Monday, March 26, 2012

Twin Top Ten

Still looks like Jake is being mum about Enemy. What could he be mulling over?

Top Ten Things Jake Might be mulling over about Enemy

10. Who wears the solids and who wears the stripes?
9. Two parts - Two Trailers, people.

8. No Doublemint gum tie ins or commercials.

7. What happens if my twin is better looking than me?

6. Double the credit - double the points.

5. Ask WME, which one is the lesser of two evils for them. The one who "likes to rock-n-roll" and "hot dogs make 'em lose control" or the who "adores a minuet, the Ballet Ruse and crepe Suzette"?
4. Who does the press interviews? Can the evil twin do the entire junket?

3. Is my motivation Good Spock/Bad Spock or more like the Kirk's - Enemy Within? And can I wear a Star Trek outfit in at least one scene?
2. Mustache? Can't we negotiate for Evil Goatee instead?

and the #1 one thing Jake is mulling over

1. Any slips, tweets in two places at once, photoshoppin' flubs or getting into trouble, I get to blame the evil twin.


  1. Dear Ted:
    Has Toothy Tile ever hooked up with any other Vice stars…such as Crotch Uh-Lastic? Thanks.
    Dear Incestuous Vicing:
    Yes, but, not Crotch. I don't think anybody in his right mind (male or female) would hook up with Crotch these days, dude's what's known as a hot mess who's not so hot anymore. Too many chemicals!

  2. Of course Toothy has, because Goose is a Blind Vice. Ted has a ton of wiggle room in this one.

  3. Goose is a vicer but I' m not sure he qualifies as a vice "star". Ted uses words carefully.

    I see jake and Austin's worlds overlap again- the circle of friends. I hope Jake is home making up with Austin after Teds last vice. Austin may wear the pants but I am betting Jake can charm him into anything.

  4. Wears the pants in the relationship? Is it a foreign concept to believe they have equal footing in the relationship? I really despise the constant feminization you lay on Jake. It's insulting.

  5. Jake's pics on JJ w some guy

  6. Oh My Dog!!! Jake! With another man!! And it's not Austin.

    Austin, do you see this?! Jake's stepping out on you in full view of the paps on JJ. First it's in front of the hotel staff, now it's in full view of Los Angeles.

    lol. I love how we've had the most minimal of comments lately but the minute Jake is on JJ with another guy, someone can't wait to bring over the news.

    I think I'm devastated. rme.

  7. I hope Jake is home making up with Austin after Teds last vice.

    ^^ you might be waiting a long time for Jake and Austin to be living together because nothing points in that direction. Nothing!

    PG, Jake being seen with another man should not upset you. He has friends and aquaintenses. He has lots in NYC. You know being out and about day and night entertaining and eating out, socializing, working out, doing whoever he wants (condoms), visiting people via public transportation. Wonderful NY fits solo Jake well. I guess you think Asutin's at home ((in NY??)) doing the chores, changing diapers, heating bottles while Jake lives it up and acts carefree huh. And yall say Austin wears the pants there?
    Ya think so?

  8. Wears the pants in the relationship? Is it a foreign concept to believe they have equal footing in the relationship? I really despise the constant feminization you lay on Jake. It's insulting.

    Jake's masculine "honor" really is not at stake here. I don't think anyone is doubting his masculinity - we've all seen it.

    But there is no denying the gentler qualities of the guy. And they're beautiful. Nothing at all to be "insulted" about. And it is exactly that kind of comment requoted above that helps to keep men like Jake & Austin in the closet. It's exactly the kind of "insulted" feelings I see on the Dave Cullen Slash Discussion Thread where people don't like Jack Twist to be painted with any kind of feminine or sensitive qualities whatsoever. No crying allowed!! They want Jack Twist to be a big he-man 24/7. Well, I'm sorry but Jack Twist was very sensitive. And he was a beautiful character just the way he was.

    My big question is what is so bad about the soft side of Jake? What is so "insulting" about being sensitive? I'll tell you - there's nothing wrong with it.

    People need to really study that picture of Maggie's Men. That's a glimpse of the real Jake. And he's more beautiful in that picture than any picture where he plays the football homecoming escort, holding his elbow out for ol' Tay or Reese.

    Certainly more beautiful than these pictures of Mountain Man Jake in the Just Jared pictures. Huge strain on the eyes on those. He looks tired. He looks way too narrow and thin. And he's covered in ZZ Top hair.

  9. In clarification of my comment at 23:06, that thing was dripping in sarcasm. I can't believe someone even thought I was the slightest bit serious. *eyeroll*

    I'm done reacting to these 2 guys.

    Now on to something stupendous. Guess what I had tonight? Homemade enchiladas and Texas beef tamales!!! Oh man. I was in heaven. My aunt & uncle from San Antonio have been in town along with my cousin from Hawaii and we had ourselves a little Latino chowdown. My mom's enchiladas are legendary and those tamales were quite, quite tasty. Then we all watched DWTS together although my cousin wasn't too wild about it but he had no choice. He was outnumbered. LOLLL! Love family time around the dinner table - always some of my best memories, the laughs and all the chatter.

    Plus their little dog Spike!! Spike is a little terrier mix and he is such a good dog. Just a great time with family for the last week. It's been really great.

