Friday, November 9, 2012

Same Love

Today Austin tweeted this:

Check out this song. Great video ---->

Watch it.  Just Watch it.

Austy - however and use whatever - keep it up.

Little steps turn into bigger ones.

Happy Austin Friday.  


  1. Very cool. Loved that video. I loved the scene where there were all those people holding sparklers.

    An awesome moment.

  2. UK Music Video Awards 2012 winners announcedNovember 9, 2012 at 9:02 PM

    The Shoes win Best Dance Video UK and Best Editing, with their short film for Time to Dance, which features a surprise appearance from a murderous Jake Gyllenhaal.

  3. Interesting definition of a "dance" video.

  4. Well the name of the video is "Time to Dance" so...

  5. Thanks for sharing that about The Shoes' video.

    The more interesting video is Austin's choice. I don't think it was tweeted randomly. I think there is a reason and message that Austin is saying.

  6. And what might that message be? That he supports marriage equality? Doesn't everyone? Or maybe the message he's sending is he's involved with a dark complected man?

  7. Maybe it is the message that he can't change - he is who is, and who he loves is who he loves. You know saying something about his own life.

  8. Looks like Jake Gyllenhaal is off the market. The actor was snapped holding hands with a mystery brunette while out and about in New York City on Friday, November 9.

  9. Nothing surprises me any longer about what he says because he has reached that point now of no return - he can lie without blinking an eye.

    Doesn't matter what he spins and knits anymore.

    Jake is married to Austin.

    Jake has also fathered children. Austin has fathered children. And together they are hiding their children because their careers and earning big money to support their family in the comfort they are now accustomed to is more important to them than acknowledging their family's existence to the public.M

    Wow PG! Just feaking*** WoW!!!

    You are really over the top with your disdain and contempt for someone you don't know and someone who don't even know you exist.

    Give it a rest already and if the man says he has no children, then accept his word until there is clear evidence, you know like a child seen with him or Austin. Or either of them admitting it.
    Give the man a break and stop being so judgemental on something that's a PG fantasy/mistery and not a known fact to anyone.

  10. Very, Very cool video !!!

    I just loved it, plain and simple.

    Glad Austin drew attention to it.

  11. That was Austin at the subway.

  12. Beautiful video. Good timing for me too. My former partner and protege told me that if the WA state vote passed, that he and his partner will be getting married. No date set yet but I am happy for him. He is so in love with his partner it was always a joy to hear him talk about him.

    Could be Austin but no way of being sure. It looks like him from the posture, but not enough of him showing to say for sure. But I am sure that Jake and Austin are a couple no matter how many people jake supposedly is seen holding hands with.

    I love how the troll hangs on our every word.

  13. I take back what I said. After viewing the pictures on Just Jared and IHJ, it's clear that it is indeed Austin on the subway. Dressed the same. The walk reminds me of the Austin, Jake and Sophia beach pictures. We know who the real couple is.

  14. Hey m! I'm up too. I went to bed so early last night because I was exhausted and woke right up. I must have had a premonition. LOL


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Actually it's a different jacket and jeans but I could see Austin making a point to wear a different jacket for the photo op.

    Have I said yet on this day of November 10, 2012, that Jake Gyllenhaal is married to Austin Nichols? Well, Jake and Austin are involved. They're in cohabitation. They're hitched. They're in love. With each other.

    Oh and they each have fathered children and are raising them together under the same roof. Huh. I think that qualifies as a family unit.

    Of course, with this third wheel along, the beard on Jake's arm makes his and Austin's idea of family pretty twisted and very dysfunctional but well, to each his own!

    Doesn't change anything, actually.

  17. Wow it was Austin on the subway. I thought it might be. The girl is just a friend that is not a romantic grip. Jake and Austin are indeed together forever:-)

  18. I was having problems with blogger last night so I couldnt post. I tried to say before I saw these photos that the guy in the subway had skinny legs like Austin:-)

  19. Love it. This is awesome.

    There are all kinds of interesting little things about this photo op and the events leading up to. Fun stuff - it's a buffet!! lol

    Funny how this suddenly comes right on the heels of Special's post of the subway picture.

    Another sign that this was impromptu?

    There has been no plants prior to, placing Jake with a dark haired gal. That has been their MO so far, to plant lead-in tweets. No, this was something that was hurriedly planned.

    Much like a reaction.

  20. Yup, that must have been Austin in that subway pic.


    And I'm going to liken Austin's song tweet to a similar Louis & Harry tactic. I wonder if he hasn't been watching how those two boys are battling back? I don't know if that's what he was doing but it is possible.

    Austin being in these pictures is all about his & Jake's children.

  21. The girl in the photos is a non factor. We will probably never see her again. From TDAT through Lakers 1 and from Bedheads to Berlin this is just more eveidence that Jake and Austin are a team.

