Thursday, October 18, 2012

Off the Lyons

Here's Jake and Ben Lyons chatting about "If There is..."

Whenever these two chat you never know where it's going to go.

Remember these?



  1. I didn't think that was a very good interview, and I thought the intro was a bit much, considering LAOD and POP were flops. Not to mention he's not on Broadway.

    There was a good interview with him earlier this week in the WSJ talking about the play, not sure if it's behind the pay wall or not.

  2. Very late to the party but I too so thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jersey Tom, The Real M, Destiny last weekend for Jake's play, If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet! What a great time we all experienced together. The acting by Jake and his co-star Annie Funke as Anna was top-rate. We all agreed we enjoyed the play but its use of metaphor and symbolism tipped toward the over-done and obvious. That said I am so glad that I saw the play with our friends, and that Jake's performance was top notch. He really sinks into his character. He really walks a fine line in the play between being an amiable harmless tumbling weed and someone who is quite self-sabotaging. He captured all of the light, dark and in between sides of his complicated character. I wondered if this play about this dysfunctional family who do not speak to one another about challenges within the family was a form of his "processing" about his own family dynamic. The father and mother are presented as highly educated intellectuals, but both don't have a clue how to communicate with their teenage daughter or with one another. By the play's end the result is both are ankle-deep in the mess they created (literally). Had a wonderful time on Destiny's birthday's lunch celebration as well. Thank you Real M! And I will chime in to say I agree with Tom about tweets being overall a time-suckage waste and disappointment. I am with Tom on this one~there is a high level of inaccurate "reporting" on tweets because too many people simply don't appear to care about their quality or consequences of posting incorrect information. Had Jake flown to TX and back there'd be photographs, gossip column mentions, etc. Being in a play as part of the cast he's obligated contractually to be on hand for tweeking and rehearsals and conducting promotional interviews. With this scruffy look now he also can be mistaken quite easily for anyone. Just my humble two cents.

  3. Roma's review is accurate, and much better than I was able to write.

  4. How to fool the public without even tryingOctober 19, 2012 at 2:40 PM

    I have followed most of the Jake fansites and blogs over the years, commenting once in awhile -- sometimes for fun -- sometimes just because I think the opinions being posted are pure rubbish. Excuse my bluntness, but it's pretty apparent that twitter has become a wet dream for the image manipulators who make their living fooling the public.

    Certainly, not all tweets or sightings are accurate (that's a straw man type of argument), particularly those tweets that conveniently promote a particular client's "profile." In Jake's case that would be Mr. Heterosexual, with no kids or boyfriends. I analyze tweets in the same way I do any other form of communication. Critically and with an understanding of how the game is played. You have to do your homework, but if one takes a tweet within a context and correlates it with known variables, you will probably be much closer to the truth with a tweet that some highly controlled interview or set piece photo op.

    Those who have watched this Toothy story unfold, know that the first Baby Tile (yes, I believe there are a lot more) was born on October 17, 2007. I don't think it's any coincidence that a Q&A was planned on October 14 and Jake conveniently doesn't show up for the obligation. Then someone happens to see Jake with Ryan Gosling (btw: there were many sightings of Gosling at the ACL Festival) that Sunday night.

    Jake took this little play so he could have control over his comings and goings. He is the star, the draw. I work in the theater district/industry and stars can write anything they want into their contacts, including the scheduling of a Q&A on a weekend to give them cover to be somewhere else.

    How many times does Jake have to be spotted in Austin, Texas before some of you get a clue? And, why do you think Jake suddenly dresses and looks the way he does? Practically, wearing the same thing everyday. It's because he knows there will be slip ups and he wants people to think, "Oh, it must be someone who looks like Jake. Hipsters are a dime a dozen."

    Let me just say, you would be foolish to believe that. Ta, everyone!

  5. Those who have watched this Toothy story unfold, know that the first Baby Tile (yes, I believe there are a lot more) was born on October 17, 2007. I don't think it's any coincidence that a Q&A was planned on October 14

    But wasn't it October 17th when Jake did the EOW Q&A with Scott Feinberg after his play? I guess that's significant in the way that it's not. Doesn't seem he was too fussed about it being a special day.

  6. I would expect that just like with any other parent who is in Jake's kind of career, it's sometimes impossible to be there on the actually birthday. If the kid is 5 years old, I'm sure that doesn't really matter. A party is a party, whether it takes place on a long weekend or not.

  7. In The Real World, Your patch is worse than the hole!

  8. If the kid is 5 years old, I'm sure that doesn't really matter. A party is a party, whether it takes place on a long weekend or not.

    Spoken by someone who's never had a five year old. Okay.

