Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Civic Participation

Jake didn't stump like he did for Kerry back in the day.  But he did speak his mind on democracy and who he was voting for before the election.

Jake called into the Stephanie Miller show (Current TV) on yesterday and shared his thoughts and feelings about the civic responsibility.

And this weekend Jake is doing something else to give back to those ho serve the US through military service.

Jake will join  F. Murray Abraham, Francois Battiste, Marylouise Burke, Adam Driver, France McDormand, Michael Shannon, David Strathain and others on Veterans'/Armistice Day for a free performance for the military and their family through Arts in the Armed Forces.
Arts in the Armed Forces will present a free performance for the  at 8 PM at the Lucille Lortel Theatre.

It will be an evening of staged reading of selected monologues from contemporary American Plays.

"Arts in the Armed Forces was co-founded by Joanne Tucker and Adam Driver to "bridge the gap between the military and the performing arts communities by producing a series of free performances of monologues, scenes, staged readings and music, for a mixed military and civilian audience." For more information visit


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. LOL. I just watched that Pop Candy Roosevelt video. What in the heck was that for?

    Did I miss something?

    Where was the narrator VoiceOver accompaniment?

    It was just for placement, wasn't it? Okay,whatever. Jaywalking was involved but at least there didn't appear to be any other safety violations, lol.

  3. Amazing how much Jake used to smile for the camera, isn't it? Genuine, natural smiles. Oh well!! Life is just so hard now when you are a 31 year old swingin' bachelor. Sorry, buddy.

    You know, I love my electronic toys. But I think every day, there is some kind of "update" on an app. If not several. What is up with that?

  4. These next several days should just be a hoot as we approach Nov 11. Can't wait.

  5. I watched some video of Diane Sawyer from election night since I didn't watch any television for coverage, only checked Twitter and news online. But I saw the buzz about Diane and had to watch for myself.

    I don't know what that was about. I could see her being exhausted if she was up for several nights covering the hurricane. I hope she wasn't having some other health issue. I wonder why she was kept on the air? Where's Charles Gibson? lol

    You northeaster's better keep your hats on today. Now it's snow and wind gusts of 30-50 mph today. That is some bad wind. Keep your eyes out, seriously. That starts to get kind of dangerous.
