Monday, August 27, 2012

Pattern Maker

Austin's back to his "training regime" which makes the gaps even more obvious.

 Day 1 of Triathlon Training. Enchiladas and Beer on a hot Texas day! Heaven. - AUS10

 Triathlon Training Day 2- Queso and a Margarita. - AUS10

Ah, Salt Lick BBQ. Perfect training for my triathlon - AUS10

Free Dive at The Blue Hole in Wimberley, TX -AUS10

Did he suspend the training last Friday and Sat?  Or maybe just  needed a change of scenery and food and did a Shake Shack training session in Central Park.

Is it Austin in Training

Or the Man from Atlantis

Or  a sensory rebirth experience

Wait he's done that already

Now why might Austin fly the Texas coop for two days?

Maybe to wait in the wings?

It is a  perfect place for a Wild Turkey or a Grey Goose.

You think he's got snacks for watching  Letterman tonight? You know training is a full time thing.  But what kind of snacks?  Doubt it's Kale Chips.


  1. Yup. I think he went to NYC for Jake's opening Preview night. Looks darn glaring to me. Probably left the little ones behind deep in the heart of Texas. Hope he remembers to set the DVR tonight so they can see their Papa on TV tomorrow.

    And thanks to someone's tweet, we now know where that Juice Bar sign was!!!!!! Man, that one was killing us. I'd long given up on it. Awesome.

  2. Maybe to wait in the wings?

    There are no wings from which to watch it. When you get the chance to see it you'll see how compact and tight the theater is. I was there opening night. Austin wasn't.

  3. Ohhhhhhhh and that would probably be why Jake left in such a big hurry after the show. Goose Waiting in the Wings, just like Special said..


  4. Might be anywhere backstage or even waiting in his dressing room.

    You just never know.

  5. Big hurry when? When he and the rest of the cast eventually emerged (NB: the actors exit the same door the patrons exit from - the front door. There is no "stage door) after quite a while he signed and took pics with fans for at least 10 minutes. He didn't rush right out the door.

  6. Roundabout, you're wasting your breath.

    lol, this is funny. Roundabout was on here in a shot, weren't they?

    According to a firsthand account that I read, Jake's part does not follow through the entire length of the play. So if Austin was there, he could have skipped out while the play was still going on. Skipped out via the backstage. Skipped out from a back section.

    Or Austin could have been keeping the home fires burning back at the apt (or whatever they live in) after bestowing a send-off support bussing at the door, and then waited for Jake to return after the play was done. Thus, a valid reason for a hasty exit

    lol. Bussing. Now there's a term you don't hear every day!

  7. I guess Roundabout must have gone up and down the aisles staring down each row checking for Austin.

    Who says Austin couldn't have come in 5-10 minutes late after the lights went down?

  8. Jake is on stage for the final act. He's not there in the third act. Since you don't have a frame of reference for the theater's layout I'll tell you. All actors enter and exit through the same door the patrons do. The theater itself is two floors below street level.

    Jake didn't make a hasty exit. And when he left he casually strolled through the outside patio/mezzanine through to 47th Street with his assistant and driver. Got in the backseat with assistant and drove away.

    Now I have the luxury of having witnessed all this where you did not. If you want to believe Austin was present in the theater then you will even when all evidence points to the contrary.

  9. Who says Austin couldn't have come in 5-10 minutes late after the lights went down?

    You don't go to live theater often do you. Once the house lights go down you don't enter the theater since you could distract the actors on stage.

  10. Reposting from previous thread:

    Part of the deal of being an actor on Broadway is meeting all the people who wait for you after the show. On Friday night was the first preview of a show Jake is performing on Broadway and fans who had seen the show then waited patiently in the meet and greet area for over two hours waiting for Jake. When he emerged he signed one autograph and said he was too busy to sign any more and left all of the fans hanging. This is the same guy who has not had a hit movie in years and the only popular thing he has been part of is being the subject of a Taylor Swift song. The guy could probably use some fan support. Instead he blows them off. Performing on Broadway is supposed to bring you closer to the fans and give them a chance to be up close to you.

    Posted by ent lawyer at 6:15 AM

  11. A lot of people tweeted about waiting 2 hours for Jake to leave the theater on Friday night.

    That's a lot of notes from the director.

  12. The gap in Austin's "training" is glaring and he uses it to make a point. Austin is no dummy, he knows what he's doing and there was no way he could say he was in New York, so he did the next best thing, he made sure to make it obvious he wasn't in Texas.