  9. LOL! What lame arguments. I love how there are always trolls here whenever Jake's kids are brought up. No one comments for hours, but boy oh boy don't talk about Daddy Jake.

    It shows you how that subject is the BIG issue PR does not want discussed more than anything else. That and probably Maggie's pending divorce because I can see that coming down the pike too.

    As a matter of fact, I have two children and I'm involved in the fashion design world. Sometimes the job has taken me away from celebrating on the actual birth date. That's just the way it is. The key is to be open with your children. In this instance, with a kid only five years old, I'm sure Jake had no such challenge.

  10. Wednesday is the day when Jake's play has a 2 p.m. and a 7:30 performance. He obviously knew that in advance, hence the sneaking out of the Q & A on October 14th. He had Monday off and didn't need to be back for Tuesday night's show until maybe 5 p.m. So the sighting of Jake in Austin, Texas at the same music festival Austin Nichols was at is very telling. He flew down there on October 14th and probably left October 16th. That's pretty darn close to the 17th. Who knows, maybe the kids flew back up with the nannies and are in NY again.

  11. Oh OG cut the crap!

    In your first post you worked "in the theater district/industry" in your last you work "in the fashion design world"
    What is the next?



    President of USA?

  12. 7:38 PM and I can't spellOctober 19, 2012 at 7:44 PM

    OG is PG ;)

  13. Daddy I want to go to Disneyland!October 19, 2012 at 8:10 PM

    Why Austin in such special family recurrence was in a music festival and not in the pleasant reservation of his house in TX?
    Wow he love music... indeed.

    How does it work?

    It's kid's birthday, but Daddy got the gift?

  14. Time to Jack. You don't have to go home, but can't stay here.

    Bye Bye.

  15. I agree with one thing it is crazy for anyone to have children and to hide that fact. Crazy and very wrong.

  16. 7:38 PM and I can't spell said...

    OG is PG ;)

    NO, it was not. This is the first time I have been on today. Overslept my Ipod music. It was a very busy day at work. I'm dogsitting. I forgot to pack my contact lens kit & glasses so I had to run home after feeding the dogs & dinner. And now here I sit. Gee, it's 7:46 CT and I just now caught up on the comments.

    Someone thinks I just comment all the time, on all these other blogs and over on WFT2 all the time. I commented over there once the other day about the moderation and that was the first time in literally Months. Months, Trolls. Get it?

    Months. I am sorry to burst your bubble.

  17. BUBBLE BOY the best movie everOctober 19, 2012 at 9:00 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Amen and Hallelujah!!! There are some others out there who see. Who get it. And who are not afraid to speak it.

    Amen. And Hallelujah. Preach it, my brother or sister. Preach it.

    LOL! What lame arguments. I love how there are always trolls here whenever Jake's kids are brought up. No one comments for hours, but boy oh boy don't talk about Daddy Jake.

    It shows you how that subject is the BIG issue PR does not want discussed more than anything else. That and probably Maggie's pending divorce because I can see that coming down the pike too.

    Amen to that. It is the subject of children or Jake being a dad that gets people's stomachs in a big ol' knot. And I'm not sure why that is. The guy is 31, about to be 32. All of his friends have gotten married and/or have little ones. I mean, when is he going to start?

    Even if you believe him to be a gay man, when is he going to start? Is he going to be like Elton John and start when he's 60 years old? Is he going to wait until he's the age of Tom Ford?

    Is he hurrying up and getting all of his films out of the way first?

    Doesn't seem like it since he took practically an entire year off last year, wandering and traveling around Memphis. Arizona. NYC. Iceland. Drinking coffee, riding the trains back and forth, following Mumford & Sons, going to Paris, going to Spin Cycle how many times a week. Standing on street corners smoking. Strolling and walking with Gene Hong. Buying cupcakes and frozen yogurt, and kale, sushi, ice cream, juice runs, it just goes on and on.

    He wasn't in any kind of hurry last year. He spent five weeks filming EOW and some time training, even though he drilled into everyone's head through interviews & printed press that he was tied up for 5 months with Michael "Mike" Pena.

    Not. M&M blew that big stretched truth out of the water.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. And now it is Austin's turn to be doing a big nothing. Triathlons. BBQ. Margaritas. HelmetCam filming. Diving. Tweeting. "Bumping" into Soapy in CA for a convenient camera. DM'ing (supposedly). Hanging out at concerts. Posing for pictures with fans. Watching movies. Oh, forgot about that tough week at Comic Con. In Paris. Then staying around for sightseeing. London. Hanging with Jake in Berlin and hobnobbing with the President of said country.

    Boy. That's tough. No pressure to practice the craft or be mentored under a directing great. Nah - plenty of time for that.

  22. And there you have the Trolls' only tactic they have when they don't know what to say.

    Let's go for the personal. Let's try to intimidate. Let's try to scare.

