Monday, April 22, 2013

Randy Savage is not just a wrestler.....

They've supported Green causes,

 planted gardens,
 driven hybrids,

 all the things that are a part of Earth Day,

all things that they do every day,  but this Earth Day we;re having them go full Paleo...


 Taking Earthy a step or two beyond.


  1. Special, this talent/gift you have for remembering pictures and pulling them out of your mental file, pairing them up, bouncing them off of one another, I think only in this year have I really come to realize it and appreciate it.

    We've all seen most of the pictures you've used - they've been on IHJ, websites, Twitter, etc. and they have accumulated en masse. But it's a whole other ball of wax to say, "Snap! I know just the picture to go with this one!" and extract them from various drawers of your mental files.

    It is a gift. I don't think one can train your mind on something like that - you just have it. I never would have remembered that picture of Austin with the paint on his face but you did and it fit right in the place you put it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First day of Episode 9. Ray Donovan. Pretty good location.

  4. Thanks PG - I think part of it comes from my photography hobby. After taking pictures for all these years, you start to think in terms of pictures and then file them away. And I think the of the bit is that I am more of visual learner. But that doesn't explain the jukebox of music that I have in my head all the time. :D

  5. It is a talent and a gift, that's for sure.

    And I love that Austin tips his hat to the ol' Chateau Marmont. Found this on an old Perez Hilton thread in a comment on a post about Jake and Reese rumors. "Hollywood Blvd" is speaking of Jake when they say:

    He is always with his boyfriend at the Chateau Marmont.

    Their short comment is here always with his boyfriend

    Oh yes, good times.

  6. I'm waiting to see 1 of these 6 children some here claim Jake and Austin has. Just one of them.

    After 6 plus years of babytile gate, not one picture of a babytile while both men live their separate lives doing their own thing with an occassional man-love hookup.

  7. Hey Seaweed will call you when I get home next week. As far as the kids go time will tell. Cant go on this way forever. Older they get tougher it will be. I do thimk Jake is hiding a lot.

  8. Oh yee of little faith...


    Little faith? Hey, I'm not banking this baby / children thing on faith. Maybe you are but not I.

    Proof and Facts work for me. Just as most of the time it works in courts. Besides, what person has this many kids and hides them and tells the world he Does Not Have any Children? Who does this.

    And, if your faith comes true after waiting for years of he and Austin hiding and denying them for years, is this someone you cheer for?

    Well, Not I..

  9. The only thing in life I nelieve in withoit seeing is God.

  10. Hey Tom !

    Will look forward to hearing from you... have a safe trip back with Maggie.

    Time will tell on the kids, I was just doing a bit of tail twisting, and 'Baby tile watch/No faith needed' managed to swallow the bait!

    In the meantime I still enjoy the discussion and banter as long as it stays civil.


  11. Jake just get the nom for Drama League off Broadway award.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think he might win. He did a great job.

  14. I was just doing a bit of tail twisting, and 'Baby tile watch/No faith needed' managed to swallow the bait!

    No dear, the tailtwisting came from Ole Teddy and you took the Bait.

    The bigger and wiser catfish grow to an old age because they know fake bait when they see it. And if they get fooled, they're wise enough to spit it out or break the line. Learn from it.

  15. Summpin smells fisshhyApril 23, 2013 at 2:38 PM

    ^^ And you got Fried Up.

  16. Jake was looking at an ultrasound coming out of that medical building years back.

  17. Funny how far we come. The only arguement left is how many kids Jake and Austin have. I think reese and talyor sealed the deal on so many.

  18. They were both such brillant pr work

  19. Moments ago, the House of Representatives in the state of Delaware passed the marriage equality bill, 23-18. Now it is on to the Senate.

  20. Congratulations to France! They join New Zealand as the two newest nations to pass legislation legalizing the recognition of same-sex marriages.

    New Zealand passed it last week and France passed it today.

  21. Wonderful news. Come on, Delaware.

  22. Marian ‏@dreamwrit3r
    what can be better than a pic of Jake Gyllenhaal? a pic with two Jakes!! *.* #AnEnemy

  23. Thanks for the picture from An Enemy

  24. Wonderful times being here to see things change as they are. Seems like we all have watched here together in this wonderful little blog. Been fun for us loons:-)Sure has for me.

  25. Always fun here. And always fun to stir up the trolls and non believers. If they were not unsure, they would not bother to stop by. But there is that ever present nagging doubt with Jake never having any women in his life unless they are relatives or staff. And the way he hangs around with married women, married men because he is married as well.

    Still no clue as to Austin's secret gig. Spill Austin, I am dying to know what is up.
