Saturday, July 7, 2012

Image au Trois

Austin's Tour de France continues

Another question and answer

More meeting fans

And he even got photobombed!

And Austin tried to get his dance on.

Which could go head to head against Jake's Lord of the Dance

Who would win Dance Your Pants Off?

Speak of Jake - the bearded bud popped back up in Toronto and out for ice cream with his co-star and another friend. 

Jake has ditched the green jeans for the camo shorts,  a variation from last year, but back to the camo.

With a bit of grin and looking a little more relaxed he looks the had some R& R this past week.  Hmmmm.

 Camo and cones


  1. Sorry SK. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  2. Back from Magic Mike but more on that later. I've been checking ent lawyer in hopes he would say something about Ted and he did today. Reading his post and the comments the gist is that Ted had a blind about Jeremy Renner in which he accidentally used his real name somewhere in the middle essentialy outing him. Ted was suspended while E decided what to do and then eventually let go. The Jeremy error was caught when comments started to be made and fixed, but not before enough people had read the outing.

  3. As for Magic Mike, I give the film a 6 out of 10 for acting, plot etc. OK, not epic. Waiting for the DVD is fine. As for eye candy, its gets a 15 on a scale of 1 to 10. No frontal nudity but plenty of bare male ass and packages stuffed into tiny speedo size shorts. Bomer's part was barely there but I got to see his ass, chest and legs. Matthew McConoughy(sp?) stole the film. He is in great shape but man he looked old. Too much sun aged his face. Channing can sure dance. Very athletic. His bod was terrific. His looks do nothing for me. The theater was full but not a single male in the audience. All of us women cackled like teenagers throughout.

  4. I just watched Austin dance on Tumblr and laughed myself silly. He has a great a*se...lucky him.
    Frank Ocean has a beautiful soul. I intend to add his tracks to my life.
    President Obama did change feelings in the community, but not nearly enough. 53% now in favor of Gay marriage...a giant increase or so I've been told, and I saved my boy from the fundies or should I say He saved himself. He couldn't take it any longer...all the homophobia and outright discrimination.
    Religion, arrr. I am turning into a lapsed Christian.

  5. Yes he does have a great arse sass. Loved that video right:-)

    Wow that makse sense about Ted. I wonder if Renner will just let it go or take aqction againt Ted or E. Ted will def pop up somewhere quickly.

  6. I forgot to say thanks for the Internet site. Green
    here and grateful. :-)

  7. Congrats to Barney Frank and his husband Jim Ready who were married yesterday in front of 300 friends and family.

    Frank is the first sitting congressperson to marry their partner in a legally recognized ceremony and did it in his home state(Massachusetts) where he helped to make pass it's legalization.

  8. Oh Tommmm and Seeeeaweed!!! There's some presents waiting for you in your inboxes!!!


  9. Boy, I'm going to miss this Comic Con and having all these pictures feeding through the internet. It was pretty fun watching from back across the pond.


    IHJ is now playing Jake "the Bowery Boy" Gyllenhaal, here's the link. I'm just waiting for big jewelry and teeth grills to surface next, lol.

    Hey yo, JaGee

    Hey, I did it!!! No more link template! Finally memorized it!

  10. Jake sure does seem to have a weakness for ice cream.

    That ice cream would melt over here right now. We are so hot here. It's all people can talk about. We've lost some of our flowers & plants. There's just nothing you can do - they just cannot take day after day of 100+ heat. It's just the saddest thing to see the leaves burning up and sagging like a willow tree. They were doing so well, too.

    You know it's hot when you get in your car that you parked facing away from the afternoon sun, got the sun shade up and so it's dark in the front seat and the seatbelt buckle STILL burns you! LOLLL!! That is hot. It's hot when you don't even bother to go down the Freezer aisle in the grocery store.

    And it's only the beginning of July. Man oh man.

    People are excited about high 80's for a couple of days. The All-Star Game is here in K.C. this year. Hey, is Timmy Linoleum selected to the All Star game, M&M??!!!! I didn't even think to check. Could Timmy be coming to my town?!!!


    Lena $heree ‏@lenasheree

    @TrentGentry my friend Jordan works at Javelina on Rainey & Jake Gyllenhaal was there last night!!

    10:47 AM - 8 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

    Clinton camper ‏@clintendo64

    My first love, jake gyllenhaal is at the javelina bar in Austin. I can't.

    9:49 PM - 7 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPad · Embed this Tweet

    Javelina Bar: in the Rainey District in downtown Austin, TX.

