Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Big Wheelie

With the last Two Wheel Tuesday of 2011 a little look back at the boy on the bike.

Here's hoping to see Two on Two Wheels in 2012.

A menorah perfect for Austin, one made of a recycled bike chain.

Happy Hanukkah


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  2. Just mentioned it to PG tonight. Jake has sure had his career take a backseat to something. The guy don't work.

  3. Jack, I don't even know why you bother with that stupid hag business. You don't even make an effort to put a name on it anymore. You know Special is going to delete it.

    So lame. And it's like a food crumb that you brush off of your corduroy pants. Swish! Save yourself the energy, buddy.

  4. Boy, and speaking of lame.

    There's a "fuzzy", "grainy" pic of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Liveley having a huge family Thanksgiving dinner (her side of the family).

    Isn't that something....another "leaked" photo. Grainy and fuzzy just to make it authentic.

    I tell you what. This relationship is so fake, so manufactured it is not funny. How sad is that.

    I will never watch a Ryan Reynolds film. This closet business is as bad as politicians lying to their voters. And the beards are like the possee hanger-ons. I really don't see much difference.

  5. What these stars and their managers are too slow to catch onto is they think they're still in 1950's Hollywood.

    Well, wake up. This is the internet era. And we all have access to other people who are savvy and who spill beans.

    Here's a comment on the Ryan Reynolds/Blake Lively post:

    All these pictures of them together are all coming from the same company, so how is it that they are able to find them everywhere they go??? Duh Blake is calling them for them to get caught and for these to be splashed all over the internet. Ryan isn’t used to all of this publicity so I give it a couple of months.

    This is why Jake's people can't stand OMG. Because OMG from the very beginning was onto this kind of nonsense.

  6. Ryan R. isn't gay. Trust me on this. ;-)

  7. @ShanaOTH Shana
    @AUS10NICHOLS you're amazing !!!! Thanks again !!! I'm so exciting !!!! Can't sleep anymore !! :p love you pic.twitter.com/6dzxFsgC

  8. angelinaugh ✌ Angelina ✌
    "Jake Gyllenhaal doesn't have a twitter, so he doesn't know how to work a computer"
    1 hour ago

  9. Is there a rocker sexier than Jon Bon Jovi? I think not.

    The man is 49 years old and he is banging. I happened to be on Twitter the night Jon was trending and I saw there was a rumor that he had died. Fortunately, a contradiction to the rumor was running simultaneously and of course it turned out to be a hoax.

    And it had been such a hot topic, that Jon posted a picture of himself on his Facebook holding a dated sign saying he was alive and well. Jon was looking absolutely fantastic.

    He does not age!! There's some new pics of him on the beach and that guy is running neck & neck with Jake for the title of sexiest chest, let me tell you.

    Perfectamundo!!! And look at that sunny smile. I loved him on Ally McBeal; in fact, he was the reason I had gotten into the show and I yelled at Ally for dumping him, LOL. The girl was nuts.

    I wish Jon Bon Jovi made more movies because I swear, he has just the right touch. He has a gentle voice and warm eyes but he has fire and a quiet confidence in him. And the man has an incredible body. And he is 49!!

    **SIGH**. He's on US Weekly's webpage; that's what made me think of that story. Just an incredible picture of him.

    I may have to change my avatar after New Year's is over, lol.

  10. Okay, for a one shot, here we go.

    Now, I ask you. Is there any question? Is there any question?

    I don't think so, lol. Good grief, this man is gorgeous; blow me over with the brush of a feather.

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  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Watching the Kennedy Center Honors tonight and one of the recipients is Neil Diamond and as Smokey Robinson sang Sweet Caroline, they pull up the curtain behind him to a crowd of "Red Sox Fans" singing behind him.


