Friday, May 4, 2012

Add it up

Austin's movie LOL opens today. But where? Not really sure, and it might be tough to find out, since even BoxOffice Mojo doesn't even have it listed.

But rather than trying to solve for Y, let's focus on the figures in front of us.

Now both guys have played with their polynomials on the big screen.

Jake a Post-Doctoral fellow teaching in Chicago and pining for Gwyneth or is it her just her theorem?

And Austin, the high school math teacher who make half the class daydream about his square root.

To celebrate a new addition to Math Club, how about some favorite math pick up lines they could use on each other.

I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves.

My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing.

I wish I was your second derivative so I could investigate your concavities.

You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.

Hey baby, what's your sine?

I need a little help with my Calculus, can you integrate my natural log?

Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.

I am equivalent to the Empty Set when you are not with me.

Hey, baby want to Squeeze my Theorem while I poly your nomial?

Hey...nice asymptote.

I'll take you to your limit if you show me your end behavior.

My love for you is a monotonically increasing unbounded function

I'll take you to the limit as x approaches infinity.

Let's take each other to the limit to see if we converge

Let me integrate our curves so that I can increase our volume

I wish i was your problem set, because then i'd be really hard, and you'd be doing me on the desk.

My love is like an exponential curve. it's unbounded

My love for you is like a fractal - it goes on forever.

I hope you know set theory because i want to intersect and union you

If you were sin x and I was cos x, then together we'd make one.

And funny thing, who just tweeted about standing next to Gwynie? Hmmmm

Go Figure.

Guess there's a Proof already done.

Oh yeah this is the kind of math most people can figure out. One plus One, with a little (or a lot) of multiplication thrown in.


  1. Pathé Distribution:
    An Enemy is a gripping, mysterious psychological thriller. Gyllenhaal plays ADAM, a divorced teacher, quietly living with his girlfriend MARY. He discovers a physically identical man, an actor called ANTHONY, living nearby with his wife, HELEN. ADAM stalks his double, intending to observe from a distance, but soon the couples' lives become intertwined, precipitating a lethal battle in which only one couple can survive.
    AN ENEMY is based on THE DOUBLE by 1998 Nobel Prize winner, José Saramago

    I really like the book but the story only gets going on the last 30 pages. It contains hardly any action or violence. So I guess it will be very different from "End of Watch".

  2. Oh man, I can't believe Adam Yauch died. :-( Love love love the Beastie Boys.

  3. in response to Prairie Girl:

    The second oddity is we have The Daily Mail putting out a story with pictures of Maggie and Peter walking in the rain in NYC with their supposed to be two week old infant. If someone sees these pictures (just check Twitter) you tell me if you can see any sign or outline of a baby in that baby sling on Peter.

    Newborns are soooo tiny. They double in bulk over the first six weeks. A newborn 2 weeks old would not be in a bjorn, but a sling of some sort, and Peter is wearing a fleece cover over the sling, I presume.

    Also, I really don't get the speculation from some that there is no baby or that Maggie had a surrogate. She was so obviously pregnant, bloated in all the regular places - legs, face, ankles etc.

  4. Celebrity "ethics"May 4, 2012 at 4:14 PM

    Maggie was so obviously not pregnant, in my opinion. Just like Reesie-poo's whole miraculous conception seems odd. Beyonce's too. Ted said awhile back that surrogancy was the new Hollywood thing. And, he didn't mean just for male gay couples like Toothy and Goose.

    Maggie's stomach changed from month to month. And her face was sometime chubby, other times chiseled. Peter was nowhere to be found most of the time and then there were some crazya** photoshop pics of these two and the whole crazy Gyllenhaal family, for that matter. This certainly would explain all the smoke and mirrors surrounding this birth. I don't really care except for the lying.

  5. I know Destiny I can't believe it either.


  6. When a woman is pregnant her belly DOES change from month to month, sometimes week to week and day to day, depends how the baby is moving.

    Maggie has never had a chiseled face, it's always been doughy, so not sure where you're goIng with that.

    You've never been pregnant or known anyone personally who's been pregnant either, have you?

  7. Maggie was so obviously not pregnant, in my opinion. Just like Reesie-poo's whole miraculous conception seems odd. Beyonce's too.

    7 billion people on earth... can you BELIEVE all of those miraculous conceptions? AS IF people can actually just up and get pregnant.

  8. LOL opens today in The United States.
    1:39 PM - 4 May 12 via WhoSay · Details

  9. A giant has passed. Adam Yauch. AKA MCA. One of our beloved Beastie Boys.
    2:43 PM - 4 May 12 via WhoSay · Details

  10. Jake Gyllenhaal screened his buzzed-about upcoming movie “End of Watch” for Jay-Z at the Crosby Street Hotel on Wednesday. The rapper attended Gyllenhaal’s small friends-and-family screening of the Open Road Films movie, which comes out Sept. 28 as directed by “Training Day” writer David Ayer. Sources said Jay could be contributing a song to the project, which stars Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena as LAPD officers, with Anna Kendrick and America Ferrera. Producer John Lesher was also a guest. His next movie, “Blood Ties,” is shooting here with Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, James Caan and Marion Cotillard.

