Thursday, January 19, 2012

What The Truck?

UPDATE: If you think it's just about the truck, think again. Pictures of Jake and Austin out together for sushi with Adam and other friends yesterday at:X17Online

Jake was snapped yesterday looking very good as grabbing some drinks and in a new ride. Or is it?Never seen in a truck before, Jake trucks up in a black Toyota Tundra after running into Beverly Hills Juice to grab a Banana Mana and 4 bottles of juice.

No it wasn't Starbucks, or a coffee. Beverly Hills Juice has been doing raw and organic juices since 1975, and in fact there is no coffee drinks on their menu. In fact there is nothing hot served there, except their Hot Tomato tonic, which is spicy hot not temperature hot. All of their drinks are meant to be drunk fresh for their maximum benefits are not made to be stored. So unless Jake's is secretly a dromedary doubt all those drinks are juice for him.

Hmmm....4 bottles of juice? Wonder if that's along the lines of the 3 boxes of candy ?B H Juice's Banana Mana is a vegan alternative to a milkshake with just two ingredients either frozen banana and almonds or frozen banana and sunflower seeds. The shake can also be combined with any of their other juices.

But enough about the Jake's morning drink orders ....about that truck.
Jake was seen getting into a black Toyota Tundra, and like has been pointed out in yesterday's comments it looks very familiar. It looks like Austin's truck.

Over the chorus of WTT!!! from those who live under the bridge, let's take a closer look.

We know that Austin loves trucks.

Shit I love trucks. They are useful. But not for just driving around the city. All clean. For work. For gettin dirty. For haulin stuff. - AUS10 2 Aug 10

And while we know that Austin bought a Leaf he also has a truck. How?

Well, Austin drove his truck in his video about where to park for the LA River Ride. And if the Leaf was his only ride he would have driven that.And what brand of truck? A Toyota
See the steering wheel?Look familiar?Now look at the back door handle. See where it on the door and the shape?Look familiar?And look at the second side window?
Black tint.Check.Three fasteners.Check. Check. Think Jake just grabbed the first set of keys he found that morning to make a juice run, or was he making a point driving his other half's truck down the middle of Beverly Hills on Beverly Blvd?

Drink it all in... time will tell.

But just one more question... Where the heck did he put his banana mana?


  1. Lost a comment I was about to post last evening on three topics... one of them was on Jake and his use of a truck that looks oh so much like something Austin has been seen driving somewhere along the line. Hmmmmmmm. Loved the posting today and the research to back up the possibility.

    Second, was to say I really enjoyed the article on NPH and David, a very grounded couple and so great to hear some of their story in their own words.

    And thirdly... 'Girlfriend' was giving the heavy eyeball to Austin's p-writing stylus in that photo at the end of yesterdays post. LOL. Wonder if Austin was trying to write out O - M - G in the grass? Can imagine that Tom also likes those clenched cheeks on Mr. Austy....

    Just sayin !

  2. Oh Mr. Seaweed you're so cheeky! : D

  3. Wow.

    I'm totally impressed, Special. Nice job.

    And nice truck. They are loyal to Toyota, aren't they?

    Toyotas are good, very reliable.

  4. The other thing I found kind of interesting was Jake had both hands full and see where the truck keys are? Dangling out of his pocket. I just wonder if he left the truck unlocked while he ran in? Or if it was locked, when and how exactly did he hit the Unlock button?

    Where did that bananarama mama go?

  5. Well we know that Jake wasn't on some juice fast yesterday.

    Jake was seen have sushi for lunch with Adam Levine.


    Not only is Adam a friend of Jake's but a friend of Austin's too. Hmm I wonder who introduced Austin and Adam? ; )

    So was drinking all that fresh juice yesterday?

  6. Patience and ToleranceJanuary 19, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    Here's an idea, why don't you remove yourself, Troll?

    My comment was for that poster with a little snarkiness and fun.
    You of all people seem to have the full rein of snarkiness, mean-ness and I can say what I want to say attitude while chastising others for their comments.

    Why can't you mind your business and speak for yourself only?

    I'm sure if the poster had a problem with my comment he/she would have responded.

    Please pull it togther because You really act as if you're the overseer here and running things. You're not.