  14. @mari_dwyer
    Mari Dwyer
    Just sat next to Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway & seriously considered following him home, which is clearly what any normal person would do
    5 hours ago via web

  15. LOL, oh I wish I had seen that, Special. I think that's a super 7th inning stretch song.

  16. Beautiful short film made by my friend, Matthew Frost. Hit This --------> vimeo.com/33781428
    5 minutes ago

  17. Here's a little fun fact for all of us:

    From thefrisky.com:

    Bonobo Chimps

    The bonobo chimps are the sex-crazed sluts of the Animal Kingdom. The entire species is bisexual and they engage in sex acts with each other ... well, for any reason at all -- if they are hungry, tired, tense, angry, or just want to play. Sex is the solution to all of the bonobos' problems. Maybe we could learn something from them.

    Just a little fun tidbit.

  18. @Ziggy_Starrdust ☺☯Joey Bowie☯☺
    i'm in lesbians with jake gyllenhaal ugh
    2 hours ago via web

  19. The funny thing about Austin's bike addiction is that it was Jake that got him started biking in the first place. Looks like he loves it now.

    Here we go again, Another mutual close friend, Matt katz. How many times have we seen him pictured with jake.

    Just read that Sears and Kmart will be closing lots of stores due to slow sales. I swung by Sears one day about a week or two before the holiday and it was near deserted. Not a store I shop in with any regularity but I feel bad for the employees.

  20. A little more has been revealed about that picture that showed up on Perez Hilton’s site of Jake and Adam “breaking bread” at the Mustard Seed on supposedly, December 21st. It seems that someone lifted the photo off the FB account of the actual person who was there and took the picture.

    Apparently, the hacker then sent the photo into Perez and indicated that it was from December 21, which he then posted with that understanding. Besides Hilton's obvious laziness when it comes to verifying sources and dates, the real question becomes why did the hacker steal the picture in the first place and then want to place Jake in LA with another guy on that Wednesday? Particularly, since there were several tweets placing Jake in NY at the time, and the Page Six post that revealed that Jake had celebrated with a small group of friends at Peter Luger’s.

    Maybe the mystery had something to do with what Austin tweeted that day on his Twitter account where he hinted that he was in NY with the Coming to America reference about Eriq La Salle, and the later verification that La Salle was currently in New York. Seems like someone was nervous about Jake being with unidentified friends on his special day. In other words, not a bromance connection, but a romance rendezvous instead.

  21. Apparently, the hacker then sent the photo into Perez and indicated that it was from December 21, which he then posted with that understanding.

    Any link or source?

    BTW, the pic was posted on GB 3 days (on the 19th) before it appeared on Perez.

  22. M&M you give too much power to Jake and Austin's people trying to hide them from a few fans.

    It don't makes sense....

    and it's a stretch....Really!

  23. BTW, the pic was posted on GB 3 days (on the 19th) before it appeared on Perez.

    If that's the case maybe they were the ones who hacked the account to prove that Jake couldn't be with Austin on the 21st. We all know they are one of the long standing JiS sites on the internet.

  24. I don't believe it was Jake's people who hacked into the account, but someone who didn't like the idea of Jake being with Austin in NY.

  25. If that's the case maybe they were the ones who hacked the account

    What does "hacking the account" mean? If the FB profile is public, then searching will bring up any mention of the name you are searching for (eg 'Jake Gyllenhaal'). It's hardly "hacking" if you copy a pic off a public profile.

    If the FB profile is private, then a search will NOT bring up any result. The "hacker" (lol) would have to know who took the photo, and search for their profile, and then somehow guess their password. I hardly think GB are "hacking" people's FB accounts.

  26. I remember being over at WFT and a discussion going on about how looney OMG was for spending time researching that La Salle was in NY. The Page Six article about Jake spending a low key birthday with a small group of friends probably set them off too. So someone was trying to poke holes in the idea that Austin might be one of the anonymous friends.

  27. I don't believe it was Jake's people who hacked into the account

    So what is the source of the info that a FB account was hacked?

