Thursday, January 12, 2012


There's a story circulating about Jake being turned down by Minka Kelly, of course it can't be true.

No Sox fan would even think of being the sloppy second to a damn Yankee.

What were you thinking.... ; )


  1. You know, it's a harmless story. It "supposedly" took place awhile back. There's nothing there to see - it's a move along kind-of-story.

    But wow - it's shades of the way Jake has been made to look in the past couple of years.

    When you look at Twitter and you see all the tweets re-linking and re-tweeting this story, what do you see? What verbs do you see over and over?

    Turned Down
    Rejected by
    Struck Out
    Embarrassing Moment
    Failed to Score
    Passed On
    Not Interested in
    Tried to Date

    I mean.....Geez!!! Whoever was responsible for that story, you know what?

    Thanks so much!! Jake ought to buy them dinner or something, huh? Ya think?

    "Yeah, hey - thanks for the full day of positive publicity. Thank you. Thank you very much," He'll say in his most-Elvis voice.

  2. lol, man.


    That was a doormat story. He was treated like a doormat in that story, seems like to me. That wasn't even a good "make him look straight" mention.

    Teen's Worst Nightmare. Even my shoulders and head are hangin' after looking at all that. lol

  3. Oh.

    And hyperventilation moment.

    Dest? You're going to pass out when you see the new Just Jared post with a screencap from Magic Mike.

    Oh my dog. Matt Bomer does look very, very good with just the tie/sans shirt look. I'm going to have to go see this movie, I think. I want to see that guy move.

    Check out this quote. It's a bit slash-y:

    Matt recently opened up about enduring his first waxing experience for the male stripper movie.

    “I’m not a very hairy individual to begin with, but it was painful. But more than that, the pain didn’t bother me so much, it was more the feeling of feeling kind of prepubescent again, walking around with no hair on your legs, in jeans, feeling kind of naked all the time, that was odd,” he told EW.

    Myself, I don't care for the sealskin look but if I had to, Matt Bomer does it for me in this picture on JustJared. Oh yeah, mommy like!!!!

    You're gonna likey, Tom!!!!

  4. iandjm Ian Moody
    “@AndrewHaydSmith: There are few things in life that can tug at the heart strings quite like the sight of Jake Gyllenhaal crying. So true!
    37 minutes ago

  5. sissy452 Stacey
    Matt Bonner, @AUS10NICHOLS , @McConaughey Do we know how 2 grow 'em in TX or what??? 
    1 hour ago

  6. ^^^ Well, she had it right until she had to include Mcbongo in that tweet.

  7. Oh they do grow them well in TX. And I agree with you about McBongo.

    And the Minka Kelly story is a totally frivolous but I have to get in some Red Sox Yankees in when I can.

    BTW will we ever see Jake in Damn Yankees?

  8. That Minka story is all kinds of ridiculous. Simply put, Jake's beard machine has taught me well. If Maggie or his mother did not introduce the two, I just don't believe the credibility of that story! LOL!

    Never mind that the window of opportunity for this to supposedly to have occurred was from 9/20-9/22because she was back in Florida filming on 9/23 and by Sunday October 9, old Jeter flew down to South Beach and was back in the picture.


  9. lol. If Maggie or his mother did not introduce the two, I just don't believe the credibility of that story!

    You know what - I can't help it. Right now I have a little mini animal crush on Maxwell!!!!! Maxwell the Geico Pig!!!

    Weeeeeee!!! We We WEeeeeeeeeee!!!

    And the most awesome thing ever is there is a phone ringtone ap with his little We We WEeeeeeeee!!! and it's my new default ringtone.

    LOLLLLLLL!!! It is killing me. It's just killing me. I just love little Maxwell.

    Lookit him. Lookit his little helmet and little seatbelt. LOLLLLLL!!!!