  22. That is Austin with them! Wearing the hoodie the same way.

  23. The thing I'm noticing is as time goes on, they're still in each others' lives.....

  24. Finally clued in on the walking pictures... so great to see the guys out together, and agree with PG on the Louis & Harry style of tactic.

  25. We have not had a picture of the two of them together in a while. What a treat! And notice how the Just Jared photos cropped Austin out of the shots to make the story seem completely different. Just like we've been saying all along. How many other times is Austin just a few steps behind or apart from Jake? Plenty.

  26. The guy behind Jake in this pic at the play could be Austin (height, ear, hoodie)

  27. Gee, looks like Fall is roll out the new beard season for Jake.

    Wasn't there an earlier story about Jake being seen out with a woman and a man in a bar near the play? That was probably them too.

    For me it really undercuts the enjoyment of seeing Austin with Jake. Looks like it's business as usual, disappointing given how much things have shifted culturally in the past few years.

  28. Hi destiny, Spesh and all on OMG,

    I dunno, I am seeing this as a Jake and Austin pic with good friend. Both J&A look very comfortable. She looks like a civilian and I don't think this is a beard situation. I guess we will have to watch this space :)

  29. Hey hey,

    Can you see Austin in the photos?

    Such fun :)

  30. Looks to me like she is just a friend. Austin and jake are closer together than she and Jake. Funny how quickly the naysayer disappeared once he saw that Jake was with Austin.

  31. The girl in the photos is a non factor. We will probably never see her again. From TDAT through Lakers 1 and from Bedheads to Berlin this is just more eveidence that Jake and Austin are a team.

    I must say Tom, I agree with you. I have always said I think they are very good friends and sometimes I think they are fu**buddies because of the long distance and time away from each other. I don't care what anybody says.

    Austin being in these pictures is all about his & Jake's children.

    ^^ There you go again. No it does NOT. Being in the closet and secret lovers or, fu**buddies is one thing and possible, but nothing, absolutely nothing of these two being together anytime, anywhere, says they have father 5 or more surrogate children and are living with them. Nothing.

    It (may) say gay, homosexual, bisexual secret lovers.
    That's all!

    Most Jake fans already think or believe this PG. but carry on with your 5 children story.

  32. Hi London TB - great to see you!!!!!

    I agree I see this as a Jake and Austin picture with a good friend too. And the video Austin tweeted give me more evidence that it is exactly that as well.

  33. No No No No NO!

    PG, saidly I must say it makes you twisted and disfunctional. Believe this Ms PG.
    Going through an emotional meltdown because you want something to be the way you see it or want it to be.
    Not stable at all. Believe it.


    #1 You do not call me PG. Do you understand that? You need to stop talking to me like you know me or I'm some long time acquaintance. I don't know you from squat and quite frankly, don't care to know you.

    #2. Where on earth are you seeing a meltdown? What a fabrication of your mind. LOL

    #3. I love that my comments can get you so worked up. Too bad you are not my intended audience. I guess I'll look at it as "comment shrapnel". LOL!! Little bit of Jarhead humor there.

  34. Hi London TB, always good to see you drop by.

    I think if we just had the pictures of them arm in arm I'd say yes, they're not trying to say anything. But holding hands says "I want you to think this is my girlfriend". Also, it is featured very prominently on Huffingtton Post, so it's not just JJ (who often gets things wrong).

  35. Homosexual secret lovers??? Just phrasing it that way makes it sound like something that is bad. The use of the word homosexual in such a context always sets off bells with me, it's usually only used that way by homophobes, who want to make it sound like all that gay people care about is sex (and perverted sex at that, in the minds of the homophobes).

    No one is having a meltdown, we're all having a very nice conversation.

  36. Does someone have a can of Raid? It's unfortunate we have a stalker on the blog.

    I don't see this as a bearding deal either. I see it as WME's little panic button to Austin being tweet pic'd the other day. They are something else, aren't they? Very archaic, stereotyped and homophobic in the way they are re-packaging Jake and re-inventing him.

    Anyways, love the pictures even though we have to put up with the Unknown Stroll-ee. I have to laugh at her laughing in the pictures as it is extremely identical to the Stroll with dark curly haired girl (whatever happened to her anyway?). She too was all bent over in laughter as if Jake was just saying something extremely hilarious. I reckon she must have spent time studying "game film" of the previous stroll for tips. lol

  37. I would agree, Destiny that the intent of the pictures is to insinuate a romantic whatever. The holding hands is the clue. And this is how it was being headlined on Twitter. What you see pushed, headlined and robot tweeted on Twitter is how PR wants the story to be interpreted.

