Friday, April 19, 2013

Not in so many words

In the small moments of this week many found many those thinking about those they love, those they cherish, those that fill the spaces in their life as friends, family and loves.

Sometimes it is loud and clear

other times subtle

But the sentiment is the same.

And  this week he found another way to say....still and always

Wild Geese
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting --
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

~ Mary Oliver ~
And it's not just him , or them,  
  but them ....
While there are are comment and articles saying Jake denied having children during his interview for Prisoners. When he actually found a way to say something  much more:
 "The children I know and love in my life."


  1. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

    The articles supplemented and embellished his words.

    When it came down to that ET video interview, Jake did not deny he had children in any way, shape or form.

    Excellent post, Special.

  2. Hollywood reporter Q&A EOW 8 Nov 2012

    Jake: I don't have kids on my own

  3. First of all, that's a 40 min. video; it would have been extremely helpful had you given the exact time where he says that. Luckily, I guessed right when I skipped towards the end and found it. First of all, that clip is interesting even at the very beginning.

    Watch him hesitate beginning at 04:00 when he speaks about watching his "two..pause two nieces..pause um..."

    Up to that point when speaking about his childhood, he had been speaking quite flowingly until he hit that part of his sentence. And all of a sudden, boy he sure pauses and has to think about his two "_____ " what? His two nieces.

    And yes, there he is saying 'First of all, I don't have kids of my own yet". This is followed by a rambling, obsessive focus on his sister again and his 'crazy beard'. What? What a crazy detour.

    Then wow, wow, wow. Watch that video starting around 30:00 and you watch him almost say 'father" after he talks about how he isn't working at that present time and he's well off. That's his choice, that is how he chooses to support his family as a. And he starts to say the letter 'f' and smoothly flows into saying as a 'brother, as a son'.

    Pauses. 'um's'. 'I think that's it Awkward, awkward, awkward.

    So now we look at this part of the interview. So he's saying he chose acting as a way of earning a living. He doesn't always have to work, he's well off. And he has chosen this profession as a way to support his family - his sister and his mother/father?

    Do Maggie, Peter & the girls need his financial help? Is his mother living under his roof, too? Is he supporting her? He's earning big bucks to support these people? Because that is exactly what he's saying right there. That's why he has chosen to act and that's where his financial support is going.

    Thank you for bringing that video; I never watched it before. That was actually more damaging than you ever realized, wasn't it?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Any open-minded lurker out there, I greatly encourage and suggest watching at least the two referenced points I witnessed. I did not watch all the in-between because I don't have 40 min to plop down and listen to him gratuitously show off his usage of the F word.

    And now I've got stuff to get done on this awesome Saturday.

  6. Tori Ellis ‏@ToriEllis11
    Dinner with Jay-Z and Jake Gyllenhaal #isthisreallife @emmaostilly

  7. PG please,he said as clear as day that has no children, he repeated it in an interview in Vanity F Europe, he repeats continuously, and you know that Jake's family avut serious economic problems, his mother is divorced and lives practically with Maggie and her family in ny,Jake obviously pays the bills.

  8. I listened and heardApril 20, 2013 at 1:30 PM

    I have to say that Hollywood R. interview is revealing. Jake looks like he's about to say, that's how he chooses to support his family as a "father." WOW! Jake does not support his mother. Supposedly, doesn't even have a family. Not on the record anyway.

    Foner lives with Maggie, Peter and kids in that multi-floored Brownstone in Park Slope and she works too. Surely, she's old enough for social security on top of that. If Stephen could move on finanically, she could too. And, no it is not "obvious" that Jake pays the bills. Because he doesn't.

    That interview explains a lot. Certainly, explains why he's still in the closet. He can't work in his profession unless he continues to lie about the gay and his family. He's the bread winner when it comes to his relationship to Austin. Great find!

  9. I think it is useless to argue, you hear and see what you want to hear and see, it's your choice

  10. ??????????????????April 20, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    Jake looks like he's about to say, that's how he chooses to support his family as a "father.


  11. Lol! I love how the fangirls here still prop up Jake and Maggie s broke ass parents.

    PS: Stop clutching your pearls on movk surprise. You and sk and co watched that video when first released and she chose not to post here like she choses not to post cell pics of jake smoking a joint and hanging with anna k.

