Friday, March 30, 2012

Breaking News

Your Attention Please

Get out your shaker and slap on some Sex Panther.

Mr. Nichols you got some drinks to make.

Ron Burgundy is back!

Tonight is a night for The Ron Burgundy. Remember this drink?? - Aus10 August 27, 2010

I just invented a new drink. The ron burgundy. I may release the recipe. - Aus10 August 7, 2010

The ron burgundy is titos vodka. Sprite. And cran-pom!! It is GLORIOUS!!!!! - Aus10 August 8, 2010

Burgundy made the announcement on Conan two nights ago. And it's confirmed that Action 4 News team will be back too.
Tough break, that there's no open spots at Action 4, unless they need a Aqua Man for the beach and boating report. But they still may need some new members of the other rival anchor news teams after the last street fight.
And a funky merman like you could take on a triton and rock the hat.

Stay Class Mr. Nichols.

Happy Austin Friday

And good luck to everyone buying a ticket for Mega Millions!


  1. Evenin' Yeah, what is it about Love and Basketball courts? Going on a hoodie march with my boy Saturday....God help us all.

    Glad to hear it, Sass! Praying for justice for Trayvon also.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I believe this post about IHJ was brought up on the previous thread. Is there something someone would like to address about this matter?

  4. I didn't repost that missive from Stephanie but I think the reason it was brought over again is because the pics Stephanie specifically mentioned are still on OMG.

  5. And I'm sure Special will address it when she is able to. People have jobs and real life issues going on and are not "on" the blog 24/7. I think everyone here knows that Special is probably one of the most considerate and conscientious of blog administrators (sometimes to the point of annoyingly so, LOLLL) and she's not going to intentionally post something that plainly says "Do Not Re-Post".

  6. My question regarding this knuckle wrapping by the IHJ Hostess, is did Stephanie at IHJ have a clear posting that told people "Please do not re-post these pictures?"

    I'm not familiar with all the rules on IHJ. I just go over there to look at pictures and that is it. I imagine that is the case for most people. So then my next question would be this: If this is some well-known rule about well, if you have to "log-in", then the pictures are private and people are not to repost them "right away", then How long has it been since this has happened? Don't you think it might be a good idea to remind people of this rule? Spooky 2th would put a bolded announcement before such pictures asking people not to re-post them. Very clear and plain.

    Is there such a note on these Jake Smoking & Clearly Looking Like a Doofus Pictures?

    My next question is so when are people to know when there's an "All Clear" to post them and release them to the world wide web? Is there some standard period of incubation period before they can be released from some kind of Quality Hold and available/suitable for human vision?

  7. You know what? If people don't want pictures re-posted, then DON'T POST THEM AT ALL. KEEP THEM PRIVATE ON YOUR OWN HARD DRIVE.

    This is the internet, be proactive and self-aware. You're always going to run the risk of people re-posting something you've put up no matter what precautions you take.

    If the pics are that private, then don't put them on IHJ at all or stop crying about it.

    Something tells me Stephanie got her hand smacked good for posting the pictures, for whatever reason. And now she's trying to pass along the responsibility onto bloggers who didn't recognize the Black Market Status of these Jake Smoking and Clearly Looking like a Doofus pictures.

    You know what this reminds me of? The Jake Grace Jones Tighty Whitey pictures. There obviously was something to those pictures and now it looks like there's something "up" with these Ciggie/Doofus pictures, too.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Jake either got in trouble for these Smoking/Doofus pictures or else some kind of plan backfired because of public reaction. There is something to this little hullabaloo.

  8. How funny that there is some kind of privacy violation and black market quality about those pictures. Wonder what it is?

    A lot of people smoke. What's the big deal about that? Is it the people that Jake was with?

    If you ask me, Jake knew full well the paps were there. Like a bratty 6 year old threatening to drop Mom's favorite vase "or else", Jake is puffing on that cig fully aware of the cameras, full intent on dishing more "shock" to his followers. He looks ragged and he looks like a hoodlum hanging out on a street corner.

    But then, wasn't that the full intent?

    I'm just sitting back, waiting for the next shoe to drop with this guy. Waiting for the next act. What's he going to do for an encore?