  13. Roundabout, you are just making it worse, buddy.

    Austin Nichols was there in New York City. You are proving it very well. You're on here so staunchly defending the Castle of Jake, it's not funny.

    Not only are you on here. You're on here on a Monday night late at night right now while Jake is on Letterman, on a quiet blog.

    What on earth are you doing here rapid firing off comments insisting that Austin Nichols wasn't in NYC for Jake's opening Preview night?

    Shouldn't you be checking Twitter right now while your client is on Letterman? Get those paid tweeters to do their job!!! **crack the whip!!**

  14. You called it Three Things Will Come Up. An okay interview, nothing too exciting, IMO.

    Two hours, that's a heck of a long time before coming out. Surprised there'd be that much going on after the show, but it was one of the first few nights, so maybe the director didn't want to wait.

    People do come in after a play starts, but they usually wait for a designated time to do so, when they think it is less likely to disturb people. Only at the Metropolitan Opera have I ever seen a complete ban on late seating.

  15. Jake was great on Letterman. Enjoyed it a lot. Underneath all that brush, it's still him. Enjoyed his storytelling. Don't you just love a person who can tell a good story with lots of animation.

    Jake is on stage for the final act. He's not there in the third act. Since you don't have a frame of reference for the theater's layout I'll tell you. All actors enter and exit through the same door the patrons do. The theater itself is two floors below street level.

    Jake didn't make a hasty exit. And when he left he casually strolled through the outside patio/mezzanine through to 47th Street with his assistant and driver. Got in the backseat with assistant and drove away.

    Now I have the luxury of having witnessed all this where you did not.

    ^^^ Folks, you can't get any closer firsthand than this, lol. How does this person know this?

    And look, there's that word. Stroll. It's the new coin phrase. Stroll.

    If you want to believe Austin was present in the theater then you will even when all evidence points to the contrary.

    No, you've told me squat. Sorry, it was not good enough. #Fail. You should have stopped when you were ahead.

    G'nite, PR. Time for bed.

  16. Just finish watching Letterman. The interview was good. Not great but good. Jake did what he had to do namely promote EOW as well as the play his currently in.

    But I have to say Jake really need to keep his beard well groomed. I've never had an issue with it but it's very unkempt. And no I don't think it has anything to do with the character he's playing in the play although I'm sure it helps. But anytime Jake grows a full beard it's unkempt. All Jake has to do is trim underneath his neck and along the jaw line and he'll fine. He also needs to trim some hair off his right cheek. It's not as even with his left cheek.

    Seeing how I'm going this far - LOL - Jake also need to trim his eyebrows a little. In fact Jake is getting bushy all over. I'm not surprise he worn his hair slick back. If he didn't it would be all over his face. LOL.

    I really don't understand this trend of handsome male stars trying their best to look as unattractive as humanly possible. It really doesn't work. Often times they just come off looking ridiculous. IMO

  17. Jake is very quick and can pick up something and use it to his comedic advantage.

    Great to see that fun personality shine through once again.

    I agree about his brows, it would open up his eyes so much and his eyes are too beautiful not to highlight.

  18. "Johnny,tell us what Jake has won!"

    "Well Bob, that's a Case IH Conventional Grain Combine. Cnventional grain combines are useful for harvesting large-scale seed fields."

  19. Couldn't agree with you more, Just Passing By. I noticed too that the beard was uneven and was growing upward like a little peninsula on his right cheek whereas it wasn't on the left.

    There's hair. And then there's just......brush.

    At this point, I think it's going to require an intervention of some kind. ;D

    If you ask me, I think all the thicket, moss and shrubbery is all the proof one needs that Jake is not cruising for anyone. There's no way in he** that guy is on the prowl for anything looking like he is, I'm sorry. He doesn't dress nicely on the street (not talking about the Letterman show). He's covered in shrubbery. He covers his head constantly with a ballcap like he's about to go play 9 innings. He has headphones on all the time.

    Can you say it any louder: Off the Market.

  20. What a coincidence that a new reader defends jake is straight 3 minutes later. Way too obvious.

    On PST here so another half hour to go to seeJake. Taping it too in case I doze off.

    And as usual you are so right PG . The man is spoken for. Has been since Austin walked into that casting room.

  21. Just watched Jake on Letterman. He was the most relaxed I've seen him in years. he was great. Of course they prepare the questions ahead of time, but he still did better than he's done in a long time. And he smiled! What a difference a smile makes.

