Thursday, December 15, 2011

Long last days of 30...

While the days seems to be getting shorter, Jake's making them long, since landing back home in LA.He was even greeted with a little holiday cheer courtesy of himself in a Santa hat at LAX. (Ok so the guy was really trying to get an autograph)

Yesterday he hopped back on a plane to fly up to the Bay Area and back to the ESY garden.And after sharing the fun of food and good nutrition with kids, he was heading back to LA.

Then it was an early birthday celebration at downtown LA eatery with close friends.

So how much more will he get in before 30 ends?

With just days till he turns to 31, there are subtle signs that Jakey is getting older.

And not talking about those cozy grandpa sweaters. They're too cute.

But notice how:

The sneakers are now Rockport walking shoes.
And the parties are "too 'effin loud" (VS afterparty)

and you're the only one wearing earplugs around you at the show
Watch the Throne Tour - LA

Maybe that's why they got him a boob cake this year, before they start heading south.

Either that or that because he keeps giving himself self-exams on camera.

But it could be worse, look what's happen to Aus10's - they've shrunk and he's directed them right off. So grab 'em while you can.

"My breasts are shrinking. Should I get implants?" July 20, 2010

"thanks for all your support about my boobs. i feel better. i no longer feel i need implants. jeez, it's hard to be a man!!" July 20, 2010

"I got my script today. Its pretty outstanding. I'm going to direct my tits off." January 19 2011


  1. sailortweek
    Mary McDowell
    We are up to our eyebrows in Jake Gyllenhaal
    3 hours ago

  2. sailortweek
    Mary McDowell
    I was going to say "Like Heath Ledger, we're balls-deep in Jake Gyllenhaal", but decided to be more tasteful than that
    3 hours ago

  3. antdom15 Anthony Michael
    Jake Gyllenhaal and Adam Levine both in Silver Lake. There is a god!
    2 minutes ago

  4. I did have one more theory about Jake's cake. That they knew he couldn't keep his hands of Austin's and now that Austin directed them off they thought it might be a little birthday gift pick me up. LOL

  5. I don't know if it's been brought up yet, but that picture of Jake that was tweeted of him with the kids in Berkeley yesterday is not a current one. First off, all you have to do is look at Jake's hairline in those photos taken of him at LAX and it's easy to see that the picture of Jake with the ESY group was taken at another time. Also, the weather did not get much above 54 degrees on December 14, and it was overcast and foggy almost the whole day. Look at the sleeveless and shortsleeve attire of some of those folks. Never mind the shorts that boy is wearing in the front row. And, then there's the bright sunshine too. The question is why the picture was sent out yesterday.

    If we believe the one tweet that spotted Jake at the Oakland Airport, then the photo was less about placing him in the Bay Area than about trying to make people think that attending an Edible School Yard event was the reason Jake flew up North in the first place.

    As with so much that still surrounds Jake, he's definitely hiding something. The question is what is he hiding.

  6. There were tweets of Jake being at the MLK School in Berkeley yesterday, which school is part of the ESL Program.

  7. I saw the tweet from the King school. My question still stands. Why post a picture of Jake with ESY kids that was obviously not taken yesterday? Why not a picture from the King school?

  8. It's odd that Jake would get off a plane at LAX then fly off the next day to Berkeley, arrive around noon, then fly back down to LA within a few hours to then go out again that night. That is one incredibly poorly planned day. For someone who has such a open calendar, you would have thought that he wouldn't act like it's crunch time. I agree. The Edible School Yard "visit" could have been cover for something else.

  9. There is something hinkey about this trip to SF.

    It does sound like he did go to the school but like you said it seems poor planning, or was is it? Could there be some other reason he had to go up there? Oh there's a top ten list. Anyone want to join in this one?

    Top Ten (Real ; ) ) Reasons Jake went to SF for the day:

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. For someone who has such a open calendar, you would have thought that he wouldn't act like it's crunch time. I agree. The Edible School Yard "visit" could have been cover for something else.

    Come On, Jake is young unattached and no children at the moment, he can spur of the moment traveling/acts as randomly as he wants. That's if he does not have any plans, and, it seems like the plans were to do just what he did. Visit up the west coast a cover? For What? Come on now. Everything Jake does or does NOT do can't always fit into your conspiracy theory. Remember, he's not with his manager anymore. He's on his own, doing what he wants

  12. I'll have to share this with you guys. I had dinner out with some friends tonight at the ol' Salty Iguana. Loooooooove the Salty Iguana. And over our chips and salsa, one of my friends said she had been holding onto the news that she had recently had a business lunch with one of GI Jake's uncles who was in town. She couldn't wait to tell me.

    Of course I didn't tell my friend that he has become GI Jake. lol. Naw, I didn't tell her that.

    A "G" here in the heart of the Midwest, imagine that.

  13. But look how he flew lately. He flew Burbank to SF, SF to NY, NY to LA, LA to Oakland.

    Why didn't he just round trip it back to SF from NY if he knew he had to be there for a ESY thing on Wed?

    Don't say it was the Watch the Throne, he had already seen the show in Nov in NYC.

    It makes it even more obvious that he wanted people to know he flew back to LA for a reason. AUSTIN.