  10. And I just love his little feet kicking in the air as he slides down that wire. LOLLLL!!!

  11. Well, the plot thickens.

    Word on Twitter is that Austin was not there at the TCA OTH Reception tonight with the cast. Jeff Hidek, a journalist and TV critic from Wilmington who was at the event, when tweeted by an OTH fan if Austin was there, tweeted back:

    JeffHidek Jeff Hidek
    @smilallison No Austin, sorry.
    41 minutes ago


  12. “One Tree Hill” fans: Mark your calendar for the series finale
    Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 6:58 by Jeff Hidek

    At the Television Critics Association winter press tour today, CW president Mark Pedowitz told me that “One Tree Hill” should air all 13 episodes of its final season with no breaks. So doing a little math after last night’s debut, that puts the finale on Wednesday, April 4.

    Obviously, unforeseen scheduling changes could still come. But it seems pretty safe to assume that the show will be left alone in its new 8 p.m. Wednesday slot.

    So marfk those calendars and start the farewell party planning. The sure-to-be emotional finale of the shot-in-Wilmington series should be April 4.

  13. Wow sure seems like Mr. Nichols has said goodbye to his OTH ties. Good riddins I say.

  14. Austin is still in Texas...Actually, he has been there for a week.

  15. My question is why was this information just now being brought to OMG tonight?

    How appropriate would this information have been yesterday when the day's discussion centered around the tweet sighting of Austin eating sushi with Jake in LA?

    Interesting how we were not told this yesterday.

  16. I'm sorry but I need a little more proof than a "Texas" commenting with a vague proclamation that Austin is still in Texas.

    It's been a week since that OTHLA Q & A when everyone was informed that Austin had to go to TX.

    Sorry but this comment isn't cutting it at all yet for me.

  17. How convenient for someone to mysteriously come on only after Austin doesn't show up for the big CW/CBS event tonight. Yet there's Soapy, by herself, hugging up Ed Westwick, looking as happy as can be. Austin has never had a problem telling us when he is in his "favorite" place of Texas. At least, that's his favorite place for public consumption.

    Sounds like some OTHer is getting worried.

  18. Texas said...
    Austin is still in Texas...Actually, he has been there for a week.

    Oh, c'mon. Why don't you post this at a site who cares. Like one of those OTH boards. They are the one's who have been panicking for a week now. I, and probably most people here could care less. We know the score. You might consider punting on this one. If you have so much inside info you should have shared it earlier.


    The Final Season starts tonight. It would make me very happy if you all watched. We worked harder this season than any other.

    11 Jan

    And, don't forget this perfunctory tweet from Austin yesterday. Almost like the tweet was written for him by a representative. He could have very easily, mentioned that he was still in Texas, but he didn't say a word. All business, detached and going through the motions. So now we are supposed to believe a third party that Austin's in Texas, when the person involved didn't say a word about the topic when he had the opportunity to do so.

  20. Hey, don't forget that tweet of Jake being with Austin at dinner in LA yesterday for Sushi. Looked like a real tweet to me. Just an offhand sighting, with no frills.

  21. Turned Down
    Rejected by
    Struck Out
    Embarrassing Moment
    Failed to Score
    Passed On
    Not Interested in
    Tried to Date

    Ok, got two more to add to the worldwide tweeted list:

    Shot down

    I mean.....I cannot get over this. Whose hair brained idea was this? An entire day of constantly repeated mentions of your client's name going worldwide preceded by these
    extremely negative, self esteem crushing verbs.

    Can you say negative publicity? Negative image? What person wants to be thought of as someone who just can't get a date?

    **shakes head**

    Oh and I haven't forgotten, Personal Opinion!

  22. Gisela Ortega (@giselitababy)
    1/12/12 10:17 PM
    OMG Jake Gyllenhaal is in town! Love this man ahhhh

  23. JosephKahn Joseph Kahn
    Next table over Michelle Williams & Jake Gyllenhall. Which reminds me: I really can't afford this dinner.
    1 hour ago

  24. Wow, that picture of Bomer is hot. Handsome man.

    That story about Jake and Minka is so strange. Why float such an unflattering story at this stage. It was ages ago. If this is an example of Jakes new marketing strategy, he is no better off than he was before. I saw it first on ent lawyer and the comments were 99% Jake is gay, she would not beard for him, good for her. I suspect it was floated to take the temperature of public interest/sentiment about Jake right now. Setting a benchmark if you will. His career could not be much lower than it is at the moment.

