Monday, April 2, 2012

All Dressed up?

Tonight Jake will join Elvis Costello, Tina Fey, Paul Simon, Jimmy Fallon, Josh Groban, Trisha Yearwood, Broadway star Natasha Yvette Williams, Hall in the Wall campers and others to celebrate Paul Newman's Dream at New York’s Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln Center, at 7:00pm, all to benefit Newman's Hole in Wall Camps, the family of camps and programs supporting children facing serious illnesses from around the world.

The 2010 celebration raised more than $3 million in support of the global community of camps and programs for children with serious illnesses and their families. Today, there are 14 member camps worldwide, with eight in the United States, five in Europe and one in Israel, as well as 10 programs in Africa, Asia and South America. Since 1988, over 350,000 children and families have been served from 50 countries by the Hall in the Wall Gang camps and programs.

The major supporter of tonight's event, Newman’s Own Foundation, carries on Newman's philanthropic legacy and commitment to helping make the world a better place by turning all net royalties and profits from the sale of Newman’s Own products into charitable donations. To date, Newman and Newman’s Own Foundation have given over $340 million to thousands of charities around the world.

We have heard many times the story of Newman giving Jake his first driving lesson, and Jake's telling of going around the track with him. And know that he held high regard for his godfather.

Tonight will give Jake another chance to honor the legacy of an amazing man who took his fame and celebrity and turned it into something more than entertaining people, but helping others as well.

At the New Yorker Festival in 2010 that several OMG'ers attended, Jake spoke about his famous godfather when talking about his future.

"Questions about his future made him contemplative. He might not always act, he admitted.

'There will be other things for me besides just acting, but I'll keep them to myself. Paul Newman is someone I always admired. What he did with his life was beyond his acting. He took that and he actually made a difference in the world. I would hope that could happen in my life,' he said thoughtfully, before a sly smile crossed his face. 'I think I could make a really good salad dressing, too.' "

Iconic performances, trademark blue eyes, intoxicating smiles, self deprecating humor.... there seem to be many parallels, besides making a good salad dressing.

There will post-show supper immediately following performance on the Grand Promenade, wonder who's salad dressing they will use?


  1. Special, your uncanniness for finding these pictures and coordinating them was just brilliant.

    Just excellent.

    I haven't read it yet; I only have 30 min. for my lunch hour today.

    LOLLLLLLL!!!! Somebody just now played the KU Jawhawk fight song over the intercom.

    We're not supposed to play on the intercom (but as I have relayed before, we have very adult people who DO this very thing fairly frequently and somehow never get caught) but this one I didn't mind.

  2. It's all over but the singing for Adam Levine and his model girlfriend of two years.

    The Maroon 5 frontman and judge on The Voice has split from Anne Vyalitsyna, her rep confirms exclusively to PEOPLE.

    "Adam and I have decided to separate in an amicable and supportive manner. We still love and respect each other as friends. I wish him all the best," Vyalitsyna said in a statement.

    The Russian-born Vyalitsyna, 26, also known as Anne V, met Levine, 33, at the the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue release party in early 2010, where Maroon 5 performed.

    Vyalitsyna has modeled in eight consecutive SI swimsuit issues.

  3. Beautiful post today - a couple of beauties, eh?

  4. Wow, Paul Newman with some scruff in a tux. ::faints::

  5. "amicable and supportive manner". lol. There's that word again - supportive. It must be in the HW Celebrity's Guide to PR Lingo.

    "I wish him all the best." What a send-off. Sounds like the Smart Ones have all been pulled from the freezer and the personal hygiene out from under the sink.

    supportive. What in the heck does that mean, anyway.

    You know, there should be a book written about office lingo, too. "Going forward". Geez. I hear that one around here all the time in meetings when someone wants to make an impression. "So, going forward, we will..." For gosh sakes, just say "From now on. From this point on.". "Going forward." There's some others but that one immediately comes to mind. It just drives me nuts.

    Oh, here's another one that's a killer.

    "Reach out". Instead of "contacting", "calling", "emailing", "ask for help from", you'll see this one. I will reach out to.... Sounds like the Diana Ross & Supremes song, Reach Out and Touch Someone.

    That one makes me roll my eyes, too. Man, just speak in plain English, would you?

    30 minutes are up!!

  6. Losing a spouse has got to be one of the worst things. I cannot imagine. And how hard is it for the surviving as they watch their loved one slip away, let alone any pain that they are going through. Spouses are so used to doing certain things together, used to waking up next to each other, used to the other being across the table from them.

    It has to be one of the loneliest things ever to go through. My thoughts and prayers go out to your good friend, Tom.

  7. There is nothing that compares to the interesting dynamic in an office environment, as there is bound to be a lot of give and take when it comes to expressions and "flavour of the month words".

