Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sunny Side Up

"Don't look now, but he's tall, Texan and all mine."
Well done Jake.

And well done Austin for a great job directing!


  1. Zitta @ScottZitta
    Dettagli Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Duane Reade

    Zitta @ScottZitta
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Duane Reade

  2. Roni Tessler @rtessler Jake Gyllenhaal sighting. I can die easy

  3. Let me think about thisFebruary 23, 2012 at 11:03 AM

    So I looked at Tim, and he said 'Let me do you for the last time' -- which sounds weirdly sexual --

    Please Explain Austin!
    I'm listening

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Jake back in NYC. Let's see where's next on the Travelogue for the twosome.

  6. That was a quick trip, sort of supports it being just for bearding, but time will tell I guess.

    So what should I see in the new York times this morning but a giant photo of Jake on the cover of the Style section, used to illustrate the perfect tux.

  7. Maybe the Paris trip was something related to a work meeting? Not necessary a movie, maybe a fragance or fashion campaign? It was Paris fashion week. If WME is more International market oriented then perhaps they’ll push Jake to do some ad like most of the guys of his generation did (James Franco for Gucci, Ryan Reynolds for Hugo Boss, etc). Also, The Shoes band are French and live in Paris. Maybe it was something related to the music video he did (editing approval, publicity, ads). Maybe he just met this Lea girl in a friendly way because he was in Paris and it’s not a full on bearding. We’ll see soon if she appears in the US and there are more sightings.

  8. I want to share this link because we often talk about photoshop. These are photoshop pics of celebrities. Some are awful but some of them are so well done that if nobody tells us they are fake, we’d probably take them for real, even more if they come straight from a publicist, agency or a random facebook page: gallery 1 and gallery 2

  9. Too many questions, Maybe Work Related! lol My little brain can't handle it.

  10. Agree with Destiny and maybe work related?... Only time will tell if this new WME contract is going to repackage Jake in much the same way as CAA (beard and all), or if they are taking him into a more authentic, more serious direction. Known for his work not his latest tabloid spread.

  11. Pray for me girls. I'm going to the Deli to get a copy of the Times. That news plus EOW having been picked up makes my day!!

  12. Hey, thanks for the tip, Sass!!! You are on it.

    lol - is the Deli a hazardous or unsafe place, Sass? Or do you never know how your food is going to be?

  13. PG, I owe that tip to Variety alerts. I wish I could buy the entire paper, but alas that's not to be.
    TY for alerting me to the picture of THE elegant Jake G, wearing a Tuxedo, in a full page spread, surrounded by how to wear a tux tips. :)
    I eat at some Deli's, but not most for the aforementioned reasons in your post...though most Deli's buy good meats and good cheeses and breads, so I am still alive.

  14. Ooooh. Thanks M&M. After enlarging that second pic of Jake, it's easy to see why he looks so great in a tux.

  15. I think I am going to have to grab the Times, after seeing those pics.

    And what better person for them to pick than Jake. The man can rock a tux like no other.

    The tailoring is exquisite.

  16. Seems like so many take Tweeter as the Bilble. I do not.

  17. Who knows if Jake ever had lunch with Lea. Who knows for sure if he really was in Paris.

  18. Jake and Austin were very definitely in Berlin together.

  19. cubistlit (@cubistlit)
    2/23/12 2:57 PM
    I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal and her kids on the 2 train this afternoon. Subway Train de los Babies

  20. MjayAlThany (@MjayAlThany)
    2/22/12 6:14 PM
    @NonoTh “@Zap2it: Exclusive pic of Austin Nichols & Chad Michael Murray behind the scenes of tonight's One Tree Hill”

  21. i`m so happy to have seen the photos of our boys again here:) for myself, but especially for those of you who are regular here<3 you decerved that present. a pleasent and very nice precent, but not an unexpected one. it`s nice, for once, to look forward to something you know you`ll get someday because it`s real and not just fantasy:)

