Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Family, Truth and The Great White Way

A bit of a bounty of Jake articles today, but one jumped out for today's post.  It is an interview with Broadway World about the play.

Besides Jake talking about wanting to act at an early age and how he got started, there were three questions that leaped off the page.

TS:  What drew you to If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet?
JG: Terry is like de Tocqueville. He comes into this family and he observes and comments on what he sees. I love the character of Terry and I loved Nick Payne’s writing. It was that simple. And when I went to see Michael Longhurst’s production of Nick’s other play, Constellations, at the Royal Court in London, the deal was sealed. They are an unbeatable pair. They are the new generation of British theatre talent.

TS: What do you think the play is about?
JG: I think the play is about family. And it is about the desire we all have to be seen and heard by our family and how – for many different reasons – it can become hard to hear the people we love most and how hard it can be to be heard by them.

TS: How is the character of Terry relevant to you?  Can you share some of your preliminary thoughts about Terry with us?
JG: I love the way he talks, how he moves through the world. He is desperate to pull the truth out of everyone around him, but he is unable to face his own. He is a constant contradiction and like this broken, beating heart with legs.
Jake goes on to say, "Variation keeps me inspired. I always like finding roles that are different from the one I played before."  That might be true, but they look more like variations on a theme. 
 You can read the whole article here.

Oh Austin - don't worry we see your training- keep it up bud,  and it will be an Austin Friday - Texas Travelogue or is that Texas TriAthalon-alogue?


  1. Here is an article about Jake and the play that ran in today's NY Daily News

    Everything's Jake


  2. It appears our tweeter is in Long Island.

    dammit dammit ‏@claryafrays

    austin nichols water u doing at stop and shop

    7:53 AM - 18 Aug 12 via Echofon · Embed this Tweet

  3. I think I read that they are expecting a big hispanic turnout for End of Watch.

    I am still laughing at Dlisted and his post about Harry. The you know what hit the fan at home. I wonder if the Queen knows or if they are keeping it from her.

    Have to agree that Jakes performances are close, but have not hit the exact mark since Brokeback. There is a big difference in him after Brokeback which can be attributed to having a muzzle placed on his personality and sexuality. When you have to put on an act every day, you cant let go to immerse yourself in another character. He looks so uncomfortable in that interview. Not really happy to be there. Maybe he is just nervous about his upcoming performance in the play. That event is a bigger deal at the moment. Remembering lines, new unproven play. Lots of pressure on him right now.

  4. new unproven play.

    It's not new and unproven. It's already been staged and performed in the UK to rave reviews.

  5. This is from

    Producer John Lesher said while filming the movie which was shot last summer in some of the roughest parts of LA, they grew to love the area and called it home by the end of filming. They received lots of love from neighborhood where it was shot. While developing the script a year a and a half ago they met Gyllenhaal and since that he has been a brother on film.

    Gyllenhaal who is also the executive producer on the movie is extremely proud of how it turned out. One of the biggests aspects of the movie is the friendship between him and co-star Michael Peña. Gyllenhaal stated, "The heart of the movie is relationships and the friendship forged between me and Michael Peña over the period of time we spent our lives together is very meaningful to me". The relationship betweeen Gyllenhaal and Peña is extremely moving and shows the bond police officers have with their partners.

    Here is the whole article

  6. This was in NY Times Fashion Section.

    (And yes it was about EoW)

    A Big Party for a Not-So-Big Film
    ‘End of Watch’ Gets an East Hampton Screening

    IN the new movie “End of Watch,” Jake Gyllenhaal plays a cop in South Central Los Angeles, working the neighborhood patrol and battling some seriously scary thugs from a Mexican drug cartel.

    So there was something a little strange about this modest-size film having a private screening on Sunday night at a multimillion-dollar East Hampton estate called Goose Creek. Not to mention the crowd, which included Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband, Chris Martin; Jerry Seinfeld and his wife, Jessica; the magazine editors Ingrid Sischy and Sandra Brant; and the photographer Bruce Weber.

    .... Many viewers had difficulty watching some of the film’s more violent moments. “I was really on the edge of my seat,” Ms. Ross said. “The violence was tough.”

    At one point, Mr. Weber seemed to be hiding his head in his hands. “I’m just a photographer,” said Mr. Weber, who had recently visited South Central Los Angeles to photograph Mark Bradford, an artist there. “My life’s real simple compared to this.”

    Ms. Karan also found it tough to watch (“It was amazing, if you could get through it”), but it also raised some fashion questions for her. She found Mr. Gyllenhaal and asked him why police officers don’t wear bulletproof turtlenecks.

    “Why should you have your neck exposed?” she asked. “I’ve decided this. You’re going to have a whole new uniform."

    “L.A.P.D. fashion by Donna Karan,” said a handler for Mr. Gyllenhaal standing nearby.

    .... A bar was set up on the porch, with heaps of chips and guacamole. The actor Bob Balaban and his wife, Lynn Grossman, were milling about with the film’s producer, John Lesher.

    “What’s the budget?” Ms. Grossman asked.

    “Seven million dollars,” Mr. Lesher said, adding that this was the hardest movie he’d ever made.

    “Well, it’s really impressive,” Ms. Grossman said. “It’s hard to cover an area like this and make it seem fresh, but it does it. I hope it gets consideration.”

    Read the whole article along with a slide show of the night

    NY Times

  7. Hi :) I'm brand new, here and to the whole saga of T.T and G.G. ;)
    I have just spent 3 days and 2 (well part of them) nights reading this blog from beginning to today and whilst part of me screams OMG it's true!! the other part is full of confusion and questions ... *sigh*

    Because I'm on the phone I'm not gonna start asking those now but hopefully soon.

    Just wanted to say 'Hi' and I love this community :D