  9. Tired of Jake's anticsMarch 30, 2012 at 2:06 PM

    I agree Prairie Girl. The question to ask is, “what is the real reason for all of the hubbub and fake outrage about these pics?” Smoking is legal the last time I checked. IHJ should not have posted the photos at all if they wanted to place some unwritten embargo on them . I saw no disclaimer on the pics that said please do not repost anywhere. These are paparazzi pics, not personal ones. My guess is that Stephanie got called on the carpet by Jake’s people because not only does he look like a doofus head, but he is acting like one too. In real life, Jake has been packaged for years as this healthy role model with the Edible Schoolyard initiative, and recently he was the spokesman for the Stand UP to Cancer Campaign in 2010.

    Also, Jake is soon to be at the “A Celebration of Paul Newman’s Dream” Benefit at the Lincoln Center, guy who just happened to die of lung cancer. The money from the benefit is going to go to the The Association of Hole in the Wall Camps, which is a “growing global network of innovative camps and programs that provide life-changing experiences to children with serious medical conditions.” Good job, Jake. You got caught being a hypocrite and the paps called you on your bullshit for once. There’s nothing wrong with these photos except that precious Jake Fyllenhaal was finally called out on his bullshit. Nothing worse than a phony and a coward---hiding behind his protectors to point fingers at others for his own ineptitude and for being an imposter off the screen, as well as on it.

  10. Tired of Jake's anticsMarch 30, 2012 at 2:27 PM

    Here's the caption on IHJ's series of photos. Two things stand out to me:

    1) There is no "an exclusive" or "please do not repost yet" disclaimer

    2) The word "enjoying" is meant to convey an innocent pasttime.

    Home > Paparazzi Photos > 2012 > March 28 - Enjoying A Cigarette With Friends In Los Angeles

  11. Tired of Jake's antics, your comment was excellent, excellently made. Couldn't have said it any better.

  12. Tired of Jake's anticsMarch 30, 2012 at 2:54 PM

    You guys are sometimes too easy on Jake so after that person came over and tried to get the pic taken down, I guess I just wanted to make the point of what I think is really happening here. People have been covering up Jake's messes for years. I'm sick of it. Yesterday was this wonderful honor of him and Heath being recognized for their advancement of human rights and their contribution to the gay community as "Heroes" for 2006, yet we don't hear or see anything about that. On the other hand, his people sure did make sure that we got to see him "praised" for 3 weeks solid after he played a sociopathic serial killer in a crappy music video. They even tried to make us think that this exercise in self indulgence was actual a humorous take, or homage, on American Psycho.

    All I can say is that if Fake Jake Gyllenhaal does have kids, they should be ashamed of both their daddies. Yes, that includes you too, Austin.

  13. At the end seems Jake has not gone to the event of The Advocate:(, too bad, however a lot of rewarded person as Ellen or Rosie O'Donnel or many others have not gone.

  14. Tired of Jake's anticsMarch 30, 2012 at 4:27 PM

    And, how do you know that Jake wasn't there? Were you at the PRIVATE reception at the Beverly Hilton? Or, did you just get the "official word" from some PR planted story that Jake wasn't there?

  15. I always try to be mindful of what IHJ asks of those who use there pictures, since they are such a resource for pictures. I know that sometime I am already logged in when refreshing so I would not know that the pictures were embargo'd for the public just by login or logged out. If this was the case yesterday, I apologize for the oversight.

    But something very curious about that link that IHJ has posted twice on OMG. That is to the old message board for IHJ. They have switched to a new message board, when IHJ reorganized earlier in 2011.

    I am not sure if Steph would post on the old board since it is not being used.

    I have not had the chance to check OMG's mail box yet if Stephanie sent something to let me know there. It is probably the best way for blogs to connect about stuff like this.

  16. Anchorman Austin

    Who couldn't see Austin a swinging seventies leisure suit, or the silk shirt, dress bell bottoms and platform shoes. Can you imagine him as a 70's beach and boating reporter? Think how much dorky fun he could create as "Your Man in the Sand". Ron Burgundy wouldn't be the only one going "Canonball" into the water.

  17. Oh, I bet Jake was at the Advocate event. But, hidden and ashamed like he always is. Closeted away like those two bloodied shirts from Brokeback Mountain. No doubt, WME let Jake go to LA to attend the induction, but the fix was in that no one was to acknowledge that he was there. Pathetic.