    You really don't have to respond to everything posted on this blog. Are you aware of this?

  7. Austin is there in the second picture with Jake and Adam!

  8. Hey looking over those pictures of Jake as sushi I can't believe I didn't see it the first time around.

    Guess who is behind Adam in this picture.


    Picture 3

  9. Couldn't have said it better, Special. That's the truck I was thinking of and all checks out. The argument that Jake just has all that juice for fasting has also been debunked with that Sushi date with Levine in the afternoon. One of the celebrity sites indicated that the photo was from an early morning sighting.

    Let's see we have the 4 frozen yogurts from September 2009. The three boxes of candy from May 2011 and now 4 juices.

    Austin can't be far behind after this. Woooohooooo!

  10. Oh my god! While I was typing my last comment that Austin can't be far behind there's our tall Texan. Right next to Jake. Sweeeeeet.

  11. EAGLE II HAS NOW LANDED, FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Man, don't do this to me at work, you guys. I'm dying here.


    oops, double post. LOLLLL

  14. Jake and Austin - Hot like Wasabi.

    So good to see you guys together!

    Definitely time for a saki bomb salute!

  15. On my way to CVS...stopped by to check Jake news as usual...checked X17 though I never ever do...they won't allow picture saving and...AUSTIN is in the bromance with Adam pics. Jake, I love you to pieces and I am sorry the paps pissed you off. Now I'm get to CVS and buy my poison.
    happy happy... for Jake's happiness.

  16. I just gotta say this before I go...Life is too damned short...and I ought to know...OK now I go...

  17. If that isn't one of the most beautiful sights, evah! I just knew the guys were going to make some kind of statement soon. And, boy what a statement. After what Reese Witherspoon, Sophia Bush, Taylor Swift, and now CAA have done to Jake and Austin over the years, I'm glad to see both men standing tall...shoulder to shoulder.

    Everyone probably noticed this too, but look how Jake is hugging Adam goodbye. He doesn't need to do that with Austin though because they are a couple going home together. You can also see how Austin is walking with Jake to the vehicle. Maybe the truck, maybe the Nissan Leaf, maybe one of the Q7s. Who cares. They are walking side by side, and that's how it should be.

    Thanks so much for that wonderful post about the Toyota Tundra, Special. Nicely done. I'm on Cloud 9 people!

  18. Space available on Cloud 9January 19, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    ^^Yes, I agree. I'm thrilled. I hope this is a sign of good things to come. :)

  19. Golden Days, how we love them!

    Just checked in again to catch up after my earlier comment, so pleased with the Toyota Tacoma connection, only to have my attention drawn to the X17 pics of Jake and Adam. It seemed to me that Jake was wearing the same gear he had on for the juice pictures.... then

    Almost messed my drawers when I spotted Austin clearly in the background of the second picture on the page! Checked back in to the rest of the comments then back to X17 and found the entire 20 picture collection. No doubts, no fudging, no denying, no obfuscation!

    Smiles all round at this end of the computer connection. This is excellent! ! !

  20. The boys are both looking mighty fine together. Loving the new pictures :)

  21. Good to be here and better yet with our boys back in town!

  22. I salute you people. I've lurk here for a few years. At first for entertainment, then later gaining more respect for some of the findings and insights into this complex relationship between Austin and Jake, and I no longer find it hard to believe that these two men are still together.

    First off, it appears that your theories about them hiding in the closet and waiting for the end of OTH and Jake leaving CAA/Evelyn have also bore fruit. It's taken years, but there's no doubt this is where both men are today.

    I did think that there might be one child, but even though I saw the clues that were being pointed out to support a much larger family, I didn't quite accept them. That is until now. Jake and Austin are more than friends. They have to still be lovers and probably are married because why else would they make such a public effort to hide their relationshp? Why else beard for so many years? Jake probably did so for his career when it came to Reese, but why did Austin beard, if it wasn't to fill in the gap of Jake not being with anyone for most of 2010? Disney probably demanded it.