  12. You know the trolls do come out when something incriminating is posted. I've been paying attention. That "jz'millions" comment is all kinds of strange. What the heck? Jake has always said that Naomi lives with Peter and Maggie. They support her. Not Jake. He does not support Maggie either. She and her husband work all the time. What a liar Jake is. Imagine trying to sell the idea that he supports his family as a son and a brother. How did they make their living before he supposedly moved to NY in 2012. He sure does like selling a load of bullshit.

  13. Oh, I heard the awkwardness of Jake's syntax too. And his hems and haws. Forgot to mention that in my last comment.

  14. He's not supporting his sister or peter or his niece but mama. His parents lived beyond their means and went bankrupt. Mama rarely works and uses jake and maggie to get the little work she does get. Mama lives with her daughter so she doesnt pay rent but is used yo certain things and the pension ftom the WGA isn't enough. Papa is living rent free in jakes place in L.A. jake pays the rent, there was a reason why he never sold the place.

    When he says support his family as a brother I would assume he means emotinally since maggie and co have millions. Jake has to pitch in with mom and I guess they are support ing their mom 50/50.

  15. But you already heard his hems and haws mm when you watched this video when it first came out. You and the rest here decided them not to post it. Lol!

  16. Jake and JayZ dinner together twice in a row.

  17. Yes, The Gyllenhaals were always obsessed with money and status so its no surprise that Jake want 's to be seem with one of the richest and influential people in the business

  18. Yes, The Gyllenhaals were always obsessed with money and status so its no surprise that Jake want 's to be seem with one of the richest and influential people in the business

  19. wow, maybe they are just good friends

  20. He's not supporting his sister or peter or his niece but mama.

    Maggie and Peter suppport mama. Not Jake. That's why she lives with THEM. Remember, Jake is supposed to be the swinging single guy with the bachelor pad. Trolls are panicking. The divorce was final in December 2009. They were pretty much estranged for a year prior to that. All assets were divided evenly and no spousal support for either party. So like I said, if papa could move on financially so could mama. She has no need for financial support from Jake. She also sold that place on M.V. as well. She has assets and works on her own too.

  21. Come on, we know that Jake has to pay the bills

  22. There really are paid trolls here. I never quite believed it before. But this "discussion" has changed my mind. Someone is trying to distract by saying that Jake pays the bills when everyone knows he doesn't. But, distract from what? Must be what was on that video. Very interesting.

  23. Wait a moment Jake smoking a joint???

  24. Ho no, not the paid troll story again! Please

  25. Well, if you're not paid, you have some sort of vested interest to make sure that Jake is not outed as a father. You don't seem to care about the gay. Only the kiddies. Why? Because you resurface every single time the topic is discussed. Who has time to always be around a blog day and night?

  26. because there is nothing to discuss from my point of view, but if you believe there is evidence to discuss go ahead, but you can not be accused of being a troll just because I do not find this topic interesting or plausible

  27. It must be the extreme hospitalityApril 20, 2013 at 3:09 PM

    but you can not be accused of being a troll just because I do not find this topic interesting or plausible

    Then why are you here.

  28. Yes pucs of Jake smoking a joint on instagram at some beer club in Brooklyn. It was posted on some other Jake sites buy not here. I can imagine sk clutching her pearls when she came across that!

  29. if this is the welcome, I guess I'm here for nothing, so good afternoon and good continuation

  30. Love and other DrugsApril 20, 2013 at 3:22 PM

    Yes pucs of Jake smoking a joint on instagram at some beer club in Brooklyn.

    LOL Way to go Jake!;)

  31. that interview says absolutely nothing about Jake having kids. Either on his own or with another person. I agree, people see what they want to see.

  32. What does Jake smoking pot have to do with this discussion about that video and Jake trying to persuade people that he works to support Mommie, Maggie and Peter? You must be kidding me. And, why would a photo from last week not have been brought up last week. Instead it's awkwardly introduced today when the topic is on an uncomfortable subject.

  33. Are prohibited other threads?April 20, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    Is Jake and his life of topic?
    I find funny and cute, transgressive Jake, who smokes joint in a public place LOL!

  34. Sk and the rest of the posters here decided not to
    Post the pot pic when it surfaced last week. Just waited to see if it would be posted and it wasn't. Not surprised since you frown on Jake smoking and hanging with rappers. And nobody said he was supporting his sister , peter or his nieces they don't neef his help his parents, nothing wrong with that.

