Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Austin!

You've got a style like none other

with a great body of work

or is that a great body?

With some dangerous curves?

Clever, sneaky and more than a bit naughty.

Even your shadow brings a smile.And your smile melts all under it's spell.

You appear and good things suddenly are even better.

Big hearted, friendly and smile for miles.

Doggone it! You are Texas. And just like Molly Ivins put it.

I dearly love the state of Texas, but I consider that a harmless perversion on my part, and discuss it only with consenting adults.

No wonder it makes people want to Hook'em Horns.

What a year Mr. Nichols!
Here's to 32 and it being even better!

Happy Birthday Austin!!!


  1. Austin, enjoy being in Texas on your birthday!

  2. Austin tweets about Willie Nelson and then Mexico. Sounds like he may have Jack Twist on his mind these days.

  3. Happy Birthday Austin.

    Great pics SK.. Austin should have been a runway model. He sure has the look.

    I love me some cupcakes.

  4. "A source tells the [Daily] Mail on Sunday, "Carey and Marcus wanted a low-key, rustic wedding. They thought their friend's farm would make a wonderful venue because it's so private."

    It's incredibly entertaining to see all these stories about the Mumford-Mulligan wedding slowing oozeing out over the past four days. Each one making sure to remind everyone how private, discret, out of the way, secluded, under wraps this whole affair was. Of course, even though the "event" was meant to be a private affair, story after story emerges everyday to give us more details and to keep reminding the public that Jake is in England, not the U.S. If something is private, it remains private so all this "inside info" gradually trickling out means PR is at work.

    It's really ashamed that Jake and Austin are still so publicly ashamed of each other after nearly a decade together.

  5. insider musings said:

    It's really ashamed that Jake and Austin are still so publicly ashamed of each other after nearly a decade together.

    I believe they are together and yes it is very sad.

  6. I hate the taste of salt water but oh my that surfing pic.

  7. I believe Jake was in England during the weekend. He was there for the wedding of two friends so I think there is nothing shady about that.

    Tweets are placing Jake back in NYC ('instructor' at SoulCycle and sighting in a restaurant), they could be fake or real. I don't know. Maggie didn’t attend the premiere of Hysteria yesterday so I think she probably might have had or about to have the baby.

    Austin could have been in Austin TX with his family (and the kids) during the weekend, but we don’t know where he is today. He could be now in NYC or anywhere together.

    Or as we all know, they can celebrate the birthday on a different day. We all have done that and even more when they are deep in the closet and all eyes are on their location. They can’t do holidays and birthdays together so they switch them to a different regular day.

  8. ^correction for my post above: the two NYC tweets are vague. The usual tweet about being the instructor at Soulcycle today from someone in the fashion industry and the restaurant one is second hand, has not specific date and the person is in another city.

  9. How fitting that today we get a nice looooong and taaaaaaaaall post for a very favourite long tall Texan.

    So many captivating images of a great guy, well liked, friend to all comrades and well loved !

    Happy Birthday Austin Nichols... and many more in the company of those you love.

    Thank you for all your messages, photos, videos, essays, and novellas. Great Birthday. I am a lucky man to have all of you!

  11. Happy Birthday, Austin!

    He looks great in a cowboy hat! :)

  12. Beautiful post Special! The Berlin pics are still a dream come true :)

  13. Happy Birthday Big Guy!!

    Hope you have a great one.

  14. Austin in that wetsuit is dangerous!!!


    Yes that was three exclamation points for the man who loves to use three.

  15. Wonderful post, beautiful pics...Happy Birthday Austin. U are a Taurus the Bull like my boy. Please stamp your "hooves" and make that fleet of foot Saggitarius stop and hang with U Now!

  16. Happy Birthday to Austin!

    Love the cupcakes you found Special, but did they have to look so tasty. :-D

  17. They all look tasty don't they Dest. especially when you think, "it's not as big as a piece of cake...it's just a little cupcake" : D

  18. Bring it, Austin. Bring the hotness.

    I am pretty much all-or-nothing with Ted Casablanca (not a cherry picker). He says there's a kid, so I believe there is one kid. (A lot of blind item followers think this little human was an embellishment in the Toothy saga to make it more interesting--I can't go there. If that is in doubt, then the entire blind is in doubt.)

    I tend to believe, based on all sorts of things (Ted blinds and other evidence), that the guys are broken up at this point, and it happened after Berlin. Jake blew it. Perhaps the other man / co-worker was someone involved in the off-Broadway play that he hooked up with while in London before Berlindale - either the playwright or the director (both were involved in a play Jake went to see in London, I think?)

    Not that the guys won't find their way back to each other at some point as they always have, but their relationship (according to years of Toothy posts) is rather volatile and unconventional and always has been.

  19. Where is Jake? Where is Austin?
    Are they celebrating Austin's Birthday together or are they on separate coast hanging with other folks?

    I need a picture of Jake and Austin together on Austin's birthday? Come on!!!

    They are married aren't they?