    There are so many other things I could point out, but let me say this. You are probably right about the many children as well. Why not? If Jake and Austin have been playing a cat and mouse game all these years, why not continue to expand their family like you guys have suggested. This is an incredible story and all I can leave you with is good luck. The trolls are really going to be angry now. Keep up the fight. I'll still be reading and once in awhile posting. That pickup truck clue really is amazing. Don't know how stuff is remembered and connections made, but some of you must be researchers or something. Your patience and tolerance of provocaation is amazing. Tip of the hat to you all, and a wag of the finger to those who have taunted and jeered. Will be interesting to see where this is going.

  23. Thats is not Austin. Those arent his ears :-)

  24. Re: Official Austin Nichols Photo Thread!

    « Reply #3610 on: Today at 02:39 PM »
    Austin at lunch with Adam Levine & Jake Gyllenhaal. Can't wait to read what those psycho fans on Oh my Godot will say! ;)

    Read it and weep, honey. If I were you, I'd be stocking up on Puffs Ultra Soft & Strong.

  25. Re: The Sophia/Austin Support Thread!
    « Reply #9553 on: Today at 05:13 PM »
    Well, Austin's definitely back in LA, he was spotted out to lunch with Jake, Adam from Maroon 5 and some other dudes. He looks good! Shame Sophia wasn't with them. :laugh: Then again, looks like it was just a guys day out.

    (Though certain loons are convinced that Jake and Austin are on their way to coming out of the closet and them going to lunch with a bunch of other guys is further proof of that. :laugh: Guess they left the kids home then..again)

  26. another toothy believerJanuary 19, 2012 at 6:19 PM

    I just saw the pictures and came here first. This is extraordinary news. Sort of like the Second Coming, don't you think? Sigh. I love me some Austin Nichols and some Jacob Gyllenhaal. Maybe they can start to inch their way out of the closet. Fingers crossed.

  27. More pictures from sushi at IHJ

    I guess there wasn't enough room to say Austin than saying friends. Huh Austin has 6 letters and Friends has 7.


  28. Multiple BT BelieverJanuary 19, 2012 at 6:29 PM

    Shame Sophia wasn't with them. :laugh: Then again, looks like it was just a guys day out.... Guess they left the kids home then..again)

    LOL! A guys day out? Those OTH kids are too funny. Yeah, that's what was happening there. The educational system should really be improved in this country. Notice how they are ignoring who those 4 juices were for? Or, those 4 tubs of frozen yogurt at the end of Jake's Reeking. Never mind all of Ted's clues over the years that have pointed to more babies. Shakes head. Truth: I've always found these two sizzlin' hot. But they are over the chart smokin' when I think of the strong possibility that they are fathers too. Adorable men with babies? I think I have the vapors. LOL!

  29. Hey, I think that one guy is the Victor Garber lookalike guy that Jake was with in that one walking photo op not too long ago.

  30. And how did that turn out??January 19, 2012 at 6:31 PM

    LOL, reminds me of the border pics and he wan't mentioned.

  31. So there is one picture in the set that displays Jake doing what we at OMG have christened the "Austin Smile". Jake only seems to get that smile whenever he clearly just talked to Austin.

    And what do you know, just who should it be directed at in those pictures?

    So much for us not being able to tell when Austin is around by noticing the way Jake gets extremely happy.

  32. Exactly What a Surprise. That is Jake's Austin smile and it is just for him.

    And I love how they are walking way and Jake has that happy grin on his face, so pleased.

  33. Real Dreamers Dream With Their Eyes Open.
    22 minutes ago

  34. X17 added a video to the post.

  35. Real Dreamers Dream With Their Eyes Open.


  36. I think the girls at OTH need to be more respectful. I also think they need to take a good look at the Lakers 1 pics. That is a lovers look being from Jakes face. Two people who were lovers wouldnt still be hanging out this many years later as friends. Very rare.

  37. You should be more respectful of the fans ion that OTH site Tom. You, PG and the reat that lurk there.

    It's none of your business what they post, it's not your site plus you and the reat that psit there are old enough to be there parents, grow up.

    I just think that you, PG, SK, M, etc are pissed because you can't control what's posted there.

    PS: They have taken a good look at those Laker pics, they posted them on their Bromance thread.

    They are definately more mature than you.

  38. Go back to WFT, 19:29. Your comment isn't even worth a rebuttal.

  39. This is so exciting. PG gave me a heads up (bless you), but I couldn't get to the site until now. And LOL, the first thing that popped into my head after looking at teh pictures is "the eagle has landed".

