Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No Foolin'

There is no need for red arrows on the last batch of Easter Parade pictures, when you have red shoes, and if you can't see the mish mash mess yourself look again.

And while Jake might have been with Mama, Mags and & Ro when the pictures were taken, Peter dropped in from somewhere else entirely. (Maybe a party where were the dress code was zapatos el Papa. (Hint, the Pope gets his from Prada)
But after all the random tweets of Jake that flooded the weekend,

and the week of pictures that had his beard growing like a Magic Rocks kits you had a kid(And btw doesn't his beard looks way darker in the newest pics?)

then a mention of him in Northern Cali

and suddenly Jake pops up for dinner in Toronto, with not the long arm of the law, but the long arm of a dinner companion across the table

it looks like there was a plan for a little foolin'

but it was week late and a dollar short

It is looking like Jake is getting ready to film An Enemy in Toronto next month. Or maybe it is just his twin in Toronto. (Damn those evil twins)

But there is no fooling about Austin trying to help out friends and their shows... or is there a little?

Hey guys. Watch my friend's show tonight. COUGAR TOWN. They need us. - AUS10

Now which friend? Brian who was on JFC with him? Buddy Busy? Or is Courtney his new bestie?

And for Two Wheel Tuesday it's Big Wheel -- it was the Bring Your on Big Wheel race in SF this past weekend.
Hey... you see you a Dalmation on a Big Wheel or a Dutchman on a grocery cart it just might be..


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  3. Magic rocks with an octopus! Only you Special.

  4. lol. I'm so sorry you believe every word these guys feed you. That's exactly what they want - a Sit, Ubu, Sit

    Ugh! I hate that, too! Sort of like how some people believe every word Ted Casablanca feeds them. What is wrong with people????

  5. I see a family meeting up to go to dinner. Can someone explain what they think is actualy going on? Serious. I am curious. I feel like we need to work together here. I wanna know what you guys see and what your thinking. I finally want to understand what you guys see. M&M can you help me out here :-)

  6. This no longer needs to be a blog where SK, PG and M&M see things one way and some of us feel left out. I am tired of being frustrated and called out on thing. I feel like the blog is gonna split if we don't understand each other.

  7. I am definitely open to the idea that Jake and Austin may have a big family. I most definitely think Jake is Gay and him and Austin are together. I would love to see them come out. Things have been pretty tense here lately and we need to get our act together for the blog to say strong. Can we co exist without attacking each other. Sure would be nice.

  8. I dont wanna feel that if i say something that someone is gonn pounce on me. We have never been tat way around here, But that is the way it is now. People are frustrated. Can we have an open dicussion which will bring us back together. No one should be afraid to say what they feel.

  9. The trolls are not gonna bring down OMG. We will if we dont respect each other. On both sides. Again I want to be open to all points of view. But also I want to feel like I belong if I dont agree with everything. I have been here from the beginning and have hung in there like SK and Destiny. Maybe we cant coexist but I am not going anywhere. I enjoy the blog and am so intested in Jake and Austin and their interesting lives.

  10. I see a family meeting up to go to dinner. Can someone explain what they think is actualy going on? Serious. I am curious

    1) Sophomoric photoshopping to pretend family is out and about on another holiday jaunt.
    2)Manipulation of fans who want to continue to believe that the Gyllenhaals are just one big, happy family who can never get enough of each other.
    3) Paps just won't leave the family alone even though these photos have been "created" and timed to appear as cover for Jake in Toronto. Which means he is not alone.
    4) Austin tweets tonight like he wants to make it seem like he has no idea who Busy Phillips is, but does know Courtney Cox who by the way just happens to be great friends with Busy Phillips.

    In summation, living in the closet is even getting on their nerves as they continue to project a false reality and spend far too much time and money in the production of artifice instead of art.

  11. Jersey Tom you seem too much intelligent to believe in all these fools theories, of cold war plots.:)

  12. Tom, I am going to address this to you since you brought it up, but this is to everyone who comes to OMG.

    I have never told people they can't say what they want, or say there is only one way of thinking. I've never denied them the right to express it or made it personal if someone doesn't agree me.

    The posts each day are me expressing what I want to say for that day. It could funny, or serious, or speculative, or informative. They change everyday like they have since OMG started.

    Some will be better posts than others, because some days are tougher than others to write, writer's block or less than creative days do happen.