    I'm having a "coniption" here and I can't stand it. I want to see a picture of the babytiles and TT/GG celebrating. Is that too damn much to ask for.

    HELP MEEEEeee!

  20. Happy Birthday, Mr. Nichols.

    Woooo-hooo look at that booty in one of those photos in Special's post today. Austin sure does have a sweet looking trunk that's for sure.

    I tend to believe, based on all sorts of things (Ted blinds and other evidence), that the guys are broken up at this point, and it happened after Berlin.

    Well, the guys have a loooong history of making sure the Internet, gossip portals and various misc. rags and celebrity sites, are all used to "confirm" that they are never together on birthdays or other special occasions. Or, for that matter, ever. Within that context, today is no exception with regard to Austin's birthday. Personally, I would think they would have grown tired of this charade by now, but evidently they haven’t.

    From my POV I don’t see this as a sign that they've broken up because the truth is, we don’t know where the guys are today. All we know is that they are still playing the closeted game, working hard to sell folks as to where they are, and most importantly, where they are not.

    For me, Jake would not have been seen having brunch with Liev Schreiber (Austin’s Ray Donovan co-star), along with some other good looking guys at the table, when he was in LA just a few weeks back, if there was still not a direct connection between these two. In fact, I view the last Blind Item of Ted's as similar to the stuff he posted back in October and November 2010. Back then the guys got caught red-handed in Leadville (photographic evidence) just like in Berlin this past February. And I think that’s why Ted subsequently wrote those back to back posts about the strippers and the blow job in the alley. He was helping to lower the heat on the guys who very well were probably getting a lot of flak from the 10% crowd. Who knows, maybe Taylor Swift was part of Jake’s punishment as well. If you notice within a few months Ted was already writing about Toothy and Goose as if nothing had ever happened and the stripper story never went anywhere either. This time the guys were caught in Berlin (photographic evidence of them together once again) and now Ted advises Goose to leave Toothy because of his wandering ways. Kind of odd for Ted to be so casual about breaking up a family, don’t you think? Moreover, Ted has said before that he didn’t “think G.G. can up and leave him [Toothy]”. Now, he thinks Goose should consider it? Makes no sense. After all, according to Ted, Jake has had dalliances before. In short, I think Berlin prompted this Blind Item just like Leadville prompted the stripper and blow job posts. The cause and effect relationship is just too direct and similar to ignore.

  21. Happy Birthday Austin. As to whether they are together today or not, it really does not matter. The more birthdays pass between them, the less important it is to celebrate it on the exact day. If the relationship is solid, it can withstand business obligations, ups and downs and the need to dodge the public to remain closeted for a while longer.

  22. Can't have it both waysApril 25, 2012 at 1:04 AM

    that they are never together on birthdays or other special occasions. Or, for that matter, ever.

    So why didn't they care about being seen together in Berlin?

  23. This time the guys were caught in Berlin (photographic evidence of them together once again)

    LOL! Austin tweeted to the whole world that he was at Berlinale.

  24. LOL! Austin tweeted to the whole world that he was at Berlinale.

    And don't forget the epic tweet, "omg omg! I just met MS", while Jake spoke of her in front of the whole world.

  25. Austin in those white jeans. Holy! I am still trying to figure out 1) how he got into them and 2) how they got him out of them. They are so "snug" that he can't even sit up and they're half undone. But how 70's twink does he look in that picture?

    There are several pictures in this post that were shot by Davis Factor (grandson of Max Factor) - suit with his gold band, one of the newer ones -the grey scarf and the grey overcoat (hmmm interesting choices),black t-shirt leaning against the wall, and the shirtless one sitting on the chair, Factor really knows how to capture Austin well.

  26. Leadville Berlinale effectApril 25, 2012 at 10:06 AM

    That's an interesting theory about Ted. Hadn't thought of that, but there is a similarity between Leadville and the Berlinale and then Ted's Blind Items immediately following each "incident" to indicate that there was trouble in paradise. The moment there is visual evidence of them togehter, "Boom" Toothy is supposedly acting up and getting slutting with other people.

    It's true that even though Austin decided to tweet that he was at the Berlinale because of that Heathrow sighting, I bet the guys didn't think all those pictures were going to come out of them together. There was even a video as I recall. It's one thing for Austn to be at a Film Festival at the same time as Jake, it's another thing for photos and even a video to hit the Internet that confirmed they were attending events like they were a couple. Just like Leadville did. By Ted posting these Blind Items he then can ease up on the guys, which he did back in 2010 and is now doing so again. Notice he hasn't been talking about Toothy or Goose much at all since that Blind appeared over a month ago.

  27. It's true that even though Austin decided to tweet that he was at the Berlinale because of that Heathrow sighting, I bet the guys didn't think all those pictures were going to come out of them together.

    You're joking, right? Jake, internationally known actor, was a judge at the festival, one of the younger and better looking judges at that festival. Of course there was bound to be lots of pictures of him in Berlin that week. Austin is a clever man - he knew that too.

    it's another thing for photos and even a video to hit the Internet that confirmed they were attending events like they were a couple.