  18. Ellen or Rosie O'Donnel or many others have not gone.

    They are out and attend many gay themed shows and celebrations. Missing one is no big deal. Jake, however, is never recognized any more so this was a major acknowledgement to his contribution to advance gay rights. With Heath also being honored it was Jake's living responsibility to attend.

  19. The event was not private. There are pictures of the people who attended in all the photo agencies, wireimage, getty, wenn, etc etc.

  20. No doubt, WME let Jake go to LA to attend the induction, but the fix was in that no one was to acknowledge that he was there. Pathetic

    LOL do you hear yourself? Tell me how this would have been accomplished? Did they flash something on the video screen onstage all night reminding people not to tweet or mention or even look in Jake's direction - if he was there of course? Do you think the gays would have paid any attention to any of that? Of course not.

  21. Tired of Jake's anticsMarch 30, 2012 at 4:43 PM

    Yes, it was a private reception. The pics that have been distributed were permitted because the people allowed them to be:

    "The Advocate is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year and the world’s leading gay news source is marking the occasion throughout the month of March and beyond. Rolling out its Heroes Hall of Fame, The Advocate is celebrating the heroes and champions of the LGT community. For each year, the publication has selected a person or group of people responsible for great advances in the cause of LGBT equality. These heroes will also be honored at a private reception, The Advocate 45th Presented by Lexus, on Thursday, March 29."

  22. Tired of Jake's anticsMarch 30, 2012 at 4:47 PM

    LOL do you hear yourself? Tell me how this would have been accomplished? Did they flash something on the video screen onstage all night reminding people not to tweet or mention or even look in Jake's direction - if he was there of course? Do you think the gays would have paid any attention to any of that? Of course not.

    Easy to do when you have a private reception. CAA and WME own Los Angeles. Media outlets know who they are supposed to keep under the radar. It's done all the time.

  23. beverly hilton said...
    The event was not private. There are pictures of the people who attended in all the photo agencies, wireimage, getty, wenn, etc etc.

    Of course, the event was private. Do you actually think that Jake was the only closeted gay that was planning to attend. Grow up!

  24. Excuse, but of what are you talking about? there are tons photos of the event, and even of the whole room with all the guests inside, there are pics from twitter,e photo of the red carpet, all it takes is going on the site of The Advocate, truth is that Jake has not had the balls to go there.

  25. I've seen those inside grocery store pics all over and hadn't gone to IHJ until this AM. I feel terrible about the inside store pics and hanging with friends/people/looking silly smoking pics.
    Well damn...come on back to NYC Jake...more privacy here...lots of tweets, but most of the time we're too busy to take many close up pics.
    I smoked for more than 25 years and didn't stop until I got pregnant...if not for my boy, I probably would be battling Lung Cancer. I'm not entirely convinced it didn't help me get BC arrr.
    Happy weekend folks to everyone.


    Here is a photo of the whole room.

  27. All I"m going to sayMarch 30, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    There was a private reception. My friend went to it. Enough said.

  28. Offering some helpMarch 30, 2012 at 5:56 PM

    me said...

    Here is a photo of the whole room.

    You really got to be kidding me, right? You cannot tell who is in that room. And, obviously people who do not want to be ID will stand in the back away from the stage where the photographs are being taken.

  29. There was a private reception. My friend went to it. Enough said.

    sure lol

  30. me, when you first came over here, you were very polite.

    Now from out of nowhere, it appears that a different side is beginning to surface.

    There was nothing in the comment from 17:51 that warranted the rude answer of "sure lol".

  31. You really got to be kidding me, right? You cannot tell who is in that room. And, obviously people who do not want to be ID will stand in the back away from the stage where the photographs are being taken.

    You have just said that The pics that have been distributed were permitted because the people allowed them to be:, this photo and others show that is not the truth, unfortunately truth is , Jake has not had the courage that surely Heath would have had, to go to the party.

  32. Heroes Hall of Fame

    The article makes clear that the heroes honored last night will be acknowledged at a private reception. No doubt there were different elements of last night's celebration. Some were open, some semi-private, others private. As someone has already said, there were no doubt many closeted cases attending and accommodations were made for that segment of the crowd. It's Los Angeles, after all. They are experts at this.

