Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Speaking of Grimmy.  What would they say about him and Jake after these pictures.


"Who wants kale?  We do!"

Jake is that your best stink eye or is Grimmy just a stinky dancer?

What kind of goggles would these two be wearing? Gin? Beer? Glitter?

"Hey now, Tinselteeth is too close to Toothy Tile"


  1. Going to see Life of Pi tonight the new Ang Lee movie. Looks awesome.

  2. Sun came out at noon. Clearwater beach. Yeah!

  3. Got a couple theories about this article.

    Interesting timing regarding this National Enquirer "story", I would say. Right before Jake starts filming the star-studded, Prisoners in January, suddenly there's detailed publicity about some new chick on his arm that he just happened to meet on a train in September. Unlike the other low-budgeted films Jake's done lately where he didn't need an actual high profile beard, he could have been told by the money rollers/investors that he needed a beard for this film. Because this sure is an elaborate PR back story his team have come up with it here. Wonder how much they got paid for this one?

    Another possibility is that she could be one of his nannies. Kid(s) is getting older and maybe he doesn't want any slip ups of accidentally being seen with her too many times so that people get suspicious.

  4. One more thing about NE articleDecember 6, 2012 at 2:51 PM

    Couple more points that may suggest she might be a nanny is that Austin Nichols was photographed with her too. Secondly, there are lots of Iranian Au Pairs around. I can see Jake parading her in plain site and laughing his head off regarding the suckers who buy the story.

  5. parading the nanny but not the kids . makes sense

  6. Watching and learningDecember 6, 2012 at 6:09 PM

    Whenever the kids are brought up here have you noticed how someone always...and I mean always, comes on to snark. Jake's people don't care about the gay anymore. It's only discussion of the possibility of kids that frightens them. If there were no kids, there would be no need to respond to each and every mention of children. Frankly, I thought the point made about the nanny was interesting. Particularly since Austin was seen with her too. That was a mysterious photo op that day with Jake. Austin just came out of nowhere. No airport sighting. Nada. Just appeared in NY with Jake Gyllenhaal. If I'm not mistaken that was around the time one of the kids was speculated to have beenborn last year? The second week of November or something?

  7. eyes rolled out of my skullDecember 6, 2012 at 6:38 PM

    come on, the kids are as real as that unicorn lair in North Korea and it's just too much fun to snark about them

  8. Frankly, I thought the point made about the nanny was interesting. Particularly since Austin was seen with her too. That was a mysterious photo op that day with Jake. Austin just came out of nowhere. No airport sighting. Nada. Just appeared in NY with Jake Gyllenhaal. If I'm not mistaken that was around the time one of the kids was speculated to have beenborn last year? The second week of November or something?

    I would agree. Austin just did land out of nowhere, didn't he? His MO usually calls for some kind of tweet assistant. Why was Austin in that Stroll photo op? And it occurred on what some of us believe to have been the b-day of the last Gyllenichol. As M&M has pointed out, the guys always did a photo op around the time of the birth of one of their kids. The one year they did not appear together was 2008 and they did not have a child that year.

    Interesting isn't it that Jake chooses to be paired up with and strolling with civilians. No more actresses. Why is that? I think it's because Jake doesn't want pictures out there that their kids are going to see now that they're getting older. So you have to wonder what would be different about this girl. If it was a nanny, see, the kids wouldn't think anything out of the ordinary at all when they see the pictures. "See? It's just Daddy & Papa with Nanny." Nothing at all for the kids to be alarmed about. It's just Papa with their nanny having fun. Ohhhhh yeah, I could see that.

    Good theory.

  9. Not only that, but see we've already identified that one particular blond gal (the one seen in Paris and in Canada at the movie theatre) as being a nanny in the early days. Who would think the "college gal" would be a nanny, since she is totally different looking?
    #HidingInPlainSight ????

  10. I have always thought that there was a possibility that jake and austin may have some kids. Still very hard for me to believe 5 or 6. If there is evidence that anyone from jakes staff is posting on OMG trying to keep the truth from coming out vs someone just making fun of a theorybthat seems crasy then we should hear about it. Yes someone associated with OTH did come om mostly everyday the first uewr austin was on the show. That person dissappeard on the weekend. That did not come from special. I saw it with my own eyes.

  11. I agree there is a pattern as soon as the mention of kids comes up, someone is quick to discredit it as malarkey (to use the Biden lexicon).

    You're right, it isn't about Jake being gay anymore, it's about him being a father.

    They want to do anything to discredit and distance from that. As they say if there's smoke there's fire.

  12. I love it. Theory #1.

    Ol Tay is a beard.

    LOLLLLL!! Man, they just outright spit that one out.

    Tay keeps this up just one or two more times and she may as well just shoot herself right in both feet and call herself Miley Cyrus. Because that's what's going to end up happening. Miley Cyrus was so anxious to break out of her Hannah Montana image and she ruined her career in the process. Ol' Tay acts like she's untouchable. Well.....