    But this thing was rolled out so obviously....and not only that but there are some hilarities. I mean, if this gal is holding Jake's hand and he's looking smitten, as one article said, LOL, then why do they have a third wheel along? LOL! That is just too funny.

  38. Most people aren't going to be aware of the third wheel, in fact I'd say 99% of the people seeing those photos will have no idea because Austin is cut out of most of them. The ones who'll know are not the audience for these photos.

    Just watched the video. Well the timing of posting that is certainly interesting. Why now, and not say, before the election.

    Boy I don't know what to think.

  39. Well it's just the first roll out. We'll see if this Unknown Mystery Gal #2 , MG2 for short, shows up anymore. I'm not too worked up about it since Austin is there.

    I'm more concerned about Jake and Peter, actually. Very concerned. **worries**

    ; )

  40. The use of the word homosexual in such a context always sets off bells with me, it's usually only used that way by homophobes

    Hey Destiny I understand your point but, I know some people (all men) who don't like and have never liked the word gay to describe them. Hey, it's true. I think most of them now deal with the term. I know of some who did not and don't like the term Queer either.

    Most of these people considered the term Gay to be used mostly by effeminine gay white men and everyone was not ready to jump on board with the term gay. Hey, say what you will but through the years I've known a number of men who liked the word homosexual more. I think it has changed alot through the years.

    And, I'm GAY and now have accepted the word more, but in the past homosexual was better for me also.

  41. In my experience people, including gays and lesbians, who have problems with the word gay and lesbian also have problems with the word homosexual. People who don't identify as gay generally don't identify as homosexual. If you really are a gay man, well, what can I say, you'd be the first one I've ever known who was okay with homosexual but not okay with gay.

  42. The fact that Austin was cut out of the pictures says volumes. And the pictures are appearing in the standard PR approved sites so there must be some reason they want them out there. There was some Oscar buzz about End of Watch so maybe the studio wants to butch up his image in case they will campaign for him. But as usual they messed up and give it all away by failing to surpress the full pictures.

  43. I don't know what to think either Destiny. How you you tweet something like that video and then participate in a PR scam like that. I also agree the hand holding gave a different message that the arm and arm. Complicated men.

  44. m I have been watching to see if there is any Oscar buzz for Jake or EOW and I just don't see it.

  45. These photos have a "we know we're being papped" quality to them without a doubt. Lots of big smiles. But I doubt Austin would be alongside Jake if it were a beard debut setup, right? I also think that Jake would beard with a blond, and someone semi-famous. It's just his MO. Blonde, blonde, blonde, A-list, A-list, A-list.

    This could be an outing with a friend and they came upon paps, and the hand-holding was a last-minute gesture for the cameras.

    In any case, Jake is entering Oscar campaign mode. I think he will be nominated for Best Actor or at the very least wants to be. There's a lot of buzz. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he hooks up with someone for PR.

    GLAD to see the guys together. Glad to see Austin :)

  46. ^ Tom I just saw your comment re: Oscar buzz. I definitely have. I don't have time to dig up links right now but there is buzz for sure.

  47. There may be talk OwlGirl but I just checked a list of about 20 of the best HW predicters and none mention either Jake or the movie but sometimes there is a surprise. Maggie was a surprise when she got nominated.

  48. but in the past homosexual was better for me also.

    ^^ should be: In the past I identified more with the word homosexual instead of the word gay.

  49. People who don't identify as gay generally don't identify as homosexual

    ^^ Yes I really am gay. To give you more info about my point, others I know/knew were not out or openly gay to others, just open to our certain group. So we identified with the more, I guess you can call it the more scientific term of the word.
    We were into sports, mostly masculine and were not feminine.

    There are some who use the term same gender loving. Are you aware of this? Hey, it is what it is. I'm ok with all of it now. So there was no intent to belittle or degrade the term gay. But there ARE others out here who don't feel or see things as black and white as some do when it comes to LGBT community.

  50. Golden Globes?
    I just looked through the list of predictions on indiewire and oh please can we move on from this same slate of tired, over-nominated actors?
    End of Watch was a sleeper indie that critics loved, and so may hold some affection as an offbeat choice.


  52. Tommorrow the K State Wildcats will become the #1 team in the nation.

  53. I am surprised that those sites posting the hand holding picture don't mention that Austin is right by Jake's side. After all, he's an actor too. The fact that he is next to Jake, and not on the other side of the woman is telling too. He is walking alongside his partner.

    As for the Oscar buzz, I think they were really hoping for that. But I agree that it's withered away and is now unlikely. But these campaigns are thought out when they are working on the movie. Best laid plans.

  54. the real m said...
    I am surprised that those sites posting the hand holding picture don't mention that Austin is right by Jake's side. After all, he's an actor too. The fact that he is next to Jake, and not on the other side of the woman is telling too. He is walking alongside his partner.