    And there will be days that people will like what I write and others days they might not. You don't have to agree or like everything I write. I don't expect it, it's the law of averages, but I do hope that you like them more often than you don't.

    The blog is not about "this or that", "for or against", "them or us." There will be days, or subjects we are all agree on and others we disagree. That is what happens when a group of people come together.

    What concerns me and what I don't want is that this to become personal and personal feelings become commentary about other people.

    If there are personal issues that need to addressed and talked about let's do that in a less public place. And I will try my best to make that happen.

  13. I think Austin may be part of the TV movie Talhotblond. It’s directed by Courtney Cox and starring Garrett Dillahunt and Ahsley Hinshaw. He tweeted Courtney and Ashley, and Garrett tweeted Austin some time ago that they were about to work together again. The movie finished filming last week.

  14. I saw that too Work? after I posted and thought too.

    Look for more info about the movie in the post later today.

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  16. to PG from Last PostApril 11, 2012 at 9:15 AM

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  17. I saw the Easter Parade and agree that the Gyllie fam are really idiots. Another photoshop mess that purposely looks slapped together. Maggie saying she doesn't want her children to be papped and then she participates in her own Paparazzi moment. And, Jake? Well, I've always thought there were a few kids, but I have thought about what has been presented over the last year. Jake is obviously taking time off to be with the family he created. He looks exhausted, which makes no sense. But, it would if he's hiding a family.

  18. What I don’t get is why Jake and Austin acted so free and open during January and February that they were spotted together, the sushi pics, London and Berlin (that they not only went together but Austin tweeted about it) to the point where it seemed a new strategy was in place but later they went back to their usual paranoid and hiding behavior. Did they decided to be more open and later regret it or got scared again? Did they rebel against their PR/managers for a while? Was it something that never supposed to happen but was unintentionally leaked? What do you think? Any theories?

  19. Don't know what others think, but I don't think Austin was supposed to have been seen at Heathrow Airport. Maybe that Jana Hair Salon mess was true and scared Jake again. Also, the End of Watch distribution happened after they returned. Maybe, the guys were told to cool it because of the 20 million that was being "invested" in the film.

  20. I think Jake wants to come out of the closet, just not yet. He will though.

  21. Denying their own children that they supposedly "LOVE"?

    lmao I don't get it.

    I don't think J/A have children either. They can't, they're never together and someone would have spoke about this already. Nobody but the few fans here talk about it.
    Then they applaud two men who decided to have non traditional births by surrogate women, not one, but (5-five), then hide all five of the children, then tell every mag that they have no children but they would like to have children somtime in the future.
    Then,,,, they are pictured with everyone elses children except the 5 that the fans here say they have.

    What a way out there Wish this is!

  22. I see a family having dinner at a holiday. I don't see Maggie using her daughter for a photo op. Photographers do chase stars, as we well know. But of course, all of that is possible.

    I do think Jake and Austin are a couple, not sure about a family but there could be one or two.

    I don't mind others disagreeing with me in a civil manner. What I don't like is people who insist that their speculations are the only possibility of the truth. I also don't like to see Jake and Austin put down when we really aren't sure what's going on with them, or the difficulties that they might have.

    Special, not to worry about your posts, they are always wonderful. I stick around and put up with petty annoyances of some and the rest of it because I enjoy your posts and reading the comments, and will continue to add my 2 cents where I can. It's been a long time for me here too.

  23. Although it was something light, the immediate attempt to beard after the pics (during Berlin, the trip to Paris and later the NYC pics) show some damage control, so perhaps Austin wasn’t supposed to be seen with Jake. But they were planting the dating models in NYC even before the trip so the light bearding could have been standard procedure or some negotiation deal to be able to be with Austin more openly in Berlin.

    It could be that they were told to cool it when EOW got the distribution deal. What confuses me is that it seemed so clear that a different strategy was taking place after he dumped Evelyn and CAA. Maybe they thought the new strategy was too risky or were bullied by Hollywood/PR/managers and went back to the previous one.

    Some things are still different though. Neither of them are (touch wood) actively bearding now so that is a very positive difference from their previous behaviour. Jake looking so bad (depressed?) now is alarming. Whatever is going on, he is not taking it well. I think it’s probably related to the pressure of having to constantly hide. The contrast is how happy he looked in January and during Berlin when he was being more open with Austin.