  35. Very interesting name you have chosen for these pot comments.


    You know what my first impression is? It reminds me of those stories which surfaced in July of 2010 where Ice Maiden Reese Witherspoon leaving Jake was supposed to have been partly motivated by Jake's alleged pot smoking.

    Very, very interesting choice of name. PR would rather their client be portrayed as a pothead than as a gay man who is married with children, as in a traditional family. As traditional as a family could be within the choking confines of the Hollywood closet.

    Very interesting.

  36. And like 15:31 said up there, whatever on earth does this photo you are talking about have to do with what we were talking about, which was the HR video?

    The HR video which you are most likely the one who brought it over here in the first place!

    And didn't someone say this picture came from Instagram? Well, I don't check Instagram. I never saw any picture mentioned of Jake and Anna Kendrick together from last weekend, only tweets.

    You have a picture of them, you bring it over here and share it with the class, don't be accusing some of us of not posting something unless you know for a fact that we are intentionally withholding it.

  37. I'm glad that some others are noticing the trends and patterns of the resident "visitor". See, it's been dead all week, right? The minute something is pointed out on the post which hints toward Jake having kids, here comes the visitor to join the mix.

    That's their job. Notice the "visitor" is trying to detract now by talking about some picture which they said showed up online a week ago. What does that have to do with the Hollywood Reporter video? Nothing, that's what.

    But they bring it up, and then bring it up again. And again. Trying to create a dust storm where there is none. All they want to do is get people off of the subject of Jake pausing and stammering during specific moments of this interview. Oh, and the little matter of the Gyllenfamily financial support issue.

  38. WEED:

    btw you saw that video posted on HR when it firstcame out so did Sk and co, don't play dumb. You didn't like it saw it was ignored.

    PS: Mama G is broke!

  39. Anna K?

  40. btw you saw that video posted on HR when it firstcame out so did Sk and co, don't play dumb. You didn't like it saw it was ignored.

    I have never watched that interview before in my life. Don't you tell me I have done something when I haven't.

    I will not allow you to lie about me on this blog. You can lie all you want next door, I could care less anymore but you are not going to do it here.

  41. I love how the troll makes herself sound so authoritative when they are just making stuff up. Mama G gets paid residuals from her prior films and she comes from a wealthy family. She may no longer be in the top 2% income wise and has to keep an eye on expenses, but she has her own source of income.

    As for Jake and any specific statements about fatherhood. He and Austin did swirl the juice. It could be that its obvious that the sperm that took is Austin's. Semantics I know, as I am sure Jake considers himself a father of baby tiles. But he may not yet be a biological father.

    Ent lawyer has been posting a lot of reveals lately. I sure wish he would do one for Jake and Toothy. But then Toothy belonged to Ted, not ent lawyer so I guess it will never happen.

  42. Interesting the joint smoking picture.

    Goes hand in hand with Jake and his people doing anything to portray him as some kind of unfit parent. Wow, talk about desperate. LOLLL!!

    Meh. Try again, PR!

  43. Wow getting home from errands after being glued to the tv yesterday to find all of this.

    Yup something is up.

    Notice how the denial is focused on the kids thing and not the Austin thing.

    It's because that's the bigger story they have to fight. There is resignation over the fact that Jake's gay and that he's in a LTR with Austin. There's no point in fighting that one anymore - it's a given.

    It's about the family that really hits deep. And yes in that video is that stammer and moment that is tells you that Jake is going against his natural response. And had I seen that video before -nope.

    The picture of Jake with Jay-Z sorry didn't see it last week. But where were you guys from 2002-2005 when glassy mellow Jake appeared on the red carpet. It's not new news. Think back to 2007 and a discussion about Jake and the comment was he's no plaster saint - so true. His life - his choices.

    Now that picture of Jake and ?Anna? -- bring out the red arrows - I have been working on it for a couple of days now.

    Don't try to say what I do or don't - but you know and I know the one thing I will do is keep OMG going.

  44. Mama G gets residules from her screenplays? Where did you here that fiction? Since when did screenwriters ever get residules? And if Mama comes from mobey why did she have to borrow from the WGA pension during the wtiters strike like Maggie said in an interview.

