Monday, April 30, 2012

As the tweet turns....

Did Sophia confirm some of the connections between Austin and Jake?

Back on Austin's birthday she tweeted....

April 24, 2012Hey peeps. Be sure to say happy birthday to AUS10NICHOLS today. He's a barefoot-running, green-juice-drinking, electric-car-driving #BadassMan, so send some wishes his way. #AllLove

Barefoot running. Like Jake talked about on Letterman?

And was part of the whole Leadville thing?

And green juice?

Like one for me and one for you?

And driving somebody's truck home?

And yeah at OMG already knew, but always nice to know we're on target.


  1. SK, you are really crazy, but glad to see the red arrows back!
    The true stars of this blog;)

  2. SK's crazy like a fox. Keep it up OMG!

  3. Ok so today we are going to be ok with Sophia's tweets? Hell if it brings out the red arrows, you go girl! The red arrows are always loads of fun!

  4. If they can be out in Funky Winkerbean, why not in HW?

    It's coming up on prom season for high
    school kids around the
    USA and also for the
    teens in cartoonist Tom
    Batiuk's comic strip
    Funky Winkerbean.

    A story line begins
    today in 400 newspapers
    all across the country
    that finds a same-sex
    couple who want to go to
    the Westview High prom
    together, and how it's
    accepted by some but not
    all within the school.

    "It's basically just to
    speak across the divide
    between these two
    groups," says Batiuk,
    who celebrated 40 years
    of Funky last month.

    While the Medina, Ohio,
    native make his
    viewpoint clear, he does
    show both sides of the
    argument. "I didn't want
    to demonize anybody,"
    says Batiuk about the
    story line, in which two
    boys simply ask to buy
    prom tickets like any
    dating kids would.

    "Comics alone aren't
    going to change things
    they can frame the
    question. But if they
    can get someone thinking, that's a good

    Batiuk was inspired to
    do a prom-centric series
    after reading about a
    parents' group
    protesting at a southern
    Ohio high school about
    its policy toward gays,
    "which is apparently a
    little more tolerant and
    open than the parents

    In a statement, GLAAD
    (the Gay & Lesbian
    Alliance Against
    Defamation) called the
    story line "a
    heartwarming story of
    allies taking a stand
    for LGBT youth, and the
    kind that we need to see
    more of."

    Read the rest here: USA

  5. Love Michael K.'s announcement too Special.

    Looks like they played games with the dates so they could control how the news got released. Not sure if it would be the case for someone like Maggie, but there can be big bucks involved. There was just an article in the NYT about what big business it is to have babies if you're a celeb. For example, It said that US offered McBongo somewhere between $500,000 and a million for the first photos of his first kid, but that they wanted him to pose alone (with the girlfriend), and with his shirt off, LOL. He refused to do it what way.

  6. I don't think Maggie's been lying about her pregnancy because she's going in for the big pay day. How is delaying the release of the birthdate by 11 days going to garner her more money? On top of it, she said she doesn't like to see family shots or pap photos of Ramona or other celebrity offspring. Of course, we know what a hypocrite she is too because we got the Taylor Swift & Jake in Love nonsense and then that Easter stroll, which was all kinds of exploitative kof Ramona. I'm in the camp that thinks she may have used a surrogate and/or she's having problems in her marriage. Because she's been deceptive and outright lying about this pregnancy from the beginning. When she had Ramona, everyone learned about the birth the very next day.

    Maggie Gyllenhaal upset by paparazzi photos of daughter
    April 5, 2012 - The San Francisco Chronicle

    Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal refuses to buy tabloid magazines or check out celebrity blogs because she hates seeing photos of her five-year-old daughter.
    The actress insists she’ll never get used to the “brutal” and “unkind” coverage the offspring of stars get, and she has urged friends and fans to stop sending her links to family shots featuring little Ramona.
    The actress, who is pregnant with her second child, tells WENN, “Sometimes someone will want to send me something like a picture of Ramona and me on the street and I always write back that I just don’t wanna know. If someone followed my five year old to kindergarten and I knew nothing about it, I would rather just not know.”

  7. This was posted on OMG on April 19. Yes, April 19.

    Something's up! said...

    tabloids said...
    From the new issue of US Weekly, Maggie is 8 months pregnant and due in May.

    So is she having her baby by surrogancy and that's why she's playing around with the dates of when she got pregnant. I agree with those who are suggesting sometimes is up. Why would she be quoted in a story that said she was 6 months pregnant back in November, when she wasn't?

    April 19, 2012 4:58 PM

    So it was allegedly Us Weekly themselves who said Maggie was due in May.

    Now they are saying the baby was born on April 19.

    It's interesting if you go back and look at OMG on April 19, we all had a discussion about the mystery surrounding Maggie and all the dates being thrown about regarding the birth.

  8. The Sunday stroll/Family day outing was photoshopped too. Take another look at those pics. The photos released on April 19th fall into the same category. Who knows why she's lying, but there is obvious deception going on here. With this family, nothing new.

  9. I very, very rarely post tweets anymore. Just don't any longer for specific reasons.

    But that's not to say I don't look and comb through them every day. Studying tweets, whether they look believable or not, is valuable to study patterns and trends.

    It's very interesting to note that I have been discovering searches on Maggie and Peter for about a week now flooded and inundated with robot tweets. Robot tweets are useless, jibber jabber tweets repeating the same link/message over and over and over. Peter has had the same tweet about some kind of Orphan Poster robot-tweeted every single day, over and over and over. For probably about a week. A lot of robot tweets will also have porn in them; you can tell by the egg avatar or the content of the message.

    Jake has been having several days as well of a lot of robot tweets; something very unusual for him.

    I don't think this is a coincidence. Just like I believe the fake Jake twitter account of @Jake_Gyllenhaal is used by his people to flood searches on their client, I think there is something up as well with robot tweets flooding Maggie and Peter searches.

    What is this family hiding regarding this birth? I don't know. But they're hiding something, I'm totally convinced of that.

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  11. What did I say, Jack?

    Studying tweets, whether they look believable or not, is valuable to study patterns and trends.

    And I have never said all tweets are either fake, paid for, PR planted or robot tweets. That would be a false statement. Do not misquote me.

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  13. Mggie's Mid-wifeMay 1, 2012 at 7:54 AM

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  17. You know you've hit a nerve when troll goes on a microburst. LOLLLL

  18. Ok it seems like some people have too much time on their hands and can't help themselves.

    Time for a time out