    And coming on the heels of great work with the post Special.

    And Jake smiling like we rarely see him smiling anymore.

  40. Great to see you Hopeful TB! And others we may not know who've been watching and waiting without saying anything.

  41. My focus is and will be on the guys. That is what this blog is about. Jake and Austin.

    It's a great day to see these guys together and I am on Cloud 9, just like 15:44 said up there.

  42. Exactly What a Surprise. That is Jake's Austin smile and it is just for him.

    That smile is the specific smile that only Austin gets? So why does it look different to all the other smiles people here have said were "Austin" smiles? It's different to the smile Jake had in Borders, which is different to the smile Jake had in the Lakers pictures.

  43. I have seen some of the remarks made by the OTH girls. I was pretty surprised. Maybe they are just kids but I don't see any nasty posts about them here.

    Sk great job today.

  44. Very interesting tweet from Austin under the circumstances of today.

  45. It seems like the video on X17 shows up the best on Mozilla.

  46. Destiny, I just sent you a better link!!

  47. I love that video posted on x17 online of the guys. Notice how our men loiter about as the shutter of the camera is continually going off. Just like the photo op from May 2010, they want that camera to keep rolling to capture the moment. Then all three (Jake, Austin and the older guy), all break at the same time as if someone said "Okay, they've got enough, let's go."

  48. Got it PG, and it works, thanks! I don't know why I couldn't find it before. Much longer than I was expecting. I wonder who the older guy is, and of course couldn't help noticing Austin left with Jake.

  49. I can't see the video?!

  50. Have tried three different searches for the X17video and having no luck so far... any suggestions or helpfull links??

    Thanks in advance

  51. The Engagement Ring Fandango

    Looks like Soapy has just posted a picture for no apparent reason just so she can get a photo on the internet of a ring on her wedding finger. The desperateness reminds me of Reesey-poo back in September 2009. Just before the beginning of the end. Déjà vu, all over again.

  52. I'm just so anxious to see these boys moving about and glancing at each other. Plenty of excitement eh?


  53. Here is the video

    I love the way Austin touches Adam as he walks through that door. He holds the door open and barely acknowledges the first guy to walk through but when Adam walks through he reaches out for Adam's shoulder and then instead of just patting it he lets his hand linger and then slides it down his bicep and chest. Yummy. He stand next to Adam the whole time Adam is there, giving him all of his attention, smiling and laughing and even bowing to him. So cute!

    But this is OMG so I'll ignore all of that and focus on Austin getting in the same car as Jake, even if he was deliberately relegated to the back seat. I'm sure it was because Jake was a little bit annoyed at Austin being so flirty with Adam.

  54. Austin has been with Jake since 2002 and they are still together. All the comments, all the agendas, all the angles everyone tries to say they aren't together never hold up. The guys were together then, and are still together now.

  55. Looks like Soapy has just posted a picture for no apparent reason just so she can get a photo on the internet of a ring on her wedding finger.

    Boy, reactions from all corners and Sophia gets in the mix, attempting a really desperate, last ditch effort to hang onto Sophin for her fans.

    Really pathetic to put on what's supposed to look like an engagement rock on her left ring finger.

    It's just unbelievable.

  56. Is it just me but there's no video on that link...just the pics! Weird!

  57. Where? Are you using IE? Or an Ipod?

    I know it worked in Mozilla/Firefox for me.

  58. Oh where?, if you go to the third picture down on this link, you'll see the Play arrow on Jake's shirt. Hope this works for you!!!!

    Try This

  59. I'm using Internet on my PC...X17online videos usually work for me, but I can't see anything, just the pics...

  60. It worked wit Mozilla! Thanks guys!

  61. Looks like Soapy has just posted a picture for no apparent reason just so she can get a photo on the internet of a ring on her wedding finger.

    Boy, reactions from all corners and Sophia gets in the mix, attempting a really desperate, last ditch effort to hang onto Sophin for her fans.

    Really pathetic to put on what's supposed to look like an engagement rock on her left ring finger.

