Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sweater Set

As it has happened before, it looks like embargoes that had been on some Jake pictures have ended and more have become available to share as the year is nearing the end.

With the seasons changing, how about a sweater to take off the chill? (or maybe cause a few)

Remember the cozy grandpa sweater in 2006?
Now some more to add to that set.

"Where can I get some
reception around here?"
We're walking....
We're walking....
Got it!

Better reception? Easier to chat? Or hungry?

Today is World AIDS Day.

The theme for World AIDS Day 2011 is "Getting to Zero."

After 30 years of the global fight against HIV/AIDS, this year the focus is on achieving 3 targets:

Zero new HIV infections
Zero discrimination
Zero AIDS-related deaths

It is estimated that 33.3 million people have HIV worldwide. Despite advances in HIV treatment and in laws designed to protect those living with HIV; many people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others from HIV or about the stigma and discrimination that remain a reality for many people living with HIV. World AIDS Day is an important reminder to individuals and governments that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.

What can you do?


  1. Awww, nice post today. :)

    I love the pics of Jake trying to get some reception.

  2. @ohjoystudio
    oh joy

    Bob got the Silver Lake hunk spotting of the week this AM! Jake Gyllenhaal AND Scott Speedman at the same two faves. Jealous.
    2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

  3. I don't remember anyone ever having a problem with Chris at OMG. Actually I think he was very well liked. I certainly thought he was a great friend to Jake. Not thinking Jake and Chris were lovers does not mean I didnt like Chris.

  4. I agree I think he is very well like here. One reason that I don't talk about Chris much is that he is a private citizen and he is not the focus of this blog. If he is seen with Jake, we've talked about it, and posted pictures. That is the extent of the discussions.

  5. I've always thought it was Chris with Jake and family on the vacation outing. By the simple fact that Chris is Jake's best friend or, *something more* and excepted by Jake's family says alot IMO. If Jake's in the closet as most here thinks, but parents know, they would probably except Chris more. Austin has never, "Never" been pictured with Jake and family. Austin staying and sleeping over with Jake with family? Not a chance!

    Chris, Well, yeah!

    Best friends, f**kbuddies, companions or whatever.

  6. Okay, bellhop, whatever you say. Hey, go for it. It's a free world.

    But we'll see someday, bet on it. No, wait.

    Bank on it.

  7. I don't have any problem whatsoever with Chris either. He's a best bud of Jake's and sounds/looks like a very good friend.

    But sorry - Austin is Jake's husband/lover. Bit of a difference.

  8. You know what's just kind of funny right now is there hasn't been any discussion about Chris for the longest time.

    Now all of a sudden, people are hanging their hats on Chris just like someone is hanging onto that ear of Austin's in the Leadville photo.

  9. Chris is Jake's life long friend, and Jake has said he is his best friend.

    Austin is much more than that to Jake.

    We've seen the Lotus Club pictures of Jake and Austin together in June 2002. And that they met at the audition for TDAT in May 2002.

    We know that Jake is Toothy and Austin is Goose at this point from all the clues.

    Ted has continued to say Toothy and Goose are still together.

  10. Looks like Jake is back to one of his favorite neighbors in LA.

  11. And, Ted indicated that Goose was not a chef, but an actor.

    I agree with everyone's positive comments about Chris. He certainly seems like a good guy to me and someone Jake considers to be a dear friend, which is all that matters.

  12. Dear Ted:
    Is Toothy's longtime BF a chef?

    Dear Dinner and Dessert:
    By profession, no. But who knows what he could whip up in the kitchen for his main man.

    Thu., Aug. 5, 2010

  13. Everyone does not believe everything Ted says MM. Most think Ted embelishes a great deal. Most gossip writers do this you know. It's what they do best. Not to speak of someone writing a blind item, and the most popular BI he's done. I believe TT is embelished and stretched to the gills. Some truth, some not so true. The point is, distinguishing what is truth and what's far fetched.
    I believe most is the latter.

  14. This is a twitpic from weddingchicks who have a tote featured in a mention that's next to Jake in the new US Weekly.

    Remember when Jake was seen at The Dutch when he first came to NYC?

    Jake US Weekly

    I have to laugh because you can make this stuff up.

    Wonder if Jake's Dutchman is a fan?

  15. Talk to the hand, Dear Abby.

    For someone who thinks Ted doesn't know what he's talking about, you seem to hang on every word, otherwise you would not constantly be "visiting" a blog that you have no respect for regarding its contents.