  22. It really is nice seeing old friends back. Hi NG. Also London and Hopeful.

  23. i am not sure what ted means when he said austin doesnt have any kids of his own...i dont think they have anymore than one or two kids, and i think jake is the biolgical father.i believe austin is a father though, just not biogical.i think jake is "the mother" so far. have to stay nearby the kid/kids most of the time and i simply think he`s agreed to that because the kid/kids is his. i like jake, but he seems a bit spoiled so i think he gets his will. though, i do think he wants austin, when they think its time, to have biologcal kids of his own, and by then, mayby by now, i dont think jake will love them any less than austin loves "his". together they make a family.i think a loving one. its hollywood, so their standards may not always be like how we see normality.

  24. Hey ng!! Great to see you.

    i think jake is "the mother" so far. have to stay nearby the kid/kids most of the time

    Yup, I agree.

  25. i just would hope, pg, that hollywood was like our world. would be so much easier to understand, hi hi:) but honestly, i think they`re most egoes. i think they love their family and friends...but mayby most of all their ego..., so they live in their world and we live in ours. i think there is united states with all its ups and downs...then there is hollywood with all its downs and ups;)

  26. but.., by hollywood standars, i have to say i am proud of jake and austin. if i should compare with someone, maybe heidi and seal. they have often been fotographed together with teir kids, seemed to make a happy couple(when will people ever learn too much happiness in media is the devils kiss).i dont think there is much more to hollywood standards, of course;)


  27. i think jake is "the mother" so far. have to stay nearby the kid/kids most of the time

    Yup, I agree.

    I'm sorry but...what???? The mother??? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. That's beyond insulting to Jake. Men can be nurturers as well. There's no need to pin an effeminate label on him.

  28. lol, I knew someone would take offense to that. I was waiting to see how long it would take, tick tock. Calm down, it's a compliment for Jake as far as I'm concerned.

  29. ng, you were talking about Heidi Klumm and Seal. That whole thing was strange.

    The news did come out of nowhere. But was even stranger was the way those two totally milked their fifteen minutes of rag fame.

    Every day there was a "ring on? ring off?" watch. We had quotes from Seal regarding were they maybe reconciling? No reconciling? I mean, what in the heck. Who goes and spills that kind of personal information regarding their break-up in progress as it is happening to anyone who will listen? Courtney Cox would be an exception, of course.

    But I was very surprised by the information that Seal and Heidi Klumm were sharing with the world. It really made me conclude that they were seeking the attention.

  30. Well, as my avatar has been broadcasting, I will be headed down the road tomorrow down to the Big W. We will be celebrating my nephew's birthday. It's a bit of a milestone for him and he about knocked me over last night on the phone. His voice sounded deeper than it did the last time I talked to him.

    Why do they have to grow up? It's really rather tragic.

    I do want to mentally and psychologically prepare M&M though as tomorrow once feet touch Wichita soil, Lord willing, Jimmy the Egg will be coming back in full force!!!!!!

    Jimmy Rocks!!!!!

  31. Hi NG, great to see you.

    I think both Jake and Austin have children. But it is not his and mine when they look at their kids, all they see is ours.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. BREAKING: Open Road is closing a deal for U.S. distribution rights to End Of Watch, the David Ayer-directed cop drama that stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena and Anna Kendrick. I’m told that Open Road will release the film later this year. They’ve committed to a 2000-screen run, with a minimum guarantee just north of $2 million and a $20 million P&A commitment. It is not quite as sizable commitment as Open Road made when it acquired The Grey for $8 million with a $25 million P&A commitment, but it is substantial, and evidence that when Tom Ortenberg sees a film he can market, he goes after it hard. The Grey has so far grossed $50 million domestic.

  34. lol. Well, maybe a little more than 12 minutes ago. It was 12 minutes ago when I first saw it. Sorry I couldn't do the URL name. I can't do that from Twitter when I'm on my IPad. :(

  35. Oh, don't worry, PG. I'll be ready for Jimmy the Egg. Bwahahahaha!

  36. Not just fan excited about End of Watch sounds like HW is too. It sounds like it's going to do well.

  37. I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal and her kids on the 2 train this afternoon. Subway Train de los Babies

    Interesting tweet. Reminds me of the pics from Setpember 2011, where Maggie is being described as being out with Ramona who has her recognizable scooter helmet on, while Maggie is shown carrying another child's helmet in her hand.