    Sophia didn't post that picture, she retweeted it. And she didn't do it for "no apparent reason"; she is wearing jewellery designed by DANNIJO who are ethical jewelers committed to helping the poor in Africa. She is also prominently wearing a whistle around her neck which comes from Falling Whistles, a charitable group raising money to rehabilitate children who have been affected by the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  62. Sorry, I should have said RT. But, my point still stands. Very curious timing. The whistle necklace is a good idea, but wearing a ring on that particular finger this particular afternoon is a bit provocative.

  63. My comment still stands. And she's already gotten what she aimed for: attention drawn toward the ring:

    DC_Crosby Dayton Crosby
    @SophiaBush My girlfriend is loving the ring you're wearing on that pic you retweeted! Where did you get it? :)
    31 minutes ago

  64. Glad you can see it now, Where?!!!

  65. Sorry, I should have said RT. But, my point still stands.

    You made a point of saying that Sophia had "no apparent reason" for posting the picture and that she did it "just so she can get a photo on the internet of a ring on her wedding finger" said she did it "for no apparent reason just so she can get a photo on the internet of a ring on her wedding finger", yet the very first thing her tweet says is:

    Fashion+Philanthropy = #Chic

    So how did you reach the conclusion that she had "no apparent reason" for posting the picture? And the tweet links to the twitters of Dannijo and Falling Whistles. So neither of your original points stand.

    My comment still stands.

    How does it? Sophia is raising awareness for two organizations helping people in Africa. The tweet links to the tweeters of those two organizations. The picture was tweeted by the Jeweler who runs one of those organizations. Everything about the tweet and the picture is designed to draw attention to the charities.

    The only way you can say this was all about the ring is if you literally ignore the words Sophia tweeted, the majority of the links in the tweet and then ignore the person who posted the picture in the first place.

  66. That really is sad how these beards continue to try to get digs into their fauxmance x-partners. She needs to move on and find a real relationship. Leave the guys alone.

  67. The only way you can say this was all about the ring is if you literally ignore the words Sophia tweeted, the majority of the links in the tweet and then ignore the person who posted the picture in the first place.

    My comment still stands.

  68. Ever here of a set up tweet? Remember Britany Snow with the July 4, 2011 hot tub nonsense with Adam Levine and Austin? Wow, now that I think of it, that Adam Levine is a real slut.

  69. My comment still stands.

    Yes, it stands as a testament to your ability to:

    1) ignore the words Sophia posted

    2) ignore the links she tweeted

    3) ignore the original tweeter

    4) ignore the large whistle necklace around Sophia's neck.

    Ever here of a set up tweet?

    Yes I have. Now, have you ever heard of ducking the question? You said that Sophia posted that picture "for no apparent reason just so she can get a photo on the internet of a ring on her wedding finger" despite the fact that she's retweeting a picture of herself wearing jewelery designed to raise money for charities whilst tweeting words that specifically mention fashion and philanthropy and containing links to the twitter accounts of the organizations that the jewelery is promoting. Literally almost everything about that tweet is designed to draw attention to the charities, so it's impossible to conclude that the only reason for retweeting it was to draw attention to a ring on her wedding finger. So your original points remain wrong.

  70. so it's impossible to conclude that the only reason for retweeting it was to draw attention to a ring on her wedding finger. So your original points remain wrong.

    That would be incorrect.

  71. some friendly adviceJanuary 19, 2012 at 10:31 PM

    OTHer please go home, it's past your bedtime.

  72. I'll chime in on this one. Everything about that tweet, along with it's timing is contrived and meant to lead people to think that she and Austin are engaged, the day he goes out with his sexy than hell husband. Who is Jake Gyllenhaal. Is that a simple enough explanation for you.

  73. lol, 22:25 is trying to mess with M&M.

    Hang it up, you will not win.

  74. That would be incorrect.

    Stop dodging the question and explain how that conclusion is incorrect.

    lol, 22:25 is trying to mess with M&M.

    Hang it up, you will not win.

    I'm not messing with her, I'm asking her a direct question that she has repeatedly dodged and failed to answer.

  75. Sure is funny that One Tree Hill fans noticed that ring right away. Mission Accomplished.

    Soapy knew what she was doing and like everything else she does, she hides under the umbrella of charity work so no one will dare attack her motives.