    Btw: The Blind Items of Toothy Tile and Grey Goose exist because of Ted so he would be the only reliable source for the And It Ain'ts...not you.

    Secondly, I would hardly say that Ted is "embellishing" anything simply to eliminate a profession from a list of possible careers. Once again, he created Grey Goose so I would highly suspect he knows who he's talking about, unlike someone else. I'll be generous and give you three guesses on who that person would be. Hint: Look in the mirror.

  16. Dutch Courage? Yes, I'm sure Jake's Dutchman makes the season brighter. Too funny.


    The dutchman in me is getting very nervioso. Cause espana is fuckin bueno!!!

    10 Jul 10 via Twitter for BlackBerry®

  17. Good for you, Methodical. I have been around these Toothy blogs since 2005. It's the same old story. Some of Jake's delicate fans just can stand to think that he's gay, in a committed relationship and raising a family. And many of them who think he's gay cannot stand Austin Nichols, for some reason. Maybe because they know deep down he is the one Ted is writing about and therefore poses the biggest threat to their promiscuous Jake fantasies.

    That comment up there reminds me of one I read back in December 2005. The doubters and disbelievers indicate that Ted doesn't know anything, but like you said it's his Blind Vice. If people don't wish to believe, move along.

  18. Ted created Toothy Tile, Ted created Grey Goose I agree, what you don't seem to realize is that Ted did NOT create Jake or Austin.

    These are beings of the human race with many complexities, not some side show or digital video one can manipulate at will. Let me take that back, one Can, but it does not make it real. Like a fictional story which makes for good reading.
    Ted can't know all that's going on in anothers life or get into the depths and dynamics of two people. That's even if he has some sources.
    He could not even keep his own relationship and marriage together. And some of that gossip is it was because of Ted attitude. Embelishment or Gossip. Who knows. Who cares.

  19. TOT, but I think this is the best spot I've seen for marriage equality; it's running in Australia. Very touching and very effective; it already has almost 3 million views in just a week.


  20. ^Obviously you do.

  21. That was for Another thing, not Destiny.

  22. what you don't seem to realize is that Ted did NOT create Jake or Austin.

    *shakes head* Much too existential for me.

    Once again, Ted certainly doesn't know everything, but a) he knows more than you; and b) I think Ted knows who Toothy and Goose are since they are HIS Blind Items.

  23. harping on and on and onDecember 1, 2011 at 6:24 PM

    Obviously, you care "another thing" or you wouldn't be here.

  24. Destiny, I had several friends share that ad with me, and it is wonderful. And I agree very touching and effective. Thanks for sharing it on OMG.

  25. Well, the ol' school marm in the ol' PG had to come out tonight at one of my local Price Chopper grocery stores I stopped at on my way home.

    I walk inside the large lobby entrance of the store and here are all these young boys playing around and riding on the electric scooters for the motor impaired. There must have been at least 3 of the little nitwits out in the lobby and I saw one gentleman frowning at them but no one else said anything and I hollered loud in that lobby that Hey guys, those things aren't toys. And as I went inside, a couple of employees seemed to just be trying to corral the action and here came another one on yet another scooter. Come on people, get control of your store. How can you have all these guys running around on these scooters, playing like they're bumper cars? So darn annoying.

    I like this song of Madonna's. It's a good one. What happened to her? Why doesn't she put out any more good music?

  26. Where was Jake at in Silver Lake?

    La Mill.

    oh joy
    Bob got the Silver Lake hunk spotting of the week this AM! Jake Gyllenhaal AND Scott Speedman at the same two faves. Jealous.
    7 hours ago

    Christine Castro
    darlingstudio Christine Castro

    @ohjoystudio Haha! At LaMill? I am not so crazy about JG, but SS, well, you already know how I feel about him.
    7 hours ago

    in reply to ↑
    oh joy
    @ohjoystudio oh joy
    @darlingstudio yes!!!

    The fella needs his coffee!

  27. Hey, we must have been good this year at our office!! Two little cannisters of popcorn and a treat box filled with peanut clusters, peanut brittle, and cherry mashes!! Pretty cool!!

    Companies don't seem to spend near as much anymore on the holiday "culinary" greetings but we're off to a great start!!

    Those cannisters of popcorn have gotten so expensive, too. They're like about five bucks, even at Wal Mart.

    My favorite popcorn is made by a company called Garrett's based in Chicago. Oh. My. Dog. Their cheese popcorn and caramel popcorn are THE BEST EVER!!!!!!! Ever!! And ever!!