  33. Yes, I'm sure almost all of the pics from last night had to pass inspection. In other words, pre-approved by agencies and managers. You are obvioulsly not familiar with events like this. It's done all of the time.

  34. I apologize if I have been discourteous, I didn't want to offend anybody, but I don't succeed in bearing who hides behind, sentences type: my friend, my my cousin, uncle was there if you have believable proof bring it and we discuss, otherwise is a disrespect and a lie, but if I have been discourteous I still really apologize.

  35. Pictures go through a photo agency in which agencies like WME and CAA have established what pictures they will allow to be distributed. Also they do buy up any pictures they do not want to be publicized. How do you think Jake and Austin went out for three years before the Casanova premiere. Jake was buying up the pictures of them together, or he made deals with photographers to do pictures for them the next day or some other time. Ex. When he went walking with his parents on the beach in Malibu, you can hear the pap in one of the videos of it saying... Jake you owe us.

  36. All I'm going to sayMarch 30, 2012 at 6:14 PM

    me said...
    There was a private reception. My friend went to it. Enough said.

    sure lol

    You can laugh, but he got to rub elbows with people you can only dream of. Live with it!

  37. The article makes clear that the heroes honored last night will be acknowledged at a private reception. No doubt there were different elements of last night's celebration. Some were open, some semi-private, others private. As someone has already said, there were no doubt many closeted cases attending and accommodations were made for that segment of the crowd. It's Los Angeles, after all. They are experts at this.

    everything true, but Jake was not a normal guest, he was one of the honorable ones, there is a great difference. What has he done when its name has been announced? is he hidden under the table?
    I believe that to go to the ceremony would have been the correct thing to do, for the film, the community gay for himself and for Heath, but he has chosen not to do it. it is a shame but unfortunately it is the truth.

  38. You can laugh, but he got to rub elbows with people you can only dream of. Live with it!

    If it is true I am alone happy for your friend, but, or you bring some proof or for me they are only words written in the sand sorry.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. For each year, the publication has selected a person or group of people responsible for great advances in the cause of LGBT equality. These heroes will also be honored at a private reception

    It's not for us to say how the evening was organized. I have no idea. I wasn't there. You can be as argumentative as you want, but the article makes it clear that these heroes "will also be honored at a private reception". The word "also" indicates to me that there was a separate event for the heroes being honored.

  41. SK, why do you still have that pic up of Jake smoking? You have used IHJ pics for years, yet you thumb your nose over a simple request - Stephanie has said it is a private pic. Take it down NOW.

  42. I just got home and I just took the pictures down. Go look for yourself.

    I also need to get on IHJ message board for myself to check the message.

  43. Why....

    I would like to ask that you do not raise your voice to me.

    There is no need.

  44. For me it means, that The advocate after had announced the heroes through the site, as indeed has done for the whole month of March, then these heroes would have been celebrated with a private ceremony, on March 29in Los Angeles, that of yesterday

  45. It's not for us to say how the evening was organized. I have no idea. I wasn't there. You can be as argumentative as you want, but the article makes it clear that these heroes "will also be honored at a private reception". The word "also" indicates to me that there was a separate event for the heroes being honored.

    For me it means, that The advocate after had announced the heroes through the site, as indeed has done for the whole month of March, then these heroes would have been celebrated with a private ceremony, on March 29in Los Angeles, that of yesterday.
    sorry,for reposted but perhaps so it is clearer:)

  46. All I'm going to sayMarch 30, 2012 at 7:12 PM

    If it is true I am alone happy for your friend, but, or you bring some proof or for me they are only words written in the sand sorry.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. My friend works as a publicist in Hollywood, I could not give you proof even if I wanted to. I'm just joining the conversation. Who are you, the Grand Inquisitor?

  47. For me it means, that The advocate after had announced the heroes through the site, as indeed has done for the whole month of March, then these heroes would have been celebrated with a private ceremony, on March 29in Los Angeles, that of yesterday

    Just a thought. Learn to write English before you decide to attack another poster. Your statement makes no sense at all. Which means you have a problem with the idea that there was a private reception for the honorees. I understand exactly what the poster is suggesting and the article is very clear in its use of language. Wish I could say the same about you! This is how to identify troll-like behavior. Arguing pointlessly even when you have been proven wrong.