  12. He was also at Moomba in Montreal last night. He gets around.

  13. Sorry, guys. It needed to go up.

    :* (

  14. Soooo, Jake was at the new Javelina late last night the first restaurant to come to the Rainey Street neighborhood, which is tucked away in the southeast corner of downtown Austin.

    Gee,I wonder what the cover story is going to be this time?

  15. There is no reason for Jake to be in Montreal, but I believe there are several reasons for him to be in Austin, TX. Two tweets, late at night. This is typical Jake Gyllenhaal MO.

  16. Wow. That took you exactly 2 minutes, didn't it PR????

    Didn't it, PR? You have been biting your nails. Well, that latest one just went up, you can't do anything about it.

    And no, I really am not sorry. These tweets are the repercussions when you do crap like "Stroll with Mystery Gal"

  17. I was just reading on DL about the Ted Casablanca/Jeremy Renner gossip. Apparently in the blind item he slipped and in one of the sentences slipped and used Jeremy (but not Renner) instead of the blind name.

    Here's a summary comment I saw wrapping up all the comments on Ent. Lawyer:

    So, this is true?

    OK, I am going to encapsulate this, but read the comments on CDAN about his firing. Crazy Days and Nights--google it

    What the gist of it is he accidentally outed Jeremy Renner as having sex with Tom Cruise. He wrote a blind vice and accidentally used the name Jeremy instead of (??? I can't remember) I think it was Frankie Friction. They removed it after but the damage was done...I remember reading about it in the comments section.

    Anyway, the studio that owns Eonline made a lot of money out of Mission Impossible-- 600 million worldwide, which is a lot of kaching which starred both Renner and Tom Cruise, and Renner is taking over the Jason Bourne franchise. They needed to muzzle him. Someone, probably TC himself, was scared about that because his bi-ness or whatever his sexuality really is was going to come out because of his divorce from Katie Holmes, particularly after Travolta has basically been outed. Both Cruise and Travolta are/were Scientology, Scientology has taped confessions or "audits" from them both. Supposedly Katie and Suri walked in on Renner and Cruise getting it on...

    whether true or not, I remember the Renner thing and I think in light of the Cruise/Holmes divorce some heavy legal guns got ahem, "cocked" and that is what happened to Ted (Bruce Bibby, Ted Casablancas is the name of the gay hairdresser in Valley of the Dolls)

    Ted is on Twitter saying Tom Cruise should call him.... and that Tom is *beep* his pants...why shouldnt he... I think that is the gist...

  18. Say what? He's still filming his movie. It makes more sense that he's still in Canada than in Austin Texas.

  19. Sad OMGers still grasping at straws. LOLOLOLOL.

  20. No one is responding/commenting on anything this morning on OMG, then PG puts up the Javelina tweets and 2 minutes later here comes a response.

    **waves at PR**

  21. I'd say that's a pretty accurate review of Magic Mike by M. But I can't believe there were no men in the audience. Not only were there a few gay men in my audience, and a decent number of straight couples as well.

    The lack of gay men in the audience was probably due to the fact that I saw it in my neighborhood theater; I read that it was showing in four of the theaters in the mutliplex in Chelsea, which is where all the boys would have gone.

  22. Pathetic is upset that Jake was caught out in Austin, TX. Boo-hoo.

  23. Wow, it really is amazing how quickly someone ran here to mention the Montreal sighting. Does a bell go off somewhere?

  24. Worth another re-posting. All Points Bulletin:

    Lena $heree ‏@lenasheree

    @TrentGentry my friend Jordan works at Javelina on Rainey & Jake Gyllenhaal was there last night!!

    10:47 AM - 8 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

    Clinton camper ‏@clintendo64

    My first love, jake gyllenhaal is at the javelina bar in Austin. I can't.

    9:49 PM - 7 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPad · Embed this Tweet

    Javelina Bar: in the Rainey District in downtown Austin, TX.

  25. The distance from Montreal to Toronto is 6 hours 18 mins (338.3 mi). I'm sure Jake needed to travel 6 hours to go clubbing. NOT. Robot tweets will begin on twitter to clog up the works any time now.

  26. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reactionJuly 8, 2012 at 12:55 PM

    The Moomba tweet was posted after the first Javelina tweet.

  27. Wow, thanks, Destiny, for that DL comment. I've seen Ted tweeting a couple of times. That is fascinating.

    I remember seeing something earlier about Ted accidentally mentioning Jeremy's name in a BV. I find it so hard to believe that editors can miss that kind of thing? I mean, gee whiz.

    But wow, didn't know the whole Tom Cruise connection. I wonder if that is all true. Enty Lawyer is a good person to search on Twitter - he tweets some good quips.