    If you ever go to Chicago, you need to try it; and they're really good mixed together. They're on the Magnificent Mile across from Nike Town.

    Just the best.


  28. This kills me. Those guys are wimps. Wimps!! Couldn't hack an east coast winter, could they? LOLLLLL!!!

    Probably even a Kansas winter would be too much for Jake.

  29. PG - Chicago popcorn from someone who has Topsy's their own backyard? Ohh where is the loyalty?

    Ohhh the crazy combination of that bright orange cheese popcorn and their glow red cinnamon popcorn mixed together. Savory, sweet, and heat all in a handful.

  30. Destiny I have seen that video everywhere. It is awesome. The first time I saw it my great neice posted it on Facebook. It made me so happy that she did that.

  31. Hey Destiny,

    Thanks for posting that link. I saw the video the other day and was really taken with it. It doesn't hurt that the people in it are pleasing to the eye, and if it were in defence of hetero marriage then you can be sure they'd be using the most pleasant looking people as well.

    If all this trolling activity and fevered oversight continues then I'm going to be watching for even more revelations on Jake and Austin, perhaps a picture of two we've not seen before!

    Happpy 1st of December, I don't mind seeing Christmas lights and outdoor decorations now PG. LOL

  32. Glad everyone has seen the video and had the same reaction I did.

    Gee, isn't it strange how Jake turned up in LA after months in NY, and funny how it's right after OTH ends. Why not just stay in NY through Hanukah and the New Year????

    It's stuff like this that makes me lean a little more towards J&A being together.

  33. Great book by one of my favorite Directors. I finished it in one day. If you want to direct, read it.
    3 minutes ago

  34. Gosh, I hadn't watched the video yet but I had to see what I was missing out on - that was really, really good. I liked the way you go through the whole commercial and the guy is looking at someone most of the time and you know he's with someone, enjoying being with someone....and then finally...

    Very good.

  35. Oh look!! It's the hand ploy!! lol. There's Austin's hand, noticeably his thumb. LOLLLLL!! Very nice. No forearm, though. I'm disappointed. Wanted to see how well it was loofah'd. Nice to see Austin tweeting. Although I must say, I don't know that I'll be reading that one - don't really think I'll be directing in the near future.

    Although I was trying to direct those darn kids off of those electric carts at the Price Chopper! I mean really, where were their parents?

  36. Seaweed, it is time, buddy. It's officially December 1st and it's okay to put up the lights now. Our tree has been up now for over a week.

    How does one read a book in one day?

  37. How does one read a book in one day?

    Easily. :)

    Especially if it is about something that is your passion, or the type of story/book you love to read.

    I must say I love that Austin still reads books. For all the advantages of Ipads,Kindles and Nooks there is just something so special about the experience of reading a book, holding it in your hands,turning the pages.

  38. The doubters and disbelievers indicate that Ted doesn't know anything, but like you said it's his Blind Vice.

    Nothing Jake and Austin have done has helped doubters believe anything other than to hope they are still friends. Let's hope that. If you believe in the fantasy, well that's your choice.

  39. Then why do you keep coming here?

  40. The doubter seems to forget that for a while, Jake and Austin were almost out. HW is a company town where everyone gossips, just like at any company. And among insiders and family, they were free to be a couple. Juicy gossip travels fast. Fellow actors, crew, directors, waiters, bartenders, valets, caterers at private parties. You name them, they see what they see and word gets around. Oh, and don't forget police and security guards who caught them in the act.

  41. And among insiders and family, they were free to be a couple.

    Where did you hear this, where did you read this? I have never heard that Jake and Austin were out to family. There has never been any pictures of Austin within 10 feet of Jake parents.

    Somehow I think the parents did not care for Austin. But we'll never know.

  42. Ted has repeatedly said that Toothy's family and friends know about him, and it's clear they do from the photo opps with the beards, like those tacky photos on the beach in Italy with Reese and his mom, for starters. The fact that his "good friend" Austin was never photograped with his family, unlike Chris, is another tipoff as to the nature of their relationship.

    Plus there have been times when it appears they were together with his family, like at the hotel for New Year's. Then there is an old sighting of the whole family in a restaurant in NYC and Jake playing footsies with a guy that was in all likelihood Austin.

  43. And then there's Manka when Jake suddenly vanishes into thin air after that fire. And Maggie and Peter's wedding in Italy with the tall guy in the hat.
