Thursday, January 5, 2012

Starting off with a smock and a smile

Caught having coffee with friends on the first day of 2012 seems to have Jake grinning. Is it a little Peek a boo, I see you? Or what am I hiding in my pocket?

Jake's hand starts out by his side.
The quickly slides into his pocket.
Where it stays.
A little awkward?
Who's there? [ Me looking like a sailor looking out on watch will distract them from noticing my awkward attempt of my hand in my pocket]
Or is his police training coming back, of him keeping his right hand on his gun.
And it isn't even a parking garage.

And just like you can get your coffee, a double shot of Jake. This time from yesterday.

Jake was out with friends for sushi
and totally smocking it up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. BTW, good luck to Austin tonight!!

  3. Initially I thought was Austin he was hugging in the pics. Poo! One day they will be caught. There were several tweets about the sushi place ;)

  4. Thanks for the reminder PG.

    That's right Austin will be doing a Q&A after the premiere of the season opener of OTH tonight.

  5. ♪♫ Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Tom,
    Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♪♫

    Hope you have a wonderful day today, buddy!!

  6. And it wasn't even a parking lot.


    Fantasy #1

    Jake walking into the back of the Arc Light theatre tonight and then walking up the aisle to take a seat right in front, on whichever side Austin is sitting on. Just before the show starts.

    In a bright red/cranberry shirt.

  7. Happy Birthday, Tom!

    Hope you are having an awesome celebration.

  8. galvezeagle
    0 Fans
    15 minutes ago( 3:52 PM)
    AWFUL!!!! Why in the world would you cover up such a beautiful face with hair!?!?!?­!? Ugh...

    115 Fans
    9 minutes ago( 3:59 PM)

    He really doesn't look like himself.

    Of course now that this picture has been plastered all over the net, the paps will be sure to be on the lookout. So much for a good diguise.

  10. Thanks guys for the birthday greetings.

    Lets hope Jake sticks to facial beards and not the other kind of beard. I hope he is so sick of bearding he never does that again and that is possible.

  11. @matthewkfrost--------Another great short film, my friend! Hit This ----------->
    5 minutes ago

  12. Hey Tom, it was 63 degrees here today. People are wearing shorts and tank tops. The park was flooded with people today. Not fun at all. I don't like it when it's crowded.

    But this weather is crazy. Not going to complain at all about it.

  13. I see there's a birthday today so I send my best wishes too. Thanks for the welcome yesterday about the new Blogger Account. It was pretty painless to get one, actually.

    Just wanted to make a brief comment about that article from yesterday about Reese Witherspoon. Not a mention about Jake. Not even in the comments. I view that as a good thing. She's moved on, so I'm hoping Jake's doing the same. The other point I wanted to make was the audacity of her to try to completely rewrite the story of how she and Jim Toth met. He has worked for CAA, since the late 1990s and definitely in the capacity of a talent agent since 2005. His clients included some big names at the time including Robert Downey, Jr, Tobey Maguire, Forest Whitaker, etc. Reese knew him from work. No question about it. Toth actually listed his first job in Hollywood as being in the CAA mailroon where he delivered mail, packages, and gifts to clients, executives and agents." You can scroll down to 13-04-2005 comment @7:53 for the deets.

    Jim Toth’s Background at CAA

  14. Good points Jason about Reese.

    TOT, but this video of Drew Carey and NPH being tackled by a contestant on The Price is Right is funny,and LOLLL, her name is Destiny.

    Huff Post link

  15. Yeah, I found it really hard to believe she met him at a party when you figure they had to know each other from the offices.

    She's been scorched pretty good in the comments on several sites I've seen, including Commenters calling her out on some of the ridiculous quotes from the interview and the magazine cover which doesn't even look like her.

    Thanks for the link, Dest. I'll have to watch it. I saw a mention of it somewhere today and wondered what it was about.

  16. LOL! Man, she reallty gang-tackled ol' Drew, didn't she? And wow, look at Drew! He looks fantastic!!

    Of course, Neil Patrick Harris looks great, too. He looks so slender and tall in this suit. I wonder how tall he is? He's got some long legs on him.

  17. I love when people start arguing about a celebrity's height. Here's a thread about NPH:

    How Tall Is He?

    Notice that just like Jake, NPH is supposed to be the magical 6'. I think there are probably a lot of actors who fudge that one. Just like Austin has to fib in the reverse because he's too tall for many roles.

  18. Excellent point about Jim Toth, Jason. I had remembered reading something about him starting from the bottom at CAA and that he had been there well over a decade. Alot of his former clients back then were gay and/or known beards as well, like Rachel Bilson.

    Thanks for the Non-Fisher Price Link too. LOL!

  19. Jason thanks for the Toth background.

    Of course Reese is beginning to rewrite her story, and it is right at the time that her next movie comes out with the premise that two men are fighting over her. She has to make it sound like she was so alluring that she had one guy come on to her and another one save her from that fate in real life. And from that America's Sweetheart would go for the guy who who was so chivalrous. A rom com writer couldn't script it better. In fact they might have.

    The other major thing that is being rewritten is how Reese was so afraid to travel or go out after her divorce from Ryan, like M&M mentioned this morning.

    Funny how she couldn't go anywhere or travel yet she was seen with Jake how many time and everywhere? Is the story going to be that Jake really wasn't dating her, but helping her by being seen with her because she knew she had to be in public because of her career?

  20. Heyyyy!!!

    My links are known as "working ant" links. Gotta work for it. Copyyyyyy......and......Passsssste.....


    They're blue collar links. They're a link's link.


  21. LOL that was funny. All these guys arguing over NPH's height. And two of them were different arguments from people who had actually talked to him. They both stood next to him but they both were still in disagreement over that magical figure of 6'. lol

    What I want to know is one person said Enrique Iglesias towered over NPH. Wow, when did you have Enrique Iglesias standing next to NPH? What a vision!

  22. JeffHidek Jeff Hidek
    I'll be tweeting from the #OTHinLA event tonight. While you wait, read the recap of the west coast #othevening in Oct:…
    2 hours ago

    His tweeter feed:

  23. What I want to know is one person said Enrique Iglesias towered over NPH. Wow, when did you have Enrique Iglesias standing next to NPH? What a vision!

    Wow so true PG!

  24. Looks like Austin isn't even at the OTH in LA event. There was a cast pic and he wasn't in it...Too busy with Jake?

  25. Hey Thomas...

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy OlD dOg...
    and many more to come!

    What a good boy, whatagood boy!


  26. Texas isn't at the event bc he had to fly to Texas for personal reasons! Hope nothing bad is happening...

  27. Happy Birthday Tom and many more.

    As for Reese, could be shes rewriting history to make it seem she never had anything to do with Jake. And so
    when Jake does come out, no one will remember she bearded for him.

    Poor Jake. Lots of flack for that nasty beard, but I've seen it personally and it does nothing for him. It elongates his face and is so unattractive. No more beards for Jake. Literal or figurative.


    Who's the bearded babe?

  29. The thing about the One Tree Hill community is it is like a small town and that can be a bad thing at times, if you know what I mean.

    Their fans live and die by Twitter. And sometimes......they talk too much.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
