Saturday, February 11, 2012


Break out the beer and brats Austin's in Berlin!Austin tweeted earlier this morning:

Berlin Film Festival. The Golden Bear. Excited to see some great films.- Aus10And while there might not be Shiner Bock (the Texas take on German brewing) for this Texan there, we're sure he already taken a shine to something in Berlin. (and has for a while now too)

Guess we know now what's behind Jake's smile for miles.This is the kind of German spectacle we can get excite about.

Dankeschön fellas.


  1. Berlin is great, you'd all love it. So cool that Austin's there too. :)

  2. Ah, London has been there, too!! It sounds wonderful.

    Danke Schoen!! LOLLLL! Nothing like a little bit of Wayne Newton.

    Oh oh, gotta throw some stuff together. I am headed over for a one-nighter of Molly, Luce, and rotten little Jingles. And this time, we will be joined by another dog, mr. Zack. I'm told that Zack is a two year old mix and that Molly & Jingles don't mind Zack but that Lucy sometimes bares her teeth at him.

    Hmm. This ought to be interesting. Man. 4 dogs. I dunno.....

  3. PG I got to pet a 10 week old Malky last night. A Malky is a Maltese and Yorky mix. Cutest thing I ever saw.

    I wonder if Austins supermodel speaks broken English :-)

  4. My fingers are crossed for a photo of the two of them together, arm in arm and one of Jake flashing the only for Austin smile to Austin in the audience.


    Berlin Film Festival. The Golden Bear. Excited to see some great films.
    4 hours ago

    in reply to @AUS10NICHOLS ↑

    @Mrs_UnicornNoemi Gyll Ledger

    @AUS10NICHOLS are you there for your BF jake gyllenhaal who is in the jury? :) love you guys!

    4 hours ago via web

  6. SweetHomeBerlinSweet Home Berlin

    Ciggie break without Jake rather boring. However, anyone judged on his very 90s jean shirt tonight?? Noone dared? Did anyone?? :)
    4 minutes ago

    SweetHomeBerlinSweet Home Berlin

    Ciggie break with Jake Gyllenhall -but what if I'd rather met the other Jury member???#nevergetwhatyouwantevenonsaturday

    44 minutes ago

    @SweetHomeBerlinSweet Home Berlin

    @katjaruge I felt enbarressed in the end, but it was fun I guess. Wanna talk to Jake Gyllenhall? Can pass him the phone too... crazy days...
    59 minutes ago

    SweetHomeBerlinSweet Home Berlin

    All the girls of every age (also all the men) stare at Jake Gyllenhall at Clärchens Ballhaus tonight. #Berlinale
    1 hour ago

  7. Located in Berlin's central district of Mitte, Clärchens Ballhaus is a privately owned dance hall and restaurant that dates back to 1913.

    The dance hall represents a moment in time that although it has passed, is more alive than ever. Stepping into Clärchens, you're transported back to 1920's Berlin, to a place where artists and intellectuals might have gathered to wind down the day, enjoying delicious eats and soulful beats.

    Worn wood, smoke-glazed mirrors, silver streamers and wine bottle candles fill the hall with a warm, inviting ambience, and a mirrored disco ball hangs in the middle of the dance floor, enticing visitors to get on their feet and dance the night away.

    The venue offers salsa, tango, swing, chacha and schwoof (a type of club dancing), depending on the day of the week. Regardless of the night, though, you'll always find a mixed crowd of dancers, ranging in age and experience level.

    Almost undoubtedly, you'll be mesmerized by at least one white-haired couple, moving gracefully across the floor, syncing perfectly with each other and showcasing a beautiful display of movement.

    The hall comes alive at night, so plan on dinner and dancing. Make a reservation for dinner, as seating can fill up quickly, and enjoy the Ballhaus's selection of hearty German and Italian cuisine, brick oven pizza and homemade cakes. The kitchen features a weekly menu on top of its standard offerings, so there is always a new dish to try.

    While the hall is at its best in the evenings, it is also open during the day and features a beer garden, perfect for enjoying the sun, local beer and great company during the summer days.

    The opening of Clärchens Ballhaus pre-dates the Weimar Republic in Germany by a few years, though its walls most clearly echo the music and dancing of Berlin in the '20s. Through the peeling paint, the well-worn wood, the weight of history is nearly tangible and, even more so, audible.

