Monday, September 10, 2012

Junket Jake

Jake spent the weekend in Toronto promoting EoW, before heading back to NYC today.

And what's promoting a movies with out pictures and interviews

Here's just a few to make you feel like you're right there on a junket with Jake

And yes..there are some grins and flashes of that great smile of Jake's

One theme throughout all of these interviews is friendship and the trust between friends.

And another sneak peek of the movie... this time with dancing.

Jake's got the Peppa. Or is that the Pena?


  1. Jake must be such a lonely guy. I wonder why a catch like him cant meet a nice girl to settle down with. He wants children so much. He has told us a hundred times:-)

    Wasted fuel.

  2. so much said...
    Jake must be such a lonely guy. I wonder why a catch like him cant meet a nice girl to settle down with. He wants children so much. He has told us a hundred times:-)

    Wasted fuel

    But the sarcasm makes the obvious point though. Doesnt it!

  3. Some people just cant face the obvious. The only problem is that Jake keeps making himself look foolish. The rumors wont go away and just like Ricky Martin and Anderson Cooper Jake will come out someday. He sure keeps trying but it aint working. I love that pretty much no one blelieves the Talyor Swift embarrassment.

  4. He looks incredible - mature and serious.

  5. Thanks for the additional interview. Appreciate it!

  6. Tom, I always get a kick out of your sarcastic posts about Jake and his dating life.

  7. This guy's a writer for Variety.

    Justin Kroll ‏@krolljvar

    Glad the embargo is finally lifted and I can finally say how great END OF WATCH is. Could be a dark horse this award season #WatchYourSix

    4:03 PM - 10 Sep 12 · Embed this Tweet

  8. destiny said...
    Tom, I always get a kick out of your sarcastic posts about Jake and his dating life.

    destiny he probably spends a lot of time searching on, plenty of fish and oh cupid looking for that perfect woman.

    I can see the ad right now. Very str8 and vgl swm looking for the perfect woman to bare my children. Must be blonde and very famous. Looking for someone who looks good on the cover of people magazine. I love picking apples and having sex in the airplane bathroom. Would consider a Russian hooker also. If interested let my sister Maggie know and she will hook us up:-)

  9. ... while you're ahead, Tommy.

  10. Don't Stand So Close To MeSeptember 11, 2012 at 11:35 PM

    Too close to home, wasn't it, Quit?