  48. A private reception is common with an event like the Advocates. Doesn't mean there weren't photographers outside or at the ceremony itself. I have no doubt that if Jake was there we'd have photos or heard something.

  49. You are alone an ill-mannered, I am learning the English. why don't try you to write in my language? I am not a troll, only a person that reasons in healthy way, what the article says is clear,/they have chosen some heroes and has honored them yesterday Jake it was not there because it is a coward.point, not everything can be turned into fiction even if it is amusing

  50. Just a reminder we know that there will be disagreements about things here at OMG, but we ask that everyone be respective of each other whether you agree or disagree with others.

  51. Jake it was not there because it is a coward.point, not everything can be turned into fiction even if it is amusing

    Enough of this already.

    Enough pointless arguing. When one persists in arguing like this, it becomes trolling.

    I recognize this same commenting from WFT2 and I don't believe us regulars are going to allow this blog to turn into that mess that resulted next door from this very kind of bickering.

    Of what else that was revealed today, I can't believe the arguing is going on about whether or not what's his name attended the Advocate event.

    If he did, it still may be revealed.

  52. There's nothing worse than being at work on an extremely busy day and trying to keep up with what's going on and really not being able to comment much. We are undergoing some software changes at work and it is going to be sheer h*** next week. In fact, now I have to go in tomorrow morning. YUCK!!! I hate spending part of my Saturdays at work.

    Special, for what it is worth, I think 18:52's comment ought to come down. Talk about rude. Capping and demanding of the blog administrator. Absolutely uncalled for.

    Someone needs to get over those pictures. As a matter of fact, it would appear they have now been released from their Quality Hold and are fit for human viewing.

    There's the Master of Deception in all his glory. Possibly his partner in crime Mr. Nichols may be there as well, he just is not shown.

  53. Maybe it's time to make one (or two) of those Ron Burgundy's Austin created.

  54. Like I said early about refreshing while being already logged in, I didn't realize that they were held back. Once I got back home and chance to go through everything, it was taken care of, I think IHJ knows how much OMG has appreciated all their pictures over the years, and that it was an oversight.

  55. SpecialK and prairiegirl I am not a troll and I don't want to quarrel, I have posted this on WFT a little while ago:

    it is not my blog, they are not my rules, if the rule of the blog is to avoid certain expressions, I follow o the rule of the blog, I always try to be polite, especially in the house of others, the main point is to defend the own ideas, also against everybody, as I always do.

    unfortunately for me, I never do what someone tells me to do, also when it would suit me, it is not the blog of PG, but they is as a kind of community and they has their rules and it is not my place to go in their home to break their harmony, I certainly say my opinion that is almost always contrary to theirs, but there is no need to be ill-mannered.

    a little while ago, I have had here a discussion on Lea and Jake to NY, and when I have exaggerated I have apologized, as for me it is correct to do in this blog, in that other,anywhere. I don't want to quarrel or to offend I want only to chat to discuss gossips to joke and to learn English. The world is already an enough hard place , I don't see because should be here the same.JMO

    March 30, 2012 8:39 PM

    there is the whole discourse on WFT, if you want to go to read it, for education I have not brought the answers of the person with which I spoke, but you can check it.

  56. Emily Maag ‏ @emilymaag

    Just saw the headline "Gyllenhaal pregnant with girl" and had a panic attack because I thought Jake Gyllenhaal got a girl pregnant.
    8:41 PM - 30 Mar 12 via web · Embed this Tweet

    Conrad ‏ @conradflowers

    yes jake gyllenhaal can get pregnant because he is jake gyllenhaal
    10:05 PM - 30 Mar 12 via web · Embed this Tweet

  57. I cannot adequately express what I have felt today upon seeing yet another rug Mr. G has pulled over everyone's eyes. Not just a throw rug, but a banquet room sized rug.

    Spin Cycling? Really. Kale? Really, Jake. Mediterranean restaurants & sushi, salads, farming your own food, jogging, karate, yoga, hiking, etc. And all this time, he's hidden his habit, the one that just blows all of that out of the water.

    No telling what else these 2 clowns have got in their closets along with their apparent shame of each other.

