Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Jake headed out to the Barclay Center in Brooklyn on NYE to ring in the new year with Jay-Z and Coldplay's concert.

Jake the movie is called Prisoners you don't have to dress like one

Yes the LBD is perfect for New Year's Eve,  but maybe you got confused, LBD is Little Black Dress, not Lots of Black Duds.

When they said to bring Cash for the night, they didn't mean Johnny.


  1. I really like that commercial for Cougar Town too
    Never watched the show before this week, but they have the entire last season on demand so I've been watching a few episodes every evening. The show is kind of fun and a bit like comfort food.

  2. I've always liked the use of slow-mo in song videos, the video for Beautiful Day by U2 immediately comes to mind. The "shock" of the red wine against all those white clothes -stunning! Interesting to hear about the show, Destiny. I don't recognize any of the guys but one of them kind of looked like Matthew Perry for a moment.

    Spill the wine. Like, what is that song about? LOL. One of those weird songs but yet pretty catchy. And yeah, I downloaded it last night.

  3. Interesting all of the black. Different shades of black.

    And the return of a key piece of his official NYC uniform, the Yankee cap. Interesting too that his hair has practically reached Prince of Persia length now and the beard so long that from a distance, you cannot miss all the grey in it.

    Then you look at that video of Austin's and he should have just said BOO!!! instead of the New Year's wishes. LOL. I mean, &@#*, fellas.

    Austin's identical hairiness. Jake being shown via pictures that he was yes, in NYC, after not one single picture leading up to, all alone going to a concert on NYE. And Austin doing a video, showing him amongst snow covered mountains and aspen trees, placing him far away from Alabama or New York City. Hmm, was that video with that SoGro helmetcam, I forgot to notice.

    I mean, could the boys have made the Alabama Denial any louder? I can't think of anything that was left out.

  4. One more take on the Katie Holmes connection. This little blurb is interesting via FB. Notice the 'yes they have been hanging out together' line.

    Gossip Queen : She’s an All-American actress, he’s a Golden Boy actor. Rumors about them as a new couple have been making for some interesting headlines. So here’s the low-down on their relationship: They are just friends, people! Yes, they have been hanging out together. But there is a really good reason why they would never actually “date” date: He has a Significant Other. Who definitely isn’t an actress. But who definitely acts. What would his Ex-Girlfriend say about all this? Not much. She knows that they are never getting back together. So the next time you see All-American and Golden Boy hanging out together, know that they definitely aren’t doing anything intimate. They each just don’t mind making some headlines the day after hanging out with an attractive, famous, age-appropriate (for a change), “eligible” member of the opposite sex who lives in the same city.

    Suri is 6 yrs old, only a yr older than BT1. Could this rumor be a way to explain any accidental spottings together? Are there play dates going on behind the scenes? Good thinking on someone else's part, I hadn't thought of that.

    Let the heads explode while I go out on that one. lol

  5. Oh my dog.

    Significant Other.

    Who isn't an actress.

    But who definitely acts.

    as in act-OR.

    As in Austin.

    Ok, NOW I'm outta here. LOL!!!

  6. Not a great look for Jake. Darn he looks old.

  7. He sure does Tom. I was hoping he'd lose the beard.

    PG, one of the actors on Cougar Town played Butchie on JFC. And one of the actresses was on Scrubs, if you ever watched that ; in fact one of the episodes i just watched had half the cast of Scrubs on. Same creator for both shows.

  8. Interesting. No need to use the term significant other if the other is a woman. And is definitely not an actress further confirms not a woman. Significant other means that they are living together - clearly viewed as a couple. No surprise there but it seems like Austin and Jake have been observed by others and word is getting out in NY, just like it became an open secret in LA.

  9. *sigh* significant other ...

    I'd like to see a new pic of the boys sans beards (please).

    HNY to all at OMG and beyond.

  10. Significant other means that they are living together

    Where are they living together?

  11. He has a Significant Other. Who definitely isn’t an actress. But who definitely acts

    Why use a gender neutral term like Significant Other, if the special someone being referred to was female? The answer is that you wouldn't. Moreover, the fact the writer goes on to assert that Jake already has a special someone who definitely isn't an actress, but definitely acts is a clever way of saying they must be an actor.

  12. ummm ‏@cakebakery

    All-American Actress:Katie Holmes // Golden Boy Actor:Jake Gyllenhall // Significant Other:Austin Nichols ;) //Golden Boy’s Ex :Taylor Swift

    9:52 PM - 2 Jan 13 ·

  13. ^^^ What we really need is for that @cakebakery thing to be robot retweeted about a hundred times.

  14. Acknowledgement if the first step to recovery!

    Ross The Divorcer ‏@mustntbenamed

    I refuse to believe Austin Nichols is in a gay relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal. I REFUSE.

    5:52 AM - 3 Jan 13 ·

  15. ^^^Sorry, my "s" isn't working on my keyboard. I meant "denial is futile" and Acknowledgement is the first step...

  16. Meanwhile, Jake's people are having to step outside for several smokes after Twitter searching today. lol

  17. We'll probably get another Soul Cycle tweet now with some chick fawning over Jake's sweaty body.

  18. Oh, may have just flubbed up big time, buddy.

    Oh my goodness.

  19. Happy New Year everyone. I read the above article someplace...oh well...Jake can remain slightly incognito here as long as he keeps that beard. Where is his coat? He must have taken a limo over. The temp has been hovering at 32 and in the high 20's the last few days...
    lots of catching up to do.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


  21. Joshua ‏@Joshanizer

    But why are Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols dating?

    8:41 PM - 3 Jan 13 • Details

  22. Jake has impeccable those boots. Can't make out the name. I love Scandal, watching Cyrus and James go at each other. I can't imagine how they manage sanity. Going way the hell out of town to see your lover and willingly spending the entire day together in a set trailer...exciting to them, maybe, but to me tedious.
    Watching reruns, hoping for clean shaven pics of my two fav boys, whom I wish could/would be together sooner rather than later.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hey London & Sass! Great to see both of you and Happy New Year to you both as well.

    I noticed Jake's boots as well, Sass. They are sharp looking; I really like them. They look new too, don't they? ;D

  25. Kreayshauna ‏@shaunawright__

    Jake gyllenhaal just pulled into this gas station
    7:07 PM - 3 Jan 13 · Details

    Likely Location: New York State ski country

  26. Likely Location: New York State ski country

    LOL how did you get that out of all the London and UK locations she talks about on her twitter feed?

  27. What account are you looking atJanuary 3, 2013 at 11:14 PM

    You need to look again, 10:55.

  28. Looks like the one who saw Jake at the gas station is from the Mohegan Lake...Westchester County, NY area. Wow, isn't that something. This place is only like an one hour drive from Manhattan with ski lodges and obviously snow. Just like Austin video taped yesterday.

  29. Yeah they do look new... Too bad I can't have a private conversation with you guys since I totally would love it (someone please let this old dog chat you up about our boys without the BS interruptions and rudeness that happens when we have a sighting of them or something to say about them.
    I have no need to discuss my feelings about them with people that don't believe what I feel is true.