    The family sold the house on MV and their co-op in Greenich Village to help pay the bills after the divorce. People with money don't do that nor do they move in with their daughter and family when she could have easily purchsed a place of her own.

    Neither papa nor mama could could get distributers for their last gilms. They can't even get arrested on HW.

    No wonder he spokes pot!

  45. I don't think it's any big surprise that Jake smokes pot, nor is it a big deal. But I don't think it fits in with the picture that some of the OMG posters try to paint of him.

    How old is the first Baby Tile supposed to be by now anyway? At this point, if he's still not admitting the existence of this supposed child, I'd consider that unconscionable, inexcusable behavior by a parent. Anyone who would have a child that they had to literally keep hidden needs some serious therapy. But apparently that's what some of you think Jake is doing. Can't see why you'd be a "fan" of anyone doing that.

  46. Climb off it sk, you gave already seen that video . The reason you didn't post it was because you and the other pearl clutchers here are selective on what gets posted.

    Pg would have another meltdown if you posted the pic of jake smoking pot or having dinner with
    That nasty rapper!

  47. prairiegirl said...
    Interesting the joint smoking picture.
    Goes hand in hand with Jake and his people doing anything to portray him as some kind of unfit parent. Wow, talk about desperate. LOLLL!!
    Meh. Try again, PR!

    I don't understand what you're saying. Do you think the picture is photoshopped? If not, what would this have to do with PR? You seriously think his PR is running around the internet planting pictures of a pot-smoking Jake in some convoluted attempt at disproving your theory about him being a parent? How does that even make sense?

    I can hear the conversation now:

    "Jake, we need a picture of you smoking pot so that we can post it on instagram because that will make you look like an unfit parent, even though 99.99% of the people who know who you are don't think you're a parent."

  48. I know you are. You might might want to clutch your own pearls at that one.

    Now scoot on.

  49. Run along Jack it's getting close to your bedtime.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. psychological observationApril 20, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    To my eye, Jake looks like he’s floatin’ from the totin’ in that Hollywood Reporter video. LOL!

    I don’t think anyone who has watched Jake's blood shot eyes since he was a kid would be surprised that he smokes pot. So what?

    And, you can tell he’s bs’ing his way through that interview. Like when he talks about how “even seeing now my two.. um... nieces... um... I can see the influence of one on the another, particularly my older niece and my younger niece and I see almost the mirror of my sister and my relationship and my inspiration….”

    First: There are only two nieces, Jake. So saying, particularly my older niece and my younger niece makes me shake my head and say, “Huh?”

    Secondly, he says that he can see in his nieces’ interactions the mirror of his and his sister’s relationship. Really? Wasn’t Gloria only 6.5 months old when you did this interview? Are you trying to tell us that you and your sister have an infantile relationship? Which, frankly I can believe. But, the point is that Jake is making shit up as he goes. He’s trying so hard to emphasize how Maggie has children, but he doesn’t, that he talks in circles and makes nonsensical statements. He seems agitated too.

  52. There is also a picture of Jake and jay z with a girl with long dark hair.

  53. 7:59 PM have you children? Probably not, otherwise you would know how kids are into that Precise age.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That does not look like a joint it looks like a cigarette that is almost finished.

    April 20, 2013 at 7:51 PM

  55. That does not look like a joint it looks like a cigarette that is almost finished.

    Sorry but I don't think so;)

    Come on what's the big deal?

  56. psychological observationApril 20, 2013 at 8:22 PM

    Yes, as a matter of fact I do have two step children and one of my own. No way would I ever suggest that a six year old is interacting with a 6.5 month old child in any kind of complex way that would remind me of my older sister's relationship. It's gibberish, plain and simple. I'm also a child psychologist so I think I might know a little bit about this kind of thing.

  57. psychological observationApril 20, 2013 at 8:31 PM

    One more insight. Jake's body language is all over the place and he uses the word "own" when he speaks of not having children. Almost like a qualifier. Whether using that term as an adjective or a verb, own, has a definite possessive essence. And, relates exclusively to the person who is using the term. In Jake's messed up head, I bet he uses that word to convince himself that he's not denying his kid(s). After all, he doesn't have or possess a child of his own. He has a child with someone else and the child is his own little person. Jake does not possess the little one.

  58. ok, I have three sons, no matter the age they always interact,In Every one of them, since they had a few months, you could sense the very different personalities, my eldest son and the smallest are worshiped, the middle is an adorable little wild, and has a different relationship with each one of his brothers.