  24. Jake Gyllenhaal Saves Drivers From Parking Fines

    Actor Jake Gyllenhaal recently committed a random of kindness by filling up several parking metres in Los Angeles after spotting an attentive traffic cop waiting to issue tickets.

    The Brokeback Mountain star was returning to his vehicle after a day of shopping when he saw a law enforcement official standing near a number of parked cars.

    A witness tells America's Star magazine, "Jake was shopping in Beverly Hills and noticed a few parking metres were about to expire. And he saw that the parking enforcers were standing right there, waiting to issue tickets when they ran out."

    In a bid to save the drivers from a hefty fine, Gyllenhaal reached into his pocket for some spare change and used the coins to stave off the metres from expiration.

  25. I want to say my comments were in no way related to Specials posts. She is very talented and the posts are always clever. I applaud her work and thank her for the time she puts in.

    I think Special said a lot of what I needed to hear in her comment. This blog means different things to different folks. I do feel opinions and theories can be challanged and debated without personal attack. No one can control what someone else says or feels. Again a challenge to a comment is not a personal attack. I believe we need to understand that. This is not the Holy Bible. It is a blog whose subjects are people we dont know. I always say I know Jake is Gay. Well the truth is I dont know. I dont know anything for sure except that he is an actor and he has a relationship with Austin. That is all I know the rest I spectulate on.

    I sure wish i could be more like the real m whose comments are so well thought out and not based on emotion or investment. She says what she thinks and never seems to ratlte other bloggers emotions. I am coming out for some lessons m.

  26. Oh, brother. That is the most ludicrous write up about Jake and the LA parking meters I've seen in awhile. Ryan Gosling saved a woman from a "speeding" taxi recently and now we here about "heroic" Jake saving people from parking tickets. If you know Los Angeles, they are very serious about the revenue they collect from metered parking. No way would the traffic cop have just stood there and allowed him to be the good samaritan.

    Remember back in August 2010 when Jake still had his motorcycle and he saw the traffic cop and tried to give them money? He got a ticket anyway. The situation this story is trying to outline is different in that the expiration of time had not elapsed yet, but that is still not permitted in Los Angeles.

    If you know LA laws, it would not be possible for Jake to "remeter." The traffic enforcement officer would not have permitted it and could have even issued Jake a citation. That happened to a friend of mine a few years back. Remember, metering parking spaces is not just for the collection of fees. Meters are there, particularly in popular spots in Los Angeles, to measure the maximum time a car is allowed to be taking up a parking space, and "feeding the meter" defeats the purpose by trying to unlawfully extend that vehicles allowable time. Basically, you are interfering with a contract that doesn't concern you. The meter and vehicle have a "contract" with the City of Los Angeles, essentially. The driver pays so much and the city gives the driver a specified amount of time. Often you have to move your car at least 500 feet to a new space. That is if you can find one. That's the point of these kinds of law. To make room for new visitors. That's why people use paid lots instead. Metered parking nearly always has a time limit,especially in LA.

  27. Photoshopping imagesApril 11, 2012 at 2:01 PM

    I don't see a family enjoying a holiday at all. I agree with those who have pointed out the obvious poorly done photoshopping job. Jake was probably already in Toronto with his family when these were released. The perspective of where people are located is way off to anyone who even has a cursory familiarity with photographic manipulation. I know people don't want to think that Jake is a part of this kind of scam operation, but it's sooooooo obvous. He's been doing this kind of stuff since Reeke. It is kind of comical though, since the pics are so poorly "digitized." Who knows maybe Jake is trying to let people know slowly that all of this is just made up.

    Btw: Photoshopping is standard operation in the PR game. Nothing new.

  28. Rationality Tempered By EmotionApril 11, 2012 at 2:10 PM

    Jake may or may not have been involved in misleading the public, but assuming Maggie, Peter, and people on the street are involved really stretches the bounds of credulity for me. I personally don't claim to have nor care to have knowledge of Advanced Photoshop Techniques. Since it still is all speculation, I will agree that it is possible tho.

  29. Expaining the unexplainableApril 11, 2012 at 2:11 PM

    Maggie now acts like she is so violated now even though she lives in Brooklyn where supposedly celebrities are left alone. This is all just one big fat act to try to explain the odd behavior of this family. Which, I believe has nothing to do with celebrity and everything to do with the closet and Jake's secret family.

  30. Socrates would not be pleasedApril 11, 2012 at 2:16 PM

    Jake may or may not have been involved in misleading the public, but assuming Maggie, Peter, and people on the street are involved really stretches the bounds of credulity for me.

