Monday, November 28, 2011

Muppet Jake

With The Muppets being such a hit, and the franchise looking renewed maybe Jake should look at moving from Sesame Street to the Muppet Movie.

He's got the experience

Has had the 'do already

He went to high school with the guy who made them a hit againAnd can do his own Muppet face
And ohhh then they're all those fans at home that probably love the Muppets. (Yes that includes you too Austin)

And you can make you own Muppet at FAO Schwartz.


  1. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard are expanding their family.

    The actors are expecting their second child together, her rep confirms to PEOPLE.

    The Hysteria star and Green Lantern‘s Sarsgaard, 40, wed in 2009 and are already parents to 5-year-old daughter Ramona.

    “I just didn’t have a clue,” Gyllenhaal, 34, has said of motherhood.

    “There’s no way to prepare for the challenges, the immense joys, the surprises, the disappointments and the shocks,” she said. “Your heart just rips open. It’s amazing.”

  2. I am driving without the use of gasoline. I feel so clean.
    2 hours ago

    Here it is. @nissan. The all-electric Leaf. I feel like I'm in the future.
    2 hours ago

  3. Austin has shown us his car before, why tweet it again? But did you notice something new in these pictures?

    Look at the reflection in the first picture. See the stars on the sidewalk? It's the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Now what celebrity would drive down to Hollywood Blvd. get out and take a picture there? Is it to put himself in LA?

    Now we know where the pictures were taken. But do we know when?

    Nope. Because using Whosay, it strips off the metadata.

    The pictures could be today, could be in October when he went to edit the episode he directed, who can say.

  4. Sad news here in MA, Congressman Barney Frank has decided not run for re-election. Frank has been a great representative and advocate for so many in MA.

    Frank also was the first member of Congress to come out in 1987.

    Although he is retiring in 2013, he is not going away and said, no longer being in Congress will let him say even more than he could as a member of Congress.

  5. Although he is retiring in 2013, he is not going away and said, no longer being in Congress will let him say even more than he could as a member of Congress.

    I hope so - with Teddy gone and now Barney retiring, I worry!

  6. Dear Ted:
    I'm a newbie to the A.T. and greatly enjoyed reading about Toothy Tile's antics. It seems he's been quite secretive lately, is this due to daddy duty?

    Dear Parental Control:
    Welcome, babe. As for Mr. Tile, his papa patrol may have something to do with his flying under the radar lately, but there's more to the picture than just that. He's always been able to manage Vicing and changin' diapers in the past.
    Afternoon Mail

  7. @chaleybaby Chaley Emmanuel
    jake gyllenhaal is gonna be an auntie again!
    1 hour ago via web

  8. Sad news here in MA, Congressman Barney Frank has decided not run for re-election.

    The REALLY sad news is that he's not in jail.

  9. In jail?

    The episode with the adult page happened in 1989 and a move to expel Frank from the House of Representatives failed as did a motion to censure him. Please try to stay current and not let your homophobia show so easily. Thank you.

  10. Can't Stand Ya! LOLLLL!!! George Castanza's high school coach would not call him Castanza, but "Can't Stand Ya!" LOLLL! That kills me every time.

    Speaking of funny, this comment on JustJared on the congratulatory post re: Peter S & Maggie is just a killer.

    ace11 @ 11/28/2011 at 6:10 pm

    Thumb up Thumb down 0

    When is her stud horse brother going to start making some kids

    Stud horse brother!! LOLLLL!!! **torpedo whistle** Wish I had thought of that phrase - that's a classic.

    lol. stud horse brother. Just excellent.

  11. Babe, try reading up about old Barney's involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac then get back to me. So quick to jump on that homophobia bandwagon arentcha?

  12. Well, I can see why the trolls try to consistently discredit Ted preemptively because this is the kind of detail that drives them crazy.

    First off, the concept of "patrol" implies more than one, usually referring to groups of four to eight. And, we already know that Toothy's primary "vicing" around ever since the creation of the original Blind Item, involves his secret closeted relationship with Austin Nichols. Finally, changing diapers most often applies to those under 2.5 years of age because potty training starts around that time. Meaning diapers are replaced by pull ups or Underoos. Sooo, Ted is also confirming, once again, that ake has babies under 2 years of age.

