Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Power Play

Jake is back in Toronto and as we know from the tweet he was out last night with friend friend Rufus Wainwright and his fiancĂ© Jorn Weisbrodt at the Harbord Room’s patio.

 This is the second time Jake has been seen out with "the gay power couple" as the Toronto press refers to them.

Nice to see that it's habit forming Jake.

Go go Jakey.

And congratulations are in order, Rufus and Jorn are set to marry in Montauk, Long Island on August 23rd. If Jake is on the guest list it won't be a long trip, no plane necessary, since he will be rehearsing for his upcoming play Off Broadway.

While Jake is being seen out (and with those who are out) in Toronto why's the set closed up tighter than house in a hurricane?

If they are keeping to the book why should it matter, the story is known.

 If they have radically changed it, is there something Jake doesn't want people to know yet?
 Or is it to keep the comings and goings away from so many eyes?


  1. Specialllll!!! I was just about to call the calvary on you. lol

    Very good point you make. Why have all the news leaks and set pictures totally gone bye-bye? Can you say Zip-Loc? Tupperware Seal?

    I really don't care for those new pictures that were released on that photo shoot, sorry. He looks menacing.

    Very tired of menacing and frowning. Life is too short to go around with permanent wrinkles in your forehead from frowning so much. Ohhhhh but just wait until it's time for EOW to come out and we'll have handshaking, autograph signing, fan picture taking and campaign smiles to beat the band on Just Jared. Bet on it.

  2. Well, stayed up just long enough to see the new post. Time to hit the hay, another big day at work tomorrow, got meetings up the yin yang.

  3. Sorry for the wait.

    I am blaming the heat for this one. It's hot hot hot here and everything slowed down.

  4. After all this time following two actors for the last umpteen years it always astounds me that you don't know the first thing about filmmaking. Interior shots are usually shot in a studio space ergo obviously closed to the general public. Why are you trying to make it look like Jake is hiding something?

  5. It has nothing to do with interior shots and soundstages.

    It's because you and all those people who have been tweeting everyone working on the movie to find out everything can, have been told they can't say anything anymore. They have been told to close ranks and not say a word.

  6. Piro Dhimitri ‏@pirodhimitri
    Toronto ON
    Oh Jake Gyllenhaal will be at UTSC on Sunday for a movie shoot? And in the physics labs on Tuesday? Well well well..

    3:23 pm 20 June

    Holly Santandrea ‏@hollysantandrea
    You guys, is Jake Gyllenhal downstairs? What other film/TV show needs a holding room of that size for BG cast? #filming #Toronto #celeb
    20 June

  7. SpecialK,It is the routine. Do you know that another film with Jesse Eisenberg with the same identical history, drawn by the same book it is in workmanship? it is normal and intelligent to maintain the reserve.

  8. 23:39, you need to hang out somewhere else if you don't like what you see here, which you obviously don't. And while you're at it, shove your "smdh" up your other end.

    But then, this is what you do at any other Jake Gylly Forum where any slight discussion pertaining to his sexuality can occur, isn't it? Even if has to do with the sexuality of a role he played, ohhhh, say like Jack Twist?? You come here pretending to be interested in filmmaking but you could care less about that. What really is up your craw about OMG is what a few here believe which is that Jake is married to Austin and has a good handful of babies and toddlers.

    Ohhhhhh look what I just said! Oh, why I'm sooo sorry.

    Do you want to try and mod me now for speaking out of turn, 23:39? Ohhhh but this isn't your Forum where you can censor and call the shots, is it? No, Special calls the shots over here so you're just going to have to sit down and swallow the pill.

    Go home, UV, or your speaking "disrespectfully" toward the OMG Moderator just might need to be reported to a "higher" administrator.

    And get a life while you're at it.

  9. And 05:34, you ought to be watching your step as well. Go back to WFT2 and/or Twitter as it were where you regularly hang out.

    You know, go converse with a stage grip or something if you want so badly to discuss the movie or say, throw kisses at Jake.

    Doesn't that sound like more fun, 05:30?

  10. Geez, Is it possible to have a conversation without the continuous boring intervention of Prairiegirl in this blog? Who is the owner of the blog? It's enervating,really.

  11. Austin Nichols.

    Austin Nichols.

    Austin Nichols.

    Austin Nichols.

    Sorry, I just felt like saying his name a few times before I go get ready for work. You all just have a grand day. I have a two meeting this morning, cannot wait!!!


  12. No it's not 0547. And if you don't shut the heck up, I'll sit on here and rattle off 25 more comments just to stay on your nerves. I do have time to do that, you know.

    Thanks for the reinforcement that I'm hitting bulls eyes.

  13. I got a feeling Jake will be busy whenever Rufus has his wedding.

  14. Entertainment WeeklyJune 21, 2012 at 3:36 PM

    This Week's Cover: The New Art of Coming Out in Hollywood

    Read more here: EW

  15. Going to Live Tweet my lunch. Tune in. Maybe some bread product. A meat. Vegetables. I don't know. Could get wild.

    4:58 PM - 21 Jun 12 via Echofon · Details

  16. I think Austin’s tweet is a joke response about the obsession with what Jake eats - all the Jake at Wholefoods tweets yesterday (describing him sampling from the deli and grocery check out) and then this tweet asking about his food choices:

    CRFA ‏@CDNRestaurants
    We keep seeing Jake Gyllenhaal sightings on Twitter. He's filming in TO. If he comes to your #restaurant, tell us what he ordered

  17. Loved reading that EW article. How easy would it be for Jake and Austin to go to their friend's wedding and be seen but just not make a big deal out of it. Baby steps.

  18. I think Austin’s tweet is a joke response about the obsession with what Jake eats - all the Jake at Wholefoods tweets yesterday (describing him sampling from the deli and grocery check out) and then this tweet asking about his food choices:

    Because of course Austin has nothing better to do with his time but search Jake's name on twitter.

  19. Looking forward to reading the whole EW story. There was a short piece in the New York Times a week or two ago by the writer who interviewed Jim Parsons talking about the same subject.

  20. Ha! You know Austin has a twit search set up on his hot hubs.

    I think the guys have been taken some small steps this years maybe slower than others but they're steps.

  21. Going to Live Tweet my lunch. Tune in. Maybe some bread product. A meat. Vegetables. I don't know. Could get wild.

    Indeed. lol. That one's pretty funny.

    Hey Aust, maybe PB&J???? With the crusts removed, just the way you like it?

    Maybe Austin was fixing lunches today, hmmmmmm??? Maybe that was the deal. Kraft Mac and Cheese? Peanut Butter and jelly? Cheetos? Or is it kale chips.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I think the guys have been taken some small steps this years maybe slower than others but they're steps.

    Oh this I GOTTA hear. Which small steps are you referring to???
