Tuesday, August 14, 2012

No Fear Factor

Last summer Jake faced his fear and crossed the gorge with Bear

This summer Austin shows he has no fear as his backflips a cliff dive

Now fellas if you can do this stuff .... you can do the big stuff

And for your Two Wheel Tuesday

Sharks optional


  1. god, i feel so ashamed:( would do me an honour to delete the other post i wrote.) all i inteded was to introduce you to the new sean bean/ boromir, as a trannie. a good one though:) i am so sorry special for your trouble, but as i said i am a friend. would do much to earn your friendship back though:(big hug:)

  2. NG, Special would not delete you. I think Blogger sometimes does some goofy things. Heck, one of my comments got lost in the big dark hole once. LOL!!

    You are very much a treasured poster here and we all love you.

    Please don't be upset, NG.


  3. Oh now look, I blabbed too soon. All is well. Yea.

    What in the heck is Austin doing now. Good grief, that guy is nuts.

    Obviously, he is wanting to place himself in California right now. Yeah, we see you, Austy.

    Isn't it funny strange though....how when Austin needs to place himself somewhere, he either does it himself via a mini tweet-binge or else he finds someone else to do it for him, via a tweet friend.

    And the other 356 days out of the year, the guy goes totally unnoticed, unrecognized, totally silent and invisible.

    Who is he fooling? No one here, that's for sure. **shines apple and takes a big bite**

  4. i am not upset because of myself pg, i am upset because i got myself upset of sk, one of the most amazing people in the world, and i wont lye. i thought she had deleted me. thats who i am. judging someone else that is. yep. thats what i did!

  5. but i do want to say though, i followed gro and katja on the norwegian handboll-team some years ago. gro has a baby boy now with her new girlfriend anja. so many years...and there is still jake and austin. there have been many steps down, yes, and there always will be, nomatter what. but here they stll are, together, even though i suppose they often hate eachother;) but...they are still...here. as a team, somestimes. but i believe more so than not. like a normal couple...

  6. to pg and sk for being there <3 <3 <3 thank you.

  7. Awesome to see you, ng!! We're all good!

    Interesting to read about your handball couple.

    And yes, Jake & Austin are still kickin'. And we are still here. Passing time in the ol' rocker watching them. M&M, would you mind passing the Cheez Its?

  8. No worries NG. Don't feel bad at all. Sending a big hug right back at you. ((NG))

    I remembered the handball players and wondered if they were still together. I know you had shared that with us during one of our Out Spotlights.

  9. Now fellas if you can do this stuff .... you can do the big stuff

    No truer words were ever said.

  10. Hi NG, always good to see you here.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Happy 5th birthday OMG! I can't seem to get here fast enough some days, but I always get here.

    I've enjoyed reading OMG for many years and posting here once in a while until this past February when I saw the boys together, and started posting here a lot more. T'was fun posting about Jake and Austin after February 2012, especially watching the x17 video on my Real Player, with Jake's sexy non-robotic walk, his twirling coat at Berlinale while Austin goes higher in a hurry and my continued now spoken aloud fervent hope for their happiness. God willing.
    I gave up chatting on one blog, after I posted pics of Jake and Austin hanging and talking with others at Berlinale and was told emphatically that the taller man, in the suit, was NOT Austin.

    Funny eh, how Austin is Not recognizable to some posters when he's with Jake in any circumstance, i.e. Leadville etc., but then I Have been looking at him for a long time. Hope you have many more years of fun here.
    And it's all still good,

  13. I gave up chatting on one blog, after I posted pics of Jake and Austin hanging and talking with others at Berlinale and was told emphatically that the taller man, in the suit, was NOT Austin.

    Seems to be a medical condition that's been going around since the Leadville era, Sass. Austinator de Nichols Foto o Video con Jacob de Gyllenhaal Identifiaphobia

    Translation: Fear of identifying Austin Nichols in the near vicinity of Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal in a photo or video.

    Symptoms may include extreme avoidance, irrational explanatory verbage, obsessive hyper-focusing of the cranial and facial epidermal follicles as well as the structure of the Auricle auris. The obligatory nausea, stomach upset, dizziness and muscle ache may also apply. It should be noted that if an erection should last longer than 4 hours, a medical professional should be consulted.

    There is no known cure at this time.

  14. And yes, Jake & Austin are still kickin'. And we are still here. Passing time in the ol' rocker watching them. M&M, would you mind passing the Cheez Its?

    I only have the new Baby Swiss variety, PG. Hope you don't mind?

    Austinator de Nichols Foto o Video con Jacob de Gyllenhaal Identifiaphobia

    Your Latin is impeccable! Alas, still the same MO. ;-)

  15. :-) PG. Good stuff. Austin's ear has been dicussed more than Pinnochio's nose. I love when folks try to convince everyone that THAT guy was not Austin. Yeah OK:-)

  16. lol, I kind of tickled myself on that one.

    Austin's ears, his beard, the hair on his head, his height,

    "I did it. I got engaged. I asked Susan to marry me. I'm gettin' married!! I'm a man, Jerry, I'm a man!!"

    LOL!!! I love this episode. "Georgie's gettin' married!!!"

    I'm a man. lol

    I only have the new Baby Swiss variety, PG. umm, why does this not surprise me? LOLLLLLL!!!! Aw, I can't pick on M&M too much. On my first trip to visit our Word Document Mastermind & Creator last year, she bestowed upon me my own box of welcoming Original Cheez Its!!!!! ;D Thankfully, maybe the new Baby Swiss had not hit the production line yet. lol