  28. LOL at the Troll who thinks M&M is Jason. LOLLLLLLLL!!


  29. The Tom Cruise connection with Renner is an interesting one. I always wondered how a lightweight like Renner who is surly and just generally an unpleasant person was given the lucrative Bourne franchise. Now, I get it. Sleeping his way to the top. Or, is it...bottom? LOL!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. LOL at the Troll who thinks M&M is Jason.

    I was wondering what that non sequitur statement was about. Desperate troll trying to distract with lame allegations.

  32. Ah, attacking the posters now. Predictable.

    Let's repost this one more time:

    Lena $heree ‏@lenasheree

    @TrentGentry my friend Jordan works at Javelina on Rainey & Jake Gyllenhaal was there last night!!

    10:47 AM - 8 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

    Clinton camper ‏@clintendo64

    My first love, jake gyllenhaal is at the javelina bar in Austin. I can't.

    9:49 PM - 7 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPad · Embed this Tweet

    Javelina Bar: in the Rainey District in downtown Austin, TX.

  33. Hmmm, two tweets of Jake in Austin vs. one of Jake in Montreal put up after the fact. Which one is a girl to believe. ;)

    Yeah I knew nothing about that Renner and Cruise story. Not sure how he got the Bourne series, but he got an Oscar nomination for that Katherine Bigelow movie (blanking on the name), and HW seems desperate for new leading men. Lots and lots of rumors about Renner, so stupid of them to fight them. Most people don't care anymore.

  34. There is definitely more reason for Jake to be in Austin than Montreal. Now the ice cream outing makes sense, it is his MO.

    Bet there will be a very special meet & greet for Austin tonight with his very favorite fan. ;)

    About the Renner thing. I read in the Boston papers about Matt Damon coming back to the Bourne franchise, and I thought it was odd. But maybe it is fallout from this whole thing with Cruise.

  35. Besides being known for his off-putting reputation, and not having much of an impressive resume, (except for the AA nomination for Hurt Locker) Jeremy Renner is already 41 years old. Not exactly the blockbuster age when you hand over a lucrative franchise like the Bourne series. I believe Matt Damon was only about 31 when he was attached to the series. Which is a much more common practice.

  36. Pretty cool and interesting that Jake is in Austin. I think him and Austin are there a lot more than we think. It is probably where Austin has been while Jake is working. It also is probably where Jake is when Austin is working. How easy is it to place anyone in NYC with tweets or old photos of Jake weraing the same clothes all the time. I think Jake and the clan will settle in San Fran when they come out.

  37. Destiny, I was at an early showing, 11:00 AM, which I think accounts for the lack of men at Magic Mike. I think there would have been some men had it been an evening show. That said, I think the film is one that is best appreciated on DVD. The device has pause, slo mo and replay buttons. Essential tools for a more fulfilling viewing experience.

  38. I enjoyed seeing Matt, however fleeting, on the big screen. But agree 100 percent about seeing it on DVD. For example, the shot in which Matt is dressed like he is in my avatar was so fleeting (and he was in the background), I almost missed it.

  39. Sorry... I don't think I'm following...

    Isn't Austin at Comic con?

  40. Comic Con ended today and he flew back home which now looks like TX.

  41. Don't agree with youJuly 8, 2012 at 8:25 PM

    Pretty cool and interesting that Jake is in Austin. I think him and Austin are there a lot more than we think. It is probably where Austin has been while Jake is working. It also is probably where Jake is when Austin is working. How easy is it to place anyone in NYC with tweets or old photos of Jake weraing the same clothes all the time. I think Jake and the clan will settle in San Fran when they come out.

    ^^ Keep dreaming Tom.

    Jake and Austin probably get together once every 2 or 3 months for a romp, then secretly deal with others on the side. And I believe they both accept this for now. They are hardly together and if they had kids, which I know they don't, the authorities would have taken them away from the two by now.

  42. Your funny The real m. Wants to see Magic Mike in slo mo.

  43. ^^ Keep dreaming Tom.

    Jake and Austin probably get together once every 2 or 3 months for a romp, then secretly deal with others on the side. And I believe they both accept this for now. They are hardly together and if they had kids, which I know they don't, the authorities would have taken them away from the two by now.

    Now exactly how do you know all this info? Are you Jakes mother or something? You know nothing. So dream on urself.

  44. it is what you want it to beJuly 8, 2012 at 9:10 PM

    Now exactly how do you know all this info? Are you Jakes mother or something? You know nothing. So dream on urself.

    I guess the same way OMG knows THEIR information.

  45. So you just admitted you know squat.