  59. Anyone remember this interview? I think it might have been a movieline one:

    "I spent five months preparing for this part [End of Watch]. I went on ride-alongs with LAPD two or three times a week and was doing tactical training two times per week, and live ammunition training, as well as fight training, every morning."

    That would have meant that Jake never left LA from February-June and we know that's a load of manure. He was all over the place in the early part of 2011. Yet, his first choice was to lie, instead of telling the simple truth. He's either pathological or he's lying for a reason. Hiding something that he doesn't what the public to know about.

    Basically, we all know that Jake has become a major liar ever since he started that fauxmance with Reese Witherspoon. Which neatly coincides with the rumors about the birth of Baby Tile. I remember that distinctly at the time. It was the talk of the blogs. That and him being gay with a lover by the name of Austin Nichols.

  60. ok if we use psychological techniques to justify ghostly children, of whom there is no evidence, I give up, it's too out of any logicaland greet reasoning.

  61. psychological observationApril 20, 2013 at 8:49 PM

    I'm not speaking about different personalities or temperaments. Go back to the context of the interview. What Jake said made no sense whatsoever. Heck, he couldn't even remember that he only had two nieces.

  62. "I spent five months preparing for this part [End of Watch]. I went on ride-alongs with LAPD two or three times a week and was doing tactical training two times per week, and live ammunition training, as well as fight training, every morning."

    Why this would be a lie?

  63. of whom there is no evidence,

    There's plenty of evidence that there is more than one baby in fact. You can continue to repeat that mime until your blue in the face, but just look at the blog post today and you can see several clues right in front of your eyes. I agree with that person who said one time that the moment Jake rolled out those two Audi Q7s in 2010, that did it for me. There also was that Paris video in the summer of 2008. I believe that was the first Baby Tile. The woman looked just like Jake's personal assistant and Witherspoon's daughter touched the baby as if she knew her.

  64. Why this would be a lie?

    Check where Jake was during those months and you'll see. Heck even I know he did that splashy Mumford tour for over 7 days in April. Then he was in NY and Nashville in February. Oh, yeah in March he was in NY and then Austin, Texas. After that he took off for Europe and Iceland. It goes on and on and on.

  65. if you're a psychologist, you know that personalities are formed almost immediately, and the relationship with brothers sisters and parents has suffered a very precise connotation, it is the age of imprinting you should know.
    Say that there is no interaction between two sisters, no matter the age,is a lie.

  66. I spent five months preparing for this part [End of Watch].

    he does not say which months, and he even said that they were consecutive.

  67. and he even NOT said that they were consecutive. sorry

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. @TheBrooklynbite

    thebrooklynbite Memorable dinner at #carbone. Jay-Z, Jake Gyllenhaal, spicy Rigatoni Vodka, Mouthing watering garlic bread, alcohol & other fun stuff* make for a night to remember. #amazing 2d

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. Anonymous you need to pick a name because Special deletes Anonymous posts.

    I'll cover for you this time.

    Anonymous said...

    I can not find the picture of jake and jay z . Can someone put the Instagram account name on this site. Thanks

    April 20, 2013 at 9:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you !!

    April 20, 2013 at 9:27 PM

  71. psychological observationApril 20, 2013 at 10:05 PM

    Maybe repetition might work:

    I'm not speaking about different personalities or temperaments or imprinting. Go back to the context of the interview. What Jake said made no sense whatsoever. Heck, he couldn't even remember that he only had two nieces.

  72. he does not say which months, and he even said that they were consecutive.

    Well, it's pretty obvious Jake meant five months before they started shooting the film. Wouldn't make much sense to do the preparation six months in advance and then be out of shape when the film starts production.

  73. I do not understand where it would be a lie, he has been for most of the time in LA, 2 or 3 days a week will leave a lot of free time, to come and go wherever you want, I remember a lot of time in LA, yoga gyms, restaurants etc,I remember that the movie was shot in a few days than other films, I remember Jake go to awai for the wedding of his father then he has back in LA to keep in shooting the movie

  74. but it's just the way Jake is, he makes mistakes tend to get confused and get lost in the reasoning there is a radio interview with BOB on the play and did the same things but he was talking about the play.

  75. He lied. Check it out.

    So how much training did you do for End Of Watch?

