Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spread a little Sunshine

We know Jake can work it bare...

But he's got it covered too.
How about that Sunshine?
Who said that Austin's the only one with all the assets?


  1. Sophia Bush ‏ @SophiaBush
    Hot damn! Welcome to twitter ya radical lady! RT @AUS10NICHOLS: Follow my friend @iamrashidajones She is a brilliant actress and writer

    Sophia is just saying welcome on Twitter to a friend, she is ten times more famous than Austin and she has 5 times more followers then Austin, Sophia doesn't need Austin for publicity most likely the contrary one.

  2. She has a consistent pattern of piggy backing his tweets, and has since she got on twitter.

    She does it now, because she's going to milk OTH until her new show stars in the fall.

    Sophia is no dummy. She knows exactly how to work all the angles when it comes to keeping her fame.

  3. I believe we have more than two "cheeky" devils on this site... fer sure Austin & Jake, but I could prolly nominate a few more eh Special???

  4. All of these people including Sophia are all just a group of friends Jake and Austin have bonded with during their relationship. If Jake was on Twitter he be commenting with and about the same people. No big deal just more evidence about how long J and A have been together.

  5. Hey small world...

    Sophia only has three times more followers than Austin, not five times more... your math skills are off a little.

    But the real story isn't the fact she has more followers, or that she's more well known that Austin, its the attachment she makes to him and how she truly loves to "piggy-back" as Speical has pointed out.

    It's Sophia's excuse to use something, or someone else to draw attention to herself! It's opportunistic and lazy too.

    Just sayin...

  6. She is not the devilApril 28, 2012 at 8:05 PM

    It seems just that Austin and Sophia have friends and interests shared , as it happen to whom was together for a long time, and if you look at the Sophia's tweets they are almost all on events or associations of beneficence social and politics matters or regards to friends or about what she is doing ,very simple and nice also.

  7. Oh yeah Seaweed you could.

    Jake is not shy when he has on his Banana boy suit on, is he?

  8. Thanks for all the kind words. I am chilling out in my backyard having a Margarita. I am out of town on business most of next week which works out well. It provides a break from the routine to transition to the new order of things. Gorgeous day here today. I feel like I am on vacation.

    I'm anxious to hear how the End of Days previews work out. The plot sounds so much like Southland.

  9. Jake spreading a little light by way of a full moon or two!

    Gotta love it.

  10. Beards are all the sameApril 28, 2012 at 11:18 PM

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  11. Yes I have said on the blog that I did help a friend out. Attending a religious college he would have been kicked out of school. I helped my friend, it wasn't a long time, just enough so he can stay in school. Today, he is out, proud, married and the father of 3 amazing boys.

  12. I admire that SK helped out her gay friend :)

  13. I guess Jake is leading a session at Soulcycle this morning. Can you imagine how many people fall for that.

    I have read some very good comments about EOW but I think they come from invited guests. I don't see much enthusiam about it on movie sites. Not even on the radar. Sounds like an interesting concept on how the plot line is developed. My bet it will be an ok project for Jake. Not sure what part he is thinking about in the Beyonce movie but that is def a risk. It will make money though.

  14. I guess Jake is leading a session at Soulcycle this morning. Can you imagine how many people fall for that.

    Link please, Tom. Thanks.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Austin will be on Starz this afternoon in Beautiful Boy for those who are interested. If you have U-Verse, it's channel 908 on STARZCN.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. The Soulcycle comment was meant as a joke. No link ;-)

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lourdes @aYoFlywalker
    So Kanye has been at my job twice in one week & I never get the chance to see him. Yet today Jake Gyllenhaal & James Franco are here, great
    11:16 AM NY

    April 29, 2012 1:29 PM

  20. covering for 1:29 said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lourdes @aYoFlywalker
    So Kanye has been at my job twice in one week & I never get the chance to see him. Yet today Jake Gyllenhaal & James Franco are here, great
    11:16 AM NY

    Were they making out?? :-)

  21. covering for 1:29 said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lourdes @aYoFlywalker
    So Kanye has been at my job twice in one week & I never get the chance to see him. Yet today Jake Gyllenhaal & James Franco are here, great
    11:16 AM NY

    Were they making out?? :-)
