Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Big A in the Big Apple

Well Austin put it best....

Just a country boy from Texas rockin the subways of NYC.    - Aus10

Liking life in the big city country boy?

Funny how he lets you know he's been in NYC all weekend. And the same weekend Jake was playing fun with photos.

                                                     credit: amyraedurrant

Next thing you know he'll spotted out grabbing a coffee.  Bingo - Starbucks!

Hey this is starting to look a little jakey... And that would mean a need for a Top 10.

So it is The Top Ten List of  How to do Jakey's NYC the A-man way. 

10. Forget Backpacks. Wear the Rubba Boots to the Ballet

9.  Hang out with some rappers...  try gift wrappers at Bloomingdales.

8.  Brunch at Bubbe's - out,  Bugging out to avoid Bubbe - in

7. Random street walking vs. Walking the streets from scenes from fav movies

6. Dinner at Prune/Fat Radish/The Dutch/ABC Kitchen is now Dinner at the Schnitzel & Things Food Truck.  "This schnitzel tastes like Chicken Fried Steak"  - That's for you country boy

5. Tan trousers and wrinkled white shirt vs. Pressed  shirts and Levis

4.  Randomly showing up in glasses in NY -  Randomly Showing up in NY with a glass

3.  Jake - Off Broadway show.  Austy's way....doing his speech from JFC on the subway

2. Photoshop family picture in NYC vs. Sending a picture of NYC to his family.

and the number one way to do Jakey's NYC the A-man way 

1. Instead of Soul Cycle -  Cycle to Sylvia's for Soul Food 

And here's your Two Wheel Tuesday - NY Style.


  1. I just watched the saddest video I have ever seen in my life. There is a video of a church in Indiana where they had two beautiful children singing "ain't no homos going to heaven" while the adults applauded and laughed.

    If someone can post that link for me I would appreciate it. I could never figure that out.

  2. Tom, I'm sorry but I am not putting something like that up. Why would I want to watch a tool of brainwashing?

    Because that's what that is.

  3. I don't know but you know what?

    Austin looks like his 10-legged Tour of Duty in NYC is kicking his ass.

    That guy looks haggard with a capital H. And he looks like he's not been eating hardly at all. Now he knows.

    LOLLLLLL! It's about darned time.

  4. From the last thread...

    For the person who was upset about the Dominican Republic info, I watched an E news segment at the time and they mentioned that Jake had been at that resort in the spring of 2005 too. I decided to go there the following year, based on the gorgeous video. One of our tour guides confirmed that Jake Gyllenhaal had been there when I mentioned that was how I found out about the area.

    Which part of the resort did you stay at?

  5. I just don't understand it. I feel so sad for those kids. I hope God lets them grow up with love and not hate.

    All Gay men and women need to come out and show the world that they are proud of who they are.

  6. Curious, you ought to go to their website and look at that place (unless you've been there as well or are already very familiar with it!) It is absolutely incredible.

    It's extremely private and it is incredibly romantic looking.

    Tortuga Bay Resort

  7. Thanks PG, I'm quite familiar with the place so I was curious to know what part of the resort the previous poster stayed in as there are several different areas to the resort.

  8. LOL very funny post today. Love the top ten. :)

  9. Yeah, I was just noticing that on their website, curious. I thought it was just basically the resort but there are vacation homes as well.

    The villas are just incredible looking.

  10. You know, I would just about give anything to read 1300 tweets about Jake buying and eating kale than to see him smoking like the Jackstack Smoker that he looks to be right now.

    It's killing me. And it is literally killing him. Whatever it is that is stressing you, buddy, I pray for some solace.

    Those things are killing your lungs.

    : (

  11. @dasha_lush Dasha Lushnikova
    A view of Jake Gyllenhaal smoking right outside my office window - a highlight in a 12 hour work day ‪#film‬ ‪#Toronto‬

  12. That picture of Jake smoking makes me sad. Not just because he is smoking, but he looks so lonely there. I wonder why Austin did not head up to Toronto to keep him company. Too many people to see them I guess. They just need to come out and get on with their lives. It will be like getting a shot. Hurts for a few seconds and then you move on.

  13. Whatever it is that is stressing you, buddy, I pray for some solace.

    Maybe it's this blog outing him and his family.

  14. Oh puleeeease 5:23 you're really going to go there? Seriously?

    Do not even.