  13. Hey, sweetie. Forgive me for not pointing out that it's not your homophobia it's your complete divorce from reality. Thanks for clarifying. Let's see, who might be a better candidate for jailtime. Maybe George Bush or Dick Cheney? I believe they are the ones who came up with the concept of the "ownership" society. Do your homework about Fannie and Freddy and which political party was truly pushing the boondoggle of creative financing and forging electronic signatures on loan documents. I believe old Newtie, made millions as a "consultant" for Fannie and Freddie. What a guy.

  14. You sound a lot like old Barn. Deflecting, deflecting, blaming everyone else. Well done Mrs. Frank. :-D

  15. I can't believe Barney is retiring. We keep losing the true progressives. :-(

    What a surprise Jack, you're a freeper. Who would have guessed it.

  16. Do not mess with M&M. You will not win.

    Jus' advisin'.

  17. Wowwee wow wow.

    What one finds out by researching tweets.

    There are some Reeeeeal nutso's out there, you know that? I mean, some real nutso's.

    There are all kinds of little Jessica Fletchers and some potential Norman Bates, I am not kidding you.

    I'm worn out.

  18. Let's not forgot the Lies about the WMD's. Have you forgot this POS?

    Weapons of Mass Destruction??

    Weapons of Mass Distortions ala Bush and Cheaney!

    Both should be imprisoned for War Crimes! And you're bitchin about what Barney Frank did POS or, was ACcused of? I've heard it all.

  19. someone needs a dictionaryNovember 28, 2011 at 9:42 PM

    Ahem, a barn cannot deflect or lay blame. It's an inanimate object, POS.

  20. Jakey Gyllenhaal is going to be an auntie again! - Celebitchy

  21. I am driving without the use of gasoline. I feel so clean.
    2 hours ago

    Austin needs to talk to the hand when it comes to talking about his Leafblower car, I am sorry. The man has flown how many times this year? How many times? Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth, up and down, up and down, up and down across these United States alone, with and without Soapy, and to join up with Jake and their family.

    How. Many. Times.

    Please don't go on about the Leafblower and how it's using no gas when you're using plane fuel up the ying yang due to the whole bearding/closet situation.

  22. I will say it's a nice looking car. I love black cars - nothing looks sharper than a black car. Probably a Pinto could look good in black. LOL!!!

    Well, interesting things discovered tonight. What one can find out by studying tweets and tweet accounts; as one EskimO would say, it's Amazing.

    Let's just say that it's a small world and sometimes the ol' Jakester community can be as small as Hooterville.

  23. Or like Cheers, where everyone knows your name.


  24. How many more days til the 25 Days of Christmas?!!!!!

  25. Austin has shown us his car before, why tweet it again? But did you notice something new in these pictures?

    Look at the reflection in the first picture. See the stars on the sidewalk? It's the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Well, I can see why the [regulars on OMG] try to consistently discredit [Austin] preemptively because this is the kind of detail that drives them crazy.

    Please don't go on about the Leafblower and how it's using no gas when you're using plane fuel up the ying yang due to the whole bearding/closet situation.

    Yes, Austin is a hypocrite because of all the flights he took in PG's imagination to visit his imaginary children. Hmm, does that mean that PG owes Austin a bunch of imaginary Air miles?

  26. Sorry to burst your bubble but Austin is too bright and too visually orientated not to know what he is doing with that picture.

    He knows exactly how he wants his shot and what he wants to show in the picture he makes. And with his experience now as a director that is even more definitive of what he is doing.

    And it is not a criticism of what he did, but an acknowledgementof a heads up to stay alert and see what happens.

  27. Hmm, does that mean that PG owes Austin a bunch of imaginary Air miles?

    LOL! Classic.

  28. Sorry to burst your bubble

    You didn't burst a bubble, so you shouldn't feel sorry. All I did was say that when Austin indicates he's somewhere you don't want him to be you try and discredit him. You didn't want him to be in Austin, Texas for Thanksgiving so you tried to discredit his tweets. You don't want him to be in LA now so you try to discredit his pictures.