    I'm sure PG is aware of her surroundings and how to operate very well within those confines... she's an honest commenter on her life and her surroundings both at work and at home, and I cheer that... rather than approving of somone taking a swipe at her to see if they can stick a "barb" in there.

    As people get older they are still open to the expressions of others and the way things get done differently than say 20 years ago. That doesn't mean we need stop to offer an observation on the process. I also long for the day when you could have a converstion with a co-worker or friend without having them scanning their 'device' and tapping out responses to texts as I try and keep a straight face.

    Mature and older workers in the workplace are excellent arbiters when it comes to keeping the "young-uns" tuned into an older dynamic. Technology is a fine thing but you need'nt get lost to it all in the process eh !

    Lighten up on the stirring please. And if you're just teasing "oh boy" ..... then, my bad!

  8. Just Look Over Your Shoulder, Honey!April 2, 2012 at 3:29 PM

    I like the phrase "going forward". Tells me that we're moving ahead, whatever happened yesterday is in the past, whether a mistake or just an old way of doing things. "Reach out", I'm not sure about that one either - sounds like trying to make a non-face-to-face contact like an e-mail more warm and personal and I don't know if it succeeds or not? Maybe so. :)

  9. Great post today, such beautiful pictures.

  10. 'There will be other things for me besides just acting, but I'll keep them to myself. Paul Newman is someone I always admired. What he did with his life was beyond his acting.

    For those who attended the Denby interview, did you have the feeling that Jake was talking about his kid(s) and/or closeted existence? If so, don't you think this goes along with his earlier statement that he is "selfish" when it comes to his personal life? If so, that tells me that somehow Jake has convinced himself that he's in the driver's seat when he actually is just a puppet of the Hollywood power structure. Because, for me, living a lie about who you love, is no life at all.

  11. It has been a while but I think Jake stuck strictly to business in that interview. When they played a clip of BBM he had his head down and I sensed he was very emotional.

  12. I'm in!!! I'm in, baby!!! The long drought is up and no more rotten little Jingles howling behind my back because I'm at the desk on my laptop.

    You have just got to love wireless. Just say no to wires.

    This is awesome, a dream come true.


  13. I was just struck looking at pictures of Paul Newman how many reminded me of pictures that were pictures of Jake.

  14. I loved the cowboy pics. Both leaning back on the truck/car.

  15. Jake on the red carpet for the Paul Newman Celebration.

    Nice hair, and he trimmed his beard. And back in blue.
    Aly Weisman ‏ @AlyWeisman

    Spotted: Jake Gyllenhaal's man beard at "A Celebration of Paul Newman's Dream" @Lincoln_Center
    7:10 PM - 2 Apr 12 via Camera on iOS · Details

  16. Paul and Jake both have incredible baby blues. looking into them is like staring into the heavens.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. More pictures of Jake


  19. Kind of thought we see a lot of Jake tonight. He must be very proud. Wish he was proud of who he is:-(

  20. I'm sorry but I wouldn't insult Paul Newman by comparing Jake to him in any way. Until Jake learns how to give celebrity some class and look like he enjoys what he does, screw his attitude.

    I mean, look at those pictures. He acts like he's doing people a service by being there. Straight-faced and not a single smile in any of them.

    Jake, you don't like doing these things, you don't like your picture being taken, you don't like the aspects that go along with the territory of being a celebrity, it's time for you to get out of the business.

    It's a charity event for children. Buck up and at least act like you are grateful you were asked to be there.

    Geez, what a jerk he looks like in these pictures. I am sorry. He does. I'm tired of his attitude.

  21. I bet he will be in lighter mood when he is onstage and with the kids from the camp.

  22. Those Lips, Those EyesApril 2, 2012 at 8:42 PM

    Wow, I think Jake looks great. Love what he's wearing; you know that with that shirt Jake's eyes would look killer blue. I like the groomed beard. ::swoon::

  23. And that would be the important thing, Special. And I bet he will be, too.

    But it is this other persona he puts on, the "Don't Bother Me", "I hate being here", "I hate my job and everything that goes with it", "I vant to be alone" that is irksome.

    What he needs to remember is this. He's a commodity. He's a salesman. He's a business. Why? Because he's in the business to make money. He sells himself when he goes on the talk shows. Go pay $8-10 to see my movie. Go buy my dvd. See? That makes him a

    And so since he's a business, that makes those that he's pitching to, "customers". It is a business/customer relationship. That's the cold truth. It's not actor/fan. It's business/customer.

    And he is sorely lacking in customer service, let's put it that way. I wouldn't buy squat from him.

