Friday, March 8, 2013

Woman's Day

Today was International Women's Day and Austin joined in celebrating it with this tweet:

For International Women's Day, I salute Malala Yousafzai. Youngest nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in history. Look her up!! -- AUS10

Here's a link to get you started about learning more about Malala.

Austin,  this is they guy we know and the man your mama raised you to be.

You were raised to be a good Southern gentleman and those other tweet that get dm'd are so not the man who respects women and awed by the strength and power that they have.

You would never say those things to your mama, and your Bad Ass (as you called her) Mama would open a can  of Whoop Ass if she knew you said those things.   That's why it seems that is not you who did it.  You better tell whoever it is who does, that they don't want to mess with Texas.  And that means your Mama.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. All hail Southern Gentlemen and their mamas who raised 'em right. :)

  3. A worthy comment from Austin. Malala is more than a heroine.

  4. Cloud 9 don't mess with those Southern Mamas and their sons that something fierce. : )

    Hi London! I agree.

    Malala is a remarkable young woman. She is a role model not just for woman but for all people.

  5. Just a reminder for those is the US it is Spring Forward tonight.

    Set you clocks an hour ahead before you head to bed.

  6. Just saw Jakes new gf on E. Sounds like they are very much in love. Very happy for him.

  7. They have been together for a month and a half. Jakes people have refused to comment. E went over Jakes long list of rumored lovelies:-)

  8. Jake sure has got a lot oit of Soul Cycle. He must be getting paid a bundle.

  9. Of course young Harry got his str8 on also as Talyors ex

  10. Long list? If the relationship did not last more than 1 mention before a denial, it does not count. That leaves about 3 women in 10 years with years of no women between each. And those 3 were all beards. I guess E got a nice paycheck.

  11. Such a crazy game. Sad for those who play to hide the truth.