  29. Great news and congrats to Maggie. She must not be having any morning sickness problems this time. With Ramona, she was quite ill but we've seen no sign of that. And six months is a long time to keep the news quiet.

    Trolls comments so inane, not even worth discussion.

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  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Well, I can see why the [regulars on OMG] try to consistently discredit [Austin] preemptively because this is the kind of detail that drives them crazy.

    You don't know Austin very well, do you? I don't need to add anymore because Special nailed it on the head with her reply to you.

    Boy, Jack and the other trolls are worked up about something, aren't they? Ted's letter? The fact that some of us are not waning whatsoever in what we believe, despite periods of quiet on the blog?

    You didn't want him to be in Austin, Texas for Thanksgiving so you tried to discredit his tweets. You don't want him to be in LA now so you try to discredit his pictures.

    Twilight Zone, why so worried about what is said here about Austin? You're sure worried and concerned about him, aren't you? Discredit. Please. Give me a break.

    The thing with Austin is sometimes you have to wait and see. Kind of hard, I know, especially for someone like me who likes to gut react in a split second, lol.

  34. And the fact of the matter to me is, why does Austin take the time to tweet about where he is anyway? OTH is done.

    For someone who doesn't tweet hardly anymore, let alone do twitpics, why does he choose to do this one? Who is he talking to?

    People are so nervous about Jake right now. And now they're nervous about Austin. They are looking for any kind of clue, any kind of breadcrumbs to feed on to soothe themselves Jake is not with Austin nor is he a father like they're beginning to fear.

    Well? Sorry, folks. Your worst fears are true.

  35. People are so nervous about Jake right now. And now they're nervous about Austin. They are looking for any kind of clue, any kind of breadcrumbs to feed on to soothe themselves Jake is not with Austin nor is he a father like they're beginning to fear.

    LOL! The biggest mistake you make is to assume that everyone is as entrenched and obsessed with J&A's lives as you are.

  36. lol said...
    People are so nervous about Jake right now. And now they're nervous about Austin. They are looking for any kind of clue, any kind of breadcrumbs to feed on to soothe themselves Jake is not with Austin nor is he a father like they're beginning to fear.

    LOL! The biggest mistake you make is to assume that everyone is as entrenched and obsessed with J&A's lives as you are.

    Your life seems to be entrenced with annoying people. What a very weird hobby. Kind of like a Cowboy fan who isnt from Dallas. In Philly we call them cockaroaches. That is a great name for a troll.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. You don't know Austin very well, do you?

    I know him about as well as you do.

    Boy, Jack and the other trolls are worked up about something, aren't they?

    It's funny how OMG regulars refuse to address posters who disagree with them by their screen names, substituting insulting terms for them instead and then have the nerve to call those people trolls.

    People are so nervous about Jake right now. And now they're nervous about Austin. They are looking for any kind of clue, any kind of breadcrumbs to feed on to soothe themselves Jake is not with Austin nor is he a father like they're beginning to fear.

    It's the people who think that Jake and Austin are married with 5 children who are scavenging for breadcrumbs:

    "Oh, look at that blurry figure walking twenty meters behind Jake in that picture! That could totally be Austin!!"
    "Hey, Jake came out of that Whole Foods market with a bag full of food. Single men don't buy that much food for themselves, so he must have a husband and 5 kids waiting for him back home!!"
    "Austin says he went back home to Austin over Thanksgiving, but Jake is in New York so Austin must have been lying!!"

    In the imaginary world of OMG Jake and Austin have been procreating for 5 years, have produced 5 children. You should have a mountain of evidence for their existence so high you need breathing apparatus to stand on top of it. Instead all you have are flights of fancy so ridiculous that even dedicated OMG regulars can't buy into them.

    Well? Sorry, folks. Your worst fears are true.

    Nsync are reforming?

