Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mad as a Hatter

That damn hat. How can Jake who says he's a Red Sox fan wear the Yankees. And to all you old school NY'er, Jake also has worn the Dodgers who of course started in Brooklyn and were the antithesis of the the Bronx Bombers.

It makes you want to grab it, stomp it and give a kick to the gutter. The hat people, the hat.

So why's Jake wearing it? Well there's has to be at least 10 (slightly amusing) reason why he might.

10. No pay but teaching ten classes of Soul Cycle and you get a free hat.

9. Try to get a little street cred for all the soccer dad driving a familly truckster demographic.

8. Wearing it in protest for the way the Sox have been playing this season.

7. Some told him he was their "little damn Yankee"

6. When WME told him they wanted him to get a little darker image he took it all the way to the Evil Empire ( Yankees)

5. If he can't have a LBD, he'll have a not so little black hat instead.

4. Going with a bandana seemed a little to Hankie.

3. It's the only hat that can get drawn on, chewed on, or spilled on and he doesn't care.

2. Won a bet against Jeter, he got the hat, instead of the beard.

And 1.
Because everyone knows black makes you everything appear smaller.


  1. I can't keep up with this blog.
    Sorry I’m late , that is an unbelievable article about Gay actors and their cover up operations in Hollywood, which to tell you the truth, I'd not given much thought to until I started reading OMG a few years ago.

    Anyway, what I am shocked about is that the article mentioned Whitney Houston. There were many whispers years ago, and recently when she died, that her Mom had broken up her deep close and loving relationship up with her female lover and caused her to suffer a broken heart…forever.

    Whitney’s gone now and my heart's broken because many of us always knew who was in her heart and it was never BB.

    For a Gay person of any sex, a strong anti-gay Mother is hard to fight and Poor Whitney, her strong anti-gay Christian mother, was too much to fight against especially with her upbringing. The writer of that article is brilliant…and knows their facts...a whispered thing in my community showing up in an overseas magazine is dam*ed very good reporting…to me anyway

    I get so excited when Jake does anything anymore…I have to concur about the violence…I hope he gets busy and stays busy.

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  3. BWAHHHHHH!!!! Bridesmaids is on again. LOLLLLLLLLL!! "I'm not an air marshal." She drives him nuts. LOLLLL!! Each of these women was so perfect in their roles, every single one. It's just a classic. I think I'm going to have to buy this one - I've got several people I need to show this to. I was talking to my cube mate about it this morning and we were re-creating a few scenes. LOLLLL!!

    It's just such a chick flick. There's so much you can identify with or have known someone like that. LOLL. My favorite character is the brother's sister. She is just a riot, I cannot take it. She's a riot, I just love her character.

  4. I need to go back and read that article, Sass as it got away from me. I had read before about Whitney and if that is true about her mother, that would be really, really sad.


  5. Every time I hear Hot Stuff now I think of the guys in the The Full Monty practicing.

    Wonder if who has the better moves to this, Jake or Austin? ; )

  6. I can't believe Donna Summer is gone. :-( :-( When her stuff first came out I played it day and night, not to mention how much dancing I did to it. I'm not thrilled about how she turned against her gay audience, but I still have a huge soft spot for her. Thanks for playing one of her songs Special.

  7. Destiny, you may want to read this.

    Wrongly accused

  8. Interesting Not So Fast. However I also have a very vivid memory of her talking about it being Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and saying it was wrong to be gay. Don't know if she ever denied that. But it was all a very long time ago, and she may have changed.

  9. Don't know how many people knew that Donna Summer was born in Boston. The last time she sang in public here was during the 2004 World Series.

  10. His little damn Yankee - that I can see. Very cute.

    Sad about Donna Summers passing. Another key person from my younger days gone. I can remember hearing that song for the first time and everybody dancing up a storm.

  11. Loved Donna Summer's music, what a voice.

  12. Maggie Gyllenhaal would love to work with her husband again, but avoids doing it because neither of them would be home to "put the kids to bed".

    Maggie and Peter Sarsgaard have two daughters together; Ramona, five, and one-month-old Gloria Ray.

    Peter is directing his first feature film, Born to Run, and Maggie says although she'd love to collaborate on the new project, their priority is always their children.

    "He and I work so well together, talking about drafts, about the script, talking about casting. I'd do whatever he wanted. I really enjoy talking with him about projects and helping him think things through," she told USA Today. "Artistically we're a good combination. I love acting with him. My experience acting with him is on stage, and I love it, but I don't know how we'll do that for a long time.

    "It means neither of us is home to put the kids to bed."

    Maggie is embracing motherhood for the second time. The 34-year-old star has joked that having a few years gap in between her two girls has left her feeling out of practice.

    "I'm curious to see how much I remember about nursing and changing diapers. About all of it. I have no idea how to do it with two," she quipped.

    "Having children is the most humbling thing you can do."

    Maggie lives in New York City with her family. The stunning star and Peter regularly talk about how they will juggle parenthood with their Hollywood careers.

    "Peter was joking with me the other day. He said, 'How are either of us ever going to work, ever?' We've figured out pretty well how to do it with one. At first we would take her with us. Now she's in kindergarten and it's important that she's settled," she mused. "I wouldn't take her out for any old thing."

  13. It's so hard to be a mom?May 18, 2012 at 9:20 AM

    It amazes me that Maggie Gyllenhaal acts like she is the only one in history who has ever had to cope with having children. Millions of women go to work everyday and raise families. What a pretentious and whining woman. I read another article that she couldn't go to the premier of Hysteria because she had just had a baby. Really? Now, how would that be a problem? I thought she had the kid almost a month ago? She's never going to leave the house now? Unbelievably, lame.

  14. Puffs Ultra Soft & StrongMay 18, 2012 at 10:30 AM

    It's so hard to be a Gyllenhaal.

  15. This family really is looney, with a huge sense of entitlement and privilege. I remember back in the day when I thought they seemed so grounded and normal and someone I knew, who is gay and lives in Tribeca laughed and said they are weird and snobby and their people just package the Gyllenhaals as one big happy family. (Although he did say that Peter wasn't too bad.)

    Jake was the goofy kid who loved to brag about how he was going to be different and not play by Hollywood rules. Then, of course, came Brokeback Mountain and he had visions of being a movie stah! By the way, he said Jake was very much with Austin Nichols and had pretty much been with him since they met.

  16. ^ This was around 2007. Definitely before Reeking.

  17. Beautiful weekend in Philly.. I hear Boston is coming to town.
    ITS ON!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I don't know how y'all get "whining" out of that article by what Maggie said. The way she expressed parenthood is completely normal. She said it was "humbling." It is. And it's damn hard.

    It clearly states their priority is always their children.


  19. Well I can't make any bets on how well the Sox are going to do, because they have been giving me fits all season. But all the same -- Bring it Jersey Boy! :D

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  21. I just love Bend It Like Beckham. I have watched it a kazillion times - never ever get tired of it.

    Love the music and dancing. Love the education of Indian culture. Love gorgeous Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Love the accents. Love it all.

    lol, the only time I seem to watch any movies is when I'm dog sitting.