  76. I'm not messing with her, I'm asking her a direct question that she has repeatedly dodged and failed to answer.

    Whether you are UV (and just a sore loser), or an OTH fan who has been sucked into a fake romance scripted by public relations, you need to consider the remote possibility, that you do not have a monopoly on the truth. To continue to act like the question has not been answered when it already has is a classic indication that you refuse to see the truth. I can't help you understand that which you are unable or refuse to grasp.

  77. I think it's UV, Methodical. Leave her be because she is shattered by what has happened today. Can't say as I feel sorry for.

  78. Great video of the guys on X17. But did Jake have to be up against the windshield to give Austin enough room for his legs in his backseat or did Austin just stretch out and enjoy the ride?

  79. Okay, great day, great time today.

    There were times I felt like it was a dream. But it wasn't. What a huge event today.


    It's great just to see Jake and Austin out together.

    And my question is this: When Austin got in that back seat, was he having to maneuver around fallen sippy cups, Happy Meal toys, baby wipes and dried up Cheerios?

  80. My own version of following your dreamsJanuary 19, 2012 at 10:56 PM

    I love what the guys did today. This is incredible stuff. Thank you OMG for all your hard work. The guys are still together just like you've said all these years. Talk about dreams coming true.

  81. I want to bring up that Toyota Tundra truck again, which everyone is now ignoring. That is a major clue that the guys are still a couple. Jake went out in that truck yesterday for a reason. He also was seen with four bottles of juice for a reason. The guys are going strong and they are beginning to let the world know that again. Oh, and by the way, looks like those tweets that some were so quick to dismiss, appear to be credible too. Neither one had Adam Levine in them as a distraction. Just Jake and Austin.... as it should be. Although, I am going to be greedy and ask to see Atti again in the near future. He's a real beauty too.

  82. Austin's tweet reminds me of T.E. Lawrence's quote from Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

    All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.

  83. Looks like Austin is determined to make sure his dream of living a life in the light of day will be realized in the near future. Prose and poetry in motion was what was on display this afternoon. When it comes to social justice and personal liberation, sunlight is the best disinfectant of all.

  84. Oh, and by the way, looks like those tweets that some were so quick to dismiss, appear to be credible too.

    In fairness, they had nothing to back them up. The pickup truck made me think twice also, the tweets didn't have any reason to be credible without the pics that showed up days later.

  85. Most tweets don't have anything to back them up. But it doesn't mean you instantly dismiss them either. Studying tweets requires looking at a lot of things besides just the tweet itself. You look at a lot of info about the tweet account.

    You can still be had. Can still be wrong. But you give it your best shot. Twitter is valuable and it can be powerful.

  86. I would agree Cloud 9, if all Jake tweets were treated with the same rigor and ridicule and demand for photographic evidence. If someone had tweeted that they had seen Jake with a tall blond or Adam Levine or Marcus Mumford, no one would have questioned it. That's the difference.

  87. lol, I just now noticed 13:58's unhappy tirade as it did get buried in all the excitement. Oh well, too bad, so sad.

  88. IDK. In some ways, I thought the tweets where Austin was specifically recognized seemed truer than many lame pairings of Jake in the past (Victoria Secret model anyone), just because the guys had not been tweeted like that before. We knew, for instance, that both were in Los Angeles, that Jake had dumped CAA and Evelyn, and that Austin had completed his CW commitments. Change was in the air so I could easily see them off that short leash in 2012 (to quote Brokeback Mountain). Additionally, both Jake and Austin like frozen yogurt and sushi. So the tweets didn't seem so far-fetched to me.

  89. hey, did I call it or what. I asked them to allow a photo to appear and voila, there it is. Proof too that they are paying attention to us. You guys need to text me when earthshattering news like this breaks. I casually dropped by Iheartjake this evening and nearly fell off my chair when I saw them together. We need to note this day for posterity and celebrate it from now on as a holiday. Lets hear the trolls try to claim its not Austin now. I wonder how the other sites will deal with proof right in their faces now.

  90. What an incredible day !

    Loaded Firefox to my laptop and finally saw the video from X17, and it makes things even more clear. Wish I could lip read to have some idea what the old guy was saying to Jake and Austin near the end.

