Thursday, January 24, 2013

Roll Baby Roll

Jake knew to cut the party short after remembering what happen to Austin after an all night stroller.


  1. ...and the writer is also openly gay and from Los Angeles.

    He makes the point that the baby is part of their group, but he calls the collective a family just as Tom indicated in the previous post. Moreover, Donnelly makes the added point that Jake was kissing and cuddling the baby practically the entire evening ("a large portion".) Not Naomi. Not Jamie Lee Curtis. Only Jake. The inference being that Jake had the special family relationship to the baby.

  2. So did Jake have another child recently? Because a baby who is small enough to still be cradled would be under six months or so, wouldn't they?

  3. Jake and Austin's last child is believed to have been born in November 2011 which would make her about 14 mths old. Could be in a stroller but not so sure about cradling.

    This is a time when we could use Ted because he did give us clues on the births of the children.

    I'm not going to rule out that these guys didn't pop out another one.

  4. At first, I thought the writer might have used the word "rolling" to imply a stroller, but maybe "rolling with the group" is associated with a baby milestone like old enough to roll over, which would be 4-6 months. So, if that was the case, then the implication might be another baby.

  5. From Waiting For Toothy 2January 25, 2013 at 1:11 AM


    Anonymous said...

    I know from a very good source that Jake Gyllenhaal has four children with a fifth on its way. He and Austin couldn't be happier. They'll wait a few years when their careers slow down to come out. Rumor has it Jake wants half a dozen kids. He's obsessed with kids like that. :)

    February 17, 2011 4:52 PM

  6. From Waiting For Toothy 2January 25, 2013 at 2:25 AM


    Anonymous said...

    latest rumor: Austin Nichols got his girlfriend pregnant and will marry in February. You're welcome!

    January 24, 2013 12:59 pm

  7. Oh oh, someone was a little unhappy last night, looks like.



  8. The poster at 2:15 really can't stand that Austin is gay and with Jake Gyllenhaal. Which, I for one, do believe to be most likely true. Probably, the difference between the first 2011 WFT2 blog comment about Jake and Austin being fathers and the "rumor" from yesterday that Austin in going to marry his pregnant girlfriend is that WFT2 and OMG have compiled over six years of of evidence that Jake and Austin are a couple and do have children together. The Austin rumor pops out of nowhere, based on absolutely nothing, on a night that the uncomfortable topic of Family Tile re-emerges. I think the desperation is obvious.

  9. Just finished my first episode of Ray Donovan. Catching a plane to Texas today to go make a movie.

    10:44 AM - 25 Jan 13 · Details

  10. The movie I'm doing is called PARKLAND. It is a very moving story about the JFK assassination. That's all I can say right now.

    12:53 PM - 25 Jan 13 · Details

  11. Exciting news from Austin!! I love these projects he's working on, it's awesome.

    I'm also excited because Parkland is starring Zac Efron. I hope Mr. Zac ditches his upper lip caterpillar for his role in this movie, lol. Tom Hanks is one of two producers of Parkland. Oh, and I also read where Ron Livingston is going to be in the movie.

    Probably a lot of various sized roles for a movie like this.

    Ron Livingston was the star lead in the movie Office Space. LOLLLLL! The movie with Milton and his stapler. That movie was just a killer.

  12. It's almost as if Jake and Austin are working frantically to stockpile money. Project after project after project.

    As in making hay while the sun shines.

  13. What happened to your theory that while Jake or Austin is working, the other one is not so one is looking after the BT's? Or does the theory change to suit your narrative?

  14. Oh tuck your question mark away, 23:36. There's no big switcheroo going on, no big contradiction or snafu. They have for the most part taken turns working.

    Can't do anything about what they're doing right now and it's not going to cause the sky to fall if their schedules overlap at times.

    Ah but if only it could be a perfect world 365 days out of the year, hmm?

  15. You should change the name of this blog to Waiting for Str8 Goose
