Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday OMG!

You've seen 4 times before -  why not strive for 5.

"Jake seriously, I don't think that's what they
 had in mind when they said beard."

Can't believe today OMG is 5!

5 years ago today OMG took a big step into the blogosphere and since that day, every day we had something to say.

It's been a wild ride and it's not over yet.

And this past year has had some great moments. Did we suspect to see Jake and Austin together twice (and span of  less than two months?), sightings of Jake in TX,  management change, series end, and co-stars moving on?  London, Toronto, Berlin, East Coast West Coast.

Jake still has a beard but this one can get shaved off.  LOL comes out , and Lifetime FIVE as well, then it's on to Showtime where Austin is playing a guy with an interesting choice of dates.  Austin directs once again.

 Jake plays himself - wait against himself, stops the cycling but tries to keep the Soul. Glasses appeared out of nowhere. Off Broadway beckons.  San Fran too.

Funky tweets and photoshopping pops up and maybe a little bit more last fall.

Austin gets recognized but not here but there - being Israel and France and of course Heathrow.  Onto Berlin with a happy Jake and his unofficial official date.

Kale Kale Kale and lots of juice, a truck, a grin, and lunch date together  with friends.

Small steps but adding up to make another year toward the future.

Some come some go, but we're still here and here to stay, no chance of chasing OMG away.

Thanks to everyone for the comments, visits, time and support. It means so much to know that you still come to read, write and share.  Thank you.

Here's to another year ahead, full of hope and steadfast in our purpose.
We know it's about the cake and not the frosting.


  1. Five years. WOW! Yeah this has been an interesting year. Hopefully next year even more good stuff is ahead. I am impatient as ever.

    God that cake looks good.

  2. Way to go, Special !! Five years. Wicked helped you for the first several years and now you are continuing the tradition on your own.

    Thanks for the daily posts. Thanks for the patience. Thanks for this place to come and gather.

    This blog has only enhanced our lives.

    And no, we are not going away. This is a long road to haul and I know I'm in it for as long as it takes, Good Lord willing.

    You know that we just had to have #TwirlyCoat in the montage of pics. Long live the #TwirlyCoat!!!!!

  3. Wow! I cant believe that 5 years have passed already. Thanks for the wonderful job. Try as they might Jaked pr and the troll cant keep us down. We'll still be here when they finally come out.

    Out of town for a few days but I should have some time to keep up regardless

  4. Thanks for keeping things going Spesh. U do a great job . We have all taken a lot of heat but have hung in there.

    I hope I have the patience to hang in there m.

    I think we need to continue to support each other and understand and respect all of the different reasons why we keep coming back.


    WoW... hard to believe how quickly the time flies. Knowing this could not be done wiithout countless hours of love hard thanks Special, a million times over, for all you do, and for keeping us coming back.

    Much Love

  6. Five Years, wow! Happy Birthday to OMG.

    Thanks Special for all the hard work and the wonderful posts--all 1825 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What you have done with this site is amazing.

  7. Happy Birthday, OMGers! A new post every single day for five years. Truly an extraordinary accomplishment. Your hard work, imagination, patience, and dedication to these guys is like no other, Special. Thanks for always providing an expansive playground to explore the depth, breadth and width of our combined inquisitiveness, and to just have a meeting place to come and celebrate Jake and Austin's Big Love. Through both the peaks and the valleys of this sweeping journey that has so many stories yet to tell.

    You know, Jake did say that he was obsessed with the number five in Berlin. I'm beginning to think that OMG needs to be included as one of the reasons for that grand obsession. It's the "little" things that make the world go round. So thanks for keeping the world spinning on its axis, Special. And, for keeping things real and in its proper perspective. Just as it should be.

  8. I just want to thank you all for your kind words and thoughtfulness. I never knew in 2007 OMG would go so far, and how many people would find lifelong friendships from a blog.

    There wouldn't be a blog without all of you and you coming and participating.

    And we continue because we know that is so rare for two people to find the love that Jake and Austin have. Twice as old as OMG it has blossomed and grown into something that can never be taken away from them. Small steps go forward. Go Guys Go!

    Thanks again!