  24. Nobody went hungry in The Hunger Games. They were all murdered. Better title----> The Murder Games.

    9:09 PM - 2 Apr 12 via WhoSay · Details

  25. Brad Goreski ‏ @mrbradgoreski After a very long day of work, nothing beats having Jake Gyllenhaal hold the door open for you and say "after you". #truestory
    11:06 PM - 2 Apr 12 via WhoSay · Details

    Dave Rubin ‏ @RubinReport
    @mrbradgoreski I can think of one thing involving Jake Gyllenhaal that would be that....
    Hide conversation
    11:07 PM - 2 Apr 12 via web · Details

  26. Gina Lengeling D ‏ @GinaLengeling


    Just had #seriousfun with Paul Simon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tina Fey @jimmyfallon for @seriousfunCamps, inspiring atmosphere tonight!
    11:52 PM - 2 Apr 12 via web · Details

  27. From tiwtter:

    I locked eyes with Jake Gyllenhaal in the hallway. He has a great smile and his eyes r the color of the sky on a clear day.#swoon

    Jake was super polite n was smiling sweetly at the older folks. At 1 point he was 2 in. away from me. He is super fit & has kind eyes.

  28. The picture of Newman as Hud leaning against the car hung in my teenage bedroom for a long time. He made a huge sexual impression on me. Those eyes were incredible.

    Jake does not look happy in those pictures. At least the red carpet ones. As was said, if you are not into it anymore, there are other jobs out there. Or just stay home and take care of the family. Nothing wrong with that. He is better groomed than yesterday, but still misses the mark as being properly goomed.

    Ah, office lingo. You have to just lighten up and enjoy it. Play buzzword bingo. We used to do that when owned briefly by GE. Talk about buzzword of the moment. It never ended. Looking back on it, I've had many a laugh about it.

  29. About office lingo, it also goes along with the trends in management, remember TQM's 5 S's?

    I had one superior who got caught into the due diligence band wagon a few years back. It's ok maybe 1 a meeting, but 10 times in an hour meeting you really want start to think it's a drinking game.

  30. Ah the poor Hawks. Well, they made it to the big dance anyway and made Kansas proud.

    We are all about 5S at work, Special. We've got a lot of tape marking going on and are currently undergoing a resurgence in tackling clutter. It is a good thing It forces you to part with things and throw away, something that's hard to do for a lot of folks.

  31. I love those group meetings with vendors who come in and the whole thing is just buzz words back and forth, so both sides appear to look like they are on the same page.

    Sometimes it's fun just to sit back and listen to it go back and forth and wonder if either really had a clue what the other was saying or wanted.

  32. A very irritated Jake arriving and leaving the event yesterday video

  33. Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent!April 3, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    I can't get over how good he looks though. I don't know if I'd describe him as irritated, it looks like he's just taking control, maybe not trusting them. Many of the folks don't have much to say to the paps. I heard a pap ask if Jake is going to play Harvey Dent. I'm still hanging on to hope for that years later. LOL!!!! Jake would be perfect.

  34. Christopher Nolan has spoiled me for any Batman reboot ever. Sigh.

  35. Oh, Jake is irritated. No doubt in my mind. When you have Paul Simon smiling at the crowds and Jake rushing in like he can't be bothered, with a visible scowl on his face the moment he arrives, you know that we are in some kind of alternative universe. Some of what he's doing, I suspect is for show. The double life he leads, makes him vulnerable to awkward, unrehearsed questions so he speeds past the possibility of a pap asking him a question. He always has his mother with him, which is another sign that he feels like he needs protection.

    Attractive? To each his own, I guess. But, with Jake it's always a point of comparison. He looks amazingly tired for someone who has not been working for over seven months. He wanted to have those kids, (and yes I am one who believes he has a slew of them). Now he doesn't know what to do about hiding them. He appears to be blaming others for his decisions and continues to creepily interact with the outside world as if he is not part of it. In a way, that is the simple truth. He's created a world apart and almost seems ill equipped now to navigate in the public arena. We are not just talking closeted here. I can see why he might be attracted to the Saramago script. Jake is a walking poster boy for the double image and mental discord between dualing realities. Talk about concealed subtexts and contradictions! All I can hope is that he reunifies with himself one day

  36. LOL! Jake does seem like he's channeling his evil twin, doesn't he?. He has been living in the closet much too long.

    To be even more serious, Jake has never struck me as someone who is overly stable and mature anyway. So wearing a mask, depending on whether you are with friends and family or living in the the real world has to be challenging. and definitely unnerving and upsetting.

  37. Excellent points, Jason. I do wonder sometimes, if Jake is not playing the role of his life right now. I still have my popcorn.

    Help find a home for June. Spread the word. RT here's her number. (310) 859-4852

    3h ago

  39. All that is possible, I suppose. But I don't know Jake, so I can't possibly have any insight into the photos. You couldn't blame someone who wouldn't have patience with photographers. The others are just being tolerant of them, IMO. Paul Simon doesn't waste any undue time with them, nor does Elvis Costello. The only one who doesn't seem to mind is Jimmy Fallon!

  40. All Celebrity News ‏ @All_CelebNews
    Ellen Pompeo: Jake Gyllenhaal Hit on Me 10 Years Ago!