  38. Oh, don't worry, PG. I'll be ready for Jimmy the Egg. Bwahahahaha

    heyyyyy! That sounded kinda sinister!!!! Nobody intimidates Jimmy's Egg!!

    I know that Jimmy's Egg really, truly scares you. In fact....I bet you'll have a nightmare about him even tonight. Bwahhhhhh!!!!

  39. I know that Jimmy's Egg really, truly scares you.

    Repeat after me: Basted, beaten, boiled. Bwahahahaha!

  40. I see Jake shares Executive Producer credit for EoW.

  41. grrrrrr.

    I draw FIRST SWORD!!!!!

    I bring you..... JIMMY'S EGG!!!!!!

    Sleep on that M&M!!! On guard!!!!

  42. Jimmy could not wait for I-35.

    Executive Producer + Director = Love

  43. you don't "baste" eggs. What in the heck does that mean?

  44. I knew you wouldn't fight fair. So meet my little friend, Mr. Egg Beater.

  45. Uh-oh. The grammar police is lurking in the background. It's called missing a keystroke. You have heard of basted eggs, haven't you. Now, hopefully next time you might contribute more productively to the discussion, instead of playing "Gotcha" with posters. Small minds....

  46. Jimmy runs from nobody, least of all a beater on the lam from Dollar General!! Oh, Williams Sonoma, you say? Hmm, likely story. That's what they all say.

    Oh, and just so Mr. Jakey G knows. Just so there is no misunderstanding....

    Jimmy says NO to kale!!! Kale is met with yellow caution tape at Jimmy's Egg.

  47. Hey, M&M you did write "basted" correctly. The troll just has never heard of basted eggs. Obviously, they are ignorant and uninformed. What a surprise.

  48. Hmmm...I also notice there, Mr. Egg Beater....there's no electric cord coming out of your heiney.

    Are you a bluetooth eggbeater? LOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!

  49. I must confess, I do love a good kale and feta egg bake. It's delicious.

  50. Hmmm...and upon closer, gratuitous inspection of the bluetooth eggbeater guy....

    I can't help but notice such strategic placement of the double eggs. Nice slash-y touch!!

    **winky wink**

  51. I was thinking about you the other day Norwegian Girl, so it's been really nice to hear from you on all of the latest discussions.

    It certainly would be interesting to have more insight into Jake and Austin's home life with their brood, but as you say I can see Jake being quite maternal. For that matter I could see Austin being somewhat the same way too. We'll have to ask them some day.


  52. It is a non-electric, good old fashion egg beater. No need for electricity. I don't like to be limited in my scope of "operation."

  53. Looks like Seaweed wants to talk about Jake and Austin. What a killjoy! LOL!

  54. Better lookout beotch.... I've got an electric beater and a blender for back-up !

  55. I'm already a bit scrambled, ready to flip so don't give me a hard timer!

  56. LOL! I give, Seaweed. My kitchen is not so well-equipped. But, I do have a can opener that might impress you. ;-)

  57. What the hell... I'll take a spin on it sometime! I'm really just and old softy, but if PG shows you should start cracking...

    PG must be all tucked in now. Will have to deal with her tomorrow.

  58. Jimmy doesn't sleep, Seaweed! Jimmy is all intact and none too over easy to pull one over on.


  59. Of course you can baste eggs. What an idiot. Usually done with butter for sunny side up eggs to cook the tops.

    Good news that EOW has a distributor and will hopefully be released this year. But better news would be that Jake has lined up another job. Otherwise it will be yet another year before we see him in a movie. Southland is one of my favorite shows. Not sure I need to see the same thing repeated in a movie, but we'll see.

