Monday, March 12, 2012

Have I see you before?

Haven't seen Jake since he returned from Europe, but today we get to see a little more of what he did while he was there.Here is the new video for The Shoe's song, Time to Dance

What do you think of it?

And where will we see Jake next?
coffee or South Congress?

Jake - you know with Austin (Texas or Texan) resistance is futile.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Not sure what I think of the video.

    Boy, the song today sounds like Depeche Mode, even right down to the vocals.

  4. Boy, I wonder how they got those shots of Jake in Soho with no other people in them. Soho on the weekends is wall to wall people. Like Times Square on a Friday night, people so deep at the corners you can hardly cross the street.

  5. Then maybe they are not from the date they are stamped. We have seen it before with pics of Jake.

    It has been used before to cover for him on the move.

  6. Bold choice for Jake to do for the video.

    Interesting that it is someone on the fringe of society.
    And that he is and outsider.

  7. One thing for sure, it's not a video I'd want to watch over and over again.

    I'd guess the pictures were taken yesterday, too many sightings of them. But I'll wait until I can see larger photos to say more.

  8. Then maybe they are not from the date they are stamped. We have seen it before with pics of Jake.

    It has been used before to cover for him on the move.

    ^ LOL! Have you got any other jokes to tell?

  9. Well the video is certainly not what I was expecting. I cant see watching it more than once or twice given the subject matter. The song is OK.

    The troll did themselves no favors with the leaked photos. Like with Reeke, cold fish. No chemistry there at all. They show that there is no relationship and Jake is just going through the motions.

  10. March 11 - Out & About With A Friend In New York City


  11. No chemistry there at all. They show that there is no relationship and Jake is just going through the motions.

    You got all that from, what, four photos snapped over the course of maybe six seconds? You're gooooood.

  12. I think Jake gave an impressive performance as a serial killer in the video. His cold and intense stare is scary. His acting is great in it!

    Hate hate hate the bearding. I am really disappointed he is doing the same thing again. I had high hopes to see him in a different path after he left CAA and 360.

    I see a theme emerging though, French band video filmed in the UK, French beard, German film festival. It seems WME is going for the international market.

    The pics were timed perfectly so that they could be released after the video when all the attention is on him and get more publicity.

  13. I'm not going to come to conclusion of that Jake is bearding again from a set of pictures that are somewhat suspicious given, when they were supposed to be taken and someone seeing Jake in Austin yesterday.

  14. I totally agree with everything you said Europe.

  15. He's excellent in this - it's like a movie. I know it's a music video, but he's quite convincing. Those eyes are scary!

  16. He's troubled looking too.

  17. Even if I'm not sure I like the video, I agree that Jake did a great job in it.

  18. I'm not going to come to conclusion of that Jake is bearding again from a set of pictures that are somewhat suspicious given, when they were supposed to be taken and someone seeing Jake in Austin yesterday.

    And yet you disregard tweet after tweet of him out and about in NYC Saturday night and Sunday? But one iffy tweet of maybe could be not sure Jake in Austin becomes gospel?? Good lord! LOL

  19. Predictable: Whenever you see overkill (no pun intended given The Shoes video), PR is either covering something up or trying to distract. Actually, I'm more likely to believe the isolated Austin, TX tweet than the sudden pandemonium of tweets Saturday and Sunday.

    I agree with the person who said that there is absolutely no chemistry between Jake and the woman in allllll those photos. Notice again...overkill. Not just one or two pics but over a dozen.

    My view on the video is that Jake is trying for shock value, nothing more, nothing less. Obviously, WME wants people to take Jake seriously. And, admittedly, it's hard to ignore a pathological killing machine, splattering blood everywhere and communing with seagulls.

    No doubt, brutally killing eight people with all kinds of odd weaponry will get you some attention. Maybe even frighten a few producers into giving Jake the kind of roles he apparently wants to do. Guess you might call this kind of guerilla marketing, "Extreme" Repackaging.

    One truth that was loud and clear in this work was the ironic subtext that portrays the victims of the serial killer's rampages. Essentially, the video goes out of its way to promote the idea of how disposable hipsters really are. They pointlessly go to clubs at night, eat in diners alone, wear backpacks, don't work for a living, reside in alleys, go to the gym and the sauna, get a shave, every once in awhile, perpetually scowl at the world ...hmmmmmm, wait just one darn minute. Recognize anyone in particular, Mr. Gyllenhaal?