  14. You just go right on ahead, 23:28, and keep accepting everything Jake is giving you at face value. Accept it all.

    Go 'head, go 'head...good for you.

    But some of us here walk a different path.

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  20. Top Ten Real Reason Jake went to SF:

    10. Suddenly had the urge for his Birdman in public, and because of the CW, sadly tried to fill the void with a celebrity Ghost tour of the Birdman of Alcatraz.

    9. Only way to get crabs and not make it into Ted's Blind Vice.

    8.Order from Good Vibrations came in.

    7. Didn't leave his heart in San Francisco, but sourdough starter.

    6. First stop on the Olsen Twins Show Business Pilgrimage.

    5. Wanted to prove if the cable cars do go only halfway to the way stars.

    4. Secret Beard Battle with Giants's closer Brian Wilson

    3. One look as Austin's "asset" and he was on a quest for the holy grail of Levis to contain it.

    2. Ate all the kale he could find in Southern Cal and went looking to see if Alice could hook him up.

    And the number 1:

    Seeing Austin instantly made him want to climb Coit Tower.

  21. Those Brian Wilson and Coit Tower "reasons" are simply classic, Special. Terrific stuff!

  22. I find the deflection very telling here. Look! Over there! Jake's day trip to SF must mean something right? Right???

    Meanwhile, back in LA Jake is seen and photographed at the WTT concert, out to lunch with Adam Levine, and apparently not an Austin in sight. But let's not talk about that! Oh no, let's instead concoct a conspiracy surrounding a day trip to SFO and the ESY project.

  23. OMG talked about all that Jake has done in LAm the concert, out for sushi, his birthday party. And I thought I saw someone post the tweet about him out with Adam in Silver Lake posted here. So it is being mentioned and noted. Sorry to disappoint you.

  24. I find the deflection very telling here. Look! Over there! Jake's day trip to SF must mean something right? Right???

    Meanwhile, back in LA Jake is seen and photographed at the WTT concert, out to lunch with Adam Levine, and apparently not an Austin in sight. But let's not talk about that! Oh no, let's instead concoct a conspiracy surrounding a day trip to SFO and the ESY project.

    LOL. Oh no, but let's continue to hang around a website which we believe is amusing, ill-focused, and paranoid/neurotic.

    Worried still, much?

  25. Worried still, much?

    Totally! err, what was that question, again?

  26. Isn't that the point?December 16, 2011 at 12:31 PM

    Oh no, but let's continue to hang around a website which we believe is amusing, ill-focused, and paranoid/neurotic.

    Why wouldn't people hang out at a website that they found amusing? That seems like a great reason to be here! I'm still chuckling over the fact that Jake was at that WTT concert despite all the insinuations by jaustinites that he wasn't and that the tweets that said he was there were fake ("They all spelled his name wrong in the same way!" "But he already went to that concert in November!").

  27. Hey, you know what?

    You win some, you lose some. Simple as that. Sometimes you end up going on a wild goose chase. Sometimes you're way off. I have absolutely no problem admitting it. Who hasn't been wrong before? There is nothing wrong with questioning something.

    OMG has cracked a large amount of misleads by these 2 guys and their people. Jake and Austin are jacking around with their fans/followers/public. But like I said earlier - if you want to take everything given to you at face value such as tweets and photo ops just like a Stepford Wife, no one is stopping you.

    I am totally confident in what I believe in and what I know, so your snarking & trolling aren't bothering me in the least.

    Oh, and by the way.

    Don't you have another Forum you should be moderating instead of hanging around here?

  28. Sleuthy McSleuthersonDecember 16, 2011 at 1:11 PM

    OMG has cracked a large amount of misleads by these 2 guys and their people

    Oh lordy that's hilarious. Okay Jessica Fletcher whatever you say.

  29. Which reminds me, I did bring my toy with me so I could work on my chapter, but meh.

    At this point, I'm not even sure if I will finish my story. Those 2 guys may hang out where they're at right now, forever and ever.

    Well, off to go scout the internet. I am not here to exchange with a troll, no thanks.

  30. Isn't that the point?December 16, 2011 at 1:26 PM

    But like I said earlier - if you want to take everything given to you at face value such as tweets and photo ops just like a Stepford Wife, no one is stopping you.

    Over here in the real world we have more options than "Believe Jake and Austin are married with children or be a Stepford Wife and believe everything you're fed". That's why this blog has people like me lurking and commenting; because its so funny that you've become a little Stepford Wife for Jake and Austin and their five children. The years are going by and yet you ladies are still walking around with smiles plastered on your faces celebrating the marriage of a couple that isn't real and a growing family of children that were never born.

    You're amusing, and this blog is strictly for entertainment purposes, so don't get mad at the audience for laughing at you.

  31. I am having yogurt with a code date of November 14. Just for the record.


    Glad to see Austin back!!!!

  32. Hey, that's nothing PG. I've eaten yogurt and cottage cheese that were months beyond the expiration date. As long as you don't open them, they last a lot longer than they'd like you to believe.

  33. MetropolisRoast
    Metropolis Roaster
    I guess Jake Gyllenhaal can't quit Metropolis either
    1 hour ago
