Friday, August 3, 2012

Just add water

It's Friday and can only mean one thing...


And for Austin everything is better at the beach. 

H 2 0hhhhhhhhhhh

OMG Olympics

Creative Crate Climbing.  A combination of dramatic reading, artistic interpretation and climbing.

It is a combination of skills with a degree of difficult that is based on the Jenga like construction and the oral composition.  (It's more than just soliloquies and Goonies moments)


  1. Most men Jake and Austin's age are p%$#y hounds. They don't seem to be into that kind of thing:-) Wonder why?

  2. Since you seem to know what they're up to 24/7, what did they do last night, Tom?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well if they were with women it would be pasted all over the internet. Without a doubt.

    Anyone who thinks that these guys are str8 at this point needs to get their heads out of their arses.

  5. Tom you are so right on. How some of the sites that hold to the position that Jake is straight given the obvious lack of women in his life is beyond me. Their followers have to be doubting themselves but are not willing to acknowledge it. Or any doubters are deleted pronto. But I am happy that Jake has not yielded to bearding again.

  6. Saturday, August 04, 2012
    Blind Items Revealed

    January 25, 2007

    This A-list actor is fairly recently married and even has a child. Although he has had a serious drug problem in the past, most people thought it was just that, in the past. His previous drug use had caused him to be turned down for several roles which could have made him an even larger star. Because of the drugs, he was forced to take some roles that most actors in his position would turn down without a thought. Until his current marriage, his relationships were always on and off, depending on his drug use. Once everyone thought he was clean, they began hiring him again and again. Now however, back-to-back-to-back-to-back films without a break and a long absence from his wife allowed him to resume his old ways and habits. He still has a few films in the pipeline, but their dates keep getting pushed back to see whether or not he can kick his habit or whether he will be back to his old ways.

    Heath Ledger

    **Note**At the time this was written way back in 2007, there were those who thought Heath & Michelle Williams got married at Christmas 2006

    Posted by ent lawyer at 10:30 AM

  7. ^^ This A-list actor is fairly recently married and even has a child. Although he has had a serious drug problem in the past, most people thought it was just that, in the past. His previous drug use had caused him to be turned down for several roles which could have made him an even larger star. Because of the drugs, he was forced to take some roles that most actors in his position would turn down without a thought. Until his current marriage, his relationships were always on and off, depending on his drug use. Once everyone thought he was clean, they began hiring him again and again. Now however, back-to-back-to-back-to-back films without a break and a long absence from his wife allowed him to resume his old ways and habits. He still has a few films in the pipeline, but their dates keep getting pushed back to see whether or not he can kick his habit or whether he will be back to his old ways.

    Eh I don't believe it.

    -- Looking at the date of this BI, he would have been filming the Dark Knight. By all accounts, people have said he was amazing to work with. Remember that article Chris Nolan wrote after Heath's passing? He showed up on set when he didn't have to be there, just to watch. He thanked the crew for staying overtime so he could get a scene just right.

    --Heath and Michelle never married.

    --What roles was he turned down for? He worked pretty regularly, and most of his films have been critically acclaimed.

    --A few films in the pipeline but they keep getting pushed back? Good God ever since his acclaimed role in BBM- people were knocking down his door offering him roles.

    Sorry to go off, I just can't with these shots at Heath, he was my favourite actor. I'm not stupid to say he never used but I would say it would have been occasional. The guy had back problems and pneumonia when he passed he combined his meds when he shouldn't have. Let the guy rest in peace, CDAN. (not the poster--the website)

  8. Michael Phelps swam his last Olympic race tonight. Winning Gold. In his career Michael won 22 Olympic medals.18 of them were Gold. Incredible. Beat ever.