    Austin's Two Wheel Tuesday nonsense was another charade. Notice how he's given that up. Guess since OTH is over and he's gone underground like a mole, he doesn't need to tweet about it.

    He only needs to tweet when he wants something from his followers. Watch this. Buy this. Watch that. Buy That. Blow this up. Blow that up. Other than that, you're not going to hear from me. You're only going to hear from me when I need something from you. Got it?

    Unfortunately, these 2 guys are fathers. I never thought I would say this, but at this point, I honestly don't know what kind of dads they really are anymore. They're not showing me a whole lot right now and both boys have totally lost my support.

  58. it is not the blog of PG

    And don't be coming over here throwing weight around. Don't you dare come over here with a line like this, you're quickly starting bad blood, me.

  59. Home after a long day. I am holding back until I know for sure if Jake attended the Advocate event whether it was private or not. I VERY MUCH HOPE HE DID.

    I believe Jake and his PR team wanted those pics out or IHJ would not have gotten them. All the drama is BS.

  60. Tom did you catch any of the Sox when you were down there? And did you get a chance to see Papelbon pitch?

  61. Please do me a favor and pray that Jake and Austin re not parents. We should all pray for that. What a sad thing it would be if they were.

  62. Didnt get to see Papelon pitch SK. I only got to go to one game on Tuesday and Cliff Lee pitched very well. Then headed down to Fort Lauderdale. Had a great lunch with Destiny on Wednesday and then went to South Beach with my friend Leo that night. South beach is awesome. I have never seen such good looking men.

  63. Oooh la la South Beach!! My favorite place in this country. Was there November/December and am so looking forward to going back. Gorgeous place. And yes GORGEOUS men!

  64. I got to say one more thing I dont think I can handle knowing that jake did not attend the Advocate event. It will be right up there with his reeke photo op after Heath died. I think it would give me what i need to let this all go for good.

  65. The big mystery today, I think, is why the big hullabaloo over those pictures. Why were they supposed to be withheld? Why were they yanked back?

    I don't think it's the habit itself but it's the hiding when you're presenting an entirely different kind of picture in public.

  66. South Beach Rules! said...
    Oooh la la South Beach!! My favorite place in this country. Was there November/December and am so looking forward to going back. Gorgeous place. And yes GORGEOUS men!

    Oh yeah. I think I want my ashes spread there when I die. Unless South beach really is heaven itself. Darn close.

  67. Does anyone else think that Jake may not actually be the most stable man emotionally in the world?

  68. What Jake probably doesn't realize (and this is something I think all smokers don't realize) is that just because you smoke outside or on a balcony or patio, once you put that butt out, the smoke doesn't stay outside.

    It comes back inside with you into the house. It's in your beard. It's in your hair. It's on your skin, on your breath, your clothes.

    Those kids are still coming in contact with that smoke.

  69. I sympathize with smokers because it is a habit just like cheese is a habit for me. We all have our habits, our vices, our weaknesses. And I've always realized that smoking must be a very powerful addiction because so many people cannot kick it. I'm glad I never started.

    What brings me down about Jake doing it is because of their children, not to mention his lung health as well. My dad died of lung cancer and my aunt just had part of her lung removed after having been a long-time smoker.

    There's nothing worse than seeing someone on oxygen not being able to get their breath. It's awful.

    Okay, enough of that. Think I've ranted all I can for the night.

  70. ^^^ smoking was satisfying for me after I got over the being cool factor years ago. Very satisfying! Then came the down side and the discomfort and addiction. Stopped once for about 6 months after about 2 or 3 years. Then started back and off to the races. It was hard kicking the habit the 2nd time around. Lasted for years. But the laws were beingging to change at work and everywhere, had surgery and NO more smoking in hospitals, so the timing was right for me. Only had 1 incident where I actually wanted a ciggarette, and it was more out of habit than anything. About 21 yrs now with out one. But like you, I sympathize with smokers because I know what they are going thru and now they are made out to be 3rd and 4th class citizens. Sad. But, don't smoke around me, I can't stand the damn smoke NOW.
    Hate it. LOL

  71. Jersey Tom, YOU expect too much out of and from Jake!

    YOU DO! Jake won't make your life better. As soon as you realize this the better for you.

    There is an article and test on aol about fans being to involved in a celebrity's life. There are and should be boundaries. They get crossed to often.

