Thursday, November 24, 2011

Carpe Meleagris

Today's the day to eat up

watch some football
and spend time with those you love.

The call of the wild turkey?
Or what having some wild turkey makes Jake do?

Enjoy and Be Thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I want to say thanks for coming to OMG.

    I hope that everyone who celebrates has a wonderful day!

  2. Sorry there will be a little wait for the song of the day, the server for the music is down for a bit. Back soon as it is up.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Special, and OMG. Love today's pics.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

    Is Sophia with Austin in Austin Texas?

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends celebrating today and all through the weekend.

    Special wishes for our moderator as always, and a sincere hope that the subjects of our affection and interest are enjoying their own Thanksgiving with family and friends.

  6. Happy thanksgiving to all. I felt like cooking this year so even though its just the 2 of us, I am doing the whole traditional meal. Unfortunately my husband woke up ill, sick all night from something he ate yesterday and can't bear the sight of any food. I am cooking anyway since I just feel like it. He can eat leftovers tomorrow.

    Funny how Austin goes to great pains to tell us where he is when there is reason to believe that he and jake are actually together. And yes, he is notorious for lying when it suits his purposes.

    Again, hope you all have a great thanksgiving.

  7. @claireyfairy1 Claire Dikecoglu
    Ok, non-fictional #bromance: Andrej Pejic/RJ King, Jake Gyllenhaal/Austin Nichols, Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff, James MacAvoy/Fassy
    55 minutes ago via web

  8. So much to be thankful for. I see so much love everywhere I look. And Im lovin everybody back!
    4 minutes ago

  9. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I meant to get on here sooner, but somehow the whole day got away from me. We were still running around getting ready even as our dinner guests started arriving.

    Sorry about your husband M. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow, there's nothing like Thanksgiving leftovers, almost better than the first time around.

  10. Aw, that's too bad about your husband, m. So sorry to hear of his unfortunate experience. I hope he's soon on the road to complete recovery from that.

    Great day today; the capper at T-giving dinner was at our dinner blessing as we're all standing in a circle, and after the big Amen, my Vegas aunt says, "And a happy Easter to everyone!" We all cracked up - it was hilarious. Happy Easter. lol

    Saw the Plaza lights go on and then walked back to our friend's house where a bunch of us played Mexican train and 6's, some strange card game. I had sweet potato pie for the first time and it was really good.

  11. And let me tell you guys, on our way back from our friend's mom's house, we curiously drove by a Best Buy and their parking lot was entirely full, spilling into the lot next door. This was at 11:30 at night and the lot was full. The line went all the way next door to Home Depot. It looked like a ZOO. There were tents there since yesterday but this is now people standing in line.

    Then there was a humongous line waiting to get into Target which is supposed to open in another five minutes. Their parking lot was full and the line was wrapped all the way around the strip mall it's in.

    Traffic looks like 15:30 traffic in the afternoon and we passed a McD's that had both drive thru lines going full throttle. You would think it was 12:00 noon out there. It's insane.

    I used to like getting out in that a little bit but those crowds look too much & scary for even me. That's crazy to wait in line like that for a 99 cent movie or $199 40" screen TV. You're probably not going to get what you want anyway and then you're going to have to wait in a huge line to pay for your purchase. And then you're going to have to try to make it out of the parking lot without getting hit.

    I think I'm just going to hang around the apt and do a little decorating. The only thing I'm afraid of though is now everything's going to be gone and there won't be anything left.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Dear Ted:
    Are Jake Gyllenhaal and Olivia Wilde hooking up? Seems like she's moving from one A-list leading man to the next. But I'm not buying this one.

    READ: Kristen Stewart Sports Another Snow White Battle Wound! So What Happened?

    Dear Missed the Boat:
    They certainly make sense together, but I'm not sold on it either. In fact, I can promise you, M, that there's nothing beyond niceties between these two. And give Olivia a break, she just got a divorce, she's allowed to spread her wings a bit.

    Dear Ted:
    With all of the closeted gay and bisexual men and women in Hollywood, would it be correct to say that 50 percent of the super-famous sex-symbol leading men would fall into one of those categories, and 25 percent for the women? It seems so considering the large number of your blinds to that effect.

    Dear I'm Not a Mathematician...
    But I'd say closer to 88 percent of the dudes. Just kiddin', Case! There's a straight guy or two out there somewhere...

  14. I hope everyone had a great holiday. I had a great time with family hanging out for the day, having a great meal together, and enjoying some apple cider martinis.

    Today it's breaking down the turkey and getting ready to be the MacGyver of leftovers.