    It was five months, non-stop. I did three ride-alongs a week, from 4pm until 4am. I also did live tactical training twice a week, sometimes spending up to six hours on the gun range.

    And don't forget that now that the cops he met are now some of his closest friends

  76. ^^^ That interview was from

    Oh, and then in the same interview, he is quoted as saying this:

    Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?

    Not so much. I’ve been talked to by the authorities after some Halloween pranks as a kid – I can’t remember what they were – and I’ve been pulled over for speeding tickets. But except for a little mischief like that I’ve never been to jail or anything. How about you?

    lol. Well, weren't there some pictures of Jake in a parking lot pleading a case to some officers several years ago? I don't recall when it was but I remember the pictures. I don't know, but they didn't look like they were talking Dunkin Donuts coffee.

    And what about the legendary story of Toothy and Grey Goose getting caught in an SUV behind a Chinese restaurant? Anyone remember that one?

    I think Jake blew a gasket in his memory bank on that interviewer's question, lol.

  77. Ahhh fun times. Jake reeeallly knows how to spin a tale, dodge the truth, go on a ramblin' ramblin' Tour de Word when it comes to answering a question he doesn't want to directly address.

    The tactic comes from the Marty Schottenheimer School of Talking. And while Jake doesn't use big, vague wording like former Coach Schottenheimer, Jake does know how to veer off the path, much like a roll of toilet paper on a windy day. Whewwwww!!!! There it goes. Watch it roll.

  78. Look at all the topics today. Almost feels like Christmas morning because I truly don’t know where to begin. First off, I love your post, Special. Kind of sums up the real family Jake holds dear, doesn’t it? Could be your photographic essay is the main reason for the sudden burst of comments (i.e. panic attacks), with the inclusion of the Wild Geese poem that Jake read the other night a primary standout. The cover story may be that the organizers of the event selected the poems, but as someone who has participated and organized these kinds of recitals, I can tell you that the reader always has a significant say in what will be presented. Just like with a movie role, an actor needs to be able to relate to the text. And, I’m sure Jake knew he could soar with that particular work.

    I listened to the Hollywood Reporter interview, and frankly ended up with a headache. Jake is truly all over the place and the reference to the phrase, “own children” has been discussed on this blog many times over. I’m in agreement with the point made earlier about ownership. Not coincidentally, Austin used the same exact phrase back in the Fall, 2011. Interestingly enough, he also talked about his sister’s kids too. Like Jake, he didn’t say that he didn’t have children. He said he didn’t have children of his own. Funny how two single guys, that everyone knows do not publicly have children, still need to to remind everyone that they don’t have children of their “own.”

    I also agree with the point about Jake’s preparation for EoW. The reason why he kept adding months onto his workout and prep regime was because Jake suddenly slowed down markedly when it came to making movies. It was obvious that this downward cycle shift started after 2007 and frankly lasted until May 2012 when he started filming in Toronto.

    The glaring lack of work naturally caused much speculation on both OMG and WFT2. There were some folks who tried to suggest it was because no one wanted Jake for roles any more. I even remember there was one poster who kept trying to push the idea that it was because Jake was lazy. But, the most damaging comments of all were about him taking time off to have kids and be a father. Not surprisingly, when Jake started to promote EoW he began to blather about how long he took preparing for the shoot. It actually was quite funny. The first permutations of the story was that he prepared for 2-3 months then it became 4 months and finally Jake decided that he had to settle on 5 months. Frankly, he would have expanded the time line further, but there were a few logistical problems. Six months, for instance, would have overlapped with his splashy fauxmance with the professional beard, Taylor Swift, and his promotion of LaOD. You see, Jake was much too busy buying lavish gifts, running away from pesky helicopters and flying Swift over to England at $100,000 a pop to ever bother doing nightly ride-alongs on the dangerous streets of LA, bonding with Michael “Mike” Pena, or making five new cop best friends.

  79. 5 months non-stop. Please.

    His story (during EOW promo) about the person killed during a call (during the ride-a-longs) and the way it changed every time you saw it in a story was enough to give a person a nervous tic.

    It changed from the person getting shot right in front of him as soon as he opened the car door (from The Guardian interview) to him being in the second car on the scene and the guy already lying in a pool of blood by the time they got there (from the

    Hey m, I posted a new chapter today, you can check it out.