  60. Gabe Fonseca ‏ @MrGabeFonseca (TV writer)
    Extra special thanks to @AUS10NICHOLS for his help on my episode of #PrivatePractice airing tonight. The hummus truck helped immensely.
    5:50 PM - 23 Feb 12 via web • Details

  61. This segment is from E! News (Feb 22), the video is low quality but you can see some behind the scenes of Austin directing plus lots of praises for him from the cast and crew.
    E! news video

  62. From what I've read a preview of EOW was screened for an audience and potential distributors and they got to see the audience's reaction and Open Road wanted it.

    And it is a pretty good deal for an "indie" that was made for 5 million. 2,000 screens and 20 million in print & advertising.

    I think it is going to do well, really well and Jake's got himself another hit.

    And it's a perfect movie for him to get his first exec producer credit.

  63. Actor Is Beard Shopping

    [Hollywood Dame] This actor has been immersing himself in work and flying under the radar lately. That will soon change. His reps have been beard shopping for him to start publicity just in time for a couple of films to hit theaters.


    I hope this blind item is not about Jake but the clues fit. The picture posted on the blind item (see link above) looks like him, “His reps”: WME, “couple of films to hit theatrers”: EOW and Nailed?, “immersing himself in work”: music video and Berlinale and “flying under the radar lately”.

  64. You know, I would have given Austin all the praise in the world. I even would have sat through that show because I was going to go back and watch those last couple of episodes of OTH and I had DVR'd Wed's episode.

    But this morning it is looking like I won't ever need to do that. I won't be looking at anything these two clowns Jake and Austin are doing for a long, long time.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Some brief Jake and Toothy mentions on yesterday's mail:

    Dear Ted:
    With the release of The Hunger Games right around the corner, it got me thinking about the next installment already! Who do you think should play Finnick? I heard Ryan Gosling's name thrown around but the role doesn't seem like something he would go for. Thoughts? Kisses to Charlie and Margo!

    Dear Tryin' for Ryan:
    We totally think that Ryan is hot enough to pull off Finnick, but you're right: He probably won't do it. The Hunger Games has pulled off some unexpected casting (we're talking about you, Lenny Kravitz), so we know the role is in good hands…Hmm, maybe Jake Gyllenhaal? He doesn't have a blonde ‘do, but we'd like to see him on the big screen.

    Dear Ted:
    I admit I thought you were bonkers when I saw you touting Tim Tebow as a good choice for Taylor Swift. I thought there was no way in hell she'd be interested in him because he is way too nice a guy for her. However, she has begun following him on Twitter recently. Is it possible she actually sees something in him or is it just an angle she's playing, perhaps in an effort to put her bid in to being Super Bowl half-time act next year? She seems way too intelligent to play the coy maiden that most seem to label her as.
    —Swiftly Amazed
    Dear Following Her Heart (on Twitter):
    We totally agree with you: Taylor is smarter than she gets credit for. Much, actually. But I think it has nothing to do with any Super Bowl performances and more to do with landing an adult relaysh—something that bombed with Jake. Swebow 4eva!

    Dear Ted:
    So JJO has dated or is dating a Vicer. Did you give this Vice gal a moniker? I'm curious if JJO is more Nevis Divine than Toothy Tile and likes the girls as much as the boys. You've said he's serious about the beard turned real-live girlfriend but does he still pine for some Dashed Dingle-Dream loving or will any hot dude do?
    Dear Kinsey Scale:
    Yes, some of the babes have earned monikers. As for your second Q: While Jude may want you to think he's got some bi in him—heck, he even wants himself to think that—those feelings only popped up once he made it big. Before then he was all gay and lovin' it.

  67. Don't think Jake would not beard for Nailed.

    Because the movie was bought out by another group who is trying to release it not completely finished and it seemed that the cast was supportive of director David O. Russell who got cut out of the deal. Jake might have to promote it but don't think he would do go out of his way to sell it now.

  68. I think we've been played big time by these guys.

  69. Thanks blind item. Appreciate everyone's contributions.

  70. I think we've been played big time by these guys.

    Told you so
