Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes Part 2

Today was Yom Kippur the most important day of the Jewish calendar.  It is a day of atonement after 10 days of reflecting on what you've done over the past year, it is a day usually spent with family, fasting, praying  and in services.

It reminded me of last year's Yom Kippur, you know when Jake was living in New York.

Hey he's living in New York this year too.

And how everyone was seen (or 'shopped)  going to services together last year.

Kind of like this year

 .. oh wait

Hmmm wonder what's the difference?


  1. Jared has always ignored Austin - this isn't the first time Jared Eng has acted like he doesn't even know Austin exists.

    But do not tell me that a photographer just happened to capture that candid, spontaneous, totally unscripted Kodak moment by chance.

    It may be all about Sophia as far as Jared Eng is concerned, but that photo op "run in collision" was set up by Austin's tweet the previous evening.

    It was a mutual benefitting story plant, or non-story as it were. Just like a tick, Austin is catching a few drops of that blood flow. After all, Austin has learned alot from Jake. Isn't that what he said after spending so much time with him during TDAT filming?

    It is time to stop blaming these beards for every distasteful PR maneuver. Jake and Austin are now just as knee deep in the deception and plot planning. themselves. Actually, they have been for a long time, i just didn't want to see it.

  2. It's hard to believe it has been a year since that cut and paste job, isn't it? Wow. It was kind of the beginning of it all.

  3. The way the Jewish calendar works, last year's Yom Kippur fell in mid Oct.

    But looking back at it now, it really looks like they were covering for something big that was happening around then.

  4. I keep checking in waiting for the big romance to start. I feel it. Jersey Tom.

  5. That's so strange about Just Jared leaving out any reference to Austin. But even if he didn't say anything, you know all the Sophin fangirls know.

  6. From USA Today

    The rewards of making the film (End of Watch) extend to his personal life. Today, says Gyllenhaal, he considers Pena (who co-starred in World Trade Center and Tower Heist) part of his inner circle. Pena, in turn, says he and Gyllenhaal text consistently; they've spent time with each other's families; and Pena went to see Gyllenhaal's play while he was in Manhattan. Initially, though, relations were frosty.

    "We didn't hit it off right away. He comes from a completely different background. I grew up in the ghetto. He grew up in Hancock Park and his sister is an Oscar-nominated actress. My parents were farmers. We didn't have a lot in common. But when somebody's shooting a gun two feet away from your head, you gain a little bit of respect for them and you have to trust them," says Pena.

    So is Gyllenhaal anything like his character, a man both brashly confident and sweetly true-blue?

    Pena says what's most endearing about Gyllenhaal is how family-oriented he is, and how much he adores his mother, screenwriter Naomi Foner, and sister, Maggie. And how he's willing to help everyone be on their A-game, including Pena -- who admittedly was out of shape before shooting started.

    "He's a complicated dude, to be honest. He's really, really smart. He can be goofy at times, but his mind is always going, going, going," says Pena. "He goes on these epic jogs. He called me up and said, 'Let's go for a run.' And there's paparazzi shots of us. He's running all stealth and all you see is me dying. Meanwhile, Jake is like, 'Whatever.' "

    USA Today, Sept 25, 2012

    Selling a Relationship

    The Epic Jog:

    June 15, 2011

    Spontaneous Jog

  7. Publicity bullcrap from the horse's mouthSeptember 27, 2012 at 7:30 PM

    From USA Today:

    Yes, you want to roll your eyes at Gyllenhaal's unabashed exhilaration and all that talk about work ethic. But there's the real sense that he means every word. "Honestly, I love waking up in the morning knowing that I'll be on stage and feel like you're part of this history of storytelling. I walk home every night," he says with a smile.

    What free time he has, says Gyllenhaal, he spends with older sister Maggie, who in April gave birth to her second daughter, Gloria; big sister Ramona is almost 6. Gyllenhaal relocated from Los Angeles to New York City so he could be closer to his sister and brother-in-law, Peter Sarsgaard, and his mom. If you really want to see the softer side of the actor, ask Gyllenhaal about his parents and sibling.

    "We have a new generation. My sister and I aren't the youngest ones anymore. All those things came together in my life," Gyllenhaal says. "It's really cool to see my niece now because she really helps out. There's this video that Peter sent me the other day. My older niece was playing with my younger niece. She would turn around and surprise her, and my younger niece was so in love with her. It gave me a perspective on how much I probably felt the same way about my sister, and I do still. That stuff never goes away."

    Gyllenhaal babysits, but not as much as he probably should. " I was in L.A. for the premiere, and they were all together here last night. My niece is a little sick right now because she just started school again. I felt really torn -- maybe I'm a bit of a mess, but there's this family in this movie that I didn't want to leave and I was talking to my family on the phone and thinking how much I missed them and loved them and wanted to be with them. I watched Brave on the plane on my way to Los Angeles, and all I could think about was my niece because that's her favorite movie," he says.

    And if that's not enough to win you over, Gyllenhaal also is adept behind the stove and is a foodie, in the non-annoying sense. John Lesher, who produced End of Watch and became close friends with Gyllenhaal, says the actor "always knows where to get the best food and the best cup of coffee. He cooks -- I went to Seder dinner at his mom's place and he made all the food, which was spectacular. He made brisket and all kinds of stuff. He's very in touch with his Jewish side. He's always questioning everything. He's not neurotic. If he's going to do something, he's going to do it well."

    He's curious and focused, adroitly discussing post-traumatic stress syndrome and the effect it has on those exposed to violence on a regular basis, like police officers. "He's interested in everything going on in the world. You're meeting Jake for dinner and then you're sitting with K'naan, this Somali poet musician. You never know with Jake where something is going. Or you're with his mom and his niece and making dinner and talking about the issues of the day. He's a very decent person, which goes a long way," says Lesher.

    It's a Heartstring Tugger

  8. But I thought you lived in NYC now?September 27, 2012 at 7:38 PM

    From Theatre Mania

    TM: How did the police officers feel about having actors observing them?

    JG: Three of my closest friends are now police officers.

    A side-benefit from the L.A. ride-alongs

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  10. Don't forget Jake will be Conan tonight. In the US that is on TBS.

  11. Why so angry said...

    You don't have close friends that live in other cities/states? Sure you do.

    lol, stop.There's not enough Bon Ami to scrub this one clean.
