Saturday, September 8, 2012

Let's All Go to the Movies

Mentioned as one of the movies to watch at TIFF  EoW is premiering tonight at the Toronto International  Film Fest at 9:45pm.

Expected to be there with Jake are co-stars, Michael, Anna, America, and Natalie Martinez, along with director David Ayer. No doubt there will also a police presence in the form of some of the LAPD that worked on the movie.

With any movie comes the previews, so here are OMG's version of EoW previews.   Enjoy!

and another trailer

And a pic to make your popcorn pop.

Can't wait to hear what the audience and critics have to say. 


  1. If you haven't read this yet, you need to:

    “They Won’t Magically Turn You Into A Lustful Cockmonster”: Chris Kluwe Explains Gay Marriage To The Politician Who Is Offended By An NFL Player Supporting It

    Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo has spoken out in favor of a Maryland ballot initiative that would legalize gay marriage. Yahoo has published a letter that Maryland state delegate Emmett C. Burns Jr. wrote last week to Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti, urging him to "inhibit such expressions from your employee." This is Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe's response to Burns.

    Read Chris Kluwe's letter here:


  2. cjoanporter ‏@cjoanporter

    A very beardy Jake Gyllenhaal has finally turned up here at @GreyGoose @SohoHouse. All smiles and hugs and chatting to ppl. #TIFF12


    9:02 PM - 8 Sep 12 · Details

  3. Daniel Cooper ‏@ItsDanielCooper

    The line of rowdy fans go beyond the block here...all chanting for Jake Gyllenhaal #EndOfWatch #TIFF12

    2m Belinda Alzner Belinda Alzner ‏@belindaalzner

    First #TIFF12 experience. Currently waiting in the longest line of any line ever. Just heard cheers. Jake Gyllenhaal might be here?

  4. Great to hear NFL players coming out to support the marriage vote in Maryland.

  5. The questions is what Jake are the fans coming out to support. There have been so many.

  6. Perhaps, Tom, they're there to support Jake the actor whose personal life they don't care about? Just a thought.

  7. I saw that letter earlier today and was blown away. He's also since done a couple of interviews talking about his support of freedom of speech. So refereshing to see his attitude from a professional athlete. More barriers breaking down.

    People not caring about a person's personal life? I dont think it works that way. Part and parcel of their personality.

  8. Jake at End of Watch premiere.

    Just Jared

  9. who knows said...
    Perhaps, Tom, they're there to support Jake the actor whose personal life they don't care about? Just a thought.

    Not very likely. His phony romances have made him more famous than his acting over the last several years. Pretty sad.

  10. Chris Enfinger ‏@FreshCoffey

    Oh my God, I would just die if Anderson Cooper and Jake Gyllenhaal started dating. This may be my gayest tweet ever.


    1 Retweet
    5 Favorites
    EddieR Ernie Hoskins Horneytoad Chief Twittler Jackinthebox

    9:41 PM - 8 Sep 12 · Embed this Tweet

  11. Morning, Popcorn popping...:) OK you young folks...where is SOHO house here or Toronto...

    Jake at Soho house tweet pic from twitter...why is he so sad looking

  12. What a great letter...I am ashamed of my people who use the Bible to promote discrimination. Thank God for President Obama speaking out at last and evolving...Thank God many many more of us, don't practice such prejudices.

  13. We see what we want to seeSeptember 9, 2012 at 11:55 AM

    He doesn't look sad to me. He looks like a person exiting a building to a lot of flashbulbs.

  14. I know what I know.
    Jake has exited buildings in the past, with smiles on his face for everyone, flashbulbs and all. I've been following his career, along with my family--my family loves him--since DD and October Sky... and so it goes...

  15. Some comments from the reviews of EoW

    “You could fill the charge sheet with such plausibility issues, yet End of Watch is a hard one to take down. The director has talked about the film as a thought-piece – a comment on inner-city communities forced to police violence with violence, but it’s not to be taken that seriously. Switch on the siren, put the pedal to the floor. Revel in the pace and passion of a film-maker policing a field that is now unquestionably his.” – The Guardian

    “Like a knife in the eye, “End of Watch” cuts past the cliches of standard police procedurals, serving instead as a visceral ride-along with two thrill-seeking cops (Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena, both terrific) covertly documenting their beat in South Central L.A. Faux-found-footage approach already feels a little dated, but amplifies the authenticity in what feels like a cross between “Cops” and first-person shooter-style vidgames. Sincerely dedicated “for all that fight evil so we may not know it,” David Ayer’s moving tribute to the men in blue should earn its share of green once word of mouth kicks in.” – Variety

    “If Mr. Ayer’s goal, after producing a series of “dirty cop” movies, was to craft a film that shows the low-key honor that most police officers possess, then he’s done a damn good job of it. End of Watch covers a whole lot of emotional ground for such a “basic” cop story (the plot: our heroes stumble upon a human trafficking ring in South Central), and the result is a suspenseful, intense, and surprisingly touching ode to America’s inner-city peacekeepers.” – Twitch
    “With his screenplay for the Denzel Washington Oscar-winner Training Day and his subsequent features Harsh Times and Street Kings, writer-director David Ayer has meticulously chronicled the dangerous, ethically slippery world of the Los Angeles Police Department. His new film, End Of Watch, doesn’t break much new ground on the subject, but it’s nonetheless an intensely rendered and superbly acted drama.” – ScreenDaily

  16. Popsugar has pictures from the premiere too


  17. The audience gave EoW a standing ovation last night at the premiere, and Q & A after the movie was a success too.

  18. The bad weather in NYC yesterday had Jake running late getting to Toronto. I guess that is why there were tweets about him finally showing up at the GreyGoose/SoHo House before the premiere.

  19. Jake was obviously in a hurry because he only shaved one cheek!

  20. That's too funny about his cheek.

  21. Sounds like an excellent film. Glad it's getting some great reviews!

  22. Here are a couple of twitpics from the Q&A after the screening

    Pic 1

    Pic 2

  23. The letter from Kluwe is amazing, love the way he lays it on the line.

    And as mind-boggling as it is, it's so hard to believe a politician thinks he has the right to tell the Raven's owner to tell his players what they can and can't say.

    Glad to see EOW getting good reviews.

  24. It's great that it is getting good reviews.

  25. This was posted on Raven Football player Brendon Ayanbadejo's fan page

    Words can't express the overwhelming emotions that have come over me from the amazing public outpouring world wide. More importantly my own peers opinions are changing. Football considered the most homophobic sport, I feel is ready and willing to accept people for who they are.12-24 months ago this was not the case. Some opinions are facts, usually the good ones, and a fact = truth. IMOP (which is probably a fact because it is a great opinion) people are born with their sexual orientation. It's not a choice just as the color of my skin. And even if it is a choice who are we to tell any one whom they can and can not love? I am fully vested and committed to this cause and I will not rest until marriage equality is ACCEPTEDED coast to coast. Manifest destiny! PS I can't stand the term tolerated when talking about my fellow brothers n sisters in the LGBT community!!!!!!!