    Jake was very much in the lead with the group, but Austin and Adam were on their own wavelength there for a bit. Interesting to see the dynamic on this day. Hope we get to see more as time goes by, but for now will rejoice!

  91. shout it from the mountainJanuary 20, 2012 at 12:45 AM

    There is nothing to back up most tweets, and yet most of them have been treated as gospel by the likes of you Cloud 9, until they included Austin.

  92. A friend of a friendJanuary 20, 2012 at 2:18 AM

    I don't think Jake and Austin have been together the whole time as many of you do, but I do think they were together from early 2005 to summerish 2007 (about two and a half years).

    I think it was CAA and Jake's desire to be a big star which did them in. I think he and Austin are back together now. The truck is the givaway.

    Here's the timeline, as far as I know...

    1) Jake and Austin are frequently spotted together throughout 2005 and early 2006 immediately after Jake and Kirsten break up. It's known that Jake and Austin have known each other since at least 2004, if not sooner. This leads to the first Toothy Tile stories and other web speculations that they are more than friends.

    2) Jake has a major hit with Brokeback Mountain and becomes a darling at CAA in 2006. Jake and Austin are still seen together, but it becomes more clandestine.

    3) Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe break up in late 2006 and she leaves WME for CAA in early 2007.

    4) We begin hearing about stories of Jake and Reese being together. Yet, we know Jake and Austin are still together at this point as Jake is reported to be spending a lot of time in Austin's trailer on the set of JOHN FROM CINCINATTI in May of 2007. The story is actually widely reported leading to more speculation that Jake and Austin were really a couple.

    5) I believe Jake broke up with Austin that summer (2007) because the relationship threatened Jake's now expanding career. We see photos of Jake looking increasingly disshelved and unhappy and this was the summer Austin was arrested in Michigan for drunk driving after what was reported to be a week long bender.

    6) Jake and Reese Witherspoon "come out" as a couple in October around the time their film RENDITION flopped.

    7) Between the fall of 2007 and early 2009 Jake is very busy with his career (BROTHERS in New Mexico from Nov 2007 to Feb 2008; NAILED in South Carolina from March 2008 to May 2008; PRINCE OF PERSIA in North Africa and England from June 2008 to December 2008).

    8) In early 2009 we see the first photo of Jake and Austin together in almost two years, as they were seen riding their bikes together in February. A month or so later we read a report, from renouned gossip writer Ian Halperin, that confirmed that Jake and Reese are mostly for show and would break up by years end.

    9) In the fall of 2009, Reese Witherspoon meets Jim Toth. She and Jake "break up" in November. Austin and Sophia Bush "come out" as a couple.

    10) Between the fall of 2009 and the end of 2010 three of Jake's movies are released. All of them underperform, thus, his stock in Hollywood and CAA diminishes.

    11) In a last ditch gambit Jake attempts another ridiculous showmance with Taylor Swift. This one backfires as this "coupling" is no where near as popular as his showmance with Reese.

    12) 2011 is another ho-hum year, although SOURCE CODE is an improvement. It signified a new start for Jake as he took on a more direct role behind-the-scenes getting the film made.

    13) Jake films END OF WATCH in the summer, again proving that he's returning more to his indie roots. By the fall there are sightings of Jake and Austin together again.

    14) By the end of the year Jake fires his management and agent, again signalling a new direction.

    15) By the end of last year, beginning of this year Jake and Austin are seen together far more frequently and more unabashedly since 2005 - the year before Jake became very famous.

    It's obvious they're back together. The truck is the givaway. If he's getting early morning juice and is driving Austin's truck, then either Jake slept over Austin's or Austin slept over Jake's.

    P.S. I always knew it was CAA who was behind his showmances and not his PR people. It's just how they operate over there. They want to control your whole life.

  93. I am going to address the early years, how they have been together since 2002.

    Why have they been together since 2002?

    We have picture proof that Austin and Jake were at Club Lotus together in June 2002 just a month after they met for the casting of TDAT. (Why were seeming innocuous pictures embargoed for over 5 years then?)

    Then right before they are to beginning filming TDAT as if magic Jake starts to "date" Kirsten.