  11. Goodness, is Austin Nicohls that low on the register in HW that he's in a film that nobody know where it's showing.
    Apparently that movie is beyond an indie film.

  12. So much for living in the closet, Austin. Doesn't look like it's helped your career one bit. Nor, Jake's for that matter.

  13. truth and consequencesMay 4, 2012 at 7:21 PM

    On the issue of surrogancy, I can certainly believe that Maggie had a carrier. It's no big deal to have a surrogate these days, particularly in Hollywood. And, we all know the Gyllenfam lies like there is no tomorrow and no consequences to be had. So I can definitely believe she's been playing games. Why people think continue to think this whole clan can't lie is beyond me. They've been caught in so many lies these past...six or so years, I just accept it as part of their lack of character and integrity. Nbd.

  14. Maggie was so obviously pregnant! OMG! This is totally not even disputable!

    Not to mention the obvious question - WHY? Maggie is not Beyonce. She does not have a good body. She already birthed a baby. She's a granola mom. Why on EARTH would she use a surrogate?

    Also, surrogacy is NOT "no big deal." For the biological Mom, you have to go through the whole IVF procedure to get the egg, which is invasive and not a casual process AT ALL.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. think I'm gonna have to go with REAL.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I know there's been a lot of faking when it comes to Jake and things his family has done for him, like the horrid Swift photos, but I don't see why Maggie would fake a pregnancy. She doesn't strike me as someone who would go to all that trouble faking it, and if she had to use a surrogate I think she'd just say so.

    I just don't get what would be the reason for someone like Maggie to fake a pregnancy, unlike someone like Beyonce.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Maggie is hiding something. Could be marital problems. Which means she might want this pregnancy extremely low key. Could be she chose a surrogate instead of her own pregnancy for selfish/cosmetic reasons. She may be deceptive about her pregnancy because of Jake's kids. Unlike with Ramona was born, Jake has children now. Who he refuses to publicly acknowledge. Maybe Maggie is doing the same too for that reason. Something odd is going on with this pregnancy. From the Yom Kippur hiding behind Jake to her being completely skinny in the other photo and two weeks later in Italy, her obviously looking pregnant. Games are being played. Which is what has been going on for seems like forever. The sniff taste stinks to high heaven with this whole family. People who lie together have to stay together. That's what is happening now.

  21. take it someplace elseMay 5, 2012 at 12:32 AM

    You know, your continual harping on this subject of Maggie and her perceived fake pregnancy is seriously giving this blog a bad name, to the point where it's embarrassing for everyone else who posts here. Now we're all tainted by association.

  22. I don't care if you don't like it. Other's have commented on the topic and I will as well. If you don't like it, scroll on by.

  23. not helping those rumorsMay 5, 2012 at 12:55 AM

    "When everything was together that was the most memorable. And creepy and funny. Getting to play with Thor's hammer while he stroked my bow. Oh here we go, that's going to be great. That's going to get me in trouble." - Jeremy Renner

  24. take it someplace else said...
    You know, your continual harping on this subject of Maggie and her perceived fake pregnancy is seriously giving this blog a bad name, to the point where it's embarrassing for everyone else who posts here. Now we're all tainted by association.

    How is it your association tainted when you use a name only once on a thread? No one even knows who you are. What a laugh to act so shamed.

    No, you just don't like speculation of the sacred Gyllenhaal name. Well, sorry but there is freedom to discuss here unlike other places.

  25. Odd to see an anon talking to themselves. Reminds me of the tactics found on Waiting for Toothy.

    As for Maggie's pregnancy, I have no clue if its real or not, but there have been hints of marital problems. She had a huge problem with morning sickness the first time around, and that alone would be reason enough to allow a surrogate to carry the child. Its still hers biologically, but avoids the unpleasantness she dealt with before. And she seemed to have no morning sickness this time around.

    The math related come ons are so cute. How on earth did you think of all of those. Very clever.

  26. I agree, m. There has been something odd going on with this pregnancy since the very beginning and that includes that very odd brother and sister photo op of Jake and Maggie swimming together in Hawaii in late July after their father's wedding. Almost like they wanted a time/date stamp for a pic of her looking slender in a one piece bathing suit.

    Then, as you say, there's been the gossip about marital problems between her and Peter too. There was also that interesting tweet of her alone on the subway from way back in February when Maggie wasn't being seen with Peter very much at all. Could be, of course, that she may have been out with one of Jake's kids too. Like that infant daughter the poster back in January said that Jake and Austin had just welcomed into the world recently.

    craig hunter‏@cubistlit

    I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal and her kids on the 2 train this afternoon. Subway Train de los Babies!

    12:57 PM - 23 Feb 12via web · Embed this Tweet