  28. M&M is just yanking everyone's chain

  29. The individual, who took the picture, called the lifting a hacking of her account. So I suspect she would know. Here's the conversation. Read from the bottom up:

    Aubrey: ummm ok.. you told me you saw Jake, but you failed to mention Adam Levine.... HELLO!!!!!!!!!
    December 23 at 3:42pm

    Maura: No!! They stole it somehow. Or someone here on fb sent it in as theirs. Hackers. Owell... I'll get my fame one day! December 23 at 7:01pm

    Robert: That's bull poopy!!!!! Grrrrrr to Perez!!!
    December 23 at 7:18pm

    Dominic: Your photo unleashed quite the shitstorm in the comments of Perez's site!
    December 23 at 8:38pm

  30. Ha!

    Good for you, M&M. Wouldn't be surprised if the desperate Gyllenbabble crowd was involved somehow. How did they get that picture so quickly? Looks like M&M was not jerking anyone's chain, huh?

  31. LOL troll has egg on his face again. I agree with 11:17am, definitely has a whiff of UV and co involvement. How did she get a hold of the pic, even before Perez?

  32. ^The picture was on fb Dec 15

  33. What does "hacking the account" mean? If the FB profile is public, then searching will bring up any mention of the name you are searching for (eg 'Jake Gyllenhaal'). It's hardly "hacking" if you copy a pic off a public profile.

    Well, somebody fed the picture to Perez Hilton. That's not necessarily hacking but it is swiping the use of someone's FB picture without their permission. All you have to do is look at her comment thread and she is claiming that she did not get credit for it.


  34. Maura: No!! They stole it somehow. Or someone here on fb sent it in as theirs. Hackers. Owell... I'll get my fame one day! December 23 at 7:01pm

    What stands out in all this is not only the hacking, but the lying to Perez Hilton that the pic came from December 21 when they knew it was taken on December 15. There was obviously someone with Jake and Adam Levine that day. That's why they were sitting on the same side of the table and there was a coffee mug on the other side of the table. Somebody got up and left, which allowed this person to take the photo. I bet that person was Adam's other mutual friend, Austin.

  35. Man oh man.

    Whaaaaaa...Why does Austin just get under some people's skin when it comes to Jake? Austin is a great, great match for Jake; people just don't realize.

    He's the salt to his pepper.

  36. And, we defintely know that Austin was in Los Angeles. Hmmmmm. I thought the JiS bunch and those other nonbelievers who shout down anyone who might suggest that Jake is still with Austin, insist they are never in the the same city together. Jake didn't make it a secret that he wanted to be back in Los Angeles the day Austin returned from Israel. I'm sure that was making them nuts too.

  37. nora_s12 Nora Skelton
    Just saw @AUS10NICHOLS in Austin, TX. Too shy to get a picture, but can I at least get a RT?! #bestactorever
    27 Dec

    BiancaBrinson2 Bianca
    @nora_s12 where did u see him at?!?
    27 Dec
    in reply to ↑

    Nora Skelton
    @BiancaBrinson2 at the mall!! He's even cuter in real life
    27 Dec via Twitter for iPhone

    nora_s12 Nora Skelton
    Soo I tweet Austin Nichols and he SENDA ME A DIRECT message back I should be able to respond!! But I can't bc he's not following me =[ #LAME
    14 hours ago

  38. Just like clockwork another puff piece on JJ about Adam de toilette and "gf". This is about the fourth one is as many days. There's sure to be another one given M&M's great find today.

  39. Just like clockwork another puff piece on JJ about Adam de toilette and "gf". This is about the fourth one is as many days. There's sure to be another one given M&M's great find today.

    I wouldn't be surprised. Adam is waaay overcompensating.

  40. It was obvious that Jake wanted to make a show of going back to LA for good reason. Look how he walked through the terminal and even out on the sidewalk. Come on in the past a car was right there as soon as he got out the door, not that trip.