  20. By the way, did anyone else notice the homage to American Psycho in Jake's video? A film Austin has tweeted about on several occasions. (Examples: "Look at that subtle off white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a water mark. -Patrick Bateman" and Do you like Phil Collins? "Sussudio" is a personal favorite. -Patrick Bateman]


  21. Methodical Muser

    I completely argee with you in terms of Jake trying to repackage himself in the public eye. I think he's been trying to do that for the last year - year and a half - and his appearance in this video only adds to it.

    I think one of the main reasons why Jake changed his management team was because he wanted projects that was more darker, more edger and his old team just wasn't getting those roles for him. And you certainly can't get any darker then playing a serial killer. It's probably the only reason why he did the video. Because the music is junk and really has nothing to do with the video.

    Overall Jake was excellent. He did a good job. Whether or not I would be able to buy him completely as a psycho throughout a full length feature film is another question. The script has to be extremely good and the direction has to be great. But yeah, I think Jake's decision to make this video was indeed a calculated move on his part in order to advance the idea that he could play darker roles. Which isn't a bad thing. Just because he's a well known star doesn't mean he should stop selling him especially in the eyes of Hollywood.

    And yeah, if you take away the psycho killer mentality, and reflect on the last several months seeing and hearing about him in public, Jake was in many ways simply playing himself. LOL.

  22. I agree with your entire analysis, M&M. First it was the tabloids, now Jake is selling himself through a shock music video performance. Either way he almost seems to have given up just working hard and proving himself. He almost seems to be going for the easy way out of sensationalism to get his name out there. In other words, if he can go viral across the Internet, then he must be popular and people want to see him play dark. I have watched many a violent film in my name, but violence for violence sake has literally no appeal to me. Someone over at Towleroad today said it best:

    "Honestly. We live in a world where gays are being killed, soldiers massacre innocent civilians and this is just the last 24 hours.

    Do we really need to see a rip off of Clockwork Orange where some psychopath serial killer mutilates young people?

    Most pathetic about this is the only reason you posted it is some attraction to jake. Are you so infatuated with him that you're able to overlook the content? Sick. Sad.

    Very poor choice for a monday morning video.

  23. Let me echo the comment immediately after that TR comment...

    : rolls eyes:

  24. Art is always a reflection of society at large, and yes, we are in a very messed up place right now - human behaviour is atrocious against each other, defenseless creatures, innocent civilians, gays and racism, the environment. Naturally, we don't want to look at that reflection and accept responsibility for our own, humanity's, actions.

    I also get the feeling that this was almost like a screen-test, and I think Jake did an excellent job.

  25. Looking in the mirrorMarch 12, 2012 at 6:26 PM

    I've got to say, it's kind of disturbing that so many tweets talked about how sexy they thought Jake was after they saw him bludgeoning and slicing up innocent people.

    Ha! You're right M & M. Maybe it would have been better if Psycho Jake just killed himself off in the first minute of the video since the "hipster" types he's offing in this drug induced, blood drenched killing spree, eerily resemble himself. Old Sigmund Freud would have a field day with this one. I suppose the hipsters would call this parallel universe ironic. ;-)

  26. The video shows a different side to Jake, much darker and intense that what we've seen. There were flickers of Donnie Darko those eyes a few times, but this goes past that.

    He does show a level of intensity that I think many didn't realize Jake could do. It does bring an edge to Jake never seen.

    Many actors want to push the limits of what they have done and known for and explore new challenges.

    And yes, I see nods to American Psycho in it, and for some reason a little Taxi Driver.

    Something that struck me was that maybe Jake is going for edgier stuff, rather than get trapped into RomComs, on and off screen.

  27. And, admittedly, it's hard to ignore a pathological killing machine, splattering blood everywhere and communing with seagulls.


    Ain't that the truth. Jake got his 15 minutes of fame out of this bloody mess today. Tomorrow the Internet will be trending some other topic, just as feral. The question is whether Jake will actually take a part, if it's offered to him. Sounds to me like Jake doesn't want to work. If he did, he would have signed up for several projects after Source Code's success. Everyone knows that's when you strike. Not over a year later after everyone has moved on to something else.

    Instead Jake hung out in SoHo, the West Village, TriBeCa and the Mustard Seed trying to persuade everyone he's not gay and doesn't have a big secret that he's keeping from the world. That has been his priority for quite some time now. So he should take the responsibility for the stalmate that has become his career.