  25. Here's Ted again throwing the fake relationship with Reese in everyone's face. Toothy seems to be back on his radar after a period of silence. Everyone knows shafterella is Reese, just like its know that Toothy is Jake.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Minka Kelly is repped by CAA and Management 360 (link). Could it be that the US Weekly article was planted by CAA/M360 to make Jake look bad (and give her good press)?

    It’s on the printed edition so they planted it last week, just when Jake left CAA (US Scan).

  29. Minka Kelly respects Jake Gyllenhaal way too much to infect his beard area with Jeter sores

  30. That's a good point, Conspiracy. Because I can't imagine how this was a good idea at all; not the way it's just retweeting over & over out there with all of those negative words before his name.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thanks for the heads up about the Bomer pix, I can't wait to see this movie. Even if it's bad it's going to be so much fun. Hot hot hot.

    The silence from Austin is odd, and why blow off all this OTH publicity now, when he's going to be free soon.

    Publicity usually comes from pr people, not talent agents, so not sure about the CAA connection to the Minka story, but it is sure is interesting timing. Sounds like a way for her to drum up attention. I think the little breakup with Jeter last fall was timed to get her publicity for Charlie's Angels, (which bombed and was cancelled very quickly). Not to mention there are all kinds of rumors about Jeter, so I think that relationship is about as real as a three dollar bill.

  33. Good call Conspiracy. It's like a kick in the ass as Jake went out the CAA door and they get it in just when he has to go in front of the HW community on Sunday night.

  34. Yeah, I could see that.

    And it is reminiscent of how Reese was treated more favorably than him.

  35. Dear Ted:
    Is it true that Minka Kelly hooked up with Jake Gyllenhaal while she was on a brief split from Derek Jeter?

    Dear We Were on a Break:
    I assume you're alluding to the Us Weekly story about Minka rejecting Jake's advances—not hooking up with him—but to tell you the truth, the whole thing stinks to me. That said, I guess I wouldn't be surprised if J.G. reached out to Minka—she's kinda his type.

  36. After only 4 episodes, Charlie's Angels was cancelled by October 14. An epic fail for Minka-poo. That would also explain why Derek Jeter flew down to South Beach on October 9 to ramp up what I perceive to be another celebrity fauxmance, which Ted has now pretty much just confirmed.

    I agree that the CAA and 360 connection cannot be underestimated and more than likely is where the story came from yesterday. CAA has allowed others to boot Jake in the butt time and time again. Reese being at the top of the food chain in that regard. Even though Reese was the one who dumped Jake back in November/December 2009, fully reneging on the bearding contract, she did not have one story planted at the time, or since, that put her in a bad light. Yet, within days, there was the infamous In Touch Weekly story about Jake having sent her $75,000 of "vintage dinnerware" to win her back. Bottom feeders are not meant to be trusted and Jake is getting a taste of their venom as he tries to move on with his life and, hopefully, make some honest and positive changes with regard to his career and public image.

    I also think whoever did this thought it was a great dig at Austin too because Minka's claim to fame was her role in Friday Night Lights.

  37. she's kinda his type.

    Tedspeak: Minka's a beard.

  38. Yes, it's old news about Jeter, but I'm glad that Ted took a swipe at Minka after the story that was run yesterday which put her in such a positive light and made Jake look like a pathetic loser.

  39. seandeuce Seandeuce
    #ThingsWeFindHot Men in uniform. Dedication. Jake Gyllenhaal's ass. Watching #Jarhead
    1 hour ago

  40. I'm thankful to Conspiracy up there at 06:53 because I didn't think about that at all. I couldn't think of how it was going to benefit her but didn't think to check out who she was represented by. I feel pretty bad about my gut reaction which I think was totally wrong-o.

    Great, great catch, Conspiracy!!

    Because yeah, if Minka is kinda his type? That means she's a beard and then that means...

  41. We We We Weeeeeeeee!!!

    I had to play my new ringtone for my big buddy and he thought it was hilarious. LOLLLLLL!!!
