Monday, June 18, 2012

Whew....That was close....

Sometimes it's good when things don't work out....

Like when Jake's name was floated out there for Rock of Ages and it didn't work out.  

or  Austin not getting the part for Adam Sandler's That's My Boy which looks his USO pal Milo

Sometimes looking at things in the present  they don't make a lot of sense, but it the long run it all fits.

We might not know why things are they way the are right now... but it will make sense in time.

That could even describe this past weekend. ...Austin in TX and airports?

Now some more information about Jake upcoming US stage debut.

Two more actors have been named to the cast of If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet  Michelle Gomez and Tony Award winner Brían F. O'Byrne, will join the previously announced Jake Gyllenhaal in the American premiere of Nick Payne's If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet later this summer at Off-Broadway's Laura Pels Theatre.

There is only one cast member left to announce and that is main character Anna, the bullied teen who the play is focused around.

 Michael Longhurst (making his New York debut) will direct the Roundabout Theatre Company production with previews beginning Aug. 24 toward an opening of Sept. 20 in a limited engagement of 13 weeks through Nov. 25.


  1. That could even describe this past weekend. ...Austin in TX and airports?

    Not following. Was Jake in Texas this weekend?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. From twitter it seemed like Jake was flying everywhere this past weekend which always makes you wonder, where he really was. Hmmm...

  4. He has back in NY Friday afternoon and leaves again for Toronto Saturday evening,there sre pics of him and tweets.

  5. Oops sorry he has back in Toronto Sunday afternoon.

    Jordan Lloyd ‏@jordanlloyd
    Just had a beard-off with Jake Gyllenhaal. I think it was a draw. @ Terroni

    Sunday 17 June

  6. Check w/M&M: she'll have all the locations pinpointed for youJune 19, 2012 at 3:07 PM

    From twitter it seemed like Jake was flying everywhere this past weekend which always makes you wonder, where he really was. Hmmm... As above comment mentioned he was firmly in NY this past weekend. There's at least one photo of him in NY and several tweets of him at different places in NY.

  7. Special, do you really think by not posting the tweets or pics easily found on other blogs that somehow the few folks here who don't check out those other places will believe Jake is off with Austin as you like to insinuate? I'm trying to understand what you're hoping to accomplish.

  8. ^ I don't speak for Special (nor do I know her!) but for me, the tweets and pics that place Jake in a particular place sadly aren't proof of anything.

    The operating assumption that I have is that Jake's actual whereabouts (and Austin's too) are often obscured, cloaked, misrepresented and more by social media efforts to place him in a particular place at a particular time. If you spent any time at all on OMG you would know that many regular posters here feel this way - we've seen it, for years now.

    I believe there are probably thousands of fake twitter and facebook accounts set up by various marketing companies and maintained as seemingly real people with the sole purpose of planting tweets that have an agenda on behalf of a client, be that a corporation, a celebrity, etc. Same goes for comments on blogs. Just Jared is constantly patrolled by PR-paid posters, it is obvious.

    Are you employed by one of these marketing / PR companies, per chance?

  9. All I said was Jake spent a lot of times in airports. Why is that so upsetting? It's true isn't it? He was in at least 2 airports right?

  10. He was in at least 2 airports right?

    Toronto and NY?

    From Toronto he is landed in NW Airport, to back to Toronto LGA.

  11. All I said was Jake spent a lot of times in airports. Why is that so upsetting? It's true isn't it? He was in at least 2 airports right?

    Oh but that's not all you said is it? You also said

    From twitter it seemed like Jake was flying everywhere this past weekend which always makes you wonder, where he really was. Hmmm...

    It didn't make ME wonder nor anyone else who follows along with these things, because we (i.e., those of us with eyes and common sense) could see he was in NY this past weekend.
