woman and partner."

    LOL. I'm sorry, but Clooney does need to be taken down a peg or two.

    That father/daughter quote was a pretty good zinger.

  15. Hey cool, look what was tweeted at Sophia and Austin. Gosh, I hope one of them answers her.

    layla_gleek Agronite.
    Sophia Nichols, its got a nice sound to it doesn't it? ;) @SophiaBush @AUS10NICHOLS ♡
    59 seconds ago

    Then, she gets seconded:

    mireille_antsa Mireille Antsa Ram'
    @layla_gleek @sophiabush @aus10nichols definitely #cutestcouplever #love
    1 minute ago

    Awwwwww...Or how about this one?

    layla_gleek Agronite.
    @SophiaBush What are you being for Halloween? Are you and @AUS10NICHOLS gonna have matching costumes?
    37 minutes ago

    I don't know, pretty hard to beat Katy & Russell. Aw, I'm sure they'll come up with something.

  16. I can't believe someone lives like Clooney. It is sad. Yeah they were partners alright. Business partners.

  17. 'm sorry, but Clooney does need to be taken down a peg or two.

    Curious as to why you think this? Personally, I think George Clooney is a good guy. He does good work, not only movies but charity as well. The telethons he helped organize after 9/11, the tsunami in South east Asia, and if memory serves right after Hurricane Katerina. He has gone to the danger zone known as Sudan, to help bring to light the horrors that were happening there.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Curious as to why you think this?

    First of all, kudos to you for bringing on the troll.

    Second, I'm not speaking at all about his civilian duties.

    I'm speaking about his bearding. And I agree with Tom.

  20. And as for his movies, it's hard for me to see a role from a movie called "Syriana" winning over Jake as Jack Twist in Brokeback Mountain.

    Don't think I've heard people rave about Syriana nor Clooney's role in it.

    I think I am entitled to my opinion about it. Don't ask for anyone to agree or disagree.

    It was purely my opinion and it is what it is.

  21. It is also hard to believe anyone is buying George Clooney with the former WWE, Dancing With the Stars' contestant Stacy Kiebler.

    That's about as believable as Jake was with Taylor Swift.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. 'Nah. She's just incredibly mean-spirited

    Yep I think I agree, I just asked an honest question about why her opinion is what it is, and she brings up "TROLL!" And btw, maybe you should see Syriania before you criticize it on name alone.

    Don't think I've heard people rave about Syriana nor Clooney's role in it.

    There are other sites on the old internet-- maybe you should check out rotten tomatoes and look up Syriana.

    Wow! Ignorance sure is bliss isn't it?

  24. Yep I think I agree, I just asked an honest question about why her opinion is what it is, and she brings up "TROLL!"

    Take your ugliness back to where you came from, which is next door.

    But before you go, why don't you learn to read and interpret?

    First of all, kudos to you for bringing on the troll.

    I'm done with you. You're probably the same person trying to act like two.

    Go back from whence you came.

  25. LOL, love the interview with Elisabetta too PG, especially the part of being more like a father and daughter.

    I guess the troll is snowed in too.

  26. I've seen Syriana. It was an absolute mess and Clooney is like he always is, passable in the lead role. And why would it be an insult to call Clooney gay? He does beard and Canalis simply told the truth. The showmance ended badly and Clooney knew she might talk out of school. That's why he's probably running around with Stacy Keibler looking like an old fool.

    Who cares if Clooney's the most generous guy in the universe. Jake's portrayal of Jack Twist was heartbreaking and gut wrenching. A difficult role that he pulled off beautifully. The production budget was a whopping $50 million dollars for Syriana and it only made about $50 million domestically. So it wasn't like it was some huge box office success that people couldn't wait to see.