  15. I'll go there and any other places I please. Don't try your usual attempt to shut down talk that you don't like.

  16. Don't even get me started at this hour with that kind of accusation. Jake and Austin have brought their own present fix upon themselves not this blog. They have lied up to their ears to everyone. We just pointed out that those pictures released of him walking with the friend in NYC on Sarurday were not real time photos.

    A year ago I understood why they did what they did back in 2007-2009. But what is going on now is no longer worthy of understanding, especially when they manipulate the way that they do.

    Jake, you fool yourself if you think you do not bring all that cigarette smoke into the house by only smoking outside. By dangling that cig out the car window. You still bring it in with you, you people still don't get it. It is still on you, you just can't smell it because it has affected your sense of smell. And those kids are being exposed to secondhand smoke when they never asked to have to breathe it in.

    You know, you just want to bang your head against a tree when you see something like this.

  17. Sorry Mary there are no kidsJune 6, 2012 at 5:57 AM

    ^ THAT

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  21. Jack? WME? Other miscellaneous trolls?

    Make up your mind!

  22. Shame on pg. Hey, I know what I know.


  23. I tried to bring here " that homework " but SK has stopped the messages for hours,therefore stop with this argument.

    Why don't you come with your knives on WFT where the tweets were regularly posted? And let's see who wins!

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  25. Yes that's me! Are you You?

  26. Voyeurism is not just for the papsJune 6, 2012 at 8:15 AM

    That picture of Jake smoking under the stairs is a really intrusive picture because it is during a private moment.

    In this sense, I do feel sorry for celebrities in a picture like this.

    And some slam the paparazzi when civilians can be just as bad.

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  29. Is there a Robert Scott Bean in the midst?

  30. Jake and Austin and the whole Gyllenhaal family are responsible for the fix they find themselves in. They have been all lying for years. There are consequences for that. Manipulation, photoshopping, beards, gushing over your sister's children when you have children of your own that you won't acknowledge, being quoted that you don't have children of "my own," and closing your social circle to just a select group of confidants is going to make you bitter and angry. It will age you beyond your young years. How about looking in the mirror and seeing who the real "Enemy" is. And, it ain't OMG.

    By the way: Thanks for all the info on 1 Direction. I finally had a chance to catch up on the Larry Stylinson stuff. These two young men are obviously in love. It's not just the long gazes, physical contact and shy smiles, it's the tenderness they show to one another. Lovely to see. I hope they play the game only to a very modest degree and never let others come between them.

  31. When you're a celebrity and out filming you have to expect you're going to be caught in private moments like that. It goes with the territory. And Jake really doesn't get caught that often in a moment like that.

    LOLLLLL that OMG is now the source of all of Jake's tension. And here I thought we were just a community of five or six crazy people, and how threatening could that be. Any argument in a storm I guess.

  32. The photo is gone. She must have taken it down. I missed it. She works on films, she should know better to post pics like that anyway if she wants to keep her job.

  33. Interesting analysis of Jake's facial hair. I can't help but notice that if you applied the same logic to those Leadville pictures you'd have to conclude that it wasn't Austin in the picture because the scruff he had for on the set of LOL couldn't have grown fast enough to match the pictures from Leadville. But that doesn't fit with the story OMG wants to believe so logic flies out of the window!

    LOLLLLL that OMG is now the source of all of Jake's tension. And here I thought we were just a community of five or six crazy people, and how threatening could that be.

    I agree. The idea that a six loons on a blog have any effect on Jake's life is laughable.

  34. 2:55 and 2:56

    ^^^ are for PG's comments

  35. The photo is gone. She must have taken it down. I missed it. She works on films, she should know better to post pics like that anyway if she wants to keep her job.

    That's really interesting that she took the photo down.

    I will tell you guys something. There's all kinds of people working on this movie who are giving tidbits on Twitter. It surprises me.

    If you are a real watcher of Twitter, you will have seen several different types of workers who have twitter accounts, tweeting small bits of information. There's a grip who has tweeted about filming. There's been a pap who took the pictures of Jake with Melanie. There was someone who rode in a car with Jake, if I recall right.

    I thought there were confidentiality agreements these people have to sign? In comparison to Jake's several past movies, this set of An Enemy has been kind of a free-for-all of some "blabbing", lol.

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  38. Sorry for missing some comments that needed to be deleted. It's been a crazy day of two steps behind the whole day.