  10. where people don't like Jack Twist to be painted with any kind of feminine or sensitive qualities whatsoever. No crying allowed!! They want Jack Twist to be a big he-man 24/7. Well, I'm sorry but Jack Twist was very sensitive. And he was a beautiful character just the way he was.

    Jack Twist was a fictional character and frankly I don't care how he's portrayed. Jake, however, is a living breathing man whose qualities, soft and gentle or rugged and aggressive, we know nothing about since we don't know him. I'm not sure where you've decided he's got "gentler qualities" but I do wonder if you're basing that on his speaking voice?

  11. "Jake's pics on JJ w some guy"

    If this is the guy Jake's stepping out with on Austin,the guy's not very hot. Nor is Jake looking hot either. It's greatly lacking in the titillation department.

  12. Goose is a vicer but I' m not sure he qualifies as a vice "star". Ted uses words carefully.

    Ted is talking about Shafterella Shoshstein.

  13. I'm not sure where you've decided he's got "gentler qualities" but I do wonder if you're basing that on his speaking voice?

    The name you have chosen -- Ugh -- kind of says it all, doesn't it?

    Your outlook is fixed and unbendable, not to mention obviously threatened. Therefore it's a waste of my time to even address any further discussion. You enjoy your view of Mountain Man Jake and I'll remember the Jake who was before the HW machine got ahold of him and is now forever gone.

  14. I'm not sure where you've decided he's got "gentler qualities" but I do wonder if you're basing that on his speaking voice?

    Of course, Jake has a sweet, emotional side to him and a nurturing side as well. Jake himself used to talk about how he cries very easily. Anne Hathaway and others have commented about his more gentler traits as well. So has Robert Downey, Jr. who has talked about Jake's obvious sensitive side. All one has to do is observe Jake's interactions with Boo or Atti, or see him in those "silly" sandwich photos, or interacting with children. There's a reason why Ted C. calls Toothy Tile adorable.

  15. I'll believe Jake's with another man, when he shows up at a Laker's Game and looks at him like he did with Austin.

    Jake is far too thin, and the beard is once again completely unattractive. Living in the closet all these years has transformed Jake into something almost unrecognizable. But, I don't feel sorry for him. It's his life. Too bad he's wasting it with more lies and deceptions.

  16. It's really not clear that Jake is even with the vested young man.

  17. Don't think Jake looks too thin, think he looks like he back to his lean fighting weight. I do miss seeing those dimples though.

    And I think the guy in the vest is just walking down the street like other people in the background, and happened to be in the shot.


    @adamlevine yes we are old, my friend. But we just keep getting better.
    1:23 AM - 27 Mar 12 via WhoSay · Details

  19. Seems to me that Jake is looking too thin. And someone needs to tell him that the full beard does nothing for him. His new manager maybe? It makes his face look too long.

    I agree Special. I think that man is a casual stroller who just happened to be in the same frame. Fingers crossed for a new photo with Austin.

  20. I agree, you guys. The guy is sort of behind Jake in one picture and in another, he's passed him already. Not that Jake can't lunch with a friend though, for crying out loud without there being a frenzy as I was being so sarcastic about up above.

    But I think he is too thin. He's like a little lollipop. That vest is just kind of hanging on him. Totally lost his chest - not sure where it went but the definition is gone. Too much spin cycling. There is such a thing as over exercising. You can go overboard and overtrain, just like anything else.

    Like someone has told me, Jake doesn't have full control of his life. But he can have control in other areas of his personal life, like diet or exercise, to make up for lack of control in his professional career or having to stay in the closet - by denying himself or overdoing. Just a speculation.

  21. Interesting take on Ted's answer, M&M. No one said it had to be with a guy or that it couldn't mean a professional hook up. Reese is supposed to be Shafterella.

    Y'all have a good day!

  22. Troll is upset about something, aren't they? Jake being back in L.A. for a little while? Jake being spotted breaking bread with Liev Schrieber, Austin's co-star for the television pilot that filmed very recently? Austin tweeting with Adam Levine (I know, just this once, I forgo my usual moniker, lol) who was supposed to be Jake's bud? Austin apparently knowing Gene Hong, who was supposed to be Jake's friend? Going to have to go sharpen that dull pencil, there continues to be too many dots to connect, looks like to me.

    Austin just doesn't go away, does he? Even despite Ted's best shot.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I hope that Jake & Austin's kids get to grow up with frequent contact with their cousins on both sides of the family. That is important because besides the fact that they make great playmates as you grow up, the thing is when you get older, it's fantastic to have that bond to draw from when you need it. You can make new friends, lose them, regain them. But family is blood and family is forever. All of those family reunions and Sunday get togethers are something the years cannot erase.

    And when you get older and you start dealing with parents passing away or getting ill, you find that even though you lost touch for a long while, when you get back together with your cousins, it's like time never passed. And there's a bond there that never broke. It's a great support system.

  25. Wondering who got the lone leftover enchilada. My uncle was already eyeballing it for breakfast this morning but my cousin said not if he got to it first during the night. lol

    My cousin returned to live in Hawaii because he got married and asked so when were we coming to visit because they had plenty of room. He said they lived so close to the ocean, you could hear the ocean waves. May have to take him up on that although I've never been wild about seeing Hawaii, not sure why. But he's a blast to be with, really funny.