  72. Hi 11:26!
    I'm glad for you that you've quit. Stay strong!

    I am working with two people right now who had quit and after stressful times, went back to the habit. It breaks my heart to watch my big buddy leave his desk time after time for that cig. Then he comes back to sit in the cube next to me and that smell follows him like a cloud.

    I reckon it has a lot to do with dealing like stress, like binge eating or biting nails or pulling out your hair, stuff like that. My little buddy says too that it has something to do with keeping your hands occupied. She finally quit but now she's been hooked on that nicotine gum for several years, lol.

    I hope that he just finds the strength to stop for the sake of himself but most of all for those little kids.

    Thanks for sharing your story, 11:26!!

  73. IMHO said...
    Jersey Tom, YOU expect too much out of and from Jake!

    YOU DO! Jake won't make your life better. As soon as you realize this the better for you.

    There is an article and test on aol about fans being to involved in a celebrity's life. There are and should be boundaries. They get crossed to often.

    I dont need your lectures or advice on what i should or should not do. My interest in jake has waned since reeke. i expect nothing from him. My life is full and you just crosssd one of my boundaries. Dont give people lectures like you just did. What the h@ll are you doing on this blog if you are not just as interested in all this also. Keep ur advice to yoursef..

  74. Special, you have no need to apoligize to anyone about posting those pictures or to even take them down. Pictures posted on the web are never private, and anyone who thinks they are is an idiot. I surfed about 20 other sites before getting here and I saw the Jake smoking pics before I landed here and saw the controversy. Where did I see them? I cant even remember because I said Oh there they are to myself and moved on.

    The big question is why did they cause so much upheaval. Like the ones from the motel room that casued Jakes attorneys to take action. Made no sense since they were more inocuous than others that had appeared earlier. There is a juicy story behind the smoking pics for sure. Lets see if Ted come through with the backstory. One way or another, the truth will come out. We just have to be patient and wait for it to surface.

  75. That's enough, 12:50, point made. I think you make this same mini tirade every time to Tom. It's like a broken record and extremely tiresome.

  76. Whew man, I think I've had enough of that avatar. LOLLLLL!!! Geez. Where's Zac.

  77. "it would appear they have now been released from their Quality Hold and are fit for human viewing."

    The smoking pics are still locked on IHJ.

  78. Some mentions of (healthy and innocent) Jake in tabloids ;)

    Star (April 2)

    US Weekly (March 26)

  79. pimping soul cycleMarch 31, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    This pic is from two weeks ago, another one inside Soul Cycle from twitter that I think it wasn’t posted:


  80. twitter vs paparazziMarch 31, 2012 at 5:37 AM

    I have an observation that I find interesting. First, I want to clarify that I believe that Jake controls his image and most of his pics and info out there about him are staged. In the past (years ago), it seemed that he was much more papped in NYC than in LA. Now it’s the inverse. He is papped constantly in LA but hardly ever in NYC. Now NYC is all about tweets to the point of every single one of his moves are documented, but there are hardly any tweets when he is in LA. What gives? What do you think of this trend and pattern? Both cities are equally full of paps and people tweeting, but it’s interesting to see the differences and contrast.

    About the ‘privacy’ thing (which I think it’s relative as most of his image is controlled and PR planted). I think that a few pap pics that are two seconds from his days are better than a hundred daily tweets documenting his every location. I think that in that respect he has much more privacy in LA than in NYC. But pap pics give the illusion of being more invasive, so he has the excuse of being ‘haunted’ when in fact he is more anonymous in LA than in NYC.

    Another important thing, I know that twitter is a business marketing tool. I find it interesting that paparazzi pics are aiming to the mainstream (often posted on gossip sites and magazines for the general public to see) while twitter is aiming to his fandom (fans who search his name) . We often lose objectivity of the big picture because we are looking his every move too close, but this is an interesting difference between pap pics and twitter. The whole twitter manipulation thing is aiming to us, controlling the fandom (JIS, JIG and all in between) more than affecting his mainstream image. The casual observer and general audience only reads what is given to them by general gossip sites/magazines. Fans are the ones actively looking for pics and news and the ones who search his name and visit fan pages that are the only places where twitter sightings are posted.

  81. Great observation Twitter vs. Paps

