Monday, April 16, 2012

Hop Skip and Jumping

Should we be calling him JB Cooper after this weekend's sightings of Jake in the Pacific
Northwest. (Please note no banks, planes or parachutes were used in the making of this joke)

It seems that Jake was spotted in Portland this weekend. And here we thought Austin would be more the Portlandia guy. But he does like to put a bird on it. ; )

Tweets have him spotted in the Portland airport and also seen having breakfast with friend Busy.And where was Busy this weekend? She tweeted she was in Portland.

Did Jake go west by going through the Northwest this time? Seems before he was stopping over in San Francisco on his hop skips and long jumps between in NY and LA. Did Portland give him to catch up for a little "cawfee tawk" between friends and be on the QT as much as possible and keep the dates of his LA arrival as mysterious as possible? Or did he just want to drop off all that lumberjack plaid he's giving up wearing?

And a stealth as Jake seems to have been. Looks like Mr. Nichols might have him beat.

Somehow Austin managed to go to Coachella and not be seen,tweeted. or photographed. Who needs a big hat like Jared Leto?

But exactly how does a big tall Texan blend in so well? Is there a version of Coachella camo no one is aware of? Or does he really have an invisibility cape? Does he hoodie it like Jake (that tall and a hood, way to Sleestaky) Or does he just avoid the VIP section and the people dying to get their pictures taken?It does make you wonder since it seems easy for him to stay out of view, how deliberate it was to be seen in Berlin was after being tweeted on being seen on his way there.And it does look like Jake will be heading back to work just as summer vacation starts for everyone else. The word is they start shooting Enemy in late May in Toronto.

Talk about a hop skip and a jump... to where he could hop, skip and jump on a lot in The Great Lake State.


  1. Jake has never been in Portland, we have at least 7 tweetses and photo that proof that Jake was in New York.

    Lauren Wackley ‏ @laurenwack_
    RT: @lindsc34 @laur3nwack @lindsc34: Just ran into a hottie. Jake gyllenhaal. Told him he was beautiful. @laur3nwack

    1 h ago

    April 13, 2012 2:01 PM

    Karina Suarez ‏ @s0nnycheeba
    Holy shit! I just saw jake gyllenhal!!!!!

    3 h ago

    Karina Suarez ‏ @s0nnycheeba
    And he sat next to me and said "how are you?"

  2. Radiohead ------>

    3:35 PM - 16 Apr 12 via WhoSay · Details

  3. Wow nothing for 3 hours and then 10 minutes after suggesting Jake could be in Portland, somebody comes on to discount it.

    And those tweets in NY are variations on the ones that got posted when he was in Toronto last weekend.

  4. Jake Gyllenhaal
    No. of Events: 309
    Last seen in Corvallis, OR, USA 3 days ago

  5. Jake uses tweets like many other celebs to create diversions. It gives them cover to get to wherever they need to go. The New York tweets do the same thing. He has done it before. And it makes sense that he heads west now, since he will be in LA for the Conservation Corp event.

  6. To the person who keeps changing their name.

    Bringing one post over about the tweets and NY to make a point is fine. It states your position.

    But 20 posts to argue about it is overkill.

  7. There's pictures of everybody at Coachelle except Austin. Weird.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Jake uses tweets like many other celebs to create diversions. It gives them cover to get to wherever they need to go. The New York tweets do the same thing. He has done it before. And it makes sense that he heads west now, since he will be in LA for the Conservation Corp event.

    Do you really believe that? Or do you only believe it when it fits with a story you're trying to tell. This week. Why does Jake need to create a diversion? If he's to LA for the Conservancy thing and happens to be papped later in the week with Austin, what's he trying to hide?

  10. Jake is not the only person who uses tweets to create diversion. And on this blog, it was brought up how twitter followers can be purchased and tweets can be arranged as well. It is just another tool of PR. And it's a cheap PR tool too. And any good PR team will take advantage of every type of media possible, that's what they get paid for.

    And the person is correct the tweets are similar to the type used before. Not just the Jake being the instructor tweet, but who tweets. There is an interesting link that the a lot of these tweeters have. They are from the fashion industry in NY. How would majority all happen to work the same industry?

  11. The Sould Cycle tweets are most likely a diversion for Jake and a marketing tool for the company. I doubt very much that Jake is out there leading soul cycle classes.

    I wonder if he cycles in those same green pants :-)

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Special K,when you use some tweets to proof your theories then you cannot say anymore that the tweets are a PR's tool.

  14. 23:29, name calling is absolutely uncalled for. Special has told you too kindly.

    She asked you nicely already enough already. You've stated your opinion, everyone knows it, and enough already.

    Interesting: For someone who can't seem to type one single correct and coherent sentence, you sure seem to be familiar with this particular derogatory name, don't you?

  15. Please Read CarefullyApril 16, 2012 at 11:50 PM

    Special K,when you use some tweets to proof your theories then you cannot say anymore that the tweets are a PR's tool.

    Note Special's sentence.

    And on this blog, it was brought up how twitter followers can be purchased and tweets can be arranged as well. It is just another tool of PR.

    There was no declaration of absolute.

  16. Austin towers over so many, no way he could be missed at Coachella. And fake tweets are as basic as abc's. In fact there have been so few tweets of Jake in NYC, that almost proves them to be false.

    I love how someone says "yes he is" like that would be enough to prove a fact.