    Even if he can't be seen with Austin at the moment because of Austin's obligations with The CW, he was doing what he could to say I am going to LA because Austin is back. And the two times he has been back in LA were when Austin finished up OTH, and then again when Austin returned from Israel.

    Then the grumblings started when it was clear they were both there together. Look at all the Where's Austin's questions that came up. Especially the second time Jake came back to LA.

    It was no coincidence. Like it has been said before, there are no coincidences in HW.

    So there were a lot of already nervous people and they were going to be even more nervous in the days to come.

    Then Jake headed back to NY. And it looked like Austin stayed in LA. But then there was the vague description of group of friends for his birthday that started getting people antsy.

    But it real pushed them was when Austin did as much as he can do at the moment and dropped the hint that he was in NY.

    Those very very nervous people had to do something to make it look that could no longer be in NY if Austin was there.

    So send it to Perez.

    Desperate indeed.

    The irony is that picture probably was taken when Austin got up from the table. Who could see past a broad tall guy like Austin? And Austin is friends with Adam too.

    Looking at that picture of Jake and Adam, it is obvious there was a third person at the table with them. If there is just two of you at a table you would sit across from each other to converse.

    The only time you would sit side by side by that is 1) You were at a counter. 2) You're a couple who can't can't keep each other, 3) You both have contracted hits out on you and can't sit with your back to the door OR 4) There are more than 2 at the table.

  41. SK - Who are all these "nervous" people?

  42. Mytouch Phone/CameraDecember 28, 2011 at 2:39 PM

    Sorry PG, Adam and Jake at a table, with a coffee mug on it does not mean someone else was there, and if So, it does not mean it was Austin.

    Nobody's upset or want to take anything away from Austin but, if he and Jake are in the same place hanging out together, no big deal. These pics aren't photo ops for rags, they're personal camera / phone pictures that are taken by regular people.

    Sorry, they have no need to leave Austin Nichols out of the picture...

    Nor do those people have any interest in OMG or WFT2 either.

    No need to hide the Ted rumored love affair by these civilians is all I'm saying.

  43. Well if you want to get a clear shot of Jake and Adam sitting together you would have to wait to whoever was sitting and blocking your view got up. And from the back who would know it was Austin

    Again you can not explain why two men would sit side by side at a table for 4. Or even why they were seated at a table for 4 when there were only two for lunch.

    You don't give away your 4 tops for 2 diners.

  44. JuliePinzur Julie Pinzur
    I just saw jake gyllenhaal walking down 2nd ave #nobigdeal
    3 minutes ago

  45. Again you can not explain why two men would sit side by side at a table for 4. Or even why they were seated at a table for 4 when there were only two for lunch.

    Sure you can. When the two are well known celebrities. Maybe they didn't want their conversations overheard. Perhaps they like to sit facing the door. There are a hundred reasons none of them nefarious.

  46. Again the naysayers are quick to shut down any possibility of Austin and Jake being together, but there motive is so transparent.

  47. Wow, stealing a photo like that is pretty low, and yes, sounds like something UV would do.

    Perez is such a low life.

    If the woman who took the picture didn't recognize Adam, she probably wouldn't have recognized Austin if he was there, although I would be surprised if they'd go someplace so public.

  48. ceci_whitebaer
    Ceci White-Baer
    52 minutes ago

    just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at my juice place - couldn't stop staring at his parka. I so wanted to tell him how much I loved Prince of Persia.
    52 minutes ago

  49. Oh please. If it is that big of a Sekrit, they could go to one another's house.

    Let's get real here.

    Somebody got caught today feeding a swiped photo to Perez Hilton.

    That's it in a nutshell. Everything else is peanuts.

  50. Somebody got caught today feeding a swiped photo to Perez Hilton.

    and yes, that IS a big deal.

  51. Lookit all the nervous trollys. Probably PR trying to discredit.