    How were they "like a couple"?

  28. How were they a couple? Wha? They are as much a couple as they could manage and not be obvious about it.
    I wouldn't think about those two at all, except for the happy giddy over the top I love you and I love being here with you BB pics and the unhappy sad teary Jake we are having an argument BB pic, the two wheel Tuesdays which I happily found here after a long recuperation. I never named the bike trips but did enjoy looking at those two hot men on bikes. The gradual realization that no matter what they do or say I know what I feel, plus I have to be truthful to myself at all times. I know they love each other. They may never be together, who knows, but I can't change how I feel.
    I’ve had loads of time to think about this…to be upset about the way they stopped doing almost everything together...which still pisses me off just a bit...to ward off all rumors...arr

    I have pics of the chin with red eyes and red cheek and nose walking someplace a few months before her present mate showed up...she looked awful.

    Maybe Jake is angling himself to Broadway. God knows he could be with whom he loves in this town and get married.
    I keep trying to post the Jake with the sexy walk followed by Austin clip at the restaurant. My son changed his walk to tough guy walk to walk these cwazy streets.:lol but I am still amazed at Jakes sexy swinging hipped walk...anyway...I may or may not ever figure out how to do that.

    I found my TDAT DVD. HELP! Are the pics of Jake and Austin having fun together on set on that DVD?

    God bless my 2 fav lovers in the entire world....and everyone everywhere!

  29. What's good for the gooseApril 25, 2012 at 12:09 PM

    But how 70's twink

    How 90's frau of you

  30. Victoria Loustalot ‏ @VLoustalot
    Breakfast w/ Jake Gyllenhaal & his dad this morning. No big deal. (Ok, fine, they were @ the next table & never acknowledged us but STILL.)
    4 min ago

    What? Jake's in NYC and Austin is in LA or Texas.

    Did Jake fly back to the east coast late last night or early this morning?

    I just know the two lovebirds spent the whole day (Austin's birthday) with the kids then Jake had to fly back take care of business in NY. The play and all.

  31. Victoria Loustalot ‏ @VLoustalot
    Breakfast w/ Jake Gyllenhaal & his dad this morning. No big deal. (Ok, fine, they were @ the next table & never acknowledged us but STILL.)
    4 min ago

    What? Jake's in NYC and Austin is in LA or Texas.

    Did Jake fly back to the east coast late last night or early this morning?

    I just know the two lovebirds spent the whole day (Austin's birthday) with the kids then Jake had to fly back take care of business in NY. The play and all.

  32. I agree sass I am excited about Jake moving to NYC and doing stage acting. It could eventually free him up to be himself.

  33. It could eventually free him up to be himself.

    I agree.

  34. He was helping to lower the heat on the guys who very well were probably getting a lot of flak from the 10% crowd.

    Then... you are saying you think Ted makes this stuff up? When he is responsible for 90% of the heat on these guys in the first place?

    This makes no sense to me whatsoever.

    Again, I just can't cherry pick what Ted says. He either writes with integrity or it's all bullsht.

  35. Belated happies to Austin!

  36. I am in the group who does think Ted helps the guys whenever he can. Who would believe that Jake Gyllenhaal, Mr. Privacy went to a Posh Hotel and allowed himself to be seen holed up with another guy? That's ridiculous. The guy's so closeted it makes me ill sometimes. And, I do believe he has more than one kid because Ted has had occasion to answer direct questions about that and refuses to do so.

  37. Far-fetched even for AtticusApril 25, 2012 at 4:33 PM

    I can see where Jake and Austin may have thought that even if a few photos leaked to the media from Berlin, they still would be under most people's radar. But, fans started discussing the two of them being in Berlin on sites like Just Jared and Eonline. Too much visibility, and I don't think they expected that at all. Ted strategically tapped down the speculation with the Slutty Room Service Blind Item. But, I agree with those who think the timing of Ted's "story" is a bit too suspicious. Toothy behaves himself for well over a year, then finally he and Goose are seen together in January and February and poof, Toothy decides to be unfaithful. Nonsense.

  38. Ted has reminded people on innumerable occasions that his primary business is gossip. I can believe he helps Toothy out when he can. And, I don't see anything wrong with it either.

  39. And, I do believe he has more than one kid because Ted has had occasion to answer direct questions about that and refuses to do so.

    I guess I don't remember that. What did Ted say?

  40. I don't think Ted would make up that they're not getting along just to cover for them. For starters, wouldn't that be a way of revealing who Toothy is?

    I also agree with Paul that no way they Jake and Austin could possibly think they wouldn't be photographed together while attending events surrounding the film festival. Part of the point of these events is to get publicity.

  41. I think Jake and Austin maybe did not plannned on being seen togehter in Berlin until that now famous airport tweet came out. After that I guess it was well all bets off. Actually maybe it was better for them to be seen together after that.