    You take a real street picture and "drop" the other people into the scene. That's what was done for the Yom Kippur pic. I do it all the time to perfect my digital media skills. I major in art photography. A friend of mine told me that public relations folks then even get people to tweet that they were in the photo to make it appear more real. Don't get me wrong, Jake is not the only one who does this. But, being in the closet, makes him a logical candidate for this kind of visual sophistry.

  31. Look at the brutal comments over at Just Jared for Reese W. That stomach is concaved, isn't it? Reminds me of Beyonce. LOL! Witherspoon is probably having a surrogancy birth as some have suggested here already. I've seen the allegation at other sites as well. Could be what Maggie's up to the same thing as well. One day she's still carrying the baby high, the next the baby has dropped. Then she was six months pregnant, then seven, then three and one-half months. She hides from the press for months then suddenly appears everywhere. Doesn't want to divulge the sex of her child, then within weeks we all know it's a girl. Funny how other people have no problem maintaining their privacy or having low-key pregnancies.

    People catching on to Celebrity Lies

  32. I know some people make fun of my little Red Sox guy. But you know what the guys are a lot like the Sox. The Fenway Faithful knew the Sox would win the World Series again, but it was a test of faith/resilience/stubbornness All the times you thought this is it, the Sox are going to do, something and sometimes the weirdest or the stupidest things messed it all up. There were countless games and season where you would shake your head and saying "you've got to be kidding me" or "what were they thinking" they were this close. Sound familiar? They were down and everyone had all but given up on them at the ALCS, down by 3 to the Yankees, and then they surprise the hell out of everyone and damn the Sox did it, they really did it. And yup those too goofy guys will too. They will. There might be some extra innings but they will. Now if Jake would take off that damn Yankees hat.

  33. Now, who would tease you about that adorable Bo-sox Baby? LOL! Great analogy, Special. I wholeheartedly agree.

    It's Timmy Time tonight!

  34. This blog means different things to different folks. I do feel opinions and theories can be challanged and debated without personal attack. No one can control what someone else says or feels. Again a challenge to a comment is not a personal attack. I believe we need to understand that.

    I agree Tom.

    Those Easter photos are kind of strange, no idea what to think of them.

  35. It's Timmy Time tonight!

    Yay! :)

  36. Jake Gyllenhaal Saves Drivers From Parking Fines

    A far cry from Brokeback Mountain, isn't it? I have to say I would have argued until I was blue in the face even a year ago defending Jake and his "honor." No more. It's a shame, but both he and Austin treat their fans as mere ATMs for their cause of the moment or their movie/TV projects. I thought Jake had more integrity, but he doesn't. That's what happens when you start to lie. At first, you have the best reason in the world, then you begin to lie because that becomes who you are.

  37. A little more sensitivity pleaseApril 11, 2012 at 3:06 PM

    Again a challenge to a comment is not a personal attack. I believe we need to understand that.

    Very true, but let's be honest - sometimes there is quite a bit of attitude and personal attack in the "challenges". Sometimes there's misunderstandings because we're posting comments, not writing War & Peace with each comment. But we can try.

  38. face a window to the soulApril 11, 2012 at 3:07 PM

    ^Probably, why Jake looks so bad these days.

  39. Parker Bruce ‏ @hallieandannie Saw "Colonel Blimp" in the same theater as Léa Seydoux & her amazing short seapunk blue hair tonight. Wanted to go up & gush but refrained.

    10 April

  40. Lea Seydoux in NY? Let the games begin.

  41. Didnt Jake's Dad who we all thought was an evil man say his son was about to sell his soul in some way or another. Well Jake has sold his soul and it is a long term project.

  42. A little more sensitivity please said...
    Again a challenge to a comment is not a personal attack. I believe we need to understand that.

    Very true, but let's be honest - sometimes there is quite a bit of attitude and personal attack in the "challenges". Sometimes there's misunderstandings because we're posting comments, not writing War & Peace with each comment. But we can try.

    I think there is a little bit of our own lifes fantasies in our comments therefore we take it personal. I am sure people will be glad to her this but I do understand that I cannot live my life through Jake. Probably not a good idea for anyone to do that. Got a feeling many of us ar.

  43. Finally saw the pics on JJ of Reese's bundle. Why does it looks more like one of those inflatable donuts they give out at the hospital after you have the baby?