  22. I don't know what Frisco means but Dave sure got a kick out of it when Jake said it. That was pretty funny.

  23. I don't know what Frisco means but Dave sure got a kick out of it when Jake said it. That was pretty funny.

    Watch Dave's Top Ten segment before Jake comes out. It should make sense then. Oh and by the way it's "fresco".

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Very Draining......August 28, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Jake's Fresco comment shows that he does pay attention before he goes on, he isn't so self absorbed as some stars who go on shows who don't care about anything that is going on during the show except for their interview.

    You can see how much Jake loves comedy and a good laugh. Think about doing some comedies Jake!

    And yeah it is great to see that great smile Jake has. Smile more Jake we love your smile.

  27. Oh, the trolls sure do love Mr. Nichols, don't they? If forced to take a side, they might even tolerate Jake being gay (icky though JiS folks may think that eventuality would be), but they just can't stand the thought of Gyllie being with the old Austinator, for some reason. Hits too close to home I suspect.

    I agree there was no way Mr. Nichols was missing his man's American theatrical debut and he wanted people to know it by doing one of his infamous Countdown Interruptus tweets, similar to the Indonesian trip he took back in April 2011. As I recall, that would have been at the same time Jake went to Europe and then Iceland for his Man vs. Wild adventure. I believe there was even a tweet about Jake losing money at a poker table in Germany, a game of chance Austin is known to enjoy partaking in as well. Of course, there was no way Austin could have been there with Jake. After all, he was deeply "in love" with Soapy at the time. You know, the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with and traveled across the country to be with. Oh right. He didn't take her with him on that vacation trip either. Oh, and let's not forget that Austin wasn't with Jake in London this past January either. That is until Dana Delany slipped up and tweeted about seeing him at Heathrow Airport, departing to go to...let's see. Where was Austin headed? Oh, yeah to Berlin where Jake was doing that Film Festival gig. Of course, I'm sure that this was just another coincidence, ...except there was also Jake at that In-N-Out Burger this past May during the time of their tenth anniversary together. And, Jake having brunch in late March of this year with a table filled with hot guys in LA, attended by Liev Schreiber, Austin's costar. Oh, and then there was Paris this past July. And, Jake being tweeted three times in Austin, TX when he was supposed to be in NY. Damn, if Jake and Austin keep being connected in this way, I'm might have to begin to reassess their coupledom!

    I agree with the previous comments about Jake's appearance last night. The beard is beyond scruffy, and his appearance, in general, is nothing short of bedraggled and ungroomed in general. Expensive suit though. Although that person having fun with Dave was definitely the same self deprecating, playfully prevaricating Jacob. A whole bottle of cod liver oil indeed. Mr. Dilettante must have read a book about sled dogs in preparation for his Icelandic trip and just got confused when he tried to sell us that whopper.

  28. Sure seems like Austin curtailed his training for some reason. I would think if your mate was opening up off Broadway you might want to be there for him.

    I do not like the beards and the beard:-)

    Thanks Destiny for filling us in on how folks can enter after the play has begun. Nice having someone from the blog living in NYC. I notice there was no follow up to your info.

    People sure like blowing smoke out of their arse:-)

  29. 3 tweets of Jake in Texas. Wonder why he went there? Maybe he went to support his bud Lance after he was stripped of his Tour De France titles. Yeah right!

  30. Boy, I want to tell you, this afternoon went to pot. And it all started at work after lunch and went downhill after that. Panic birthday shopping after work for my mom which I knew exactly what I was going for but once I started looking at all the Vera Bradley, I got lost in time. Suspended in time, as Olivia Newton-John would say. And they had the 3 new fall patterns out to taunt everyone because you cannot buy them yet. But they have them out so you can look and touch them and want them. But you can't buy yet. I haven't buzzed around to that many stores in awhile. It gives you a high, actually. lol

    And now I'm inhaling my goodie bag Chinese leftovers courtesy of dear Mom!! Isn't it funny how parents send food home with you or for you like you're still a poor college student.

    And now the night is just about shot. Kind of a downer, a crash landing if you will.

  31. M&M, that was quite a resplendent comment you made. A mini timeline, sort of, highlighting a lot of the boys' "coincidental" brushes.

  32. Dont forget M and M that wasnt Austin in Leadville. How long do u think it will take before we hear about the ears:-)

  33. Don't know how many have seen this video

    Boy asks Novak Djokovic to marry him at a US Open

    When a boy in the stands shouted "Djokovic, will you marry me?" to the tennis champ at a U.S. Open practice session this week, Nole invited the kid out for a few serves, and a hug.


  34. Awesome video SK. Djo loves to have fun.
