Thursday, July 19, 2012

Momma & Me

Jake got a little Mom time today when he visited them shooting in Brooklyn.

Sticking to the Black Ops look he seemed he might actually enjoying talking to a photographer.  Who knew?

After after a tweet last night it didn't seem he was that much of a fan.

What a difference a day makes.  Or maybe just the location.  Or the company. (Or the lack of company today.
And nope Jake is not trying to do an upstairs downstairs look with his pants, it is more likely he hopped on a bike to ride over and see Mom.

He such a big guy now.  All grown up and lost his dork disc too.

Jakey smiles and sun look great on you.  Keep it up we don't get to see them or you enough.

It's like it's Two Wheel Tuesday two days late.


  1. Harry Styles is toooooo cute <3

  2. Jake Gyllenhaal Gets Himself A Taste of Very Good Girls!

  3. Shocking news about the shooting at The Dark Knight premiere in Colorado. At least 14 dead and 50 injured.

    So so sad.

    Why just why?

  4. Here's a video of Jake on his Mom's set.

    Jake on set -

    Notice once friends notice the camera - they move to block Jake and get the large security guy to side over as well.

  5. The Colorado incident is particularly shocking for me since I have family in Colorado, and in fact I'm flying out there for a vacation later today. Luckily it was not the part of Denver my brother lives in, I could see my nephew going to a midnight showing of Batman.

    Really like the music you've had up the past couple of days, I've never heard of the band.

  6. Austin thinking of the victims of the Colorado Shooting.

    Moment of Silence for the families and victims in Colorado. 3pm EST. 1 Min of silence. Help me spread this around the world.


    Moment of Silence in 10 Min. Please tell the world. #coloradomomentofsilence


    #coloradomomentofsilence Starts Now. Sending all my love to the victims and families.


  7. Whoever the stupid troll is who had to knock down other's comments about Harry Styles beauty by posting that pic up there, I really feel sorry for you. Of course he has had acne. He's a real person who has raging hormones just like any other young man growing up in their teens. The fact that he is secure enough not to always hide behind makeup is praiseworthy. You on the other hand was probably that bully in school who taunted and tortured young girls when they started to gain weight and they enter puberty. Or, boys who wore glasses. You've just proven more than ever what a beautiful human being Styles probably is. Unlike you. Who is truly the ugly one in my book.

  8. Destiny - I found this song on Indie Rock Cafe. I loved the first time I heard it.

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