    We also have deleted/extra footage of them on the set of TDAT where they have that very flirtatious wipe down and during Jake's birthday Austin is not with all the other people around the table but just behind Jake watching over him.

    And we have an interview from Austin for TDAT about how he and Jake used to cook together while they were working on the movie for 6 months, and had their own special dish. (I still can not figure out the radishes with roasting chickens, the other stuff ok, but hot radishes?)

    Jake then goes over to London while Austin is filming Wimbledon, but of course Kiki is there because she is in the film too, and it no one is the wiser why Jake is really there.

    Talking about TDAT Austin also mentions that Jake used to try to crack him up and teasing him about if he was going to do the line that way. Austin couldn't help mention Jake in his interviews, and notice it was much more than he mention Emmy and Arjay combined.

    In 2004 at the TDAT premiere, mysteriously they both had pictures take with every other castmember and Roland but "somehow missed" having picture taken together even when they were just feet from each other. YET they teased each other on the red carpet (Jake snowballs really?) and once again, Austin gazed at Jake, this time from the steps while Jake was getting his picture taken.

    Jake finished filming BBM and started Jarhead almost immediately. In the middle of production he went to the Academy Award, and funny who was at seen in a picture with Jake (with his safe date Kiki) but Austin and Claire, who mysteriously was his former fiancee at the time. The story was that she threw all of his stuff out a couple of months earlier and he was sleeping on friends couches. (hmmm why would she do that months before and then go out on a date with him).

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. marloesb5 Marloes
    @adamlevine @AUS10NICHOLS I think y'all should go on 'dude dates' more often. And tell the press where and when so we get pics. Kthx. :)
    6 minutes ago

  96. Nice work, 0218! I hadn't noticed before your timeline didn't start until 2005 but I agree with Special that the guys have been together since 2002. But you're right that it is said they've broken up before. Didn't Ted say they've had a volatile relationship before or something like that?

    New pics of Jake on JJ at lunch with the older guy. No one seems to know who he is but he's perhaps a new mgr or something along those lines?

    Hopefully we find out soon as we all seem to just be calling him "the old or older man". LOLLLLLL!!!!

    Yea, today is F*R*I*D*A*Y!!!

  97. m, I am so sorry! I didn't know you had texting! Now I know, lol. As unofficial OMG Social Coordinator and Grapevine Instigator, I certainly dropped the ball.


  98. Don't think it's was a volatile relationship, but yes they have had their ups and down around 2006 where there was a brief split.

    But they were not broken up from 2007 -2009

    Yes Jake did work a lot but remember since that time Jake and Austin have made it a point to have their work schedules overlapped as little as possible,which adds to the validity of them having children.

    It was a very curious thing that Jake had not only just a suite in a hotel in Morocco for PoP but the entire place just for him and his entourage. Does he really have that many people? Well it is perfect for him to have his family (Austin and BT) with him for the long shoot and have no prying eyes. And then there was the very specific security requests for his home in London during the shoot. (A attached garage with a private entrance leading into the home)

    While they were not seen officially out together as much the past few years, both were bearding during the time, it only makes it more obvious they were still together by their actions.

    There was Austin in the distance when Jake was out at Ammo (one of Austin's favs) with Maggie and the family. Austin at the farmer's market with Jake Reese and his mom, the other man in the hat at Maggie's wedding Italy, Austin being spotted in a picture at the LA farmers market when Jake was down the aisle with his old lady shopping cart, Austin being seen another Sunday at the farmers market with mutual friend Busy, and of course Leadville.

  99. Oh and you can forget the picture in People of Jake with Maggie and Peter in LA, when he was tucked up against a certain fella who need to have People put a big blue dot put over his hand.

  100. Did you notice what Austin's footwear? Sneakers! When does that ever happen?

    And Jake with Austin while he is on the Dude Date with Adam, and a tweet about Austin and Adam having dude dates more often could them all together be called a "Nichi Menage a Trois"?

  101. Ted might used the word volatile but the connotations of that word to me don't sound like either of those guys. I could see the relationship being call more like tumultuous.

  102. Well, volatile might not be the word that Ted used but it seems it was something to indicate it wasn't always a bed of roses.

    But what relationship isn't.

  103. But wow, the morning after. I think I have a Jaustin hangover.