    Huh uh, bubba. I'm not going anywhere. Bring it on.

    I won't ever stop talking about what you're trying not to. You have no argument right now, all you can do is try to shut down the conversation by trying to send it into moderation. That's the way to end it, isn't it?

    Because you can't come up with anything better than just to try and go for what you think is a jugular.

    Try again. I"m not going anywhere.

    Folks, we have a few really scared people on here right now.

  23. How to fool the public without even tryingOctober 19, 2012 at 9:36 PM

    Look at PR come out of their holes the moment the discussion turns to Jake's children. This is too funny. If you didn't think we made sense none of you would be here because it wouldn't matter. But, it matters, doesn't it?

  24. Not PR but RP ( rational person)October 19, 2012 at 9:41 PM

    Intimidation?! A simple question about your behavior here and on Twitter is an intimidation now?
    and speaking of "shut down the conversation" Why you don't answer to the question? Why Austin in such a private e important familiar moment as his kid's birthday was at some music festival instead at his comforting and private home?

  25. Jake and Austi ForeverOctober 19, 2012 at 9:45 PM

    Try again. I"m not going anywhere.

    Everyone know that you're gonna be here PG. That's cool and may be a good thing for you if that's what you want. Your Perogative!

    You may want to ask yourself how many of your "usual sabaticals" you'll take out of disguss and being pissed off because of Jake and Austin not coming out as married and with children.
    I can say it may be very often over the next 5 of 10 years.
    Or, you'll just give up after not seeing or hearing the coming out press release with 5 teenage children because.......They Don't EXIST! LOL

  26. First of all, let's clarify something. I don't have to answer any question of yours. You do not come here and make demands. I have not made such demands of you, and this works as a two-way street.

    But I choose to answer this question:
    Why Austin in such a private e important familiar moment as his kid's birthday was at some music festival instead at his comforting and private home?

    He had to leave his comforting and private home because he needed to be seen in Austin, not NYC. Because why? Because Jake was in NYC. That's the way that works.

    And what was wrong with him being at the festival on Friday, Saturday and Sunday? I believe Jake was in Austin for awhile on Friday but then he flew back to NYC for Saturday and Sunday. Jake ditched the Q&A and left immediately back for Austin because he was seen at the ACL on Sunday night. This had to have been planned long ago. The guys knew when their son's birthday was and the Q&A was planned specifically for that day so that Jake could skip out. You know that they saw the ACL was also that weekend and what better place to plant Austin. He made sure to be seen.

    BT1 is likely Austin's. BT1 is Firstborn. I can totally see a celebration with Austin's family. The festival was over on Sunday. That left Monday open for a big party. Party hats and cake and I'm sure somebody was crying at some point. 5 kids - somebody's always going to be crying.


  27. Lee Montgomery Lee Montgomery ‏@lee_montgomery

    Another in the line of next ex-wives: Maggie Gyllenhaal

    4:17 PM - 4 Oct 12 ·

  28. I do not believe Jake G has any children, either adopted, through surrogates or illegitimate children; and if he and Austin did have hidden children I'd literally be the first person to drop a dime to Child Protective Services for hiding them as that behavior would be emotionally reprehensible. The sinister cover up this would entail would be Watergate level~and we know what happened there. All lies come to the surface, especially in this day and age of way too much information overload and celeb staff members' who leak information about their employers when there is a payoff, or even if there is no payoff. There'd be a big payoff to anyone with information about Jake having kids and hiding them; about that I feel serene. So respectfully I have to say: there are no children in my personal humble view. I won't speak for others. I can't imagine either man denying their family; neither seems to have displayed a pattern of cruelty. Family appears to mean quite a lot to both men too. Can't imagine either of their families' supporting a cover up of innocent children. Nor has any convincing, concrete proof been produced. Humble view again. We are all allowed here (I hope) to say our piece without being made to feel less-than for having a differing opinion. Just sharing a different point of view on the specific topic of children and Jake and Austin.

  29. There is no one here who says people can't say what they want regarding their belief in the kids.

    Not sure what prompted this discussion to begin with. A baby monkey & a 5 Cake avatar? Special's post of a 5 cake? I know I never made any ranting comment that people here had to believe. I made a comment about the number 5 being a milestone. Another one about the 5 kids kicking J & A's asses. I don't recall anyone saying that people had to lay a hand on the Bible and swear to believe or had to keep silent.

    But those of us who do believe there is a marriage and children should also be able to voice our beliefs just as equally. We're not only posting beliefs, we have posted clues from upon which we base our thoughts and opinions.

    What a hot button these babies are. Just incredible.

    Maybe we ought to change the subject to Peter and Jake or the nonexistence thereof.