    Depending on the night, you can still waltz at Clärchens, and tango, and cha-cha. There are also classical concerts and The Broken Hearts Club has a monthly event there where musicians and DJs share their favorite love songs. Outside, you can have a peaceful lunch in the front garden.

    It's at night, though, that this aging ballroom seems young again. The crowd is mixed in the best possible way, welcoming all comers. Clärchens may be very much of its place but it is almost entirely out of its time. It doesn't promise that life is a cabaret, it only wants you to dance.

  8. Well, Austin is a film buff so I'm sure he'd be interested in the festival but to shlep from LA to Berlin when he doesn't have a film to promote and isn't in the jury (like we know who)...I don't know...

    Gee, I wonder where he's going to stay (I wonder if Jake was able to wrangle an additional comp ticket for "a friend.")

  9. I thought Jake gave up smoking

  10. Breaking News: Whitney Houston is dead at the age of 48.

  11. ^^ Just found out. So Sad

  12. So sad. I thought she had recently made it through rehab. Her poor daughter. I am guessing a drug overdose but it could be that it weakened her heart.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey, PG. Do you see my little German man. He's awfully hungry. And that nekkid sausage looks yummy.

  15. That is a shame about Whitney Houston. What a voice and talent.

    Macaulay Culkin is another one whose appearance is rather frightening lately. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear something tragic about him soon, as well.

  16. OMG. I loved Whitney. My heart is breaking. She had the best voice I ever heard. I saw Whitney in Philadelphia way back. She was the lead in for Jeffrey Osborne. Everyone was stunned when they heard this woman sing. RIP Whitney.

  17. I wasn't a big fan of Whitney's, but it sure is a sad shock. So young, and such a shame the way she wasted her talent and couldn't get her life turned around.

  18. marloesb5
    @AUS10NICHOLS Don't you agree that I deserve a congrats for predicting you were on your way to Berlin? + a pic of you and Jake please! ;)
    19 hours ago

    PEOPLE AT #BERLINALE PLEASE MAKE PICS IF YOU SPOT AUSTIN AND JAKE TOGETHER. or alone. or with someone else. just take pics okay. thanks.
    19 hours ago

  19. Hey, PG. Do you see my little German man. He's awfully hungry. And that nekkid sausage looks yummy.

    Nah, looks like your guy has his hands full - beer in one, pretzel in another. My brats is carefree, solo and beautifully nekkid.

  20. What a nightmare!!! Zack is a nightmare.

    But here were 2 clues:

    2 years old

    Enough said.

  21. I am a lesbian when it comes to dogs - give me a female dog 99.5% of the time.

    I'm sorry but it is just my longtime experience. Male dogs are aggressive and dominating.

    Lucy is miserable and stays in her Mama's bedroom the entire time. She bares her teeth whenever Zack even takes one step into the room. He keeps taking off Jingles' little sweater and Jingles clings to me the entire time because while he puts up with Zack, he's still intimidated by him because of his size.

    Zack has the cutest face (he's part lab and something else, who knows) but he's very dominating. If you pay any attention to the other dogs, he's barging in and wants to hog all the attention. Some of you know that trait.

    Plus he's a jumper. I'm going to have bruises allll over me by the time this is done. Maybe he just needs training, I don't know but you couldn't pay me enough to do even two nights of this, LOL. No way.

    Not a good match!!!!! Not a good match at all. There is no With Six You Get Eggroll here.

  22. Male & 2 years old, sound familiar, Jack?

  23. Lying here early in the day, checking in and so thankful for the belly-laugh provided by "Beneful"

    Thanks... LMAO

    Also enjoying the reveal on A's tweets and happy to know the guys are sharing this Berliner.

  24. Two years old and male, LOL.

    The true lesbian thing is to be into cats instead of dogs. :-D :-D :-D

  25. Awww, Matt thanked his partner Simon and his kids while accepting an award last night for his work to fight AIDS. Also love the way he thanks Diane Carroll for being a role model.


  26. That was pretty cool that first Bomer got the award and then thanked his family.

    I can't wait to I hear the first time Jake finally acknowledges Austin.

  27. What a nightmare!!! Zack is a nightmare.

    Two words, PG: Dog Whisperer.