  28. There were flickers of Donnie Darko those eyes a few times, but this goes past that.

    Yes, I noticed too - when he's staring off out to sea I think, he looked a lot like Donnie. He's playing a very troubled man.

    Did I notice where Jake's character might have been abused/bullied?

  29. changes with the windMarch 12, 2012 at 6:54 PM

    I thought Jake said he wanted to do comedies not too long ago and that he didn't consider himself an A-list actor? The problem is that Jake doesn't work, like hardly at all. I would think it's difficult for Hollywood to take him seriously, when he isn't even demonstrating any sustained passion for his profession.

  30. Jake seems to tap into something to create that rage.

    Is the video a bit of a cathartic exorcism to let that all go?

  31. Did I notice where Jake's character might have been abused/bullied?

    Like what? Did the seagulls screech too loud? Or, maybe the sauna overheated one day. Or, he grew up to hate his theater instructor because he never learned to dance?

    Let's face reality. The violence in that video is fantastically gratuitous. If you like that kind of thing, fine. Unfortunately, there are many who do. And, maybe Jake's trying to cash in for the easy payday.

  32. You seem to want to be pointing fingers about people "liking" violence. Did you just discover that human beings are violent? Or maybe you don't read the newspapers - bullied kids, women, children, family pets, random strangers, innocent civilians in war. Human violence makes me incredibly sad and I don't "like" it, but it does tell a story of reality, and also a mentally troubled person.

  33. The Shoes said of the video: "When we released the 'Stay The Same' music video last year with Daniel Wolfe, we were so blown away by his work that we had to bring him back for the 'Time To Dance' video.

    "No other director understood our music like he did. We gave him our track, and today, he gives us the best music video, starring one of our favorite actors, Jake Gyllenhaal. We still can't believe it!"

    The visual premiered on the official Noisey YouTube channel earlier today (March 12) and follows its recent debut of MIA's 'Bad Girls' video last month.

  34. Here's a music video by the French band The Shoes for their song "Time To Dance." In it, cuddly cubby bear Gyllenhaal plays... a horrible fencing sword-wielding serial murderer. Yikes! The whole thing plays out sort of like a hipster/Euro American Psycho? Because I guess that's the touchstone by which all young male serial killer type things have to be judged now? These are the times? This is what Patrick Bateman has done to us? His ultimate crime? Who knows. Anyway, the point is that it's a creepy, bloody video that doesn't make a ton of sense but is nicely filmed and the song is kind of fun in a repetitive way. Probably not a bad couple of days work for Jerky Gyllenhaal. [via The Hollywood Reporter]

  35. You seem to want to be pointing fingers about people "liking" violence. Did you just discover that human beings are violent?

    Do not try to lecture me, or somehow try to discount my observation with a flimsy generalization of what I stated. I am not pointing fingers at people who like violence I am merely stating a sociological fact. Jake is playing to the lowest common denominator in our culture when he does a video like this. I know many of you are cheerleaders for whatever the guy does, but I am not. The music was crap, but notice how not many are even mentioning that because it's the goring visuals that everyone is talking about and the idea that we've never seen Jake so pathologically evil. Like someone said, this is all about shock and awe. I am neither.

  36. Jerky?

    I finally read the New York Times article on Channing Tatum and male actors in Hollywood. Very interesting. One thing it talked about was how much CT has worked the past five years, and how hard he works at publicity for his projects. He also described himself as not the best actor, and that he's getting better with each project.

    While the article didn't say this, I think that when you do so many movies, if some of them are not hits I think it doesn't get noticed as much as if you do just a few. Plus I think people like to see that you're working hard, not just playing at it when you're starting out.The article did talk about how one of the reasons male actors seem to stall is that there are fewer middle of the road pictures indeed to hone your skills and build an audience.

  37. I do have to say one thing about the video, Jake's body was tight - white long sleeve tee, the sauna, the brown leather jacket.

  38. don't be so hard on JakeMarch 12, 2012 at 8:40 PM

    Maybe when The Shoes called, Jake misunderstood and thought they had a part for him as a serial dater.

    I finally saw the vid this evening. Not impressed. Jake used to be daring in meaningful ways. This is just sensationalistic crap. Don't know why people are surprised about his ability to look creepy and psychotically driven. Haven't they seen his pap photos for the past five years? In case everyone has forgotten he's been playing that role for years. Frankly, I would be much more shocked to see him smile once in awhile. Maybe even act like he enjoys his life when he's out in public, instead of acting like he's so put upon.