    Oh, you mean the other thing. No, Jake and Austin being happily married with children they love isn't a fear of mine. I like happy families. But your secret fear, that Jake and Austin aren't together and that they don't have children IS true, and every day that goes by is making that fear more and more apparent.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Anonymous said...

    What a very weird hobby. Kind of like a Cowboy fan who isnt from Dallas. In Philly we call them cockaroaches.

    They're here in NYC and DC also Tom!

    I don't believe they are true Dallas fans, just want to annoy the home town fans like gnats on a hot muggy summer day.

    November 29, 2011 9:04 AM

  41. It is the biggest argument of those who come on the blog to stir things up is that we don't address things. Funny how we engage them and they ignore it because it doesn't fit their stirring. Talking about the pot calling the kettle black.

  42. Just wanted to point out that what the trolls can't stand is that the guys are still together with a family. It drives them crazy. The cockroaches (LOL!) yesterday were scurrying about because of Ted's letter which, like Methodical pointed out, glaringly makes clear he's still involved with "diapers." That would certainly not be BT1 who has already had his fourth birthday.

    Austin said he might study cinematography so he sure does know what story he wants to tell when he decides to post a picture. The picture of that car was already introduced to everyone back in August. The only reason to put the visual up again is to "write" that he's in LA. Whether or not he is, is another thing.

    The guys are just manipulating the heck out of twitter. It's truly comical.

  43. Its cockaroaches Jason. :-) The term was started by a radio station personality in Philly who looks just like the Burger King King. Its funny this guys nickname is The King.


  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. Look at the reflection in the first picture. See the stars on the sidewalk? It's the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Now what celebrity would drive down to Hollywood Blvd. get out and take a picture there? Is it to put himself in LA?

    Well since that's Vine Street, a north/south street, he may have bypassed H'wood Blvd altogether.

  46. Anon comments get posted.

    And if you got up and read earlier comments I did engage and comment.

    It is amazing to see this clamor as soon as something comes out that points to something OMG has been saying all along.

    Jake is still very much with Austin and yes they have kids.

  47. Good eye GPS. But I don't know where all the stars are in HW. But the point is why take a picture there than in the driveway like he did when he showed his car in August?

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  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. I wonder how many times blogger can eat my posts?

    It is the biggest argument of those who come on the blog to stir things up is that we don't address things. Funny how we engage them and they ignore it because it doesn't fit their stirring. Talking about the pot calling the kettle black.

    I'm quoting this entire post because it deserves some kind of award for "greatest piece of unintentional irony". Special K, the post I'm quoting addresses NOTHING posted by ANY of the people who disagree with you. Not only that, but you don't even have the manners to address people by their screen names, instead you resort to calling them names.

    So, yes, you don't address things. But that wasn't even the argument that was being put forth. What I said was that you deliberate try to discredit things that Austin says if they don't fit in with what you want. Which you do. I also pointed out that there would be mountains of evidence if Jake and Austin had 5 children together, but there isn't.

    And now the regular OMG posters are calling other people cockroaches whilst claiming they are the ones getting trolled! Yes, just ignore the fact that I'd be happy if Jake and Austin had a family together. Just keep ignoring the impossibility of hiding a family of multiple children from the world's media for 5 years. Just keep ignoring any information which you don't like for as long as you can.

    It is amazing to see this clamor as soon as something comes out that points to something OMG has been saying all along.

    I was posting about this fiction before M&M put her crazy spin on Ted's latest post.

    Jake is still very much with Austin and yes they have kids.

    No they don't. Ted invented Baby Tile, and then OMG outdid him by inventing four more. There are no children, which is why no gossip sites are talking about them, why no paps are getting pictures of them, why no tweeters are spotting them, why Austin can work for 5 days a week hundreds of miles away from Jake and why Jake can spend day after day hanging out by himself or with his mom, niece and/or friends in NY.

  51. But the point is why take a picture there than in the driveway like he did when he showed his car in August?

    Maybe he just had picked it up from wherever he had it garaged while away? Maybe he just had just finished washing it? Maybe the thought just occurred to him to take the picture on his way to Trader Joe's?

  52. Anon comments get deleted Twilight.