  39. Don't know why people are surprised about his ability to look creepy and psychotically driven.

    Because we hear nothing but how sweet and puppyish his looks are from the critics, not to mention from his detractors, er, fans. So it was quite a surprise, and all his critics were quite full of crap! Nice to see that he's quite capable. He had the physically imposing presence too. The song is so jarringly different from the video, like a perverse call to arms. *screams* The beginning was a bit gory for me, but it did remind me of a screen test.

    And Facing Reality, I'll comment however I like and only the moderators will moderate me.

  40. Working actor said...

    Instead Jake hung out in SoHo, the West Village, TriBeCa and the Mustard Seed trying to persuade everyone he's not gay and doesn't have a big secret that he's keeping from the world. That has been his priority for quite some time now. So he should take the responsibility for the stalmate that has become his career.


  41. And Facing Reality, I'll comment however I like and only the moderators will moderate me.

    You were the one, who was trying to tell me that I can't have a mature opinion about this video. I didn't know this was a fangirl site. So don't be putting words in my mouth.

  42. don't be so hard on Jake said...

    I finally saw the vid this evening. Not impressed. Jake used to be daring in meaningful ways. This is just sensationalistic crap. Don't know why people are surprised about his ability to look creepy and psychotically driven. Haven't they seen his pap photos for the past five years? In case everyone has forgotten he's been playing that role for years. Frankly, I would be much more shocked to see him smile once in awhile. Maybe even act like he enjoys his life when he's out in public, instead of acting like he's so put upon.


  43. The video sucks. It strikes me as gratuitous violence as well. A few scenes reminded me far too much of the very real life Kyle Huff massacre in Seattle six years ago. I don't care how good of an actor Jake is, this is such a departure and it seems to have been done for shock value.

  44. Very passive aggressive comments I see here. What's that all about?

    Once again Jake does something, or several things, you don't agree with and the pitchforks come out?

    It's not really about the video is it.

  45. "You got all that from, what, four photos snapped over the course of maybe six seconds? You're gooooood." Yes, we are good. And yes we did get that from 4 seconds, just like we got how madly in love with Austin Jake is from 30 seconds on the set of TDAT, or the way he smiled at him at the Lakers game. Or even the way he preened for him at Berlin a few days ago. If one photgraph could not convey truth, there would never be any art exhibits.

    Having had time to think about the video, I guess to me hes just an older Donnie Darko. I dont like glorifying the subject, though I count myself a Dexter fan. The context matters though and at least Dexter kills bad guys, not people who like to dance. We'll see what this does for his career. I am seeing negative comments as much as positive ones in my tooling around the web.

  46. YouTube

    Jake Gyllenhaal has played heroes ("Prince of Persia"), soldiers ("Jarhead"), cowboys ("Brokeback Mountain") and romantics ("Love and Other Drugs"), but no matter what role he takes on, one thing remains the same: He's just a little bit off-kilter.

    You know what we mean; he's got a little bit of those crazy eyes, right?

    Which makes his new role as a music video serial killer strangely believable.

    Not that you should worry about Gyllenhaal snapping and coming after you in real life; he's still acting in this new viral clip from the French synthpop band The Shoes. But there's no question that there's just something ... darkly mesmerizing about Gyllenhaal in this creepy murder fantasia. We're getting the shivers again just thinking about it.

    So is it enough to enshrine Gyllenhaal in the pantheon of great music video performances by Hollywood stars? See for yourself, courtesy of YouTube — and see why you may never quite look at Gyllenhaal the same way again.

  47. "Jake Gyllenhaal and I had been talking about working together on something, and I got sent 'Time To Dance' by The Shoes, who are my favorite band, so I wanted to bring Jake in on that," explained 'Time to Dance' director Daniel Wolfe, in an interview with Spinner/RPM. "I pitched the idea to him, and he liked it, which was great."

    "My brother and I had been chatting about doing a British take on the slasher genre for a while, but as a music video, and instead of seeing it from the victim's perspectives, we wanted to be with the killer, spend some downtime with him," the director continued. "To then be able to work with Jake Gyllenhaal on it was great. The Shoes' music is very cinematic, I had the privilege of working with them before, they're open to ideas, and they gave us the freedom to make 'Time to Dance.'"
